I would just like to thank everyone who come from Anovia for applying for my server. Also I would like to say sorry for being an hour behind but I was eating a cupcake watching TV.
IGN: goweegee Age: 15 Ever been banned, if so why? No, i have not been banned. Experience with Minecraft? Ah, Minecraft is great. Have been playing since the 1.4 beta. Experience with Minecraft Servers? Once had my own server, played on a ton of roleplaying and survival servers. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? I would completely love to be a Lycan, although if that is not available i could be a Yeti. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? ~@~ I'm a great builder and a great roleplayer. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes, of course.
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: supercookie12 Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why?: Nope. Experience with Minecraft?: I have played minecraft for about a year, I think I have a bit of experience Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I played on Kingdoms of Anovia, before it got shutdown, and I have played on many other minecraft servers. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: An Dwarf or an Orc Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: I am a gamer. I enjoy roleplay, games like Skyrim, and this kind of server is something I really enjoy. ~@~ Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: I think I'd be crazy if I didn't!
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Application IGN: _Snivy_ Age: 12, Don't take that the wrong way, I am not the annoying 12 year old you think I am. Ever been banned, if so why? I think I've been banned once or twice, once because of false hacking accusation (Nocheat sucks... D:) and I think the other one is because the server wasn't meant to be released yet... so they banned me, have no idea why. Experience with Minecraft? Well, I know my way around the block. I've played all the versions, Including classic, indev, beta from 1.1 from 1.3.1 you name it. I reckon about 3 years roughly. Experience with Minecraft Servers? If I could count all the servers I've ever played on, It'd be over about 300. My moderating skills aren't that bad either, I'm an admin on 11 servers, and moderator on 6 so far. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? I'd like to be a Lycan, only because I like sneak attacking people when they don't expect me, It's like an adrenalin rush when you go to kill them, I like it, and I also like to be one with the shadows, I think it just has the awesome aura around it. My backup race would have to be Orc, because I like to kill and raid, ect and, of course, ambush, kill when not expected. Staying in the shadows, ect. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Well, I'm just the average gamer, but mostly rejected by the good servers, because of my age. I'm sure I've seen this server somewhere before, when I was 11 aswell... Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Most definitely, I think it would be badass to have an elf to be walking around in the trees, and then have a Lycan watching them from behind, and when the elf turns around and sees a pair of red eyes in his face x)
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: Gibbon_Fish Age: 12 Ever been banned, if so why? nope Experience with Minecraft? had it since alpha Experience with Minecraft Servers? 2 roleplay and 2 normal servers What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? 1st choice: Elf Backup: Yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? nope Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? I dont want to change my skin P.S What is the IP?
IP will be released when the server is. Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN:frank0435 Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why?no Experience with Minecraft?i have play 2 year Experience with Minecraft Servers?i have play some servers off roleplay and factions What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? elf Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?i want but i need to know the site where i do
IGN: Bloopins Age: 22 Ever been banned, if so why? Nope Experience with Minecraft? Decent amount, mostly done tekkit but looking for ward to this. Experience with Minecraft Servers? Usually spammed in chat but I have't tried anything below 100+ people so i'm looking forward to this. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human or Gnome Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Not really, might be streaming if I can off the laptop i'm using. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? it's possible. ~@~
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: triplezer0 Age: 22 Ever been banned, if so why? got banned for pvping and raiding a little to much and people lets say got upset Experience with Minecraft? scince alpha saw seananners playing it agers ago and X cave adventures so i have some history about it Experience with Minecraft Servers? Been on load of severs mainly convicted though did the banner for convited prison server. Also had a ago at making my own server didnt go well. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Race id be elf love bow and arrows back up race Orcs for the brute force Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Yeh can can draw like a boss lol Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes id even make my own to match
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Application IGN: Age: 17 Ever been banned, if so why no Experience with Minecraft I have played since beta love it, also play it on the xbox Experience with Minecraft Servers? I haven't played many servers and not done alot of pvping but I still love a good fight What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Humans or elves I like either Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I love ~@~ way to much thats about all I know about myself. Oh yes and I enjoy building. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yeah sounds like fun.
IGN: chilliseal Age: 14 Ever been banned, if so why?: Nope Experience with Minecraft?: I have played since alpha Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I played on lots of servers but one I spent a lot of time on was Drug wars but then the owner sold the server since he had no time to run it anymore What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: Humans Backup: Elves Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: I was a mod on Drug wars and a couple other servers for a little until they either got shut down or sold Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: I will change if it's Mandatory but I'm kind of lazy so no
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Application IGN: Blairo Age: 20 Ever been banned, if so why? No. Experience with Minecraft? Playing for over a year and a half now. Been here a long time! I think I started after the nether was added! Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played on a lot of servers over that time. Moderated a few of those. Now I just want to sit back and play more than anything. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Gnome, Human as back up. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I really like the idea of this server, seems pretty cool I will enjoy the races idea especially! Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes going to go either make or find a decent gnome skin asap!
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Application IGN:Builderman1200 Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why?nope Experience with Minecraft? 10-11 months, Good builder,Can't use redstone. Experience with Minecraft Servers? Lots, can't make them or manage them, but knows the standard rules and likes multiplayer. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human or dwarf Please Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? One of the Anovian Recruits Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Dovakiin is already a human right?
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
age 11
ever been banned? no im not THAT stupid
experience with minecraft:pretty new started playing at 1.2.3
experience with minecraft servers: i like to have fun but with pvp i have a hard time getting started i try to join a faction until i can get on my ow feet but i usally get murdered:(
race human elfe as back up
extra info: ~@~ i think this would be really cool hope i get added soon! yes im crazy (lil bit)but i like having fun
am i willing to change my skin? yes ang no if i get elf no cause i will have a hard time making one. if i get human why not? almost all skins are human
Denied please use the proper Application Template.
IGN: elsqueak Age: 12 Ever been banned, if so why? no Experience with Minecraft? I started playing in Beta, but did not play much until recently. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have yet to find a good server, so not much experience. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Orc, and backup is wherever you might need me Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Um, depends on what I get
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Alright, guys- we need more Gnomes and Orcs, by the look of things. I've seen very few Yetis as well. If you like being solitary, and want to have your vote have some impact, then join up with these guys.
In the middle are the Lycans and the Dwarves; consider these, as there will be enough people to survive easily, but not enough people to argue between yourselves.
Elves and Humans seem to be the most popular. I am personally among the elves, while most Anovia recruits are in the Humans.
There's a good chance that there will be a temporary alliance between Elves and Humans at the start, due to the fact that many are Anovia recruits, and would like to stick together for a while.
Notes- if you lag, and would like to avoid combat, your best chance will probably be with the Gnomes. As they are lacking combat capabilities, they will most likely spend their time assisting other races with their Repair ability and feeding themselves with Herbalism, while Acrobatics will help out if you need a quick escape.
Orcs will be almost entirely raiding, as their stats show. Without Herbalism to feed themselves, they will probably have to rely on meat from animals, which is hard to find, and by raiding other players' bases. If the raiding life is the one for you, this is the race to join. Their Axes ability will give them the upper hand against foes in armor, while their Unarmed will help them greatly once their weapons fall to pieces.Their Woodcutting abilities will help them start shelters.
Yetis are another race like the Orcs. As they are native to the frosty Taiga-class biomes, farming is difficult, if not impossible, for them. They will likely live much as the Orcs do, constantly on the move and raiding. Their Axes ability will give them the upper hand against armored foes, and Taming will net you cute pets :3 and help keep off the mobs. Repair will help you keep your tools shipshape.
Dwarves are the class for you if you love to mine. Their Axes will help them against foes in better armor, they will probably not find many of them. Their Mining skill will help them while excavating, increasing the chance of double drops from ores, and powerful Blast Mining will help them punch through the earth with ease. Their repair will help them keep their tools sharp.
Lycans are another middle-sized race. Their sword skills will inflict Bleeding, so even if you run, you may not escape. Acrobatics can come in handy when planning an ambush, and Unarmed is always nice if your tools hit a low durability. This is the class for Assassin's Creed lovers- those who hide in the shadows for the opportune moment, then strike the moment their foes aren't looking.
Finally, the largest two classes. Elves are good long-range fighters, the only with the Archery skill. This inflicts more damage with a bow, and can also daze your opponents, stopping them in their tracks. Their Taming ability helps them keep in touch with Mother Nature, and their Herbalism will help when farming.
Humans, or "Steves", are the hardiest class available. Their Swords will help them take down any foe with Bleeding, and they can also harvest would quickly, due to their Woodcutting skills. Their Herbalism skill also helps them farm, so they can live off the land almost as well as the Elves can. Make no mistake- if looking for defenseless Testificates, turn and run the other way.
Seems I did a decent job summing up the classes and their skills, give me some review, please :3
I want to be!
The very best!
That no-one ever was!
IGN: the_salsa Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft? I've been playing since the earliest version of survivaltest. Experience with Minecraft Servers? Quite a lot, and I've been an admin on 2, and hosted my own. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Lycan or Elf. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I enjoy minecraft and hope you accept me, not much to say... ~@~ Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: 123nart Age: 15 Ever been banned, if so why? no Experience with Minecraft? very good. i know how to do redstone also. Experience with Minecraft Servers? i play on servers alot. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Elves. and the backup is Human. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I will be getting skype in a month then i can use it to talk so it will be easy to do stuff. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? yes.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
~@~ IGN:SGTliger Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? Yes, I have stood up to admins because of unfair gameplay. That is the only reason I have been banned. Experience with Minecraft? Been playing for about 6 months now. I've led a clan or two and been in a couple. I am pretty experienced. Experience with Minecraft Servers? Its the only type of Minecraft I play. I don't go for the creative servers, I usually go for the hardcore faction PvP type. I like the occasional roleplay server as well. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Lycan, and Orc. I like lycan's because I love fighting unarmed . Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Not really, I do like to troll sometimes. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? If needed yes. Thank you.
Accepted Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: tandrew65 Age: 18 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft? I have played for about a year Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on various survival server and have played hunger games server What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Gnome. Backup: Yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I'm really good looking. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: LordChubb Age: 17 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft? A year and a half, ever since March 2011 Experience with Minecraft Servers? I love to play on minecraft servers. I mostly play with my friends, but I've played on RP servers before. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Lycan! And backup: elf. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Not really... Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yea, if I can make a good skin I will.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: Bithindel Age: 21 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft? I have been playing since mid alpha. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I mostly play on Faction/PvP servers, so I will be very familiar with this one. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Orc. Backup Dwarf Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I like ham. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Of course. No fun in not sporting your team colors
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN:airdog100 Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why? Never Experience with Minecraft? Yes I have had minecraft for a long time now and love Pvp Experience with Minecraft Servers? Yes Lots What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Elf and back up Lycan Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I am amazing builder and love playing with others on servers Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Sure But somtimes i might forget to change so sorry if i forget
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Ever been banned: Can't say I have, though there was this one time the admin went nuts and banned everyone before closing his own server down.
Experience with Minecraft: I've been playing since Alpha 1.5, and have both love and hate relations with some of the updates they've produced since.
Experience with Minecraft Servers: I've been on many building (survival mode, no PvP) servers, a few faction servers in which PvP was both enabled and encouraged, (MUAHAHAHAHA!!!) and even ran my own server until my older brother griefed it to death. "
What race would you like to be: Human or Elf
Extra Information: I'm a roleplayer at heart, and love to tie my character in with the game. Sometimes even not on an RP server. Expect proper grammar from this guy! ^v^ *nod nod*
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race: Of course! What's the fun of joining a server if you don't look the part?
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: masteroliw Age: 15 Ever been banned, if so why? I have been banned once, although it didn't show at http://whitelist.mcf.li/, I want to tell it anyway. It was about aimboting, they accused me of aimbot because for them it was impossible to beat someone with over 1000+ axe skill with 700, - They had a fast food plugin so when you eat food you get health instantly, so it's almost impossible to kill a diamond armored person with sword that even has high enchantments without breaking their armor first with axes. - I just did that, the result was that they banned me for 2 days. How did i beat him? I sprinted around him - With 100 field of view. - so he couldn't hit me and attacked him from behind several times untill he's killed. Experience with Minecraft? I have much experience with minecraft, I have played minecraft for about 1000+ hours. - Evidence here: http://beta.xfire.com/users/oliwer111. - Also i know every recipe in minecraft, but I'm not that good in redstone. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have much experience of minecraft servers, mostly pvp servers. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? I would like to join Humans, and as a backup race Gnomes. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Sure, I have human skin already but if i join gnomes i will change the skill to match that race.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: Lordvanorhost Age:18 Ever been banned, if so why? arguement with host Experience with Minecraft? Extensive Experience with Minecraft Servers? What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?Orc, human Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I have extensive roleplay expirience and can delve in to nearly any storyline Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? absolutely
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: xRyuto Age: 19 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft? I have been playing minecraft off and on since the days of beta. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have been on quite a few but never managed anything. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Primary: Human / Secondary: Elf Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Not at this moment. ~@~ Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Yes, I will gladly change my skin.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN:puppyburns Age: 14 Ever been banned, if so why? No i have never been banned. Experience with Minecraft? I have been playing since 1.1 alpha. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on lots of Role Play servers and have been admin on 4 different servers. What race would you like to be? I would like to be a Lycan if possible, but if im not a lycan then I would be a Orc. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I am a very nice person who is willing to help people. I will always stay loyal and I rarely break promise. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes I would like to change my skin because I love making skins.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Please wait 10 min. for me to update you guys on the list on the first post.
IGN:Panzer_Pwnage Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? Nope.avi Experience with Minecraft? Good with redstone, excellent farmer, efficient builder, good pvper Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played mainly on pvp servers, mainly ctf and raiding. With a few PvE servers What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human, or elf. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No, I prefer to keep that between me and my clanmates. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? No, I love Uncharted D:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you- Freidrich Nietszche
I would just like to thank everyone who come from Anovia for applying for my server. Also I would like to say sorry for being an hour behind but I was eating a cupcake watching TV.
Its ok man. Take your time. Relieve all your stress.
I would just like to thank everyone who come from Anovia for applying for my server. Also I would like to say sorry for being an hour behind but I was eating a cupcake watching TV.
Did the cupcake have sprinkles? If it did... then you got a well deserved break!
Do you have an ETA on when the server will be up?
Are the cities all ready built?
Do you have a website? (If not I can help you with that)
Are there going to be roles/professions when you join a race? If so what are they?
Sorry for listing so many questions... but why not say them all at once?
Hah, thanks, Toasties. I just wanted some review on my guide, I'm glad you liked it. Is there an official website for WotR, where I can permanently post it? I've put it up a few times, but it got pushed back very quickly.
Sorry that I was off for a few minutes, I was eating Oreos and picking up my dogs' poop (at least I get payed).
Yeah, this sounds great. Any estimated time for launch yet?
"Without an estimated time, the bloody battle fared by our brave Admins and the deadly plugins may be waged eternally. Only with our insistant support and cheers can we help them win... so cheer like you've never cheered before." ~Gengis Khan.
"Sometimes, quotes you find online aren't real." ~Abraham Lincoln.
Did the cupcake have sprinkles? If it did... then you got a well deserved break!
Do you have an ETA on when the server will be up?
Are the cities all ready built?
Do you have a website? (If not I can help you with that)
Are there going to be roles/professions when you join a race? If so what are they?
Sorry for listing so many questions... but why not say them all at once?
1. No sprinkles, but some crunchy thing I don't know what its called.
2. ETA I would estimate around 7-8 PM EST
3. Cities, Ehh you have to see once you get on, it may not be as you think it is.
4. No website, but maybe in the future we'll get one.
5. Roles, hmm explain more of what you mean.
Please repost it I'm going to be quite busy I don't have time to go find it.
1. No sprinkles, but some crunchy thing I don't know what its called.
2. ETA I would estimate around 7-8 PM EST
3. Cities, Ehh you have to see once you get on, it may not be as you think it is.
4. No website, but maybe in the future we'll get one.
5. Roles, hmm explain more of what you mean.
a role is a job. like each faction member could be a farmer, miner, warrior,etc.
Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why?no Experience with Minecraft?i have play 2 year Experience with Minecraft Servers?i have play some servers off roleplay and factions What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? elf backup:gnome Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?i want but i need to know the site where i do
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
The / marks are from users that applied after most recent update: I put them in the class that had the least players from their choices.
So: The Orcs have overtaken! Congratz to them! Behind them are the Lycanthropes and Elves, followed by Gnomes , and with Humans and Yetis in last.
Anywho, any more people want to sign on to the Starting Peace Treaty? It stipulates that we will not fight/raid each other for the first 24 hours we are up. This is to give us some time to stockpile our materials, so once people start raiding we can get stuff xD Just leave your name and race, so I can tally. At the moment we have 3 Elves, 2 Humans, a Dwarf, and a Gnome signed on.
Hah! I didn't even notice! I have more than 100 posts now Milestone achieved!
I would just like to thank everyone who come from Anovia for applying for my server. Also I would like to say sorry for being an hour behind but I was eating a cupcake watching TV.
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IP will be released when the server is. Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied, You need a backup race.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied you need a IGN
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Thanks man.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied please use the proper Application Template.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I love you.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I'll Change you to Orc.
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Please wait 10 min. for me to update you guys on the list on the first post.
wait aren't u going to PERSONALLY thank ME!? i'm the guy who brought all the Anovians here! D:
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN:Panzer_Pwnage Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? Nope.avi Experience with Minecraft? Good with redstone, excellent farmer, efficient builder, good pvper Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played mainly on pvp servers, mainly ctf and raiding. With a few PvE servers What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human, or elf. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No, I prefer to keep that between me and my clanmates. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? No, I love Uncharted D:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you- Freidrich Nietszche
Application IGN: The_Red_Panda Age:17 Ever been banned, if so why?: Yep, admin banicide. Experience with Minecraft?: Been playing for 2 years. Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I've been on a few servers. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: Orc, backup Lycan Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: I like food. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: Yep, Makingroceries_one made me an orc skin Squigly@Squigly.
IGN:Panzer_Pwnage Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? Nope.avi Experience with Minecraft? Good with redstone, excellent farmer, efficient builder, good pvper Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played mainly on pvp servers, mainly ctf and raiding. With a few PvE servers What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human, or elf. Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No, I prefer to keep that between me and my clanmates. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? No, I love Uncharted D:
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Application IGN: The_Red_Panda Age:17 Ever been banned, if so why?: Yep, admin banicide. Experience with Minecraft?: Been playing for 2 years. Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I've been on a few servers. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: Orc, backup Lycan Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: I like food. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: Yep, Makingroceries_one made me an orc skin Squigly@Squigly.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I will update Thread's first page after I finish plugins.
haha yeah... its not like im a robot or anything.
I would just like to thank everyone who come from Anovia for applying for my server. Also I would like to say sorry for being an hour behind but I was eating a cupcake watching TV.
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IP will be released when the server is. Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied, You need a backup race.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied you need a IGN
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Thanks man.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Denied please use the proper Application Template.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I love you.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I'll Change you to Orc.
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Orc, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Please wait 10 min. for me to update you guys on the list on the first post.
Age: 13
Ever been banned, if so why? Nope.avi
Experience with Minecraft? Good with redstone, excellent farmer, efficient builder, good pvper
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played mainly on pvp servers, mainly ctf and raiding. With a few PvE servers
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human, or elf.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No, I prefer to keep that between me and my clanmates.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? No, I love Uncharted D:
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you- Freidrich Nietszche
Its ok man. Take your time. Relieve all your stress.
Did the cupcake have sprinkles? If it did... then you got a well deserved break!
Do you have an ETA on when the server will be up?
Are the cities all ready built?
Do you have a website? (If not I can help you with that)
Are there going to be roles/professions when you join a race? If so what are they?
Sorry for listing so many questions... but why not say them all at once?
Sorry that I was off for a few minutes, I was eating Oreos and picking up my dogs' poop (at least I get payed).
Yeah, this sounds great. Any estimated time for launch yet?
"Without an estimated time, the bloody battle fared by our brave Admins and the deadly plugins may be waged eternally. Only with our insistant support and cheers can we help them win... so cheer like you've never cheered before." ~Gengis Khan.
"Sometimes, quotes you find online aren't real." ~Abraham Lincoln.
Please repost it I'm going to be quite busy I don't have time to go find it.
1. No sprinkles, but some crunchy thing I don't know what its called.
2. ETA I would estimate around 7-8 PM EST
3. Cities, Ehh you have to see once you get on, it may not be as you think it is.
4. No website, but maybe in the future we'll get one.
5. Roles, hmm explain more of what you mean.
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Lycanthropes: 14.
Humans: 12.
Elves: 14.
Dwarves: 12.
Yetis: 12.
Gnomes: 13.
Orcs: 15.
The / marks are from users that applied after most recent update: I put them in the class that had the least players from their choices.
So: The Orcs have overtaken! Congratz to them! Behind them are the Lycanthropes and Elves, followed by Gnomes , and with Humans and Yetis in last.
Anywho, any more people want to sign on to the Starting Peace Treaty? It stipulates that we will not fight/raid each other for the first 24 hours we are up. This is to give us some time to stockpile our materials, so once people start raiding we can get stuff xD Just leave your name and race, so I can tally. At the moment we have 3 Elves, 2 Humans, a Dwarf, and a Gnome signed on.
Hah! I didn't even notice! I have more than 100 posts now
Age: 13
Ever been banned, if so why? Nope.avi
Experience with Minecraft? Good with redstone, excellent farmer, efficient builder, good pvper
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Played mainly on pvp servers, mainly ctf and raiding. With a few PvE servers
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Human, or elf.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? No, I prefer to keep that between me and my clanmates.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? No, I love Uncharted D:
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you- Freidrich Nietszche
IGN: The_Red_Panda
Ever been banned, if so why?: Yep, admin banicide.
Experience with Minecraft?: Been playing for 2 years.
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I've been on a few servers.
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: Orc, backup Lycan
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: I like food.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: Yep, Makingroceries_one made me an orc skin
Thanks man, Once the server is release me and my co-owner need to talk to you btw.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Lycan, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I will update Thread's first page after I finish plugins.