Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Want an active, fun group of people to play with
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build, Redstone.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Beta 1.2
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 10-12HRs a day, Until college starts again
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA, Ohio
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Fun and mature guy that enjoys messing around. I can take a joke and just want a group of people to goof off with.
Yes, I have seen all of the apps. I'm sorry but if I did not say you were whitelisted then you were not. We are only accepting the very best apps right now
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?:
I love playing games like minecraft And i think they only get better when played in a community! I absolutely love the Family aspect of this game, where you can make friends and family just from a simple game! / Well Me and alex have been fans of the mindcrack server for sometime now and i think it would be a pretty fun way of playing the game, seeing as how everyone loves the mindcrack server
What do you plan to do on this server?:
I plan on making some of my wildest creations come to life and comepletly exploring the game like i haven't ever done before! I want to explore the Nether and the End, make every potion and get every enchant! I want to pull pranks and get pranked, and I want to help with community builds / Well i plan on making some pretty cool bases with alex, he is more expirienced then me, so i look forward to learning lots more by playing with him
How long have you played Minecraft?:
I have been playing for close to 13 months now / 4 months
Do you have Skype?:
yes-alesestrada / yupyup ^.^
Do you plan to record?:
Yes i did have some small plans for recording / not really, that is kind of alex's thing
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
I want to make one special just for this server / -.-
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?:
The last server the longest i played in one day was 16 hours ( and that happened pretty regularly) / Me and alex once played on a server for 24+ collective hours
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application):
Reason/s why you should be accepted:
I have been admin on many servers and have plenty of expirience with being a fair person, I love minecraft and think that a duo on a server like this would be something new and might very well be very helpful and fun! I think both of us work well with others and would bring a new light to any server like this. I am also willing to put lots of time and effort into this server, for a long time, perhaps even years. / I really want too play on a mindcrack server, all the servers i go on are filled with greifers and jerks, I really just want a server i can settle down in and make a name for myself.
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I love Mindcrack and this looked quite similar, looks like something I can spend alot of time on and just have some fun with the other players.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Make a series for Youtube and definitely some harmless pranking. Going to try and keep my videos interesting by interacting with the other players and making a large base (:
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since the beginning of 1.7.3
Do you have Skype?:Yes it is "trevort.a.b" If you go to add me make sure to say that it is you so I don't just ignore.
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: I can't give you a guaranteed number for every week but what I can do is say that since I will be recording i'll be on probably daily for up to 5 hours or more, depends what i have to do during the day. Even if I do have something time consuming IRL i'll still pop on for a bit if possible.
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Well I kinda put this on "Why do you want to be whitelisted" section and time per week section, but i'll still give it a shot to put more. Not sure if this matters at all but in game i'm a bit of a grammar nazi with my own typing, I'm not gonna get mad at someone else for mistyping or anything, but I try to keep my spelling and grammar perfect. Also I know by the Mindcrack server how much people like prank wars so i'll try and keep some wars going to keep things interesting for my viewers and the other member's viewers. I'm not sure what else to say so i'll end it here. Best of luck. -iPRO
Yes, I have seen all of the apps. I'm sorry but if I did not say you were whitelisted then you were not. We are only accepting the very best apps right now
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I have been looking for a server like this forever! I really want to be on a server where I can trust other people.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build a village for me and an epic house. And hopefully build sometype of uber-project all legit.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since 1.7
Do you have Skype?: Yes, ryan_rossello
Do you plan to record?: Yes sir ree
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): GuidoDzn
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: A couple hours. Depends on the day and whats going on.
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I think that I would be a great addition to the server. I am a graphic designer and think that it helps with my creativity when playing. I made my oown skin and am working on my texture pack
Age (12 and over please): 14, I believe i am severly mature for my age though.
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?:I have been searching for weeks, even months for a perfect server. I am tired of server's that have 100+ plugins, a dying economy etc, where it just gets plain boring.
What do you plan to do on this server?:Use my architectural abilities to express my thoughts on this server, along with my advanced redstone capabilities.
How long have you played Minecraft?:Approximately 2 years now.
Do you have Skype?:Yes, i do.
Do you plan to record?:Possibly.
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): CanadaLovesSniping.
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?:Everyday, for sure. Possibly 4-6 hours everyday?
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application):Canada.
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I am a great role-player along with a leader. I am easy to get along with and very nice, Including my building and redstone skills i believe i would be a great addition to this server.
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Mindcrack looks really cool, and if this server is like that one, then this should be interesting. I also want a good Minecraft server that isn't over populated.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Survive, then thrive.
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 1.5 years
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 14 hours
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): US
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I have lots of Minecraft experience, and I fix what I broke (creeper holes, etc.)
Pahcman, MattyMorris, and ImGuido you all have been whitelisted!Okay Everybody, we are now closed from applications at least for a few days! I will make my judgement in about half a week to a week as to whether or not more will be accepted
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
North Carolina
Join Date:
Member Details
Age (12 and over please):
IGN: Olisol
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I want to be white-listed because I love the mindcrack guys and i would love to play on a similar server. I also want to try a new community of gaming, because my server is running a bit stale now.
What do you plan to do on this server?: I plan to do survival, and to play and do some team builds with you guys, and I plan to do some pranks as well lol.
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 4 years, since Alpha.
Do you have Skype?: Yes, my skype name is; Demosol101
Do you plan to record?:Yeah, i'm going to buy a new mic and fraps soon.
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): Haven't made a new one yet
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: Every day, a few hours
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): United States
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Well, if your looking for someone who is a very good builder and getting pretty good with redstone and a guy who's cool and can take a joke, im your guy!
If I do get accepted I want you to know that i'm now going to be able to play for about 2 weeks because i'm going to work for a little bit so i can get money for my recording stuff. So, it wouldnt be like i'm home and not playing. So thanks a lot. Hope to be on soon
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?:Im Looking for a server with no mods / plugins completely legit and i get along with everyone I play with it would be an honour to play on a Mindcrack related server and I will contribute to the server alot.
What do you plan to do on this server?: What I plan to build on this server is a giant house with redstone contraptions involved with it and i'm also going to build a giant community Farm. I also am thinking of making a community mob grinder if you would like one.
How long have you played Minecraft?: 3 years
Do you have Skype?: Yes (b_marriott)
Do you plan to record?: Yes ( when I get my new Laptop in 2 weeks)
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): MarriottHD (I made this channel for gaming and my other channel for GFX is NervArts if you need any for the server message me)
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 3-6 Hours a Day maybe more ( I got a lot of free time if im not working)
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): Canada
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Because I think i would be a good contribute for the server for build's community events and pranks (make a team canada ) I would also get to know all of you really well because I am fun to be around
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I've been looking for a good vanilla server for a while and this looked like it would fit my needs, plus i'm a huge MindCrack fan and always wanted to record videos, it sounded fun.
What do you plan to do on this server?: I'm wanting to build a huge jungle city and make new friends
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since the "Halloween Update"
Do you have Skype?: Ya (gabe.bacus2)
Do you plan to record?: Yup
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):Ill give it to you as soon as I make one
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 4-6 days a week
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): US
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I am friendly and can get along with people I have never met, I love mindcrack, I have a good quality recording and editing software, also my mic has no background noise or anything, etc.
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Looing for a good server, I like vanilla and I'm tired of SSP.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build things, explore, talk.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since late Alpha
Do you have Skype?: Yes, mx726a
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): N/A
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: Could vary, but if I wanted I could easily put 2 hours a day into it.
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Because I know where you live...
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Love vanilla
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build and mine
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years
Do you have Skype?: No
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 20 hrs
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): Australia
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Great builder, friendly and willing to work as a team
IGN: Blinkstrik3
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Want an active, fun group of people to play with
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build, Redstone.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Beta 1.2
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 10-12HRs a day, Until college starts again
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA, Ohio
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Fun and mature guy that enjoys messing around. I can take a joke and just want a group of people to goof off with.
IGN: Alexthegreet / EmeraldFire
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?:
What do you plan to do on this server?:
How long have you played Minecraft?:
Do you have Skype?:
Do you plan to record?:
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?:
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application):
Reason/s why you should be accepted:
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I love Mindcrack and this looked quite similar, looks like something I can spend alot of time on and just have some fun with the other players.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Make a series for Youtube and definitely some harmless pranking. Going to try and keep my videos interesting by interacting with the other players and making a large base (:
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since the beginning of 1.7.3
Do you have Skype?:Yes it is "trevort.a.b" If you go to add me make sure to say that it is you so I don't just ignore.
Do you plan to record?: Yes, also in HD
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): http://www.youtube.c...4x?feature=mhee
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: I can't give you a guaranteed number for every week but what I can do is say that since I will be recording i'll be on probably daily for up to 5 hours or more, depends what i have to do during the day. Even if I do have something time consuming IRL i'll still pop on for a bit if possible.
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Well I kinda put this on "Why do you want to be whitelisted" section and time per week section, but i'll still give it a shot to put more. Not sure if this matters at all but in game i'm a bit of a grammar nazi with my own typing, I'm not gonna get mad at someone else for mistyping or anything, but I try to keep my spelling and grammar perfect. Also I know by the Mindcrack server how much people like prank wars so i'll try and keep some wars going to keep things interesting for my viewers and the other member's viewers. I'm not sure what else to say so i'll end it here. Best of luck. -iPRO
Sorry DrumKid but we all decided that you can't be trusted after fly hacking.
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I have been looking for a server like this forever! I really want to be on a server where I can trust other people.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Build a village for me and an epic house. And hopefully build sometype of uber-project all legit.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since 1.7
Do you have Skype?: Yes, ryan_rossello
Do you plan to record?: Yes sir ree
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): GuidoDzn
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: A couple hours. Depends on the day and whats going on.
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): USA
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I think that I would be a great addition to the server. I am a graphic designer and think that it helps with my creativity when playing. I made my oown skin and am working on my texture pack
IGN: Pahcman
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I have been searching for weeks, even months for a perfect server. I am tired of server's that have 100+ plugins, a dying economy etc, where it just gets plain boring.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Use my architectural abilities to express my thoughts on this server, along with my advanced redstone capabilities.
How long have you played Minecraft?: Approximately 2 years now.
Do you have Skype?: Yes, i do.
Do you plan to record?: Possibly.
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): CanadaLovesSniping.
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: Everyday, for sure. Possibly 4-6 hours everyday?
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): Canada.
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I am a great role-player along with a leader. I am easy to get along with and very nice, Including my building and redstone skills i believe i would be a great addition to this server.
IGN: JiffiPop
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: Mindcrack looks really cool, and if this server is like that one, then this should be interesting. I also want a good Minecraft server that isn't over populated.
What do you plan to do on this server?: Survive, then thrive.
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 1.5 years
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
Do you plan to record?: No
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 14 hours
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): US
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I have lots of Minecraft experience, and I fix what I broke (creeper holes, etc.)
IGN: Olisol
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I want to be white-listed because I love the mindcrack guys and i would love to play on a similar server. I also want to try a new community of gaming, because my server is running a bit stale now.
What do you plan to do on this server?: I plan to do survival, and to play and do some team builds with you guys, and I plan to do some pranks as well lol.
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 4 years, since Alpha.
Do you have Skype?: Yes, my skype name is; Demosol101
Do you plan to record?:Yeah, i'm going to buy a new mic and fraps soon.
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): Haven't made a new one yet
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: Every day, a few hours
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): United States
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Well, if your looking for someone who is a very good builder and getting pretty good with redstone and a guy who's cool and can take a joke, im your guy!
If I do get accepted I want you to know that i'm now going to be able to play for about 2 weeks because i'm going to work for a little bit so i can get money for my recording stuff. So, it wouldnt be like i'm home and not playing. So thanks a lot. Hope to be on soon
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?:Im Looking for a server with no mods / plugins completely legit and i get along with everyone I play with it would be an honour to play on a Mindcrack related server and I will contribute to the server alot.
What do you plan to do on this server?: What I plan to build on this server is a giant house with redstone contraptions involved with it and i'm also going to build a giant community Farm. I also am thinking of making a community mob grinder if you would like one.
How long have you played Minecraft?: 3 years
Do you have Skype?: Yes (b_marriott)
Do you plan to record?: Yes ( when I get my new Laptop in 2 weeks)
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record): MarriottHD (I made this channel for gaming and my other channel for GFX is NervArts if you need any for the server message me)
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 3-6 Hours a Day maybe more ( I got a lot of free time if im not working)
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): Canada
Reason/s why you should be accepted: Because I think i would be a good contribute for the server for build's community events and pranks (make a team canada
Age (12 and over please): 16
IGN: zillagabe99
Why do you want to be whitelisted on this server?: I've been looking for a good vanilla server for a while and this looked like it would fit my needs, plus i'm a huge MindCrack fan and always wanted to record videos, it sounded fun.
What do you plan to do on this server?: I'm wanting to build a huge jungle city and make new friends
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since the "Halloween Update"
Do you have Skype?: Ya (gabe.bacus2)
Do you plan to record?: Yup
What's your Youtube channel? (Only necessary if you plan to record):Ill give it to you as soon as I make one
How much time per week do you plan to put into this server?: 4-6 days a week
What country do you live in? (Not an impact on your application): US
Reason/s why you should be accepted: I am friendly and can get along with people I have never met, I love mindcrack, I have a good quality recording and editing software, also my mic has no background noise or anything, etc.