Out-of- Character:nick7489100
in-Character Name:tyler
What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive):NRR (New russian republic)
How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?:a few days sence its new
How Active Are You On The Forums?:kind of active
Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?:im a great leader and roleplayer
How Is This Faction In Russia?:the name explains it
What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs):idk if it already has a back story or not
What Will Your Faction Discription Be?:idk
What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: in the faction section
What Are Your Factions Perks?:in the faction section
How Did You Form This Faction?:the server formed it
Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?:yes
What will your faction Base's be like?:what ever u make it like!
What Race's does your Faction Allow?:humans
OK, you probably think this app is stupid but im signing up to be leader of NRR which is already above. idk if u have any certain stuff you wantt the faction to have so i didnt do anything for the background and that stuff. i hope u accept this leadership role :3
btw: sry about my other post idk why it had all those numbers and stuff in it
I Have Waited 3 FREAKIN DAYS! JUST ACCEPT ME GIVE ME THE IP ADDRESS AND LET ME HAVE SOME FUN! THIS IS THE WORST WhiteLIST WATE eVER! (No Offense, I'm just Angry, Bored, And I really want to get i....
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Miley Cyrus entered my room. She approached slowly, with a grin on her face...
Why Us?: I generally enjoy Fallout and Minecraft. I especially like when certain games are mixed, it gives you a fun experience when you get to play basically to games at the same time but have a unique story altogether.
How Have You Found About Us?: MinecraftForum
RolePlaying Experiance?: A few forums, another Minecraft server, several years of Larping with my friends XD
In Character:
Name: Wayne Gorild
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Personality: Schizophrenic, paranoid, tends to ramble a lot.
Race: Human
SubRace: Junky
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): He was raised in a moderately happy family, everything he wanted he would get, his life was perfect. But he always longed for the life of an adventurer, being able to roam the land and kill big monsters. He was walking in town on a windy day and his hat flew off, he ran after it, afraid that his father would be cross if he lost the hat, and found it lying at the feet of a group of teenagers sitting behind the market. He questioned them why they were standing there. One man said, holding up a pill bottle, "Were going on an adventure *hehehe*" The boy was curious so he asked if he could go with them. After they talked amongst themselves the decided, "Sure kid, first one's free *hahaha*" The boy took a handful of pills and swallowed them. Instantly he began seeing visions of big monsters that he could slay. Eventually the boy became addicted to the pills and robbed his family blind so he could buy more. His father disowned him and kicked the boy out of their household. The boy grew up on the streets, constantly looking for a new way to get money for pills. One day he was so OD'd on pills that he wandered off into the wild, he hasn't been seen back at that town since.
Why Us?: Fallout and Minecraft are my favorite games, and i LOVE role-playing.
How Have You Found About Us?: Surfing the minecraft forums.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I have been on a couple of RP servers. I role-play on all games with my friends from halo to gtaIV.
In Character:
Name: August Cale
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Personality: Very kind, honest, believes small sacrifices needs to be made for a greater cause.
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): August was born in Moscow. Most of the times his parents would not let him outside because of all the terrible things in this poor and destroyed city. He never really had any parents, they just dumped him on the road when he was 7 years old, but he did not remember anything from those seven years. His life in Moscow was relatively normal. He managed a house with a small garden and survived on his own. One day the enclave came to his small neighborhood and took all the crops for a "Greater cause". Now August was one to believe small sacrifices needed to be made for a greater cause so he just blew it off, but as the soldiers were leaving a group of teenage children, about 14 years old threw rocks at the soldiers. One of the teens were shot. As august listened to the enclave radio, he decided he wanted to be a Brother hood of steel member to help their cause.
Why Us?: I Have seen good reviews of this server from other players. My friend goes on this server and he says he loves it. plus i am in desperation for a good role playing server.
How Have You Found About Us?: a friend told me about it.
RolePlaying Experiance?: i am very experienced in role playing. I have been on atleast 10-15 role playing servers. And stayed on them until it either failed, corruption occured, or i juast got bored of it and nobody went on anymore.
In Character:
Name: Vladimir Patrenkov
Age: 25
Personality: Large strong man who works out daily, and is very intelligent.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): It has been weeks since Vladimir saw his mother and father. He is returning to Moscow to find them again. He has traveled trough many wrecked and abandoned cities in order to try and find them. He has also been thinking about his sister and bother, Valerie and Maks. Both traveled to America in hopes of escaping this hell. Vladimir has been wondering though, is it only Russia or is it all around the world. 'Well to late to think about it now' says Vladimir ' I shall be in Moscow in about a day or two and I must be vigilant for my parents. I only hope i don't encounter any * ahem* not too friendly visitors.' He says to a dead corpse. 'oh i forgot to mention' I say, the narrator 'he talks to dead people.
I Have Waited 3 FREAKIN DAYS! JUST ACCEPT ME GIVE ME THE IP ADDRESS AND LET ME HAVE SOME FUN! THIS IS THE WORST WhiteLIST WATE eVER! (No Offense, I'm just Angry, Bored, And I really want to get i....
sorry for the wait, you are accepted and if you want to be a builder PM me, the only reason it's ben so long is cause we realie on fallout to do the forums.
Why Us?: I generally enjoy Fallout and Minecraft. I especially like when certain games are mixed, it gives you a fun experience when you get to play basically to games at the same time but have a unique story altogether.
How Have You Found About Us?: MinecraftForum
RolePlaying Experiance?: A few forums, another Minecraft server, several years of Larping with my friends XD
In Character:
Name: Wayne Gorild
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Personality: Schizophrenic, paranoid, tends to ramble a lot.
Race: Human
SubRace: Junky
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): He was raised in a moderately happy family, everything he wanted he would get, his life was perfect. But he always longed for the life of an adventurer, being able to roam the land and kill big monsters. He was walking in town on a windy day and his hat flew off, he ran after it, afraid that his father would be cross if he lost the hat, and found it lying at the feet of a group of teenagers sitting behind the market. He questioned them why they were standing there. One man said, holding up a pill bottle, "Were going on an adventure *hehehe*" The boy was curious so he asked if he could go with them. After they talked amongst themselves the decided, "Sure kid, first one's free *hahaha*" The boy took a handful of pills and swallowed them. Instantly he began seeing visions of big monsters that he could slay. Eventually the boy became addicted to the pills and robbed his family blind so he could buy more. His father disowned him and kicked the boy out of their household. The boy grew up on the streets, constantly looking for a new way to get money for pills. One day he was so OD'd on pills that he wandered off into the wild, he hasn't been seen back at that town since.
Why Us?: Fallout and Minecraft are my favorite games, and i LOVE role-playing.
How Have You Found About Us?: Surfing the minecraft forums.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I have been on a couple of RP servers. I role-play on all games with my friends from halo to gtaIV.
In Character:
Name: August Cale
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Personality: Very kind, honest, believes small sacrifices needs to be made for a greater cause.
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): August was born in Moscow. Most of the times his parents would not let him outside because of all the terrible things in this poor and destroyed city. He never really had any parents, they just dumped him on the road when he was 7 years old, but he did not remember anything from those seven years. His life in Moscow was relatively normal. He managed a house with a small garden and survived on his own. One day the enclave came to his small neighborhood and took all the crops for a "Greater cause". Now August was one to believe small sacrifices needed to be made for a greater cause so he just blew it off, but as the soldiers were leaving a group of teenage children, about 14 years old threw rocks at the soldiers. One of the teens were shot. As august listened to the enclave radio, he decided he wanted to be a Brother hood of steel member to help their cause.
I hope i get Accepted
accepted, and i run the brotherhood so hope to see you at our doors
Why Us?: I Have seen good reviews of this server from other players. My friend goes on this server and he says he loves it. plus i am in desperation for a good role playing server.
How Have You Found About Us?: a friend told me about it.
RolePlaying Experiance?: i am very experienced in role playing. I have been on atleast 10-15 role playing servers. And stayed on them until it either failed, corruption occured, or i juast got bored of it and nobody went on anymore.
In Character:
Name: Vladimir Patrenkov
Age: 25
Personality: Large strong man who works out daily, and is very intelligent.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): It has been weeks since Vladimir saw his mother and father. He is returning to Moscow to find them again. He has traveled trough many wrecked and abandoned cities in order to try and find them. He has also been thinking about his sister and bother, Valerie and Maks. Both traveled to America in hopes of escaping this hell. Vladimir has been wondering though, is it only Russia or is it all around the world. 'Well to late to think about it now' says Vladimir ' I shall be in Moscow in about a day or two and I must be vigilant for my parents. I only hope i don't encounter any * ahem* not too friendly visitors.' He says to a dead corpse. 'oh i forgot to mention' I say, the narrator 'he talks to dead people.
sorry for the wait, you are accepted and if you want to be a builder PM me, the only reason it's ben so long is cause we realie on fallout to do the forums.
Thx. I'm SO EXCITED! Cant Wait to, And if the Brotherhood is the ne with Technology, than I may Join! (one*)Btw, Builder? IDK what that is.also Whats The Server IP? PM me it.
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Miley Cyrus entered my room. She approached slowly, with a grin on her face...
Sounds Epic, What About Planes And Vehicles Mods, Not Telling You Too, And I know it takes a while for this stuff, but just giving Ideas,Im Exited about Mods Cause I could Never Figure out how to Down Load one, XD
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Miley Cyrus entered my room. She approached slowly, with a grin on her face...
Sounds Epic, What About Planes And Vehicles Mods, Not Telling You Too, And I know it takes a while for this stuff, but just giving Ideas,Im Exited about Mods Cause I could Never Figure out how to Down Load one, XD
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, and I agree to follow all of them.
Why Us?: This seems like a server that has great potential and would like to join to have some fun.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraftforum.net
RolePlaying Experiance?: i have had very little, but want to give it a try.
In Character:
Name: Andrei
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Personality: Violent, Aggressive, Dangerous, Willing to fight.
Race: Human
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I am Andrei (Andrew) born and raised in a small town outside of Moscow. I have been in and out of jail since the age of 14, when i beat someone's head in, after he started a fight with me. I will not back down from a fight, and will not stop until its over. In my later years i join the Russian Mob, selling drugs and people to the highest bidder. I had not been out doing this long before I was hired as a hit-man to "take care of" a witness to a murder by another mob member. After 24 years in Russia, I was wanted by the government for too many crimes to count, I was forced to flee and would return when the time was right. The time is now...
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, and I agree to follow all of them.
Why Us?: This seems like a server that has great potential and would like to join to have some fun.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraftforum.net
RolePlaying Experiance?: i have had very little, but want to give it a try.
In Character:
Name: Andrei
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Personality: Violent, Aggressive, Dangerous, Willing to fight.
Race: Human
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I am Andrei (Andrew) born and raised in a small town outside of Moscow. I have been in and out of jail since the age of 14, when i beat someone's head in, after he started a fight with me. I will not back down from a fight, and will not stop until its over. In my later years i join the Russian Mob, selling drugs and people to the highest bidder. I had not been out doing this long before I was hired as a hit-man to "take care of" a witness to a murder by another mob member. After 24 years in Russia, I was wanted by the government for too many crimes to count, I was forced to flee and would return when the time was right. The time is now...
This backGround is to small and read the rules. once u do both things u can be accepted!
-Builder nick
in-Character Name:tyler
What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive):NRR (New russian republic)
How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?:a few days sence its new
How Active Are You On The Forums?:kind of active
Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?:im a great leader and roleplayer
How Is This Faction In Russia?:the name explains it
What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs):idk if it already has a back story or not
What Will Your Faction Discription Be?:idk
What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: in the faction section
What Are Your Factions Perks?:in the faction section
How Did You Form This Faction?:the server formed it
Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?:yes
What will your faction Base's be like?:what ever u make it like!
What Race's does your Faction Allow?:humans
OK, you probably think this app is stupid but im signing up to be leader of NRR which is already above. idk if u have any certain stuff you wantt the faction to have so i didnt do anything for the background and that stuff. i hope u accept this leadership role :3
btw: sry about my other post idk why it had all those numbers and stuff in it
I hope i get Accepted
sorry for the wait, you are accepted and if you want to be a builder PM me, the only reason it's ben so long is cause we realie on fallout to do the forums.
accepted, and i run the brotherhood so hope to see you at our doors
accepted, I see dead people XD
Thx. I'm SO EXCITED! Cant Wait to, And if the Brotherhood is the ne with Technology, than I may Join! (one*)Btw, Builder? IDK what that is.also Whats The Server IP? PM me it.
Sounds Epic, What About Planes And Vehicles Mods, Not Telling You Too, And I know it takes a while for this stuff, but just giving Ideas,Im Exited about Mods Cause I could Never Figure out how to Down Load one, XD
We have a vehicle mod.
This backGround is to small and read the rules. once u do both things u can be accepted!
-Builder nick
Your whitelisted. But, we're screwing with permissions.