6. Why should we choose you? im really mature guy and im very funny(alot of people say that to me)
im very intresting and i really love meeting new freinds and playing together.
you wont get easly bored from me ! :}
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? :my home language is hebrew but i can speak english in level 10
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?GuudeBulderFist
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: VintageBeef. I like his voice and building style.
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Purchased the game on September 20, 2010. I played single player off and on since then, but I recently have been looking to play SMP.
6. Why should we choose you? I think you should select me because I am older and more mature than a lot of players. Also I would play frequently and be a long term member. Other than that I would be a helpful, respectful, reliable and generally nice member of the community.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I'm from Alabama in the US and speak English. I can also understand Spanish a good bit and French to a lesser extent.
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guude.
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Pause and because other people on the mindcrack server talk mostly about the game and I feel Pause talks about topics more.
4. How long have you been playing MC?:Iv'e been playing for about a year now. 5. Building Skill (1-10)7 Redstone Skill (1-10)9 Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?Well I think I could help people with building and redstone stuff and all around I would be friendly.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I speak english the best,I'm from Winnipeg (Thats where pause lives) 8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?GuudeBoulderfist
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Kurtjmac - I had heard about him previously through far lands or bust, and when he joined Mindcrack, I started watching the other Mindcrack LP'ers videos (mainly VintageBeef / Etho / Zisteau)
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since around Beta 1.9, but don't get me wrong, I may have started Minecraft a low later than most people, but I know as much about it as people who started playing in Alpha.
6. Why should we choose you?: I could bring a lot of fun to a server like this - I love pranking / events.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) English - I'm from New Zealand. :3
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Why, it's Guude of course!
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Etho - Awesome at Redstone, and other Minecraft inventions, Which intrest me a lot.
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since the "Halloween Update"
5. Building Skill (1-10) 8 Redstone Skill (1-10) 7 Maturity Level (1-10) 11 (Just give me a chance )
6. Why should we choose you? I know alot about Mindcrack, I'm friendly to everyone, I like to build things and I am a really active and helpful player!
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I speak English best, and I'm from the U.S
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guude created the Mindcrack server in late 2010
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Pause and because other people on the mindcrack server talk mostly about the game and I feel Pause talks about topics more.
4. How long have you been playing MC?:Iv'e been playing for about a year now. 5. Building Skill (1-10)7 Redstone Skill (1-10)9 Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?Well I think I could help people with building and redstone stuff and all around I would be friendly. I play friendly and would never grief I also love to prank people and go caving with people
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I speak english the best,I'm from Winnipeg (Thats where pause lives) 8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?GuudeBoulderfist
1. In-Game-Name: alex2715 (Kinda rushed the purchase, was hoping to pick an acctual screen name later lol)
2. Age: 19
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: VintageBeef - subscribed to him, his channel introduced me to mindcrack and more importantly prankwars Etho - I put him as my other favorite less for his mindcrack videos, more for the fact that he introduced me to super hostile. Aside from the introductions, the two of them put out amazing stuff onto youtube that kills my boredom quite well when I have nothing better to do.
4. How long have you been playing MC?: since indev (though I started with a cracked client, i eventually liked the game so much I bought it That was around the start of beta)
6. Why should we choose you? I just went through 9 pages on the minecraft server forum trying to find a plain vanilla server. Seriously I felt like I was back on counter-strike with all the bot servers. Just pointing this out cause I can tell you honestly that I can appreciate a server that can do it the ol' fashion way. Apart from that I'm a fast builder, can eventually figure out most redstone circuits (though that doesn't stop me from bashing my head on the table from time to time) and don't start conflicts with other players (not intentially at least ).
EDIT: Almost forgot to say, I almost left the page when I saw this line lmao
Do you want to play on a server where you can kill mobs, level up, become stronger, and have factions?!
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
English is my 1st language and I'm from Canada
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? I can tell you this without looking at previous applications, its Guude
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Pause cause his farming abilities with sheep and cow are hilarious and hes much more the average normal mincrafter that i think most of us can relate to
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since Alpha with Secret Friday Updates and drop a tool in SMP and it regens days
6. Why should we choose you? I enjoy good community servers and working to create a good community. This would be a great engine to start my youtube channel into something more constant and enjoyable instead of something more sporadic which it is right now. I have experience as a Server owner and admin so I can relate to those in charge.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) English and im from NH USA
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Guude and MCGamer,PauseUnPause
Because they are funny and good commentators, and just great people in general!
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since InvDev
5. Building Skill (1-10)7 Redstone Skill (1-10)5 Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?
Im very laidback and mature enough to play a game with others, and I dont flip out I have pretty good building skills so yeah c: 7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
I am mostly German, I am 8-9 Some of my punctuation is kinda messy. 8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guudebouldertits xD
And yes I know its Guudeboulderfist
2. Age:15
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Guude because i think he is really funny and he got awesome luagh!
4. How long have you been playing MC?:sience early alpha
5. Building Skill (1-10) 6
Redstone Skill (1-10)2
Maturity Level (1-10)10
6. Why should we choose you? im really mature guy and im very funny(alot of people say that to me)
im very intresting and i really love meeting new freinds and playing together.
you wont get easly bored from me ! :}
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? :my home language is hebrew but i can speak english in level 10
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?GuudeBulderFist
2. Age: 27
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: VintageBeef. I like his voice and building style.
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Purchased the game on September 20, 2010. I played single player off and on since then, but I recently have been looking to play SMP.
5. Building Skill (1-10) - 7
Redstone Skill (1-10) - 6
Maturity Level (1-10) - 10
6. Why should we choose you? I think you should select me because I am older and more mature than a lot of players. Also I would play frequently and be a long term member. Other than that I would be a helpful, respectful, reliable and generally nice member of the community.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I'm from Alabama in the US and speak English. I can also understand Spanish a good bit and French to a lesser extent.
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guude.
The finished fully replicated nether hub with some of our own touches, even the Zisteaus were in on this picture.
Here is when our nether hub that was replicated to look like the Mindcrack nether hub was getting the glowstone put into the roof.
because we thought it would be a good idea
2. Age:14
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Pause and because other people on the mindcrack server talk mostly about the game and I feel Pause talks about topics more.
4. How long have you been playing MC?:Iv'e been playing for about a year now.
5. Building Skill (1-10)7
Redstone Skill (1-10)9
Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?Well I think I could help people with building and redstone stuff and all around I would be friendly.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I speak english the best,I'm from Winnipeg (Thats where pause lives)
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?GuudeBoulderfist
2. Age: 15
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Kurtjmac - I had heard about him previously through far lands or bust, and when he joined Mindcrack, I started watching the other Mindcrack LP'ers videos (mainly VintageBeef / Etho / Zisteau)
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since around Beta 1.9, but don't get me wrong, I may have started Minecraft a low later than most people, but I know as much about it as people who started playing in Alpha.
5. Building Skill (1-10) 6
Redstone Skill (1-10) 5
Maturity Level (1-10) 7
6. Why should we choose you?: I could bring a lot of fun to a server like this - I love pranking / events.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) English - I'm from New Zealand. :3
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Why, it's Guude of course!
2. Age: 13
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Etho - Awesome at Redstone, and other Minecraft inventions, Which intrest me a lot.
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since the "Halloween Update"
5. Building Skill (1-10) 8
Redstone Skill (1-10) 7
Maturity Level (1-10) 11 (Just give me a chance
6. Why should we choose you? I know alot about Mindcrack, I'm friendly to everyone, I like to build things and I am a really active and helpful player!
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) I speak English best, and I'm from the U.S
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guude created the Mindcrack server in late 2010
I wasn't being immature I was stating the real reason why we made it look like the Mindcrack one.
Well, then it's a good thing that I will never even consider you for our server. Have a good day. Your chances for joining us are now zero.
2. Age: 19
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: VintageBeef - subscribed to him, his channel introduced me to mindcrack and more importantly prankwars
4. How long have you been playing MC?: since indev (though I started with a cracked client, i eventually liked the game so much I bought it
5. Building Skill (1-10) 8
Redstone Skill (1-10) 8
Maturity Level (1-10) 10
6. Why should we choose you? I just went through 9 pages on the minecraft server forum trying to find a plain vanilla server. Seriously I felt like I was back on counter-strike with all the bot servers. Just pointing this out cause I can tell you honestly that I can appreciate a server that can do it the ol' fashion way. Apart from that I'm a fast builder, can eventually figure out most redstone circuits (though that doesn't stop me from bashing my head on the table from time to time) and don't start conflicts with other players (not intentially at least
EDIT: Almost forgot to say, I almost left the page when I saw this line lmao
Do you want to play on a server where you can kill mobs, level up, become stronger, and have factions?!
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
English is my 1st language and I'm from Canada
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? I can tell you this without looking at previous applications, its Guude
2. Age:15
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Zisteua bdubs arkas vintage and nebs for there giant builds
4. How long have you been playing MC?:2 and a half years
5. Building Skill (1-10)8
Redstone Skill (1-10)7
Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?Giant fan of mindcrack and love to play the game
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? :English Chicago <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?
2. Age:14
3. Favorite mindcrack player(s) and reason why:Etho i like etho because hes the one that brought me to minecraft
4. How long have you been playing MC?: eversince 1.7.3
5. Building Skill (1-10) 6
Redstone Skill (1-10) 8
Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you? because im mature and not a greifer theif or anything like that and im looking for a server that dosent have that stuff
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) English 9
8. Question: Who owns the MindCrack server?Guude
2. Age: 27
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Pause cause his farming abilities with sheep and cow are hilarious and hes much more the average normal mincrafter that i think most of us can relate to
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since Alpha with Secret Friday Updates and drop a tool in SMP and it regens days
5. Building Skill (1-10) 8
Redstone Skill (1-10) 1 maybe lol
Maturity Level (1-10) 10
6. Why should we choose you? I enjoy good community servers and working to create a good community. This would be a great engine to start my youtube channel into something more constant and enjoyable instead of something more sporadic which it is right now. I have experience as a Server owner and admin so I can relate to those in charge.
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10) English and im from NH USA
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guude
2. Age: 14
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why: Guude and MCGamer,PauseUnPause
Because they are funny and good commentators, and just great people in general!
4. How long have you been playing MC?: Since InvDev
5. Building Skill (1-10)7
Redstone Skill (1-10)5
Maturity Level (1-10)8
6. Why should we choose you?
Im very laidback and mature enough to play a game with others, and I dont flip out I have pretty good building skills so yeah c:
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
I am mostly German, I am 8-9 Some of my punctuation is kinda messy.
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server? Guudebouldertits xD
And yes I know its Guudeboulderfist