Since yesterday. We've got a solid userbase and every forum bump brings griefers, so we're restricting new users now. We're checking to see if new players have a ban history.
1. In game name: TheMightyFreddy
2. Do you have kids:No
3. Are you married:No
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building things and exploring.
1. In game name: TheMightyFreddy
2. Do you have kids:No
3. Are you married:No
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building things and exploring.
You've been added as well!
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Battle not with creepers, lest ye become a creeper, and if you gaze into the ravine, the ravine gazes also into you.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
The Middle Of Nowhere
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Hey Whiffle, I'd like to ask you a question. You know that sandstone hut that I built near spawn (the one you banned sovietsparkles for destroying?) Well, it seems that someone has inhabited it, even though I put a sign in front of it saying not to. I looked into the chest that was there (in the same exact spot I placed it in) there is a lot of stuff in there, but what's curious about it is that about half of what is in the chest I can clearly recall me getting first. Is it just a lucky glitch, or did someone really take over my hut?
1. In game name: Calfeggs
2. Do you have kids:No
3. Are you married:No
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Making advanced redstone traps n' such, fighting, and starting groups (no clan mods, to promote backstabbing
1. Do you have kids: Yes, three!
2. Are you married: Yes.
3. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Lately, exploring, especially oceans/islands. Love caving, too. I haven't done much co-op stuff, but I like having people to chat with while I play, and like checking out other's builds.
4.IGN: Digginuptheworld
I'm still kind of a MC noob, I've only been playing about five months. My current server has become sort of abandoned, so I'm looking for a new "home".
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
The Middle Of Nowhere
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Whiffle, I have a problem. I died while trying to get to soviet sparkles and give him food, and because of the fact that I slept in Fallen Epicness's bed,I ended up respawning on another continent. As you could imagine, it's not easy getting across 14,000 blocks in 3 minutes, so I broke Fallen's bed and respawned at new spawn. Unfortunately I didn't get my stuff back. I'd really appreciate if you could reimburse this and somehow scan the block to get my items back, because I could have used my free tp but an op wasn't there, so I couldn't. Can you respond and tell if you feel I deserve a second chance?
2:I will at some point
3:no, but im dating someone
4:i mostly like to have a fun time in minecraft and in regular servers there are a buch of annoying people.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
The Middle Of Nowhere
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Whiffle, I have a problem. I died while trying to get to soviet sparkles and give him food, and because of the fact that I slept in Fallen Epicness's bed,I ended up respawning on another continent. As you could imagine, it's not easy getting across 14,000 blocks in 3 minutes, so I broke Fallen's bed and respawned at new spawn. Unfortunately I didn't get my stuff back. I'd really appreciate if you could reimburse this and somehow scan the block to get my items back, because I could have used my free tp but an op wasn't there, so I couldn't. Can you respond and tell if you feel I deserve a second chance?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
The Middle Of Nowhere
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Is this just my connection, or is there some downtime on the server?I think we did, Vlevo. Shame, I was just getting a lot of food cooked up.Oh, i just realized I re-posted my complaint. Whoops. Sorry Whiffle, if you happen to read this.
2. Are you married: Nope.
3. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building,mining,and pvp.
Since yesterday. We've got a solid userbase and every forum bump brings griefers, so we're restricting new users now. We're checking to see if new players have a ban history.
Sorry, we cannot accept you due to your MCBans history.
You are approved, welcome!
1. In game name: Chinaski90.
2. Do you have kids: No.
3. Are you married: No.
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building awesome stuff.
Have a nice day!
2. Do you have kids:No
3. Are you married:No
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building things and exploring.
You've been added. Enjoy!
You've been added as well!
2. Do you have kids: No.
3. Are you married: No.
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Building/mineing.
2. Do you have kids:No
3. Are you married:No
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Making advanced redstone traps n' such, fighting, and starting groups (no clan mods, to promote backstabbing
2. Are you married: Yes.
3. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Lately, exploring, especially oceans/islands. Love caving, too. I haven't done much co-op stuff, but I like having people to chat with while I play, and like checking out other's builds.
4.IGN: Digginuptheworld
I'm still kind of a MC noob, I've only been playing about five months. My current server has become sort of abandoned, so I'm looking for a new "home".
2. Do you have kids: Nope
3. Are you married: Nope
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: Everything
2:I will at some point
3:no, but im dating someone
4:i mostly like to have a fun time in minecraft and in regular servers there are a buch of annoying people.
2. Do you have kids: nope ton of little cousins though (oldest on both sides of the family)
3. Are you married: long standing GF live together in our first apt
4. What do you enjoy the most about Minecraft: building within a community and creating stories
Cant wait to see what a great community this is
It is just selective about who its friends are.
Go "Edit" the extra ones and make them say something like "Oops, reposted. Sorry."
It is just selective about who its friends are.