Hello all!This is Jojoj123123/Beartic. Welcome to Imperium Universale! Me and my friends have recently
wanted to create a cool medieval server so we went ahead and made it. We are an RP server based on a Medieval/Fantasy genre. We have finished building for the main factions and are taking applications. We currently have many plugins to enhance the server, such as Factions, Citizens, Herochat, DragonTravel, iConomy, Vampires, and Werewolfs.
So, if you would like to apply in and join the server, you'll be greeted with a large amount of interesting new takes on the Medieval environment and feel beautiful cities that lay at your fingertips, and the factions! Be a trader, be a soldier, be a doctor, be your wildest dreams.
Trial Moderators:
In the works
There is many different races you can play as-Humans
-There is also a plugin for Werewolfs and Vampires
Description: The Duchy of Holstein.
Leader: Jojoj123123
Description: The Previc Empire.
Leader: Bigstealth
Description: The Great Mirtaken Empire.
Leader: Pyro219
Description: We are the Druid Race. Masters of arcane powers from the north.
Leader: Hawk415
Description: Hikyonu Oorami des Amatawa
Leader: Doodey
Descriptions: Noble Dwarves of the Southern caves.
Leader: Tealmau5
Rules list:
Respect the staff and players
If you have a complaint or suggestion, please report it to mods/admins
No 1x1 towers or bridges to break into bases
No Griefing
Absolutely NO X-Ray Clients or Mods
No Inappropriate Names
No Racism
No Sexism
When in Local Chat, Use Correct Grammar (As Much As You CAN)
Put a "Diamond" In Your App to show that you have read the rules
Use Relevant Skins
Do not spam
Application for whitelist:
In game name:
Country or timezone:
Why do you want to play on this server?:
Have you read the rules?:
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:
Short RP example:
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph):
$1 Tiny Package
An In-Game Title Color
Set of Diamond tools and a sword
$5 -Small Package
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority;Set of Diamond tools
5 Diamond Blocks
$10 – Far Package
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority
World Guard [Town Size]
2 Full Diamond Equipment (Armor and tools)
45 Diamonds
Diamond Kit Permissions
$50 - Diamond Package
If you are very very kind to donate $50, you will receive the Diamond package. In this package, you will receive
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority
World Guard [Large Town Size]
3 Full Diamond Equipment (Armor and tools)
2 Stacks of Diamonds
Minor Permssions/commands.
rver?:I love to Role Play but I want to get better!
Have you read the rules?:Yes indeedy :3
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:Sleek Black hair, that falls just past the shoulders. 5'11", grey eyes, low whispering voice, scar down next to the left eye. Angry at the world, prepared to kill anyone who stands in his way. Seeking Revenge (See bio)
Short RP example:
Mordred: Men! Put on your armor and prepare for the battle!
Servant: Sir, the Dwarves have surrounded the city and are marching toward us with those awful machines!
Mordred: Light your arrows men! We've got some machines to destroy
*Marches up to his gates, closes his eyes and walks straight through the solid metal bars*
Mordred: For Morguese!
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph):
Mordred has sworn his life to hunting down the murderer of his sister Moguese. He kills everyone in his path, friend or foe. He only trusts few, including his half-brother Daetris. Mordred uses magic to defeat many but he uses these skills unfairly. He fights dirty. Mordred is the King of Sanctae, the city of the night elves, which are an evil set of creatures that live of blood. He must find the murderer of his sister at all costs.
rver?:I love to Role Play but I want to get better!
Have you read the rules?:Yes indeedy :3
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:Sleek Black hair, that falls just past the shoulders. 5'11", grey eyes, low whispering voice, scar down next to the left eye. Angry at the world, prepared to kill anyone who stands in his way. Seeking Revenge (See bio)
Great app, accepted and whitelisted.. Welcome to the server!
Why do you want to play on this server: I've never role played but i'd like to try it
Have you read the rules?:Yes
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:black hair usually covered by a hood, 5'11", Two different colored eyes one red and one gold Loud commanding voice, Is fair and just to his allies but will unleash hell upon his enemies, has a thirst for arcane knowledge
Short RP example:
Thieve: Get the gold and lets get out of here!
Thieve #2: Its all loaded up now lets get out of here.
The thieves spot a hooded figure watching them from a distance*
thieve : Who are you?
Daertis: Come now that's no way to talk to your king
Thieve#2: King Daertis please show us mercy!
Daertis: There will be no mercy for traitors Aclonyus
* starts to chant arcane words and thieves writhe in pain the two thieves crumble into dust
Daertis: Be glad I took pity on you *disappears into the night
Daertis was given to the Night Elf council showing great prowess in the arcane. He grew up studying ancient tomes and developed a thirst for power. This thirst became so great that when he turned 21 he felt he was ready to learn the most powerful spell the night elf council had known as the Ismodian tablet. Growing Tired of Daertis's lust for power they tried to banish him to the realm of darkness. Daertis weak from battling his mentors activated the Ismodian tablet. the resulting activation gave him powers he could only dream of and destroyed the entire town around him. Grieving for the destruction he caused and now a fugitive he escaped taking the Ismodian tablet with him. Daertis is the King of Sanctae ruling alongside his half brother Mordred. He continues to study the Ismodian tablet in hopes to unlock greater power.
In game name: My IGN is Polofficer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country or timezone: USA, EST
Why do you want to play on this server?: I have been looking for a good Roleplaying server
Have you read the rules?: No, rules are obsolete, I get to do what ever I want. Just kidding
Name: Thomas
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well: Tom has green eyes, broad shoulders and a scar on his left eye. He is 5'6", with a deep harsh voice. He is muscular and very intimidating
Short RP example:
"Sir, Lord John has commanded you not to do this." said one of Tom's soldier "I dont care, its a village of heretics and cutthroats." said Tom, odering his thrity men to surround the small village "Sir, if you do this the Lord will execute you." said the soldier again. "Keep talking, and I will lob off your head." said Tom "Order the soldiers to light the arrows and aim for the thatch rooftops, not the people." Tom said. "Yessir." His sergeant replied. "On my mark" said Tom "LOOSE" Tom bellowed, and all the townspeople heard was the twang of twenty bows before the arrows hit their roofs and started fire. "CHARGE" Tom yelled. Tom charged one of the guards and dodge a swing from his sword and stabbed the man in the gut. He than attacked a farmer who raised a pitchfork in defense, but got a knife to the shoulder. When the village was burned, Tom and his men left back to the citadel without another thought.
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph): Tom was the son of a sergeant, who served a minor lord. Tom's father fought for his lord loyally, even to his death. Tom's father was killed in battle when he was three and his mother had died during child birth. So Lord John brought raised Tom as his own. He knighted Tom when he was 16 and gave him thirty soldiers. Tom led these soldiers all around. But one day Tom raided a elven village and Lord John banished him from the barony. He also sent patrols after him to make sure he left, and if he didnt they would kill him. So Tom fled to these lands. Hoping to reconcile his ways from the past and start anew.
In game name: My IGN is Polofficer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country or timezone: USA, EST
Why do you want to play on this server?: I have been looking for a good Roleplaying server
Have you read the rules?: No, rules are obsolete, I get to do what ever I want. Just kidding
Name: Thomas
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well: Tom has green eyes, broad shoulders and a scar on his left eye. He is 5'6", with a deep harsh voice. He is muscular and very intimidating
Short RP example:
"Sir, Lord John has commanded you not to do this." said one of Tom's soldier "I dont care, its a village of heretics and cutthroats." said Tom, odering his thrity men to surround the small village "Sir, if you do this the Lord will execute you." said the soldier again. "Keep talking, and I will lob off your head." said Tom "Order the soldiers to light the arrows and aim for the thatch rooftops, not the people." Tom said. "Yessir." His sergeant replied. "On my mark" said Tom "LOOSE" Tom bellowed, and all the townspeople heard was the twang of twenty bows before the arrows hit their roofs and started fire. "CHARGE" Tom yelled. Tom charged one of the guards and dodge a swing from his sword and stabbed the man in the gut. He than attacked a farmer who raised a pitchfork in defense, but got a knife to the shoulder. When the village was burned, Tom and his men left back to the citadel without another thought.
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph): Tom was the son of a sergeant, who served a minor lord. Tom's father fought for his lord loyally, even to his death. Tom's father was killed in battle when he was three and his mother had died during child birth. So Lord John brought raised Tom as his own. He knighted Tom when he was 16 and gave him thirty soldiers. Tom led these soldiers all around. But one day Tom raided a elven village and Lord John banished him from the barony. He also sent patrols after him to make sure he left, and if he didnt they would kill him. So Tom fled to these lands. Hoping to reconcile his ways from the past and start anew.
Hello all!This is Jojoj123123/Beartic. Welcome to Imperium Universale! Me and my friends have recently
wanted to create a cool medieval server so we went ahead and made it. We are an RP server based on a Medieval/Fantasy genre. We have finished building for the main factions and are taking applications. We currently have many plugins to enhance the server, such as Factions, Citizens, Herochat, DragonTravel, iConomy, Vampires, and Werewolfs.
So, if you would like to apply in and join the server, you'll be greeted with a large amount of interesting new takes on the Medieval environment and feel beautiful cities that lay at your fingertips, and the factions! Be a trader, be a soldier, be a doctor, be your wildest dreams.
Trial Moderators:
In the works
There is many different races you can play as-Humans
-There is also a plugin for Werewolfs and Vampires
Description: The Duchy of Holstein.
Leader: Jojoj123123
Description: The Previc Empire.
Leader: Bigstealth
Description: The Great Mirtaken Empire.
Leader: Pyro219
Description: We are the Druid Race. Masters of arcane powers from the north.
Leader: Hawk415
Description: Hikyonu Oorami des Amatawa
Leader: Doodey
Descriptions: Noble Dwarves of the Southern caves.
Leader: Tealmau5
Rules list:
Respect the staff and players
If you have a complaint or suggestion, please report it to mods/admins
No 1x1 towers or bridges to break into bases
No Griefing
Absolutely NO X-Ray Clients or Mods
No Inappropriate Names
No Racism
No Sexism
When in Local Chat, Use Correct Grammar (As Much As You CAN)
Put a "Diamond" In Your App to show that you have read the rules
Use Relevant Skins
Do not spam
Application for whitelist:
In game name:
Country or timezone:
Why do you want to play on this server?:
Have you read the rules?:
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:
Short RP example:
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph):
Texture Pack:
$1 Tiny Package
An In-Game Title Color
Set of Diamond tools and a sword
$5 -Small Package
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority;Set of Diamond tools
5 Diamond Blocks
$10 – Far Package
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority
World Guard [Town Size]
2 Full Diamond Equipment (Armor and tools)
45 Diamonds
Diamond Kit Permissions
$50 - Diamond Package
If you are very very kind to donate $50, you will receive the Diamond package. In this package, you will receive
An In-Game Title Color
#1 Priority
World Guard [Large Town Size]
3 Full Diamond Equipment (Armor and tools)
2 Stacks of Diamonds
Minor Permssions/commands.
Great app, accepted and whitelisted.. Welcome to the server!
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country or timezone: USA, EST
Why do you want to play on this server?: I have been looking for a good Roleplaying server
Have you read the rules?: No, rules are obsolete, I get to do what ever I want. Just kidding
Name: Thomas
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well: Tom has green eyes, broad shoulders and a scar on his left eye. He is 5'6", with a deep harsh voice. He is muscular and very intimidating
Short RP example:
"Sir, Lord John has commanded you not to do this." said one of Tom's soldier "I dont care, its a village of heretics and cutthroats." said Tom, odering his thrity men to surround the small village "Sir, if you do this the Lord will execute you." said the soldier again. "Keep talking, and I will lob off your head." said Tom "Order the soldiers to light the arrows and aim for the thatch rooftops, not the people." Tom said. "Yessir." His sergeant replied. "On my mark" said Tom "LOOSE" Tom bellowed, and all the townspeople heard was the twang of twenty bows before the arrows hit their roofs and started fire. "CHARGE" Tom yelled. Tom charged one of the guards and dodge a swing from his sword and stabbed the man in the gut. He than attacked a farmer who raised a pitchfork in defense, but got a knife to the shoulder. When the village was burned, Tom and his men left back to the citadel without another thought.
Character biography/lore (At LEAST 1 paragraph): Tom was the son of a sergeant, who served a minor lord. Tom's father fought for his lord loyally, even to his death. Tom's father was killed in battle when he was three and his mother had died during child birth. So Lord John brought raised Tom as his own. He knighted Tom when he was 16 and gave him thirty soldiers. Tom led these soldiers all around. But one day Tom raided a elven village and Lord John banished him from the barony. He also sent patrols after him to make sure he left, and if he didnt they would kill him. So Tom fled to these lands. Hoping to reconcile his ways from the past and start anew.
Good app, accepted!