Ok I'm here for all your questions as fallout is away now u join a faction in game and only builders get to see the map presently but you can join up by PMing me ur IGN and i can get u in as soon as fallout gets the server back up
How Have You Found About Us?: I learned from a friend.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I RPed on another Fallout Server.
In Character:
Name: Prometheus
Age: 28
Sex: M
Personality: Childish, but is extremely serious when threatened or he chooses to be. Quite night and day actually. He is smart and calculating, but his childness gets in the way.
SubRace: Desert Ranger, he sorta kicks some serious ass.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Prometheus has lived a full life in Detroit and Chicago. But he has finally been turned into a personal army for the chairmen of New Chicago. He was given one mission. To collect the one they call "Yuri Proninski" for the chairmen's personal bodyguards. With Prometheus's Training as a Desert Ranger (equal to that of Veteran NCR Rangers), he should be able to collect the Russian with minimal effort... But few things ever go the way they were supposed to.
Ok, just a few things for now, but I'm sure Ill have more later:
First off, just about all the lore for this server makes no sense. Especially all the factions being in Russia. Like how the crap did they get t Russia? It doesn't look like you explain that all. And The Great Khans were never in South America, they started in Nevada or Cali (can't remember). Also, the NCR and Legion were never in SA either :/ This server just makes 0 sense to me....
Why Us?: Fallout is so cool and Minecraft is so cool so the 2 together would makea cool sandwich of awesomeness
How Have You Found About Us?: My friends!!1!
RolePlaying Experiance?: ever since i was a small child I have role played.
In Character:
Name: Alien dude #001
Age: unkown
Sex: alien
Personality: Alieny, cold, big eyes, doesnt speak american, loves bitchez
SubRace: Uh subrace? what the **** is this? Alien?
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Alien dude 001 lived on zeta with his bitchez, he was an alien playboy. He got all that Alien *****. Until the lone wanderer wandered aboard and ****ed with all the aliens. He was sad, he barely escaped with his life. He thought it was scary. Yeah.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Born in the ruins of Leningrad,Yuri lived horribly in their small home,When he was 12 NRR took him from his home and put him in the military,He ran supplies and delivered messages to other troops,By the time he was 14 he got home from first 2 tours to his parent which have been murdered by Communist sympathizers,He never returned to the military and instead left for Moscow to live the rest of his life,He lived there for 15 years and now has left into the Russian wastes,What awaits him now. (BTW I wrote waaaay better Russian FO lore then you guys did)
I REALLY HOPE I GET ACCEPTED OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have NOT read the rules to what I see, If you have do what they say properly your BackStory is small...Very small Your SubRace cant be a SubRace we do not have your personality cannot be Badass either, This is a serious fallout roleplaying server, We have 2 Sponsors and P-M Staff already say they love it without even joining. If you are going to make an attempt that whitelisting please do it properly, Also your an Admin on the server Fallout - New Chicago and are active on it too. I know this because of your forums and multiple people on the inside of your server we do not accept staff from other servers or major active players from server like your own.
Why Us?: Fallout is so cool and Minecraft is so cool so the 2 together would makea cool sandwich of awesomeness
How Have You Found About Us?: My friends!!1!
RolePlaying Experiance?: ever since i was a small child I have role played.
In Character:
Name: Alien dude #001
Age: unkown
Sex: alien
Personality: Alieny, cold, big eyes, doesnt speak american, loves bitchez
SubRace: Uh subrace? what the **** is this? Alien?
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Alien dude 001 lived on zeta with his bitchez, he was an alien playboy. He got all that Alien *****. Until the lone wanderer wandered aboard and ****ed with all the aliens. He was sad, he barely escaped with his life. He thought it was scary. Yeah.
Your spamming our threat how bad this is your in Fallout - New Chicago or "Lost Days" as you may call it and this was intentionaly bad. The only good thing I have to say about it is thank you for bumping our forum post.
How Have You Found About Us?: I learned from a friend.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I RPed on another Fallout Server.
In Character:
Name: Prometheus
Age: 28
Sex: M
Personality: Childish, but is extremely serious when threatened or he chooses to be. Quite night and day actually. He is smart and calculating, but his childness gets in the way.
SubRace: Desert Ranger, he sorta kicks some serious ass.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Prometheus has lived a full life in Detroit and Chicago. But he has finally been turned into a personal army for the chairmen of New Chicago. He was given one mission. To collect the one they call "Yuri Proninski" for the chairmen's personal bodyguards. With Prometheus's Training as a Desert Ranger (equal to that of Veteran NCR Rangers), he should be able to collect the Russian with minimal effort... But few things ever go the way they were supposed to.
I hope i get accepted.
You are staff on the server Fallout - New Chicago although you show more maturity then the other staff I must still denie you due to an Unknown SubRace and a small Backstory.
*Looks big but most questions are around 1-10 words*
Out Of Character:
IGN?: Zachzman (Really, its my only Online Name, Exept Luke615.)
Age: Hm, Should I Rea- 15
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes
Why Us?: I love Fallout NV, Ok With FO 3, DOnt Really like 3. Well, This, Is. BETTER. I <3 Roleplaing Too, Its actually my Favorite Game Type, And it + FO, + MineCraft + Guns + Everythingelse on this server = Epic 1337ness
How Have You Found About Us?: Im looking for Modded Servers with Guns, Planes, Runes, Whatever, Just a awesome Server with mods really. So I was looking and found you
RolePlaying Experiance?: Probably the best in the Universe, Not to Brag but *Says while Smirking* Oops I RPed :3
In Character:
Name: Rafe Ralushiki
Age: 24
Sex: M
Personality: Humorus, Smart,Handsome, MultiPersonality Disoder (Grud Strong and Mean, Bretstiny Female Happy, Sgroved Old Military Genral of UK. Rafe Normal, and last but not least yurnishty, A Wierd Awkward, Like Zane From Ninja Go.).
SubRace: Is This Like Nerd, Junkie. If So, Maybe a Nerd, But Mediocre Strength, Like More than a little but less than alot.
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Born In a house on the Borders of Russia, China, and Mongolia and his Family Being Rich and owning a Silk Farm, Research lab and Slave "Farm" He was always with Technolegy Until he was 20 and moved to the Moscow Area, With a Slave Revolt after him. Now he is a Very Smart Researcher/Later on Engineer in Tula, A small town that survived the war.
And Because The Rules said so i will say I Hope I Get In, Or whatever it said we have to say so you would say yes, Say? Eh.
Ok, just a few things for now, but I'm sure Ill have more later:
First off, just about all the lore for this server makes no sense. Especially all the factions being in Russia. Like how the crap did they get t Russia? It doesn't look like you explain that all. And The Great Khans were never in South America, they started in Nevada or Cali (can't remember). Also, the NCR and Legion were never in SA either :/ This server just makes 0 sense to me....
This server's theme is fallout based all of the Lore is completly different pritty much for example Hover dam broke and flooded, there was never a battle to get it. We have our own custom lore and reasons on how WW 4 NOT 3 happened. Trust me the lore is very very good and we are still working on it once were finished the main lore players take over from there.
.......So because you play on another FO server you cant join? I was gonna join if you guys gave good reasons for the questions i asked and made better lore.....That seems kinda stupid, no other FO server does that
.......So because you play on another FO server you cant join? I was gonna join if you guys gave good reasons for the questions i asked and made better lore.....
That seems kinda stupid, no other FO server does that
No the fact that your people from Fallout Lost Days/ Fallout New Chicago are purposly making bad applications is why they wont get to join. The normal average members can join but anybody that is obviously doing this for immature reasons cannot join if you make a good whitelist application I might accept you though.
No, this lore sucks balls and the whole op sucks and has terrible grammar and spelling XD
Oh wait! Your that Blade guy that was a terrible rp'er on Lost Days and got banned XD And you raped a girl XD Nevermind, I don't wanna join your server, even if you did managed to get good lore. I don't think you will ever succeed between Wild Wasteland, Sins of Our Father, and Lost Days
Im Adding To my Whitelist Application, I Hope I get Accepted
Thanks in advance
First off, just about all the lore for this server makes no sense. Especially all the factions being in Russia. Like how the crap did they get t Russia? It doesn't look like you explain that all. And The Great Khans were never in South America, they started in Nevada or Cali (can't remember). Also, the NCR and Legion were never in SA either :/ This server just makes 0 sense to me....
You have NOT read the rules to what I see, If you have do what they say properly your BackStory is small...Very small Your SubRace cant be a SubRace we do not have your personality cannot be Badass either, This is a serious fallout roleplaying server, We have 2 Sponsors and P-M Staff already say they love it without even joining. If you are going to make an attempt that whitelisting please do it properly, Also your an Admin on the server Fallout - New Chicago and are active on it too. I know this because of your forums and multiple people on the inside of your server we do not accept staff from other servers or major active players from server like your own.
Your spamming our threat how bad this is your in Fallout - New Chicago or "Lost Days" as you may call it and this was intentionaly bad. The only good thing I have to say about it is thank you for bumping our forum post.
Thank you for bumping our threads but denied.
You are staff on the server Fallout - New Chicago although you show more maturity then the other staff I must still denie you due to an Unknown SubRace and a small Backstory.
Too small of a backstory sorry denied
This server's theme is fallout based all of the Lore is completly different pritty much for example Hover dam broke and flooded, there was never a battle to get it. We have our own custom lore and reasons on how WW 4 NOT 3 happened. Trust me the lore is very very good and we are still working on it once were finished the main lore players take over from there.
You will be joining factions in game.
No the fact that your people from Fallout Lost Days/ Fallout New Chicago are purposly making bad applications is why they wont get to join. The normal average members can join but anybody that is obviously doing this for immature reasons cannot join if you make a good whitelist application I might accept you though.
Oh wait! Your that Blade guy that was a terrible rp'er on Lost Days and got banned XD And you raped a girl XD Nevermind, I don't wanna join your server, even if you did managed to get good lore. I don't think you will ever succeed between Wild Wasteland, Sins of Our Father, and Lost Days