WAIT WAIT WAIT u guys are all talking about all this cool stuff right? so why dont we just start a clan? who's with me. PM me if you're interested. any name suggestions would be great too.
WAIT WAIT WAIT u guys are all talking about all this cool stuff right? so why dont we just start a clan? who's with me. PM me if you're interested. any name suggestions would be great too.
whats SPT
Starting Peace Treaty. I think you already signed.
Anyhow, @Nightmare, Mine is totally reusable. You don't even need to reset it; nothing gets broken, and it will kill anything except for spiders (can't fall in xD) cave spiders (don't get hit by the piston) and pigs, chickens, and other 1-block high mobs, and Endermen (they can warp out, and they're too tall xD) Also, 0% fail chance, while Blast Protection can save a poor soul from explosive traps.
You mean an Interserverial alliance? i would like something like that
That would be cool. That's a few elves, a dwarf, and some humans working together- I like that, but if it's between that and only my teammates, I guess I have to pick my teammates.
Also, about the skills of each race, will only that race be able to use that skill, or will they just be better at it than others?
Hmm. It goes like this:
Every race gets standard Minecraft capabilities; basically, you can do anything. However, certain classes get MCMMO stats, making them MUCH better at what the do. Anyone can use a bow, but only Elves have the Archery skill, granting them extra damage, a chance to daze, and a chance for reusable arrow drops.
Does that make sense? I think it doesn't xD
By the way, I took the RPG "Who Are You" test thing, and pasted that in my comments section, but nothing showed up. Does it appear for you guys?
Every race gets standard Minecraft capabilities; basically, you can do anything. However, certain classes get MCMMO stats, making them MUCH better at what the do. Anyone can use a bow, but only Elves have the Archery skill, granting them extra damage, a chance to daze, and a chance for reusable arrow drops.
Does that make sense? I think it doesn't xD
By the way, I took the RPG "Who Are You" test thing, and pasted that in my comments section, but nothing showed up. Does it appear for you guys?
As if I wanted a Dirt/Sand/Gravel house lolz
Hmm that would be an interesting concept... you could trade for items at Spawn, so that Orcs and Humans can get Wood and sell it to other classes that can't.
Another concept would be to purchase Saplings and place them in a large ring, then use Bone Meal on them until they get to a good size tree, making yourself a massive tree that you could blow a hole in the side of, to make a door...
Ever been banned: Can't say I have, though there was this one time the admin went nuts and banned everyone before closing his own server down.
Experience with Minecraft: I've been playing since Alpha 1.5, and have both love and hate relations with some of the updates they've produced since.
Experience with Minecraft Servers: I've been on many building (survival mode, no PvP) servers, a few faction servers in which PvP was both enabled and encouraged, (MUAHAHAHAHA!!!) and even ran my own server until my older brother griefed it to death. -_-"
What race would you like to be: Human or Elf
Extra Information: I'm a roleplayer at heart, and love to tie my character in with the game. Sometimes even not on an RP server. Expect proper grammar from this guy! ^v^ *nod nod*
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race: Of course! What's the fun of joining a server if you don't look the part?
yeh now i think about it we elves are pretty weak. if we can keep them on distance: OK, but how must we do that without good structures? and if they come close, we are doomed!!! (BTW this must in someway remember me at LOTR (elves, dwarves, humans, orcs.))
Aye. Elves are the masters of the ambush, and the wild; placing themselves in areas others cannot reach, than shooting them when they can't find you.
IGN: stargirl18
Age: 13
Ever been banned, if so why? NEVER!
Experience with Minecraft? I've been playing since 1.2.5
Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on quite a few servers mostl medieval themed and a few creative.
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? I would very much prefer to be an elf if absolutely necessary I would be a human instead.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I'm very mature for my age but can still joke around at the appropriate times. My favorite things to do in minecraft are archery/hunting and brewing potions I also enjoy interior decorating.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? I would prefer not to but if it will help you in any way I'm all for it. At the moment I have the skin of Neytiri from avatar (I think she makes a pretty sweet elf!) she's on minecraftinfo.com under the movie category if she is too racy I can change to a cute elven archer.
I've noticed a few from another server that shut down. Hi guys it's Stargirl18 Im glad that there are some familiar faces!
umm I applied a while ago but no one got back to me so here it is again!
Anyhow, @Nightmare, Mine is totally reusable. You don't even need to reset it; nothing gets broken, and it will kill anything except for spiders (can't fall in xD) cave spiders (don't get hit by the piston) and pigs, chickens, and other 1-block high mobs, and Endermen (they can warp out, and they're too tall xD) Also, 0% fail chance, while Blast Protection can save a poor soul from explosive traps.
Second he has plugin work, so the server may not come on tonight
Anyhow, there's a decent chance something will screw up and we'll have to wait longer. That would be cool. That's a few elves, a dwarf, and some humans working together- I like that, but if it's between that and only my teammates, I guess I have to pick my teammates. Possibly, your internet is going poorly, or you're having a bad connection with minecraft.net.
Well... i think that might work
Every race gets standard Minecraft capabilities; basically, you can do anything. However, certain classes get MCMMO stats, making them MUCH better at what the do. Anyone can use a bow, but only Elves have the Archery skill, granting them extra damage, a chance to daze, and a chance for reusable arrow drops.
Does that make sense? I think it doesn't xD
By the way, I took the RPG "Who Are You" test thing, and pasted that in my comments section, but nothing showed up. Does it appear for you guys? As if I wanted a Dirt/Sand/Gravel house lolz
Another concept would be to purchase Saplings and place them in a large ring, then use Bone Meal on them until they get to a good size tree, making yourself a massive tree that you could blow a hole in the side of, to make a door...
Age: 17
Ever been banned: Can't say I have, though there was this one time the admin went nuts and banned everyone before closing his own server down.
Experience with Minecraft: I've been playing since Alpha 1.5, and have both love and hate relations with some of the updates they've produced since.
Experience with Minecraft Servers: I've been on many building (survival mode, no PvP) servers, a few faction servers in which PvP was both enabled and encouraged, (MUAHAHAHAHA!!!) and even ran my own server until my older brother griefed it to death. -_-"
What race would you like to be: Human or Elf
Extra Information: I'm a roleplayer at heart, and love to tie my character in with the game. Sometimes even not on an RP server. Expect proper grammar from this guy! ^v^ *nod nod*
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race: Of course! What's the fun of joining a server if you don't look the part?
Google it?