Why Us?: Because I love roleplay simply put. I have wanted to play on a new Minecraft server that included 3 things : guns, role play, and Fallout. This server was pretty much exactly what I was looking for.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraft Forums (you're on like the 4th page right now as I'm posting this)
RolePlaying Experience?: I've actually played on another Minecraft Fallout server (I think it was just a new vegas server, not 100% sure), Oblivion, Kotor, other mc rp servers, skyrim, things like that.
In Character:
Name: Vlad Yurvanov
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Personality: Scary, references past a lot, strong, smart, enjoys a bit of vodka here and there (alcoholic)
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Hello, I'm Vlad Yurganov, and my life to this point has been... Tragic to say the least. At the age of six my father abandoned me, just my mother and I lived alone with no one to provide for us, the rent was due and there was no one left to pay it, ve would be out with the ghouls and mutants, alone. Then, just as everything seemed black and dim for us some seeming knight in shining armor took my mother and me in, he gave us food, shelter and clothing; he and my mother began dating. He was verry nice to me up until the age of eight, giving me good food, gifts, and most importantly protected me from the monsters. It wasn't until he married my mother that I knew who a true monster was. He unleashed a side of him that in the two years my mother and I knew him we had never seen. Damn, I just ran out of vodka. Anyways, The man unleashed a fury upon my mother and me, he swung and swung, when my mother tried to pry him off me he would just begin to attack her. We were living with a mad man this whole time... With the children, I had my fair share of fights, I've seen men reduced to cowards in the face of death, it was a crazy world. I took a bottle of vodka, smashed it on the wooden table, and when the man was beating my mother I took the bottle, which now had spiky, jagged glass ends, and shoved it straight into his back, he screamed in agony and pain. I then stabbed him in both of his arms and shoulders, he was quivering in fear and terror and I could tell that he was shocked by what I had done to him. He couldn't move, he was paralyzed by the shock. So I next did an inconseviable thing... I went to the cabnet, got a bottle of vodka, and poured it on top of him. my mother was staring at me, her face all brused up, and just shook her head in disappointment, but I couldn't let this scumbag live. I took it, and lit him on fire. Days after my mother had healed she outcast me, she couldn't live with a killer of my stature, I was pure evil at the age of only eight years old.
I knew I would have to leave the city. I had left the city a man, I had already killed an torchered someone, not that everyone and their uncle hadn't already did that in the wasteland. All I had was a 9mm, 10 caps, and a few bullets. The first thing I did was find a school, it was infested with mutated cocroaches, nearly double my size, I killed them with my 9mm. The next few years I survived in the school alone, no one bothered going inside the school, hell barely anyone even went into the area. I survived by keeping quiet, staying low, and only eating what I knew would be safe. However, at the age of sixteen the NRR (New Russian Republic) stormed the building in search of members of the legion, all they found was me. The NRR took me in, they thought that I was just a simple boy who ran away from his parents, however they would soon learn that I was much more than just that. I was a force to be reckoned with. I knew that the NRR had resources, lots of them, enough to survive off of for years, and I knew that the soldiers would treat me like dirt the second I began to live with them because I didn't do anything to contribute. So the day after they took me in, I heard rumors that there would be an assembily the next week. It was mandated that all soldiers be in the meeting room, the meeting room was about 300 yards off base. Well, since I was right and those NRR soldiers just treated me as If I was a sponge I rigged the room with NRR's own explosives, getting them wasn't easy, but it was worth it. And in the middle of the meeting, BOOOOOOM, ha ha ha ha, they just blew the hell up! I lived off that base for many years, and constantly repelled attacks from bandits and the such ON MY OWN. Soon I had people wishing to join me, and to fight along with me, I graciously accepted my help, as even though I'm a mad man, I'm no idiot, I needed all the help i could get. We soon had a thriving community, many soldiers, they raided towns, killed people, and we had food for YEARS, and I was their leader, they respected me, and I used them, it was a good deal.... But that was before... Last year... When a huge platoon of NRR had reports of us killing innocents for over 10 years they finally decided to come at us. They hit us, and they hit us hard. We didn't know what to do, there were so many of them, nearly four times the ammounts of people that we had! But we fought, and we fought valiantly, we clawed our way up for them to just push us down again, and again during that battle.
After hours of fighting, they killed every last one of us except me, of course, they took me prisoner. I had a 10x10 cell, and got food every day. The soldiers would mock me, and it wasn't a very good situation. But one day, the guard had accidentally dropped the keys on the ground in front of the cell, I guess he didn't notice. Well I picked those keys up, and I put them inside of the cell and I made a mad dash for the wasteland. The soldiers tried to grab me, even shoot me, but they just couldn't get me, I was so full of adrenaline I could have taken down a super mutant! I made it out alive.... Just last week I made it out in fact... Now I'm not sure of too many things in life... But one thing that I am sure of is that those NRR s are gonna pay.
*Faction Leader Application: Legion Out Of Character Name: Noob48 In Character Name:
Vlad Yurvanov
Have You Made A Whitelist Application: yes Was That Whitelist Application Accepted: not yet Are You Active On The Forums: yes Why Do You Want To Be Leader Of This Faction: I would like to be leader of the Legion because my back story really would lead up to this point. I am a very dedicated RPer and I want to kill those NRR s. I am also a very well trained leader, and can be... A little crazy at times.
I hope i get Accepted
Out Of Character Name: Noob48
In Character Name:
Have You Made A Whitelist Application: yes
Was That Whitelist Application Accepted: not yet
Are You Active On The Forums: yes
Why Do You Want To Be Leader Of This Faction: I would like to be leader of the Legion because my back story really would lead up to this point. I am a very dedicated RPer and I want to kill those NRR s. I am also a very well trained leader, and can be... A little crazy at times.