War of the Races is a Faction based PvP server. The difference is that each faction is made up of a different race. The races all have separate skills that are picked by the staff and are based off the stereotypical idea of those races (ie. Elves are good with bows, Orcs are good with axes) Every faction will be run by a different admin so as to have someone with power over the server there able to solve disputes among members. Ranks within the faction (who gets them and if there are any at all) will be up to the admin in charge of that Race. We run many plug ins and are very good at keeping them up to date. The server will be running 48 slots (with no lag) and have a Teamspeak that can be used by all members.
1.The use of profanities is allowed, but if at any point it becomes excessive and/or offensive to members of the community, an admin will punish any and all deemed to be breaking this rule.
2. No duping or using glitches to your advantage.
3. TNT and flint and steel is allowed, be responsible though.
4. Put ~@~ in your application to be accepted.
5. No logging out while in combat.
6. No complaining in global chat! This is a pvp faction server. Getting raided is part of the game.
7. Respect Admins and mods.
8. Do not use any hacks.
9. There must be 2 of the faction online to raid them
10. No Combat Tping.
11. No setting homes in or near enemy bases.
12. No Sabotage.
Owner - Toastieness
Co-Owner - FancyJ
Head Admin - Nathan01234
Ever been banned, if so why?
Experience with Minecraft?
Experience with Minecraft Servers?
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?
*Note if you get declined repost it correctly, also if somthing happened and you got skipped please PM it to me saying why and with the application. If you were accepted but cannot get on PM me with your application and what you were accepted as.*Note If you were banned or muted in game you must PM me a appeal who muted/banned you and the reason + your appeal Of courseIf you think any Plugins would be nice for this server PM me!
Donations will be checked daily or whenever I get a PM on the MC forum to check it, promotions or whatever you donated for will be awarded upon when me seeing the donation in PayPal.
Silver Package $5.00
Priority when logging into the server (Working on it)
GlowStone Mining Helmet command. (Broken)
Set one named home location with Multihomes (Warmup/Cooldown)
Golden Package $8.00
Inherits from the Silver Package
Set two named home locations
Diamond Package $12.00
Inherits from Silver and Gold Packages
Set three named home locations (Less Cooldown)
*Note Send me a message via forums and or ingame MC once you have donated for your package. if you were banned for anything we have a NO REFUND policy for the excuse of being banned/muted, any other reason please PM me via MC Forum
IGN: ninja_ferrit
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why?: no
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
IGN: ninja_ferrit
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why?: no
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
I'll have Toastieness review your application, but i do believe that it is acceptable and you may be a human, about the skin we forgot to add the fact that you do not have to change your skin, so your current skin will be fine, thank you for the application.
IGN:badwolfguy Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why? Yes once from a server i did not care much for it was quite a mess of a server Experience with Minecraft?I have been playing since 1.2 (beta) and have been loyal to many servers through this time Experience with Minecraft Servers?many versions of chaosstorms server and other pvp ones too! What race would you like to be?Lychan Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? im british i have had some expierience of class servers like vindi and have had some admin expierience Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?sure
Ever been banned, if so why? I have never been banned off a server
Experience with Minecraft? I have a lot of experience with minecraft
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Chaosstorm's, Vindicraft (Hardcore PvP ^_~), Runecraft, CrueltyCraft
What race would you like to be? Yetti or Lycan
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Well... I wrote a rap telling you about me, here it goes!
I'm a computer programmer and a cubical dweller.
I disabled SpellCheck cuz I'm a stellar speller.
When I write an email that includes an attachment,
I never hit "send" before I've attached it.
At the gym people line up just to give me a spot.
All eyes on me when I'm poppin' a squat.
My career Plan B is to teach P.E.
The model on the machine is based on me.
My sence of style, is sweet like syrup.
It's not uncommon for people to think I'm from Europe.
I don't follow the trends, I'm a style pioneer
See this turtleneck, with a necklace? You'll be wearing this next year.
I was offered a record deal while singin' at a karaoke bar
But I turned it down and became the president's karaokezar
I rescued a dolphin entangled in a tuna net
And donated it to an orphanage to keep as a pet. ~@~
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes
IGN: ninja_ferrit
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why?: no
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN:badwolfguy Age:13 Ever been banned, if so why? Yes once from a server i did not care much for it was quite a mess of a server Experience with Minecraft?I have been playing since 1.2 (beta) and have been loyal to many servers through this time Experience with Minecraft Servers?many versions of chaosstorms server and other pvp ones too! What race would you like to be?Lychan Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? im british i have had some expierience of class servers like vindi and have had some admin expierience Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?sure
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Ever been banned, if so why? I have never been banned off a server
Experience with Minecraft? I have a lot of experience with minecraft
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Chaosstorm's, Vindicraft (Hardcore PvP ^_~), Runecraft, CrueltyCraft
What race would you like to be? Yetti or Lycan
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Well... I wrote a rap telling you about me, here it goes!
I'm a computer programmer and a cubical dweller.
I disabled SpellCheck cuz I'm a stellar speller.
When I write an email that includes an attachment,
I never hit "send" before I've attached it.
At the gym people line up just to give me a spot.
All eyes on me when I'm poppin' a squat.
My career Plan B is to teach P.E.
The model on the machine is based on me.
My sence of style, is sweet like syrup.
It's not uncommon for people to think I'm from Europe.
I don't follow the trends, I'm a style pioneer
See this turtleneck, with a necklace? You'll be wearing this next year.
I was offered a record deal while singin' at a karaoke bar
But I turned it down and became the president's karaokezar
I rescued a dolphin entangled in a tuna net
And donated it to an orphanage to keep as a pet.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: megaturtle77
Age: 14
Ever been banned, if so why?: Yeah, chicken farm, raiding admins.
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
IGN: TexaSpex....
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why? No.. Well.. I have but it was for fun
Experience with Minecraft? Since before the Alpha Halloween Update
Experience with Minecraft Servers? A little after the above statement
What race would you like to be? Human. (I saw you have no human leader so )
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Love Redstone, Great farmer, Experienced MC player. Been Admin on a couple of servers and owned my own for a while.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? If I have to I shall.
IGN: megaturtle77
Age: 14
Ever been banned, if so why?: Yeah, chicken farm, raiding admins.
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why? No.. Well.. I have but it was for fun
Experience with Minecraft? Since before the Alpha Halloween Update
Experience with Minecraft Servers? A little after the above statement
What race would you like to be? Human. (I saw you have no human leader so )
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Love Redstone, Great farmer, Experienced MC player. Been Admin on a couple of servers and owned my own for a while.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? If I have to I shall.
IGN (exact name): BaristaMaster Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? never Experience with Minecraft? I have played since the beta has come out. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on many servers none quite like this. Pretty good with servers. What race would you like to be (First choice, then backup)? First choice: Gnome Second choice: Yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Don't expect me to be wild. I like to be more peaceful Are you willing to change you skin to match your race (not mandatory)? I am I already have a Gnome skin.
IGN (exact name): BaristaMaster Age: 13 Ever been banned, if so why? never Experience with Minecraft? I have played since the beta has come out. Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on many servers none quite like this. Pretty good with servers. What race would you like to be (First choice, then backup)? First choice: Gnome Second choice: Yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Don't expect me to be wild. I like to be more peaceful Are you willing to change you skin to match your race (not mandatory)? I am I already have a Gnome skin.
Experience with Minecraft?: been playing since beta 1.5
Experience with Minecraft Servers?:i have played factions before , and many servers like this including 'GetBueno' with heroes
What race would you like to be (First choice, then backup)? Lycan , Human
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: my name is mike , if im in please dont say Slippyaim in game just call me slip or slips , I Like it more xD
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race (not mandatory)?: Yes ofcourse i will ~@~
Age:11. Don't underestimate me, tho. The intelligence is strong with this one.
Ever been banned, if so why? I have been banned once. The server was running a creative mode test and I used some TNT. Then another guy used more TNT, and I was apparently guilty.
Experience with Minecraft? Oh diggity goo! I'm quite good at minecraft. Too scared to play SP, so I pass most of mah time in SMP.
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Quite a lot. Spend most of my minecrafting time in servers, so yeh.
What race would you like to be (First choice, then backup)?Humans, if I change my mind I'd rather be Dwarves/Orcs.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Sauronthegreat likes to shoot gun and smash cowards. I also like sandvich. I also like to crush your little babby head with forged iron 20 kg maces.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race (not mandatory)? Yeh, I had it as Knight_Peculier, and still have it.
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why?: no
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
I'll have Toastieness review your application, but i do believe that it is acceptable and you may be a human, about the skin we forgot to add the fact that you do not have to change your skin, so your current skin will be fine, thank you for the application.
We have no exact release date yet, but it should be within a couple of weeks.
Ever been banned, if so why? Yes once from a server i did not care much for it was quite a mess of a server
Experience with Minecraft?I have been playing since 1.2 (beta) and have been loyal to many servers through this time
Experience with Minecraft Servers?many versions of chaosstorms server and other pvp ones too!
What race would you like to be?Lychan
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? im british i have had some expierience of class servers like vindi and have had some admin expierience
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?sure
Ever been banned, if so why? I have never been banned off a server
Experience with Minecraft? I have a lot of experience with minecraft
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Chaosstorm's, Vindicraft (Hardcore PvP ^_~), Runecraft, CrueltyCraft
What race would you like to be? Yetti or Lycan
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Well... I wrote a rap telling you about me, here it goes!
I'm a computer programmer and a cubical dweller.
I disabled SpellCheck cuz I'm a stellar speller.
When I write an email that includes an attachment,
I never hit "send" before I've attached it.
At the gym people line up just to give me a spot.
All eyes on me when I'm poppin' a squat.
My career Plan B is to teach P.E.
The model on the machine is based on me.
My sence of style, is sweet like syrup.
It's not uncommon for people to think I'm from Europe.
I don't follow the trends, I'm a style pioneer
See this turtleneck, with a necklace? You'll be wearing this next year.
I was offered a record deal while singin' at a karaoke bar
But I turned it down and became the president's karaokezar
I rescued a dolphin entangled in a tuna net
And donated it to an orphanage to keep as a pet.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? Yes
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Age: 14
Ever been banned, if so why?: Yeah, chicken farm, raiding admins.
Experience with Minecraft?: It never gets old
Experience with Minecraft Servers?: I have played at least ten faction servers.
What race would you like to be?: Human.
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you?: Not really.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race?: Id rather not because i have a skin that i think will fit but if you think it necasary then sure.
IGN: TexaSpex....
Age: 17
Ever been banned, if so why? No.. Well.. I have but it was for fun
Experience with Minecraft? Since before the Alpha Halloween Update
Experience with Minecraft Servers? A little after the above statement
What race would you like to be? Human. (I saw you have no human leader so
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Love Redstone, Great farmer, Experienced MC player. Been Admin on a couple of servers and owned my own for a while.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race? If I have to I shall.
Accepted, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
You need a IGN denied.
Age: 13
Ever been banned, if so why? never
Experience with Minecraft? I have played since the beta has come out.
Experience with Minecraft Servers? I have played on many servers none quite like this. Pretty good with servers.
What race would you like to be (First choice, then backup)? First choice: Gnome Second choice: Yeti
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Don't expect me to be wild. I like to be more peaceful
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race (not mandatory)? I am I already have a Gnome skin.
You are accepted.
Leaders are admins that we know and trust personally.
You are accpeted