Server is over done. Well atleast im done with it., The server Owner is corrupt swiftnative is yes thats right I said it! Do not Apply it will be pointless.
That is litterly all lies the only reason you guys keep spamming our forums is cause were competition and you know it. Your staff that I was talking to on skype admitted it also but it no longer matters.
Haha, its funny cause if you listened to me your server might not have failed. But i called it. And no, none of it was lies. AT all. No staff admitted anything. We never ever actually thought you would be competition. Your lore makes no sense and you stole our map XD
Out Of Character: IGN?:muffinkiller0307 Age:13 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes Why Us?:the other fallout servers had bad staff and my freind suggested this one How Have You Found About Us?:my freind RolePlaying Experiance?:ive played on about ever fallout rp server
In Character: Name:Derek Moore Age:23 Sex:male Personality:Smart,quick to the trigger,semistrong,fast Race:human SubRace:Soldier BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):I grew up in the NCR and brotherhoods protection. Later in my life i joined the NCR and me and my squad were deployed to russia to join the ranks of a army there.....i dont know what was so important that they had to send vetiberds...Our mission we were told the russians had a stable army when we arrived it we just as bad ..... stranded.... thats all i though about our vetibird crashed and we were stuck in where to where to way to fight back.....but ive created a new mission liberate russia at all costs........war....war never changes
Why Us?: I love the Fallout series, but also like Minecraft, and this is the best way to feed both of those interests
How Have You Found About Us?: My friend told me about his server
RolePlaying Experiance?: None
In Character:
Niklas Joerger
Sex: Male
Personality: Quiet, secluded, trusts nobody
Race: Human
SubRace: Nerd
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Abandoned in a small town and left to be taken care of by the townspeople, my life spent studying the ruined books lying around abandoned buildings. My life took a turn when the NCR came by and conscripted me into the army, but soon after I escaped and wandered the wastes searching for an oasis, something to show to humanity's prowess.
Out Of Character: IGN?:zanec321 Age:does this matter 12 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yep Why Us?:its all i want How Have You Found About Us?:google RolePlaying Experiance?:World of war craft and fallout and other things
In Character: Name:Zane Smith Age:24 Sex:male Personality:nice sometimes mean other times Race:robot SubRace:human BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Me and me brother were roaming the wastes when i found a city and it was some weird one that the gate had power cause they have wind mills but when when we were looking ghouls dragged us away and they put us in a cage and then we heard a sound it was the brother hood of steel they shoot the king ghoul and the ghouls were running at us and the brother hood of steel i ground a pump gun and shoot every one then i pick the lock and got out and they asked us if we wanted to join we said yes they have the heilish thing in fallout 3 and new veges well moving on and we flew there and landed in a base and i see the elder he said to train for power armor ill have to target thing's so after that i did that he gave me power armor and i trained but i put it on and the armor and my speed went faster and stuff then a raider/super maunt attack and they gave me one laser pistol 1 laser rife and some cells and i handed off the raiders and they handed off the reset it was time for me to move with my brother we exited they gave us supply's and we made a camp in the broken city and we lived in a building with a Brother hood of steel that help us and we have supply's comeing back and fourth but they now attack it so we got cutt off and the other guy said teirs a brother hood of steel so we grabed our things and moved to the base their they were puting ppl in the valut for 10 years so we did that em years was good but when we left we came here here we well change are fate united _________________________________________ i hope i get accepted
Out Of Character: IGN?:gmodiscool17 Age:15 Sex (Optional):Male Have You Read All The Rules?:All read and agreed Why Us?:Sadly I was with TMY as staff on his server (Developer) and been harassed out of the server and I see you guys do not like tmy as much as me and was hoping to find another Server but better then found your Wonderful Server so thought why not apply. How Have You Found About Us?:I heard how great your server was then applied. RolePlaying Experiance?:My roleplaying is great but i'll need a bit more practce.
In Character: Name:Brianna Age:20 Sex:Female Personality:Nice,Creative,Smart Race:Human SubRace:Robot BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Brianna was raised by her uncle in a not so great house (Shed) When she was younger she watched the war and never under stood why they were fighting eachother until she was 18 Brianna ran away from home to join the war she was inspired by her uncle. She joine the brother hood but didnt last so long in the brother hood after a while she joined Brianna was kidnapped by the legion beaten and threatened if she doesnt leave the Brotherhood she will die.She left the brother hood well didnt leave WENT missing Brianna got pulled into the legates office and told her that she is might take leader of the Legion. While she was thinking out side she was kidnapped again and sold as a sex slave for these group of bandits. After she realised she will never forget this moment then after that day they realeased brianna and looted her possesions. Since then she was planning to get those people who raped and abused her.........................................
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Ok, as TmynameisT said, this server is probly dead. even so there are a few things i wish to point out. YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER ****ING PLAYED FALLOUT! Legion is NOT from south america he was sent to grand canyon i think, when he was a Follower of apoclypse, he took over tribes, AND HOW THE **** DOES THE LEGION GET TO RUSSIA! Oh and the brotherhood in RUSSIA!?!? how did they get their, eh? And NRR New russian Republic, well you say they are based of the NCR The New CALIFONIA replubid California is a state of the U.S and is located in NORTH America NOT SOUTH America! Same with Khans, they are From NORTH america. and they aint random raiders they only in North america(as far as NV will tell us). And Enclave, I DONT GIVE A FLYING CRAP IF YOU ADMINT THEY FROM AMERICA! Why would they bother Russia to rebuild America!?
*Looks big but most questions are around 1-10 words*
Out Of Character
IGN?: archangelboss
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes sirs, pretty standard to most servers.
Why Us?: Why You? Because I enjoyed playing fallout and i this sounds really bad ass, with all the new additional items brought to the game.
How Have You Found About Us?: I was just searching for an RP server to play on.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I have played on a few RP servers, most of which were med-evil but i would love to give this a shot.
In Character
Personality: My character would be a rude, kind of arrogant, but can have a big heart at times. He tends to steal and give to the less fortunate.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): He was once a humble farmer with all going well, but one day he couldn't pay for his land so he tried to do everything he could to get the money to pay for it. When he nearly had enough money pay for his land, bandits came and burned his house to the ground and stole all his possessions. Unfortunatly for him, when the land lord came to claim the money, Arch did not have the money to pay him. So the land lord foreclosed his home and farm. Because of the ability that the bandits had to take what they want, he decided to try it out. When he came across a group of bandits he banded up with them. The bandits went on a raid one night and pillaged a small town, when they did this, Arch broke into the house of a woman and her baby son. Arch felt bad for what he had done to them and their village, so he left them some money and left the other bandits. now to this day he is a lone bandit, stealing what he can to survive, and what ever we doesn't need at the time, he gives the rest to the less fortunate.
Why Us?: I feel like your server is a unique experience in minecraft that is hard to find and I've always wanted this kind of roleplay but have been never able to find one
How Have You Found About Us?: Google
RolePlaying Experiance?: I have never done roleplay on minecraft to be honest but I really want to try it and see if it is fun
In Character:
Name: Brandon T
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: Quick tempered, narrow minded but In shape
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I grew up in a small town with little to no family, my mom died when I was only two years old and me and my father were never close. I had a close friend though, he died in an accident when he was 16, I told myself I would never get close to anyone ever again. My life has been harsh and I've seen many die. I was taught to fight and only to fight.
Out Of Character
Age: 14
Have you read all the rules?: Yes
Why us?: I would really love to play on a fallout server
How have you found about us?: I was looking for RP servers
RP Experaiance?: Skyrim
In Character
Name: Scott Marino
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: Works alone, Does not talk much
Race: Human
SubRace: Robot
Back Story: My childhood was terrible, Raiders would be raiding the friends I know, Super Mutants were heard outside every day, talking about what they would do with us to scare us. They were big green monsters and some of them had machine guns, we didnt dare go close to them. One day my Mother told me: Scott, you got to move to chicago, your old enough now and it is not safe here! So I went to Chicago, she gave me a hunting rifle and a couple bullets to keep raiders and those green monsters, Super Mutants of my back. When I got there I roamed a little, looking for a place to settle. Then I found a bunker. When I walked in, the inside was perfictly fine, when I got there some big guys with powered suit's jumped me and told me to strip me clothes, I thought they were gonna do something ugly to me but they just wanted to make sure that I didnt have a weapon on me. After all of that, they asked me to join them. They were called the Brotherhood Of Steel. I said no. I didnt want to join a clan I wanted to settle first. So I walked out and never came back. On my radio, I picked up a russian radio. They said, "There is still hope in Russia! The raiders havnt gone crazy yet and no Super Mutants back here, come fast so you dont starve to death in the USA, hurry! So I took my belongins, my moms rifle, and headed to Russia.
Ok, as TmynameisT said, this server is probly dead. even so there are a few things i wish to point out. YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER ****ING PLAYED FALLOUT! Legion is NOT from south america he was sent to grand canyon i think, when he was a Follower of apoclypse, he took over tribes, AND HOW THE **** DOES THE LEGION GET TO RUSSIA! Oh and the brotherhood in RUSSIA!?!? how did they get their, eh? And NRR New russian Republic, well you say they are based of the NCR The New CALIFONIA replubid California is a state of the U.S and is located in NORTH America NOT SOUTH America! Same with Khans, they are From NORTH america. and they aint random raiders they only in North america(as far as NV will tell us). And Enclave, I DONT GIVE A FLYING CRAP IF YOU ADMINT THEY FROM AMERICA! Why would they bother Russia to rebuild America!?
Out Of Character: IGN?: CarpeDiem293 Age: 16 Sex (Optional): Male Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes Why Us?: I enjoyed playing Fallout 3 and NV also I hope to help this server grow. How Have You Found About Us?: Forums RolePlaying Experiance?: I haven't played many heavy roleplaying servers, I usually stick to pvp/raid and prison servers but I'd like to try a RP server.
In Character: Name: Jules Winnfield Age: 25 Sex: Male Personality: Stern and stealthy. Black with black curly hair, curved sideburns that extend below the ear combines, but not connected to, a mustache that extends downward from the corners of the mouth to the jaw line. A soul patch is also included. Race: Human SubRace: Bandit BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Growing up Jules had a difficult life his mother left his father due to him being a drug addict at the age of 2. 3 years later Jules father died of a drug overdose. After Jules father death he was taken in by a co-worker at the weapons dealer shop that his father worked at. The man only went by Clyde, was a crippled older man in his 50's whose family had been murdered by his ex-employer. Clyde was an ex-hitman that worked for a local crime lord (Mr. White). After Clyde said he was done with being a hitman from Mr. White because he wanted to spend time with his family. Mr. White grew angry because Clyde was his best and decided to take the only thing Clyde cherished in life (his family..)
When Jules grew a little older around the age of 13 Clyde started training him to blend in with his surroundings and observe things better. Later on around the age on 15 Clyde trained Jules in weapons training and hand to hand combat. While Jules grew up Mr. White tried to keep him secret because he knew Mr. White would try to kill him if he heard about it. At the age of 16 Clyde was sold out by a co-worker, Mr. White came to kill Jules. When Whites gang showed up at Clydes house he told Jules to hid no matter what happened. After Clyde refused to tell where to Jules was hiding Mr. White decided to just shoot him in the chest and let him bleed out instead saying it would save a lot of trouble. After the gang left Jules tried to stop the bleeding but Clyde passed away on the floor. Since then Jules has been savaging what he can from the wastelands never staying to long in a certain place. "I hope I get accepted"
The server owner really should of reported all of those inflammatory posts, accusations, etc a long, long time ago. It just added to conflict which keeps players away. The server owner shouldn't have a Black List since it is against the rules of the forum. Tmy should of took the high ground and left it alone regardless if the server owner doesn't like him. All these posts through out the forum are enough to ban every single person that was on the blacklist from the forum for excessive flaming, etc. This post is not meant to start a flame war it is just pointing out what was wrong. All of this reveals interesting Characteristics of the (flame) posters.
I'll be asking a Mod to close the thread, to give it peace. The server looked decent enough in theory, regardless if the staff would of killed it or not.
out of charachter:
ign:none but i have a youtube minezach1
age: 13
sex: male
have you read all the rules?: yes
why us?: because i fell in love with fallout and rpg's
how have you found about us: forums
roleplaying experiences?: i do them every often
in character:
name: nightshade
age: 19
sex: male
personality: agile and stealthy. hired assassin.
backstory(minnimum 1 paragraph) when he was just a boy he was a master assassin and was trained by his father. then one stormy night a band of raiders came to our door my father gave me his dagger and his rifle and told me to hide. that night those raiders murdered my parents and turned our house to rubble all i could find left was my fathers ring and my mothers necklace. i keep those items and live my life....... alone.
The server owner really should of reported all of those inflammatory posts, accusations, etc a long, long time ago. It just added to conflict which keeps players away. The server owner shouldn't have a Black List since it is against the rules of the forum. Tmy should of took the high ground and left it alone regardless if the server owner doesn't like him. All these posts through out the forum are enough to ban every single person that was on the blacklist from the forum for excessive flaming, etc. This post is not meant to start a flame war it is just pointing out what was wrong. All of this reveals interesting Characteristics of the (flame) posters.
I'll be asking a Mod to close the thread, to give it peace. The server looked decent enough in theory, regardless if the staff would of killed it or not.
Nice try, but that obviously failed. Anyways, all I did was nearly inform everyone thinking to apply of how the owner of the server acts. And I had every right to do so, considering he stole my map. I think that deserves at least post about him here. Its great you wanna seem all high and mighty, but you're not bro. The while "flame war: had already been dead for weeks, you were just needlessly adding to it. There was literally no point in you posting anything here. It didn't help or solve anything, obviously. Besides, you aren't a forum mod, its not your thread, and really not your business of what goes on in it. So you can't really stop people from posting what they want in it. I didn't break any forum rules. And decent in theory? Everything about the server made NO sense XD
Out Of Character: IGN?:gmodiscool17 Age:15 Sex (Optional):Male Have You Read All The Rules?:All read and agreed Why Us?:Sadly I was with TMY as staff on his server (Developer) and been harassed out of the server and I see you guys do not like tmy as much as me and was hoping to find another Server but better then found your Wonderful Server so thought why not apply. How Have You Found About Us?:I heard how great your server was then applied. RolePlaying Experiance?:My roleplaying is great but i'll need a bit more practce.
In Character: Name:Brianna Age:20 Sex:Female Personality:Nice,Creative,Smart Race:Human SubRace:Robot BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Brianna was raised by her uncle in a not so great house (Shed) When she was younger she watched the war and never under stood why they were fighting eachother until she was 18 Brianna ran away from home to join the war she was inspired by her uncle. She joine the brother hood but didnt last so long in the brother hood after a while she joined Brianna was kidnapped by the legion beaten and threatened if she doesnt leave the Brotherhood she will die.She left the brother hood well didnt leave WENT missing Brianna got pulled into the legates office and told her that she is might take leader of the Legion. While she was thinking out side she was kidnapped again and sold as a sex slave for these group of bandits. After she realised she will never forget this moment then after that day they realeased brianna and looted her possesions. Since then she was planning to get those people who raped and abused her.........................................
Piece of advice, this guy wasn't harassed out, he abused his mod powers, tried to bribe people, and was subsequently banned. He doesn't even RP correctly.
That is all.
Why Us?:looking through some RP servers, found this one.
How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraft forum server surfing as i call it.
RolePlaying Experiance?: I play on other rp servers, but they dont seem lively. i have good rp Experiance. I hope i get accepted
In Character:
Name: Chael Quinn
Age: 17
Sex: male
Personality: Smart
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Went around, collecting things that seemed useful on his travels with his Father. Chael never met his mother, and his father always said: "Your mother left us because she was captured. she will come back, once we find her. dont worry" Chael then found a small village and stayed there for days because his father had gotten sick. Chael went on without him, hoping to be able to come back and speak to him again. Now Chael hopes to use his knowledge to find more medicine and other people he can team up with.
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, and I agree to follow all of them.
Why Us?: This seems like a server that has great potential and would like to join to have some fun.
How Have You Found About Us?:
RolePlaying Experiance?: sooooo much
In Character:
Name: Gordon
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Personality: Violent, Aggressive, Dangerous, Willing to fight.
Race: Human
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I am Gordon born and raised in a small town outside of Moscow. I have been in and out of jail since the age of 14, when i beat someone's head in, after he started a fight with me. I will not back down from a fight, and will not stop until its over. In my later years i join the Russian Mob, selling drugs and people to the highest bidder. I had not been out doing this long before I was hired as a hit-man to "take care of" a witness to a murder by another mob member. After 24 years in Russia, I was wanted by the government for too many crimes to count, I was forced to flee and would return when the time was right. The time is now...
Haha, its funny cause if you listened to me your server might not have failed. But i called it. And no, none of it was lies. AT all. No staff admitted anything. We never ever actually thought you would be competition. Your lore makes no sense and you stole our map XD
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes
Why Us?:the other fallout servers had bad staff and my freind suggested this one
How Have You Found About Us?:my freind
RolePlaying Experiance?:ive played on about ever fallout rp server
In Character:
Name:Derek Moore
Personality:Smart,quick to the trigger,semistrong,fast
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):I grew up in the NCR and brotherhoods protection. Later in my life i joined the NCR and me and my squad were deployed to russia to join the ranks of a army there.....i dont know what was so important that they had to send vetiberds...Our mission we were told the russians had a stable army when we arrived it we just as bad ..... stranded.... thats all i though about our vetibird crashed and we were stuck in where to where to way to fight back.....but ive created a new mission liberate russia at all costs........war....war never changes
I hope i get accepted
Age:does this matter 12
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yep
Why Us?:its all i want
How Have You Found About Us?:google
RolePlaying Experiance?:World of war craft and fallout and other things
In Character:
Name:Zane Smith
Personality:nice sometimes mean other times
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Me and me brother were roaming the wastes when i found a city and it was some weird one that the gate had power cause they have wind mills but when when we were looking ghouls dragged us away and they put us in a cage and then we heard a sound it was the brother hood of steel they shoot the king ghoul and the ghouls were running at us and the brother hood of steel i ground a pump gun and shoot every one then i pick the lock and got out and they asked us if we wanted to join we said yes they have the heilish thing in fallout 3 and new veges well moving on and we flew there and landed in a base and i see the elder he said to train for power armor ill have to target thing's so after that i did that he gave me power armor and i trained but i put it on and the armor and my speed went faster and stuff then a raider/super maunt attack and they gave me one laser pistol 1 laser rife and some cells and i handed off the raiders and they handed off the reset it was time for me to move with my brother we exited they gave us supply's and we made a camp in the broken city and we lived in a building with a Brother hood of steel that help us and we have supply's comeing back and fourth but they now attack it so we got cutt off and the other guy said teirs a brother hood of steel so we grabed our things and moved to the base their they were puting ppl in the valut for 10 years so we did that em years was good but when we left we came here here we well change are fate united
i hope i get accepted
Sex (Optional):Male
Have You Read All The Rules?:All read and agreed
Why Us?:Sadly I was with TMY as staff on his server (Developer) and been harassed out of the server and I see you guys do not like tmy as much as me and was hoping to find another Server but better then found your Wonderful Server so thought why not apply.
How Have You Found About Us?:I heard how great your server was then applied.
RolePlaying Experiance?:My roleplaying is great but i'll need a bit more practce.
In Character:
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Brianna was raised by her uncle in a not so great house (Shed) When she was younger she watched the war and never under stood why they were fighting eachother until she was 18 Brianna ran away from home to join the war she was inspired by her uncle. She joine the brother hood but didnt last so long in the brother hood after a while she joined Brianna was kidnapped by the legion beaten and threatened if she doesnt leave the Brotherhood she will die.She left the brother hood well didnt leave WENT missing Brianna got pulled into the legates office and told her that she is might take leader of the Legion. While she was thinking out side she was kidnapped again and sold as a sex slave for these group of bandits. After she realised she will never forget this moment then after that day they realeased brianna and looted her possesions. Since then she was planning to get those people who raped and abused her.........................................
*Facepalm* This server died. Its kinda obvious it was going to anyways....
That is all.
Age: 14
Have you read all the rules?: Yes
Why us?: I would really love to play on a fallout server
How have you found about us?: I was looking for RP servers
RP Experaiance?: Skyrim
In Character
Name: Scott Marino
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: Works alone, Does not talk much
Race: Human
SubRace: Robot
Back Story: My childhood was terrible, Raiders would be raiding the friends I know, Super Mutants were heard outside every day, talking about what they would do with us to scare us. They were big green monsters and some of them had machine guns, we didnt dare go close to them. One day my Mother told me: Scott, you got to move to chicago, your old enough now and it is not safe here! So I went to Chicago, she gave me a hunting rifle and a couple bullets to keep raiders and those green monsters, Super Mutants of my back. When I got there I roamed a little, looking for a place to settle. Then I found a bunker. When I walked in, the inside was perfictly fine, when I got there some big guys with powered suit's jumped me and told me to strip me clothes, I thought they were gonna do something ugly to me but they just wanted to make sure that I didnt have a weapon on me. After all of that, they asked me to join them. They were called the Brotherhood Of Steel. I said no. I didnt want to join a clan I wanted to settle first. So I walked out and never came back. On my radio, I picked up a russian radio. They said, "There is still hope in Russia! The raiders havnt gone crazy yet and no Super Mutants back here, come fast so you dont starve to death in the USA, hurry! So I took my belongins, my moms rifle, and headed to Russia.
Its roleplay, go look it up man...
IGN?: CarpeDiem293
Age: 16
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes
Why Us?: I enjoyed playing Fallout 3 and NV also I hope to help this server grow.
How Have You Found About Us?: Forums
RolePlaying Experiance?: I haven't played many heavy roleplaying servers, I usually stick to pvp/raid and prison servers but I'd like to try a RP server.
In Character:
Name: Jules Winnfield
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: Stern and stealthy. Black with black curly hair, curved sideburns that extend below the ear combines, but not connected to, a mustache that extends downward from the corners of the mouth to the jaw line. A soul patch is also included.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):Growing up Jules had a difficult life his mother left his father due to him being a drug addict at the age of 2. 3 years later Jules father died of a drug overdose. After Jules father death he was taken in by a co-worker at the weapons dealer shop that his father worked at. The man only went by Clyde, was a crippled older man in his 50's whose family had been murdered by his ex-employer. Clyde was an ex-hitman that worked for a local crime lord (Mr. White). After Clyde said he was done with being a hitman from Mr. White because he wanted to spend time with his family. Mr. White grew angry because Clyde was his best and decided to take the only thing Clyde cherished in life (his family..)
When Jules grew a little older around the age of 13 Clyde started training him to blend in with his surroundings and observe things better. Later on around the age on 15 Clyde trained Jules in weapons training and hand to hand combat. While Jules grew up Mr. White tried to keep him secret because he knew Mr. White would try to kill him if he heard about it. At the age of 16 Clyde was sold out by a co-worker, Mr. White came to kill Jules. When Whites gang showed up at Clydes house he told Jules to hid no matter what happened. After Clyde refused to tell where to Jules was hiding Mr. White decided to just shoot him in the chest and let him bleed out instead saying it would save a lot of trouble. After the gang left Jules tried to stop the bleeding but Clyde passed away on the floor. Since then Jules has been savaging what he can from the wastelands never staying to long in a certain place.
"I hope I get accepted"
I'll be asking a Mod to close the thread, to give it peace. The server looked decent enough in theory, regardless if the staff would of killed it or not.

ign:none but i have a youtube minezach1
age: 13
sex: male
have you read all the rules?: yes
why us?: because i fell in love with fallout and rpg's
how have you found about us: forums
roleplaying experiences?: i do them every often
in character:
name: nightshade
age: 19
sex: male
personality: agile and stealthy. hired assassin.
backstory(minnimum 1 paragraph) when he was just a boy he was a master assassin and was trained by his father. then one stormy night a band of raiders came to our door my father gave me his dagger and his rifle and told me to hide. that night those raiders murdered my parents and turned our house to rubble all i could find left was my fathers ring and my mothers necklace. i keep those items and live my life....... alone.
Nice try, but that obviously failed. Anyways, all I did was nearly inform everyone thinking to apply of how the owner of the server acts. And I had every right to do so, considering he stole my map. I think that deserves at least post about him here. Its great you wanna seem all high and mighty, but you're not bro. The while "flame war: had already been dead for weeks, you were just needlessly adding to it. There was literally no point in you posting anything here. It didn't help or solve anything, obviously. Besides, you aren't a forum mod, its not your thread, and really not your business of what goes on in it. So you can't really stop people from posting what they want in it. I didn't break any forum rules. And decent in theory? Everything about the server made NO sense XD
Piece of advice, this guy wasn't harassed out, he abused his mod powers, tried to bribe people, and was subsequently banned. He doesn't even RP correctly.
That is all.