Out Of Character: IGN?: CrapMuffin98 Age: 14 Sex (Optional): male Have You Read All The Rules?: yes Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680 How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680 RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character: Name: Erik Smirnov Age: 26 Sex: male Personality: technology expert, and a good leader. very good at making friends, but sometimes too ambitious. Race: Human SubRace: Nerd BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): 50 years ago, the vault Erik's father lived in, Vault 74, was opened. However, there was a group of vault dwellers who believed firmly that any journey to the surface would be a sure suicide mission. They went mutinous, killing the vault overseer, and took control of the vault for themselves. At first, the kept the others in for their own safety. But as time passed, they grew abusive of their power, ruling with an iron fist, and punishing harshly any who dared to question them, or do anything against them. After 15 years of their reign of terror, Erik's father and a friend managed to organize an escape effort. He and 50 others accquired weapons the vault leaders had kept secret for so long, and made a run for the gate. In this attempt, 8 of them died, most at the edge of the gate. As the gate was closing, Erik's father's best friend was shot in the back. He dragged him under just in the nick of time, and the man got his first and only glimpse at the outside world, before he died.
9 years later, The group of escapees had found a suitable place (as suitable as any place in the wasteland could ever be, that is) to build a town, and settled down, trying to recreate a normal life. It was at this time that Erik was born. He had a good bringing up, for their town was reasonably prosperous, as well as led by his father. He grew up hearing stories of the vault, but only of the earlier years, when his father was young. Whenever Erik wanted to hear about the vault opening, or what happened following, his father would hastily change the subject, and Erik would let it go. Despite the huge time gap in the stories, between vault life, and how they had come out here and built a town, Erik loved the stories. He especially loved to hear about the technology. He knew the vault his father had lived in had held more than most. Maps to old world bombs, hidden away, maybe still active, and blueprints for things that, in the hands of the right person, could be used to massively improve wasteland life, and for other things that could lead one to great power. But whenever Erik asked about journeying to the vault, to reclaim this treasure trove of knowledge, his father cautioned him strongly against it, and he left the topic well alone, for a time.
As Erik grew, he tinkered with bits and pieces of things, taking apart weapons and stimpaks to see how they worked, messing around with computers, and when he was 17, he actually went so far as to (with a little help) restore a small nearby hydro-electric power plant from pre-war times, to a certain extent, and provide the town with a little electricity, though not nearly as much as it would have provided when it was built. However, all his life, the need to know exactly what happened when his father's vault opened grew and grew, and he brought it up more and more. Finally, when he was 21, he at last persuaded his father to tell him. He told Erik everything, from the day the vault opened, to the day of the escape.
Despite his father's warnings, Erik gathered a small group of followers and prepared to leave. Not long after, they set off into the wasteland. After a long journey, they arrived at the vault, and took a few days to rest, preparing for the inevitable fight that lay before them. When they were fully ready for the attack, they steeled themselves, then, using a terminal outside the vault which Erik had hacked into, they opened the vault. They managed to fight their way through the guards at the gate, but everything went wrong from there. Their forces were scattered in an onslaught of vault guards, outnumbering them nearly two to one, and with a much more organized fighting force.
Erik and a couple of others escaped the fray of battle, into the tunnels of the vault. With some difficulty, they reached what was formerly the overseer's office without detection, and broke in. The man inside, who had organized the initial takeover, hadn't been in a real fight in years, and he panicked. Erik stood aside, and let him escape. While Erik hacked the vault's computer system to ensure he had control when the battle ended, his men were barely holding up. However, when their leader entered the gate room, and saw the fight, he ordered his men to leave the vault. He escaped with the remainder of his force, leaving the vault, and the few still surviving vault dwellers, under Erik's command.
Once the chaos of the battle had ended, Erik gathered up everyone who was left. Almost everyone in the vault had escaped or been killed, leaving only a handful of survivors from the vault. Erik had his remaining force escort them back to his home town, and went back to the overseer's office. To Erik's dismay, the valuable information once stored in the vault, for the most part, was destroyed, or ruined beyond usefulness. Almost all the blueprints were ruined, and all but a couple of maps. He left them secure in the vault, knowing they were worthless in their current state. Some time later, his men, and a few vault dwellers who elected to come back, returned. Erik left a close friend of his temporarily in charge, and left for some time, to wander the wasteland, and see what was out there, vowing if ever he saw the man who imprisoned his father's vault to kill him. In addition to this, he vowed one day to return to the slave camps he had seen, and liberate them, much as he liberated the people of Vault 74. He searched for technology, sometimes allying himself with the brotherhood, and on occasion returning to his vault. He hoped one day for his small group in vault 74 to become a power in the Russian wasteland, like the Brotherhood. As he continues to grow in power, he has hopes that Erik Smirnov will become a name known all across the wasteland.
I hope I get accepted! Also, I apologize for the new faction application being too early.
Out Of Character: IGN?: CrapMuffin98 Age: 14 Sex (Optional): male Have You Read All The Rules?: yes Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680 How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680 RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character: Name: Erik Smirnov Age: 26 Sex: male Personality: technology expert, and a good leader. very good at making friends, but sometimes too ambitious. Race: Human SubRace: Nerd BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): 50 years ago, the vault Erik's father lived in, Vault 74, was opened. However, there was a group of vault dwellers who believed firmly that any journey to the surface would be a sure suicide mission. They went mutinous, killing the vault overseer, and took control of the vault for themselves. At first, the kept the others in for their own safety. But as time passed, they grew abusive of their power, ruling with an iron fist, and punishing harshly any who dared to question them, or do anything against them. After 15 years of their reign of terror, Erik's father and a friend managed to organize an escape effort. He and 50 others accquired weapons the vault leaders had kept secret for so long, and made a run for the gate. In this attempt, 8 of them died, most at the edge of the gate. As the gate was closing, Erik's father's best friend was shot in the back. He dragged him under just in the nick of time, and the man got his first and only glimpse at the outside world, before he died.
9 years later, The group of escapees had found a suitable place (as suitable as any place in the wasteland could ever be, that is) to build a town, and settled down, trying to recreate a normal life. It was at this time that Erik was born. He had a good bringing up, for their town was reasonably prosperous, as well as led by his father. He grew up hearing stories of the vault, but only of the earlier years, when his father was young. Whenever Erik wanted to hear about the vault opening, or what happened following, his father would hastily change the subject, and Erik would let it go. Despite the huge time gap in the stories, between vault life, and how they had come out here and built a town, Erik loved the stories. He especially loved to hear about the technology. He knew the vault his father had lived in had held more than most. Maps to old world bombs, hidden away, maybe still active, and blueprints for things that, in the hands of the right person, could be used to massively improve wasteland life, and for other things that could lead one to great power. But whenever Erik asked about journeying to the vault, to reclaim this treasure trove of knowledge, his father cautioned him strongly against it, and he left the topic well alone, for a time.
As Erik grew, he tinkered with bits and pieces of things, taking apart weapons and stimpaks to see how they worked, messing around with computers, and when he was 17, he actually went so far as to (with a little help) restore a small nearby hydro-electric power plant from pre-war times, to a certain extent, and provide the town with a little electricity, though not nearly as much as it would have provided when it was built. However, all his life, the need to know exactly what happened when his father's vault opened grew and grew, and he brought it up more and more. Finally, when he was 21, he at last persuaded his father to tell him. He told Erik everything, from the day the vault opened, to the day of the escape.
Despite his father's warnings, Erik gathered a small group of followers and prepared to leave. Not long after, they set off into the wasteland. After a long journey, they arrived at the vault, and took a few days to rest, preparing for the inevitable fight that lay before them. When they were fully ready for the attack, they steeled themselves, then, using a terminal outside the vault which Erik had hacked into, they opened the vault. They managed to fight their way through the guards at the gate, but everything went wrong from there. Their forces were scattered in an onslaught of vault guards, outnumbering them nearly two to one, and with a much more organized fighting force.
Erik and a couple of others escaped the fray of battle, into the tunnels of the vault. With some difficulty, they reached what was formerly the overseer's office without detection, and broke in. The man inside, who had organized the initial takeover, hadn't been in a real fight in years, and he panicked. Erik stood aside, and let him escape. While Erik hacked the vault's computer system to ensure he had control when the battle ended, his men were barely holding up. However, when their leader entered the gate room, and saw the fight, he ordered his men to leave the vault. He escaped with the remainder of his force, leaving the vault, and the few still surviving vault dwellers, under Erik's command.
Once the chaos of the battle had ended, Erik gathered up everyone who was left. Almost everyone in the vault had escaped or been killed, leaving only a handful of survivors from the vault. Erik had his remaining force escort them back to his home town, and went back to the overseer's office. To Erik's dismay, the valuable information once stored in the vault, for the most part, was destroyed, or ruined beyond usefulness. Almost all the blueprints were ruined, and all but a couple of maps. He left them secure in the vault, knowing they were worthless in their current state. Some time later, his men, and a few vault dwellers who elected to come back, returned. Erik left a close friend of his temporarily in charge, and left for some time, to wander the wasteland, and see what was out there, vowing if ever he saw the man who imprisoned his father's vault to kill him. In addition to this, he vowed one day to return to the slave camps he had seen, and liberate them, much as he liberated the people of Vault 74. He searched for technology, sometimes allying himself with the brotherhood, and on occasion returning to his vault. He hoped one day for his small group in vault 74 to become a power in the Russian wasteland, like the Brotherhood. As he continues to grow in power, he has hopes that Erik Smirnov will become a name known all across the wasteland.
I hope I get accepted! Also, I apologize for the new faction application being too early.
Accepted PS: You cant be a Technology Expert or Good Leader as a personality...Personality is like nice mean funny, Happy not Technology expert but ill still accept you.
Why Us?: Because is really awesome that someone brings up a great idea of doing a server about FALLOUT
How Have You Found About Us?: My brother told me about this topic and I like Fallout
RolePlaying Experiance?: Not too much , but I have been in 2 or 3 RP servers
In Character:
Name: Pavel Andreovich Chekov (I see what I did there)
Personality: nice , helpful
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Chekov was born in July 20 , 2259 (if it is 2277 , like in Fallout 3 ) in the Vault 120 , he was one of the few who really was healthy, but he was interested in tech , and specially planes and all that stuff. He was so happy in the Vault and his life was going so well , but a day changed all his way of life... When he was 16, some people started a riot because the Overseer was mean and hateful with them so Chekov join them. Some part of the riot was killed , another part was arrested , but again , he was one of the few who could escape. The sad thing was that Chekov didnt wanted to escape! He only wanted to HELP the riot's injured. He started his travel through the Russian Wasteland as a scared , nerd , Wastelander... A few hours later , he found a small gun , some ammunition and a bag with some resources.
And the nigth was just knockin the door. He tried to find shelter , but he wasnt that lucky. He was so tired thet he fell asleep in a destroyed house. Suddenly , he wake up and noticed... his things were missing! So he , so depressed , started to search for food. While he was passing by a village, he found a paper talkin about a type of brotherhood , but not a normal gang or tribe, it was the Brothrhood of Steel... and his story continues from here with nothing but the feeling of Adventure...
Note: Hi
Note 2: Chekov doesnt like that American stupidness called "Kentucky Fried Chicken", he loves "Bolchevik Fried Bear"
Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*strong* Race:human SubRace:Canibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find my way home "i hope get accepted"
Why Us?: i never really got into rp until last month and i want to join a more new server
How Have You Found About Us?: browsing the forums
RolePlaying Experiance?: like i said about a month or so
In Character: El
Name: El
Age: 255
Sex: male
Personality: smart and freindly
Race: ghoul
SubRace: pre-war
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): before the bomb he worked repairing things for a local pawn shop in london. A quite man who liked to keep to himself didnt have many friends or any family. and after the bomb he just found himself asking the question where he was needed most. So he wandered to the wasteland of russia trying to find a place to call home and people to call family, people to call a brotherhood.
Why Us?: I LOVE fallout, and LOVE minecraft. This seems like a great place to be.
How Have You Found About Us?: Scrolling through forums searching for an amazing server.
RolePlaying Experiance?: RP in SW:TOR, Firefall(yes im in the beta :P) WoW(who hasnt played this game) Warhammer Online (GLORY TO SIGMAR!)
In Character:
Name:Nova or Novastar either is ok.
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: Shy at first, and untrusting. Once you get to know me, Im a powerful and good friend. Very loyal to those around me.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): After Nova's family was killed by super mutants, He decided to wander. Never sticking to one place, hear searches for a new place to call home. His journey started in Finland, and he went east, hearing of the settlements in Russia. As time went on he lost hope, he hadn't seen a settlement for weeks. But then, as he was crossing over some mountainous area, just before sunset, he found a town, abandoned, but full of loot ripe for the taking. He soon found out that this place wasn't abandoned, and was actually full of ghouls. They came out from the sewers and destroyed buildings, so he ran, as fast as he could, east. He vowed he would never let another radiation infested being get near him because of his family, and he set out to find a faction to join to slaughter those responsible....
Out Of Character: IGN?: TheDevilsPoet Age: 14 Sex (Optional): Male Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes Why Us?: This sounds good How Have You Found About Us?: Searchbar RolePlaying Experiance?: A fair bit
In Character: Name: Alfred Guardian Age: 26 Sex: Male Personality: A mysterious man, cloaked in darkness and shrouded in blood. Race: Human SubRace: Bandit BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Alfred Guardian. Not many know the name, and even less know what horrors the name has went through.
Alfred Guardian was born in Post-Apocalyptic Germany. It was a place surrounded in mystery. There was a new leader, almost like Hitler who had taken control of Germany, and re-named it "New Germany", a place where death and destruction hung heavy in the air. Alfred was still a boy when this "Hitler" figure took control of New Germany. He hated him with a burning passion. When he grew to the age of 17 his father was shot and killed by guards of New Germany. Turned out his father was part of the Resistance. Alfred was shoved into them when he turned the age of 18. He passed most of the tests with flying colors, and was given a rifle with one clip of ammo. His mission: Find the Leader of New Germany and put a bullet in his head. Alfred went through many challenges, and had to use most of his 15-round clip of ammo. He kept one bullet. That one bullet he put through the skull of New Germany's hated leader. The casing of that bullet he hangs around his neck still. He was a hero in New Germany. But all fine things must come to an end. When he was 20 he was kidnapped by New Germany's Resistance, for they now were full of the men from New Germany's previous army. He was sent to Russia. There he learned to survive in the harsh nuclear winters, and even harsher summers. Now he's 26, and this is where we begin his new journey.
Oh, and I hope I get accepted
OutOfCharacter Name: TheDevilsPoet
InCharacter Name: Alfred Guardian
What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive): The Rangers of New Russia
How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?: Well, I haven't played on it yet, it's not open yet.
How Active Are You On The Forums?: Very
Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?: This would sort of be like the Desert Rangers in FO:NV
How Is This Faction In Russia?: They are the elite men of Russia, more elite than the Spetsnaz. They are mainly made up of Russians and Americans from the Mojave's Desert Rangers and came from there basically.
What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs): The Guardians of New Russia are the men of old. Made up of men that are the elite of the elite, they are mysterious in many ways. They began in the Mojave as the Desert Rangers. Most of them, anyways. Eventually, after about 50 years they had Russians join their ranks.
Soon the Russians in their ranks grew higher and higher. Soon they had a leader appear. Vladmir Delacoff, the first Russian Chief Ranger. He wanted to move to Russia, and defend his homeland. Packing up, they moved the elitist of their ranks to Russia, about a dozen or so men. There they established a base of operations in the snow-peaked mountains near Moscow. As their stay there grew longer they established ties with Moscow and it's leader. They sent out about 5 men to guard Moscow from raiders.
Eventually, Vladmir Delacoff died in battle with the Great Khans. A new leader, a German one named Alfred Guardian appeared. He grew in ranks fast in battle with the Great Khans. He soon became the right hand man of Vladmir Delacoff. When Vladmir died his 2nd in command, Alfred Guardian, took control of the Rangers of New Russia.
What Will Your Faction Discription Be?: These guys are the most elite of the elite, more elite than the Spetsnaz even. They've got Rifles and Revolvers, and they don't take **** from anyone! Some of their men guard Moscow, some of their men fight the enemies. Either way, you don't wanna mess with these badasses!
What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: Infiltrator- If a Ranger of New Russia is crouching(Holding Shift) in snow they cannot be seen. Only 3 of these are allowed.
Ranger- The backbone of the Rangers of New Russia. They can wear iron armor with a chain helmet and can dig shelters underground when on missions
What Are Your Factions Perks?: Sniper Elite- They can use Sniper Rifles
Guardian- They can take Slaves and Prisoners from the Legion and other factions that are enemies.
How Did You Form This Faction?: I thought of the Desert Rangers in the Mojave and came up with this Faction.
Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?: Yes.
What will your faction Base's be like?: It will be in the mountains near Moscow, the area will have fences around the area with cobweb on top. They live in tents, have tall guardposts at every corner of the compound, and have a safety bunker in one of the mountains with a hidden way out the back.
What Race's does your Faction Allow?: Ghouls and Humans.
Why Us?: Because is really awesome that someone brings up a great idea of doing a server about FALLOUT
How Have You Found About Us?: My brother told me about this topic and I like Fallout
RolePlaying Experiance?: Not too much , but I have been in 2 or 3 RP servers
In Character:
Name: Pavel Andreovich Chekov (I see what I did there)
Personality: nice , helpful
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Chekov was born in July 20 , 2259 (if it is 2277 , like in Fallout 3 ) in the Vault 120 , he was one of the few who really was healthy, but he was interested in tech , and specially planes and all that stuff. He was so happy in the Vault and his life was going so well , but a day changed all his way of life... When he was 16, some people started a riot because the Overseer was mean and hateful with them so Chekov join them. Some part of the riot was killed , another part was arrested , but again , he was one of the few who could escape. The sad thing was that Chekov didnt wanted to escape! He only wanted to HELP the riot's injured. He started his travel through the Russian Wasteland as a scared , nerd , Wastelander... A few hours later , he found a small gun , some ammunition and a bag with some resources.
And the nigth was just knockin the door. He tried to find shelter , but he wasnt that lucky. He was so tired thet he fell asleep in a destroyed house. Suddenly , he wake up and noticed... his things were missing! So he , so depressed , started to search for food. While he was passing by a village, he found a paper talkin about a type of brotherhood , but not a normal gang or tribe, it was the Brothrhood of Steel... and his story continues from here with nothing but the feeling of Adventure...
Note: Hi
Note 2: Chekov doesnt like that American stupidness called "Kentucky Fried Chicken", he loves "Bolchevik Fried Bear"
I hope I get Accepted
Congrats you are accepted...I was going to say you needed to make your backstory longer but then I saw that you like Bolchevik Fried Bear instead og Kentucky Fried Chicken and that just swept me off my feet...congrats though for being accepted!
Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*strong* Race:human SubRace:Canibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find my way home "i hope get accepted"
I am sad when people are denied... Your personality cant be strong for one your Backstory must be longer... But im glade youll be our first Cannible subrace! Also once we get the first parts of the Lore set up "The parts of which players dident make" You will notice that supermutants dont mind Cannibles...But yeah just retry your application and fix what I told you to.
Why Us?: i never really got into rp until last month and i want to join a more new server
How Have You Found About Us?: browsing the forums
RolePlaying Experiance?: like i said about a month or so
In Character: El
Name: El
Age: 255
Sex: male
Personality: smart and freindly
Race: ghoul
SubRace: pre-war
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): before the bomb he worked repairing things for a local pawn shop in london. A quite man who liked to keep to himself didnt have many friends or any family. and after the bomb he just found himself asking the question where he was needed most. So he wandered to the wasteland of russia trying to find a place to call home and people to call family, people to call a brotherhood.
I hope I get Accepted
Your personality cant be smart and your backstory needs to be WAYYYY bigger my friend sorry.
Why Us?: I LOVE fallout, and LOVE minecraft. This seems like a great place to be.
How Have You Found About Us?: Scrolling through forums searching for an amazing server.
RolePlaying Experiance?: RP in SW:TOR, Firefall(yes im in the beta ) WoW(who hasnt played this game) Warhammer Online (GLORY TO SIGMAR!)
In Character:
Name:Nova or Novastar either is ok.
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: Shy at first, and untrusting. Once you get to know me, Im a powerful and good friend. Very loyal to those around me.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): After Nova's family was killed by super mutants, He decided to wander. Never sticking to one place, hear searches for a new place to call home. His journey started in Finland, and he went east, hearing of the settlements in Russia. As time went on he lost hope, he hadn't seen a settlement for weeks. But then, as he was crossing over some mountainous area, just before sunset, he found a town, abandoned, but full of loot ripe for the taking. He soon found out that this place wasn't abandoned, and was actually full of ghouls. They came out from the sewers and destroyed buildings, so he ran, as fast as he could, east. He vowed he would never let another radiation infested being get near him because of his family, and he set out to find a faction to join to slaughter those responsible....
Backstory needs to be longer and you need to read the rules DENIED sorry.
Out Of Character: IGN?: TheDevilsPoet Age: 14 Sex (Optional): Male Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes Why Us?: This sounds good How Have You Found About Us?: Searchbar RolePlaying Experiance?: A fair bit
In Character: Name: Alfred Guardian Age: 26 Sex: Male Personality: A mysterious man, cloaked in darkness and shrouded in blood. Race: Human SubRace: Bandit BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Alfred Guardian. Not many know the name, and even less know what horrors the name has went through.
Alfred Guardian was born in Post-Apocalyptic Germany. It was a place surrounded in mystery. There was a new leader, almost like Hitler who had taken control of Germany, and re-named it "New Germany", a place where death and destruction hung heavy in the air. Alfred was still a boy when this "Hitler" figure took control of New Germany. He hated him with a burning passion. When he grew to the age of 17 his father was shot and killed by guards of New Germany. Turned out his father was part of the Resistance. Alfred was shoved into them when he turned the age of 18. He passed most of the tests with flying colors, and was given a rifle with one clip of ammo. His mission: Find the Leader of New Germany and put a bullet in his head. Alfred went through many challenges, and had to use most of his 15-round clip of ammo. He kept one bullet. That one bullet he put through the skull of New Germany's hated leader. The casing of that bullet he hangs around his neck still. He was a hero in New Germany. But all fine things must come to an end. When he was 20 he was kidnapped by New Germany's Resistance, for they now were full of the men from New Germany's previous army. He was sent to Russia. There he learned to survive in the harsh nuclear winters, and even harsher summers. Now he's 26, and this is where we begin his new journey.
Oh, and I hope I get accepted
There is something wrong here....When I look at your location I find out your eating my muffins! Unacceptable! But yeah this app is Acceptable Congrats your Accepted!
Also arent you from Fallout:Wild Wasteland"? Why'd ya quit? The Corrupt Staff, The Constant Arguments, Or the rule breaks that get away with it everytime? just curious.
OutOfCharacter Name: TheDevilsPoet
InCharacter Name: Alfred Guardian
What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive): The Rangers of New Russia
How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?: Well, I haven't played on it yet, it's not open yet.
How Active Are You On The Forums?: Very
Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?: This would sort of be like the Desert Rangers in FO:NV
How Is This Faction In Russia?: They are the elite men of Russia, more elite than the Spetsnaz. They are mainly made up of Russians and Americans from the Mojave's Desert Rangers and came from there basically.
What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs): The Guardians of New Russia are the men of old. Made up of men that are the elite of the elite, they are mysterious in many ways. They began in the Mojave as the Desert Rangers. Most of them, anyways. Eventually, after about 50 years they had Russians join their ranks.
Soon the Russians in their ranks grew higher and higher. Soon they had a leader appear. Vladmir Delacoff, the first Russian Chief Ranger. He wanted to move to Russia, and defend his homeland. Packing up, they moved the elitist of their ranks to Russia, about a dozen or so men. There they established a base of operations in the snow-peaked mountains near Moscow. As their stay there grew longer they established ties with Moscow and it's leader. They sent out about 5 men to guard Moscow from raiders.
Eventually, Vladmir Delacoff died in battle with the Great Khans. A new leader, a German one named Alfred Guardian appeared. He grew in ranks fast in battle with the Great Khans. He soon became the right hand man of Vladmir Delacoff. When Vladmir died his 2nd in command, Alfred Guardian, took control of the Rangers of New Russia.
What Will Your Faction Discription Be?: These guys are the most elite of the elite, more elite than the Spetsnaz even. They've got Rifles and Revolvers, and they don't take **** from anyone! Some of their men guard Moscow, some of their men fight the enemies. Either way, you don't wanna mess with these badasses!
What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: Infiltrator- If a Ranger of New Russia is crouching(Holding Shift) in snow they cannot be seen. Only 3 of these are allowed.
Ranger- The backbone of the Rangers of New Russia. They can wear iron armor with a chain helmet and can dig shelters underground when on missions
What Are Your Factions Perks?: Sniper Elite- They can use Sniper Rifles
Guardian- They can take Slaves and Prisoners from the Legion and other factions that are enemies.
How Did You Form This Faction?: I thought of the Desert Rangers in the Mojave and came up with this Faction.
Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?: Yes.
What will your faction Base's be like?: It will be in the mountains near Moscow, the area will have fences around the area with cobweb on top. They live in tents, have tall guardposts at every corner of the compound, and have a safety bunker in one of the mountains with a hidden way out the back.
What Race's does your Faction Allow?: Ghouls and Humans.
so I was looking at applications and found your whitelist application to found out you were stealing my muffins... Then I look at this and find out on your location that your stealing my muffins again! If anybody read's this dont trust him with your muffins!
Anyways... Not sure if we got mountains near Moscow but we can probably figure something out, You relize that you will have to pritty much build the base yourself the Admins will give you some supplies but thats it, For the sniper elite thing I hope you know that anybody can use Sniper rifles... And if your going to have such an elite faction I will only allow you to have a max of 10 members *So since default faction with no ReqP's is 5 members that means you get to take 1 ReqP for your factions maximum member potential* Also your Faction name will have to be cut down or turned into abriviations. PM me your answers dont post them please. But yeah other than that your faction application has been accepted
Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*patriot* *loyal* *esquizofrenic* *like a potato brain in a polar bear* Race:human SubRace:Cannibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find his way home.In his way he found a cannibal tribe , so he joined them. He learned so much from this desesperate , crazy people like searching the soft spots of the human meat, where you can obtain more protein and so on... Later on , he started to get so crazy that he attacked and killed all his tribe just for food. Because of this action , he had no option but travel alone, without friends and continued his journey to find his family. Suddenly at dawn , he found a 18-year-old teen with some water and a backpack near him. He was so tired , he left the teen alone but he took the bag and the water with him :trollface: . He traveled across the Russian Wasteland fighting then eating , across his travel he met a lot of good and bad people , but good or bad , he always was hungry for human flesh. He stoped and started to think : "where should I go next?" "I dont have a chance to find my family" "I should go to... Chernobyl ! " So he got a new objective called , home. 2 months later , he arrived to that target of his. He collected scrap through his journey and started to build a city which he called: "Garka Town" !!! Later , he started getting people who teached the art of being a cannibal so he begun to gain respect and population for his new town. So this is how it begins...
I hope to get accepted...
Out Of Character: IGN?:home_less Age:14 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character: Name:Nikolai Kulikov Age:50 Sex:male Personality:*patriot* *loyal* *esquizofrenic* *like a potato brain in a polar bear* Race:human SubRace:Cannibal BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find his way home.In his way he found a cannibal tribe , so he joined them. He learned so much from this desesperate , crazy people like searching the soft spots of the human meat, where you can obtain more protein and so on... Later on , he started to get so crazy that he attacked and killed all his tribe just for food. Because of this action , he had no option but travel alone, without friends and continued his journey to find his family. Suddenly at dawn , he found a 18-year-old teen with some water and a backpack near him. He was so tired , he left the teen alone but he took the bag and the water with him :trollface: . He traveled across the Russian Wasteland fighting then eating , across his travel he met a lot of good and bad people , but good or bad , he always was hungry for human flesh. He stoped and started to think : "where should I go next?" "I dont have a chance to find my family" "I should go to... Chernobyl ! " So he got a new objective called , home. 2 months later , he arrived to that target of his. He collected scrap through his journey and started to build a city which he called: "Garka Town" !!! Later , he started getting people who teached the art of being a cannibal so he begun to gain respect and population for his new town. So this is how it begins...
I hope to get accepted...
To anyone who reads this WE NEED BUILDERS we are undertaking a map stratifacation and let's just say it's going to be epic. To build epic stuff we need epic builders. PM me or fallout to join up. Builders will get in game perks. So join up.
Whitelist Application
Out Of Character:
IGN?: Deeox2
Age: 21
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes.
Why Us?: I think that survival based roleplaying is rather nice.
How Have You Found About Us?: The Minecraft Forums.
RolePlaying Experience?: I've been on many smaller roleplaying servers.
In Character:
Name: James O'Drake
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: Tends to say things matter-of-factly,and is quick to establish a judgemental stance on people.
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): A scientist helping an Enclave scientist secretly, James traveled to Russia to help a friend with Enclave research. Being a hitchhiker entirely, James shared research that the Enclave wanted to his friend, and his friend in return taught him Russian, as they were going to be there for, most likely until they died. They landed and James snuck off, stealing some chems from the Enclave to phehaps trade with Russians that had no idea what they were, thinking back, that probably wasn't a great way to start a relationship, but James went on, finding an NRR outpost, he talked to several people, got a fair deal for some supplies and got out of there. He bundled up and walked on for quite a few days, going to where his friend said to meet up. Eventually he ran into some wildlife, which caused James to run, and shoot the few bullets he had behind him. He started back on his path, walking for another two day, surprisingly not dying. He came across a town, and stumbled into the intercom system on the gate. "Help me" he whispered into the intercom and fell down. Luckily the people there were greedy.
Woo! I Hope I get accepted!
Now I realise the backstory looks too short. Time to facepalm into my keyboard.
IGN?: CrapMuffin98
Age: 14
Sex (Optional): male
Have You Read All The Rules?: yes
Why Us?: recommended by Squid4680
How Have You Found About Us?: Squid4680
RolePlaying Experiance?: squid4680's skyrim server as a mod, tomian empire,
In Character:
Name: Erik Smirnov
Age: 26
Sex: male
Personality: technology expert, and a good leader. very good at making friends, but sometimes too ambitious.
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): 50 years ago, the vault Erik's father lived in, Vault 74, was opened. However, there was a group of vault dwellers who believed firmly that any journey to the surface would be a sure suicide mission. They went mutinous, killing the vault overseer, and took control of the vault for themselves. At first, the kept the others in for their own safety. But as time passed, they grew abusive of their power, ruling with an iron fist, and punishing harshly any who dared to question them, or do anything against them. After 15 years of their reign of terror, Erik's father and a friend managed to organize an escape effort. He and 50 others accquired weapons the vault leaders had kept secret for so long, and made a run for the gate. In this attempt, 8 of them died, most at the edge of the gate. As the gate was closing, Erik's father's best friend was shot in the back. He dragged him under just in the nick of time, and the man got his first and only glimpse at the outside world, before he died.
9 years later, The group of escapees had found a suitable place (as suitable as any place in the wasteland could ever be, that is) to build a town, and settled down, trying to recreate a normal life. It was at this time that Erik was born. He had a good bringing up, for their town was reasonably prosperous, as well as led by his father. He grew up hearing stories of the vault, but only of the earlier years, when his father was young. Whenever Erik wanted to hear about the vault opening, or what happened following, his father would hastily change the subject, and Erik would let it go. Despite the huge time gap in the stories, between vault life, and how they had come out here and built a town, Erik loved the stories. He especially loved to hear about the technology. He knew the vault his father had lived in had held more than most. Maps to old world bombs, hidden away, maybe still active, and blueprints for things that, in the hands of the right person, could be used to massively improve wasteland life, and for other things that could lead one to great power. But whenever Erik asked about journeying to the vault, to reclaim this treasure trove of knowledge, his father cautioned him strongly against it, and he left the topic well alone, for a time.
As Erik grew, he tinkered with bits and pieces of things, taking apart weapons and stimpaks to see how they worked, messing around with computers, and when he was 17, he actually went so far as to (with a little help) restore a small nearby hydro-electric power plant from pre-war times, to a certain extent, and provide the town with a little electricity, though not nearly as much as it would have provided when it was built. However, all his life, the need to know exactly what happened when his father's vault opened grew and grew, and he brought it up more and more. Finally, when he was 21, he at last persuaded his father to tell him. He told Erik everything, from the day the vault opened, to the day of the escape.
Despite his father's warnings, Erik gathered a small group of followers and prepared to leave. Not long after, they set off into the wasteland. After a long journey, they arrived at the vault, and took a few days to rest, preparing for the inevitable fight that lay before them. When they were fully ready for the attack, they steeled themselves, then, using a terminal outside the vault which Erik had hacked into, they opened the vault. They managed to fight their way through the guards at the gate, but everything went wrong from there. Their forces were scattered in an onslaught of vault guards, outnumbering them nearly two to one, and with a much more organized fighting force.
Erik and a couple of others escaped the fray of battle, into the tunnels of the vault. With some difficulty, they reached what was formerly the overseer's office without detection, and broke in. The man inside, who had organized the initial takeover, hadn't been in a real fight in years, and he panicked. Erik stood aside, and let him escape. While Erik hacked the vault's computer system to ensure he had control when the battle ended, his men were barely holding up. However, when their leader entered the gate room, and saw the fight, he ordered his men to leave the vault. He escaped with the remainder of his force, leaving the vault, and the few still surviving vault dwellers, under Erik's command.
Once the chaos of the battle had ended, Erik gathered up everyone who was left. Almost everyone in the vault had escaped or been killed, leaving only a handful of survivors from the vault. Erik had his remaining force escort them back to his home town, and went back to the overseer's office. To Erik's dismay, the valuable information once stored in the vault, for the most part, was destroyed, or ruined beyond usefulness. Almost all the blueprints were ruined, and all but a couple of maps. He left them secure in the vault, knowing they were worthless in their current state. Some time later, his men, and a few vault dwellers who elected to come back, returned. Erik left a close friend of his temporarily in charge, and left for some time, to wander the wasteland, and see what was out there, vowing if ever he saw the man who imprisoned his father's vault to kill him. In addition to this, he vowed one day to return to the slave camps he had seen, and liberate them, much as he liberated the people of Vault 74. He searched for technology, sometimes allying himself with the brotherhood, and on occasion returning to his vault. He hoped one day for his small group in vault 74 to become a power in the Russian wasteland, like the Brotherhood. As he continues to grow in power, he has hopes that Erik Smirnov will become a name known all across the wasteland.
I hope I get accepted! Also, I apologize for the new faction application being too early.
Accepted PS: You cant be a Technology Expert or Good Leader as a personality...Personality is like nice mean funny, Happy not Technology expert but ill still accept you.
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive
Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server
How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this
RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character:
Name:Nikolai Kulikov
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find my way home
"i hope get accepted"
IGN?: TheDevilsPoet
Age: 14
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes
Why Us?: This sounds good
How Have You Found About Us?: Searchbar
RolePlaying Experiance?: A fair bit
In Character:
Name: Alfred Guardian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Personality: A mysterious man, cloaked in darkness and shrouded in blood.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Alfred Guardian. Not many know the name, and even less know what horrors the name has went through.
Alfred Guardian was born in Post-Apocalyptic Germany. It was a place surrounded in mystery. There was a new leader, almost like Hitler who had taken control of Germany, and re-named it "New Germany", a place where death and destruction hung heavy in the air. Alfred was still a boy when this "Hitler" figure took control of New Germany. He hated him with a burning passion. When he grew to the age of 17 his father was shot and killed by guards of New Germany. Turned out his father was part of the Resistance. Alfred was shoved into them when he turned the age of 18. He passed most of the tests with flying colors, and was given a rifle with one clip of ammo. His mission: Find the Leader of New Germany and put a bullet in his head. Alfred went through many challenges, and had to use most of his 15-round clip of ammo. He kept one bullet. That one bullet he put through the skull of New Germany's hated leader. The casing of that bullet he hangs around his neck still. He was a hero in New Germany. But all fine things must come to an end. When he was 20 he was kidnapped by New Germany's Resistance, for they now were full of the men from New Germany's previous army. He was sent to Russia. There he learned to survive in the harsh nuclear winters, and even harsher summers. Now he's 26, and this is where we begin his new journey.
Oh, and I hope I get accepted
InCharacter Name: Alfred Guardian
What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive): The Rangers of New Russia
How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?: Well, I haven't played on it yet, it's not open yet.
How Active Are You On The Forums?: Very
Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?: This would sort of be like the Desert Rangers in FO:NV
How Is This Faction In Russia?: They are the elite men of Russia, more elite than the Spetsnaz. They are mainly made up of Russians and Americans from the Mojave's Desert Rangers and came from there basically.
What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs): The Guardians of New Russia are the men of old. Made up of men that are the elite of the elite, they are mysterious in many ways. They began in the Mojave as the Desert Rangers. Most of them, anyways. Eventually, after about 50 years they had Russians join their ranks.
Soon the Russians in their ranks grew higher and higher. Soon they had a leader appear. Vladmir Delacoff, the first Russian Chief Ranger. He wanted to move to Russia, and defend his homeland. Packing up, they moved the elitist of their ranks to Russia, about a dozen or so men. There they established a base of operations in the snow-peaked mountains near Moscow. As their stay there grew longer they established ties with Moscow and it's leader. They sent out about 5 men to guard Moscow from raiders.
Eventually, Vladmir Delacoff died in battle with the Great Khans. A new leader, a German one named Alfred Guardian appeared. He grew in ranks fast in battle with the Great Khans. He soon became the right hand man of Vladmir Delacoff. When Vladmir died his 2nd in command, Alfred Guardian, took control of the Rangers of New Russia.
What Will Your Faction Discription Be?: These guys are the most elite of the elite, more elite than the Spetsnaz even. They've got Rifles and Revolvers, and they don't take **** from anyone! Some of their men guard Moscow, some of their men fight the enemies. Either way, you don't wanna mess with these badasses!
What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: Infiltrator- If a Ranger of New Russia is crouching(Holding Shift) in snow they cannot be seen. Only 3 of these are allowed.
Ranger- The backbone of the Rangers of New Russia. They can wear iron armor with a chain helmet and can dig shelters underground when on missions
What Are Your Factions Perks?: Sniper Elite- They can use Sniper Rifles
Guardian- They can take Slaves and Prisoners from the Legion and other factions that are enemies.
How Did You Form This Faction?: I thought of the Desert Rangers in the Mojave and came up with this Faction.
Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?: Yes.
What will your faction Base's be like?: It will be in the mountains near Moscow, the area will have fences around the area with cobweb on top. They live in tents, have tall guardposts at every corner of the compound, and have a safety bunker in one of the mountains with a hidden way out the back.
What Race's does your Faction Allow?: Ghouls and Humans.
Congrats you are accepted...I was going to say you needed to make your backstory longer but then I saw that you like Bolchevik Fried Bear instead og Kentucky Fried Chicken and that just swept me off my feet...congrats though for being accepted!
I am sad when people are denied... Your personality cant be strong for one your Backstory must be longer... But im glade youll be our first Cannible subrace! Also once we get the first parts of the Lore set up "The parts of which players dident make" You will notice that supermutants dont mind Cannibles...But yeah just retry your application and fix what I told you to.
Your personality cant be smart and your backstory needs to be WAYYYY bigger my friend sorry.
Backstory needs to be longer and you need to read the rules DENIED sorry.
There is something wrong here....When I look at your location I find out your eating my muffins!
Also arent you from Fallout:Wild Wasteland"? Why'd ya quit? The Corrupt Staff, The Constant Arguments, Or the rule breaks that get away with it everytime? just curious.
so I was looking at applications and found your whitelist application to found out you were stealing my muffins... Then I look at this and find out on your location that your stealing my muffins again! If anybody read's this dont trust him with your muffins!
Anyways... Not sure if we got mountains near Moscow but we can probably figure something out, You relize that you will have to pritty much build the base yourself the Admins will give you some supplies but thats it, For the sniper elite thing I hope you know that anybody can use Sniper rifles... And if your going to have such an elite faction I will only allow you to have a max of 10 members *So since default faction with no ReqP's is 5 members that means you get to take 1 ReqP for your factions maximum member potential* Also your Faction name will have to be cut down or turned into abriviations. PM me your answers dont post them please. But yeah other than that your faction application has been accepted
YEAH! Only cool people can reserve posts! WOOO!
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes and my parents still alive
Why Us?:because i see that this is an interesting server
How Have You Found About Us?:i was searching a fallout mod and i found this
RolePlaying Experiance?:yes
In Character:
Name:Nikolai Kulikov
Personality:*patriot* *loyal* *esquizofrenic* *like a potato brain in a polar bear*
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Nikolai was born in Stalingrad as a poor boy. His dad was a soldier and his mother worked as a factory slave... So yeah , he grew up alone in the downtown of Stalingrad by only eating what his mom could get. Suddenly , the Great War started... His family took shelter before the nuke rain destroyed all his beloved city. A few days later, his dad tried to find food for his family. he found NOTHING but destroyed families , separated couples and alone kids searching for their parents. He met Vasily in his walk to his "home". Vasily was a hunter from the Urals and was rised by one of the best marksman of al the Soviet Union. So Nikolai's dad brought Vasily to his shelter. Yuri (nikolai dad) trained Nikolai.one day in the hunting patrols he get lost in a yao guai attack and now his mission (my mission) its to find his way home.In his way he found a cannibal tribe , so he joined them. He learned so much from this desesperate , crazy people like searching the soft spots of the human meat, where you can obtain more protein and so on... Later on , he started to get so crazy that he attacked and killed all his tribe just for food.
Because of this action , he had no option but travel alone, without friends and continued his journey to find his family. Suddenly at dawn , he found a 18-year-old teen with some water and a backpack near him. He was so tired , he left the teen alone but he took the bag and the water with him :trollface: . He traveled across the Russian Wasteland fighting then eating , across his travel he met a lot of good and bad people , but good or bad , he always was hungry for human flesh. He stoped and started to think : "where should I go next?" "I dont have a chance to find my family" "I should go to... Chernobyl ! " So he got a new objective called , home.
2 months later , he arrived to that target of his. He collected scrap through his journey and started to build a city which he called: "Garka Town" !!! Later , he started getting people who teached the art of being a cannibal so he begun to gain respect and population for his new town. So this is how it begins...
I hope to get accepted...
Out Of Character:
IGN?: Deeox2
Age: 21
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes.
Why Us?: I think that survival based roleplaying is rather nice.
How Have You Found About Us?: The Minecraft Forums.
RolePlaying Experience?: I've been on many smaller roleplaying servers.
In Character:
Name: James O'Drake
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: Tends to say things matter-of-factly,and is quick to establish a judgemental stance on people.
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): A scientist helping an Enclave scientist secretly, James traveled to Russia to help a friend with Enclave research. Being a hitchhiker entirely, James shared research that the Enclave wanted to his friend, and his friend in return taught him Russian, as they were going to be there for, most likely until they died. They landed and James snuck off, stealing some chems from the Enclave to phehaps trade with Russians that had no idea what they were, thinking back, that probably wasn't a great way to start a relationship, but James went on, finding an NRR outpost, he talked to several people, got a fair deal for some supplies and got out of there. He bundled up and walked on for quite a few days, going to where his friend said to meet up. Eventually he ran into some wildlife, which caused James to run, and shoot the few bullets he had behind him. He started back on his path, walking for another two day, surprisingly not dying. He came across a town, and stumbled into the intercom system on the gate. "Help me" he whispered into the intercom and fell down. Luckily the people there were greedy.
Woo! I Hope I get accepted!
Now I realise the backstory looks too short. Time to facepalm into my keyboard.