Whitelist Application
Out Of Character:
IGN?: Sirbonzaiatak
Age: 16
Sex (Optional): Male
Have You Read All The Rules?: Sure have
Why Us?: Fallout- Enough said :3
How Have You Found About Us?: Searched fallout on the forum
RolePlaying Experiance?: Plenty of other servers+ forum threads. [Also the fallout games
In Character:
Age: 200+
Sex: Programmed as Male
Personality: Bold, straight foward [Robot]
Race: Robot
SubRace: A9-S3
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
Iron was built by RobCo back in 2066, marking Iron a pre-war model. Iron specifically was in a museum for many people to see. He was hand built, unlike his predecessors. Iron was the best of his model, the Z-18 unit. He was told by his builder that he was to go to a repair/robotic engineer.He should be somewhere in Russia. Years after the great war, Iron was activated by a man wearing a strange yellow suit. Iron followed him through what used to be the beautiful capitol of the United States. The man was shot a day after Iron was activated, marking Iron ownerless. Iron went off on his own to survive. He lived for years with the Brotherhood of Steel faction in DC. When they were attacked, Iron was lost and sent to Russia to find his upgrader. He knew if he could find him, he could life safely and peacefully. Iron has not lived in one place for more than a week since the museum. Iron runs on solar energy, and scavenged to find what he needed to make it to Russia.
Iron, as well as being very smart, is designed for small combat. He couldn't take on large packs of raiders however. When he was traveling through the desert, he was stopped by merchants so they could kill him and take his parts. One of the merchants, also a slaver, shot him in one of his eyes. He wears an eyepatch to cover the wound. Wires would always spark, so a merchant in the town of Malt Falls near Columbus Ohio sold him the eyepatch. He figured it was the only 'Normal' thing to do because when a person in the old days had no eye they would wear an eyepatch. "Like the Pirates" he always says. Harmon Jurley from the famous "The Adventures of Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood" wore one, so Iron supposed it would be trendy. It was in Malt Falls that Iron was able to find a plane to bring him to Russia.
Have You Read All The Rules?:i would not of made a app if i didnt
Why Us?:love the pre vault and gun feel to this RP
How Have You Found About Us?:Minecraft server list thing on forums
RolePlaying Experiance?:War is Feudal was my first it was nice but this blows it out of the water form the pics and plugins perspective
In Character:
Personality:a normal guy that is mentally unstable
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
He grew up in a small town in Utah. The population of this town was about 45 people. His mother was a doctor and his farther was just a gunslinger trying to help protect the town. He had one brother named John who he got along with. The town rarely got attacked and so it was quite quiet. Zaz learned to do a little more then basic healing that he learned form his mother in there free time while his brother learn how to shoot first heal later.
One day when Zaz was fully grown and was a scavenger for the town he was trying to gather herbs or supplies since everything was scarce when he was knocked out(might of caused the mentally unstable part). Not knowing what or who hit him he woke up tied to a chair. A mask figure walked into the room and started yelling at him in some language he didn't understand. He tried to get the ropes loosen to run but see was always in the room. A couple hours past when he heard a loud yell from outside in some foreign language and the masked figure runs out and an hour passes and she is not back. So Zaz unties the poorly tied ropes and pokes his head outside to see if the figure or anyone was there. He saw that no one was there or any noises nearby so he ran and this is where his story starts.
Out Of Character: IGN?:EJBomber26 Age:16 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes Why Us?:Ive love fallout and am looking for a cool RP server How Have You Found About Us?:on the forums RolePlaying Experiance?:played on other rp serverd
In Character: Name: MJ Model I Age: 5 Sex: Male Personality: Independent, bold, and ruthless Race: Robot SubRace: n/a BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Desperate for a robot that could combat the growing strength of humanity the MJ Model was developed in secret. The MJ Model was created with the sole purpose of exterminating the enemy. It was given advanced leadership skills as well as state of the art weapon capabilities. After its creation the factory was discovered by the humans and was raided. Since the MJ Model was not operational it was ignored and survived. Over a year later robots returned to the factory in an attempt to salvage the MJ Model. After searching they were able to discover the MJ Model I. the MJ Model I then joined the ranks of the robots.
Why Us?: Because i was looking for a good role-playing server based off of fallout and i think this is the one
How Have You Found About Us?: i was scrolling through the server list looking for
a good role-playing server based off of fallout and i came across this one
RolePlaying Experiance?: little, but willing to learn.
In Character:
Name: Nick Farster
Age: 30
Sex: male
Personality: Very out going, but quiet. Usually takes lead when necessary and follows when necessary. Very Strong Willed
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): (Before Disaster) Nick joined the United States Marines after college. (in college he majored in criminal justice). He spent his first year in boot camp and infantry training. He was then shipped off to the Kazakhstan-Russia border. He spent 2 years there and then was moved into Russia. He spent 3 years in Russia before the disaster happened. When the disaster happened, he fled to the nearest city. Unfortunately, it was filled with ghouls and super-mutants. And this is where the story begins...
Out Of Character: IGN?:EJBomber26 Age:16 Sex (Optional):male Have You Read All The Rules?:yes Why Us?:Ive love fallout and am looking for a cool RP server How Have You Found About Us?:on the forums RolePlaying Experiance?:played on other rp serverd
In Character: Name: MJ Model I Age: 5 Sex: Male Personality: Independent, bold, and ruthless Race: Robot SubRace: n/a BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Desperate for a robot that could combat the growing strength of humanity the MJ Model was developed in secret. The MJ Model was created with the sole purpose of exterminating the enemy. It was given advanced leadership skills as well as state of the art weapon capabilities. After its creation the factory was discovered by the humans and was raided. Since the MJ Model was not operational it was ignored and survived. Over a year later robots returned to the factory in an attempt to salvage the MJ Model. After searching they were able to discover the MJ Model I. the MJ Model I then joined the ranks of the robots.
Why Us?: Because i was looking for a good role-playing server based off of fallout and i think this is the one
How Have You Found About Us?: i was scrolling through the server list looking for
a good role-playing server based off of fallout and i came across this one
RolePlaying Experiance?: little, but willing to learn.
In Character:
Name: Nick Farster
Age: 30
Sex: male
Personality: Very out going, but quiet. Usually takes lead when necessary and follows when necessary. Very Strong Willed
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): (Before Disaster) Nick joined the United States Marines after college. (in college he majored in criminal justice). He spent his first year in boot camp and infantry training. He was then shipped off to the Kazakhstan-Russia border. He spent 2 years there and then was moved into Russia. He spent 3 years in Russia before the disaster happened. When the disaster happened, he fled to the nearest city. Unfortunately, it was filled with ghouls and super-mutants. And this is where the story begins...
:l I was accepted with the Faciton, the lore makes me the leader. That's straight up BS, because I was allowed on the server to help build by Squid. :l
Why Us?: I want to have an authentic Minecraft RP experience. I've tried many servers, but all of them aren't ever very populated, or they are just crap.
How Have You Found About Us?: just saw you on the "active topics" list
RolePlaying Experiance?: I am a whitelister on "Fallout: Sins of Our Fathers", but haven't been there for a while. I've had quite a bit of RPing XP with that server, as well as games like Fallout 3, NV, Oblivion, and Skyrim.
In Character:
Name: Benjamin "Rambo" Jacobs
Age: 27
Sex: male
Personality: always a bit to happy for the situation, but nevertheless always ready for fight. He likes to shoot at bottles, mole rats, bloatflies, raiders, and his enemies' heads. isn't very likable, but has a couple of friends throughout the wasteland.
Race: Human
SubRace: Cannibal
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Benjamin was born in a rundown shack while his parents were on the run from raiders. He was fed very little as a baby, and was close to dying when his familyfinallymade it to a civilized town. Ben grew up in this town named Petersville, which was apparently famous for their brahnim meat.
Ben learned to shoot at the age of seven. He spent most of his spare time shooting bottles with his .32 round revolver. By the age of 15, Ben had many different guns, his favorite being his Chinese assault rifle. He wished it was easier to find 44mm rounds for his gun, and when the local store had the rounds, there were very few, and one clip would send him back 30 caps. The only way Ben could earn his money was by going into raider camps and taking their guns and supplies. The local store would happily buy his guns for a nice price, but Ben kept the ones he liked.
Ben left his hometown at the age of 25. He wanted more adventure in his life, and he got his wish. He was hired to go around Russia and erasing every last raider in the whole of the country, 100 caps for each camp. This is what Ben is doing right now. Two years of doing good for the rest of the people is what he loves. He will continue for many years to come.
Yeah.... Mr is a builder, so we gave all builders leadership positions, sorry Poet.
That's Bull. I was told that I would be given leadership, as my Character became leader in the Faction Lore, and I made the faction. And I was accepted as a builder by Squid. Mr12310 having leadership makes no sense to the faction lore, and I was given the leadership.
Fallout is an awesome game and I've been looking for a change in my MC
How Have You Found About Us?:
MC Forums
RolePlaying Experience?:
Not a whole lot, never played a RP server on MineCraft, I want to change things up a bit instead of the usual "Faction/Survival" server. But I do play Fallout and Elder Scrolls a lot so I hope that counts as something .
In Character:
Name: Raki Broj
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Personality: Respectful, Quite, and is a trustworthy team mate
Race: Human
SubRace: Citizen
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Raki Broj grew up in the vault by himself as his family didn't make it during the fallout. After years of being in the vault, he decided to leave the Vault and venture out to see what has happened to his friends and family. While he was exploring the once town he grew up in burned down to ashes. He looked at his old house and went inside to find nothing. Until he realized that the town was taken over by bandits. After the bandits came back shortly when he was looking around his old town, Raki ran for it and stole some food. Raki knew from this day that the world has gone to hell and is going to be tough to adapt to. On his journey, he found a town made out of old metal and was protected. It was named "New Clear" after it was named from a nuclear bomb site and to start a clear new town. He felt welcomed there and decided to have a home there. Once in a while bandits would come and he would help defend it. He learned about the fight between the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel and was sicked by what the Enclave did. So, he said that he would kill any one of those bastards that stood in his way. This is the new life he has to live with.
Why Us?: Blade and I go back a ways and I want to see how he is doing.
How Have You Found About Us?: Blade1212
RolePlaying Experiance?: Lots. Again, ask Blade, he can vouch for me.
In Character: HappyGrenades
Name: HappyGrenades
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Personality: Sarcastic, doesn't take **** from anyone. Will get in trouble easily but never intentionally starts it. If in a fight I will fight to win, which usually means I will fight to kill. So far I've never lost, and I am proud of this.
Race: Human
SubRace: Bandit
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): HappyGrenades was dragged tooth and nail into a vault when he was just a child, his best friend was left outside. No one would help her. When he begged his father to get her in he told him she wasn't worth it. From that moment on HappyGrenades trained with a sword and gun. 6 months ago one of the air filters in their vault malfunctioned, but due to a lack of supplies brought in to the vault originally and a surplus of stupidity it was unfixable. A team was sent outside to see if the air was breathable and everything was safe. His father was on this team.
With less than a week of air left and a personal desire to get out he confronted his father. He told HappyGrenades he was heading for a beating the way he was stepping out of line, but in his lovely lecture he failed to notice Happy' had slipped his pocket knife out of his pocket. Being careful not to rip the biohazard suit he pulled it away, then kneed him in the stomach and knocked him out cold. HappyGrenades put on his father's suit and joined the party to leave, telling them his dad was ill. Once they were outside his father came to, and radioed to the team about his son's betrayal. They raised their guns but HappyGrenades was faster. He used the knife and wove in and amongst them, killing with deadly precision. He carefully took of his helmet, breathed fresh air, and stripped off the suit. Arming up with the guns the team had, HappyGrenades set off. Ever since then he have been moving around, with a dwindling hope he would find his friend, but more importantly, to start a new life.
Sorry for the non-whitelist delay it seems one of our staff wasent doing there job....So I will be assigning 3 people to whitelist now but there will be another 1 day delay of no whitelisting
Just wondering, but tell me.
Why was i blacklisted?
I posted one app, a serious one at that.
And one rebuttle to a stupid comment.
That was it.
That's all i did.
So, tell me again how you came on our server and told another player that you had access to our files?
WHAT THE **** IS THIS. I TRIED SO HARD. SO ****ING HARD TO GET ON YOUR BLACKLIST. T.T I really don't understand. I mean, What's right about a playboy grey from zeta. He gets that alien ***** all day and night. Can you really not put me on the blacklist for that? OMNIPONY IS A GURL. NVM ITS A HE. But anyway, I'd rreally really luv to b on yo' niggalist, thank you.
Just wondering, but tell me.
Why was i blacklisted?
I posted one app, a serious one at that.
And one rebuttle to a stupid comment.
That was it.
That's all i did.
So, tell me again how you came on our server and told another player that you had access to our files?
HeHe If I had access to your server files, youd have no server right now....
WHAT THE **** IS THIS. I TRIED SO HARD. SO ****ING HARD TO GET ON YOUR BLACKLIST. T.T I really don't understand. I mean, What's right about a playboy grey from zeta. He gets that alien ***** all day and night. Can you really not put me on the blacklist for that? OMNIPONY IS A GURL. NVM ITS A HE. But anyway, I'd rreally really luv to b on yo' niggalist, thank you.
Im sorry its quite extensivly hard to get the fame of our blacklist maybe next time
And, showing off to other players using general terms is hilarious.
"I have to use the backdoor to get into there server, its like a military base"
And did i mention that porn hub link in our Guns+ Plugin?
That was a real hoot. What im really interested in is how you fooled him into thinking you did by sharing screens.
Just some general server files or what?
Both accepted.
Yeah.... Mr is a builder, so we gave all builders leadership positions, sorry Poet.
Sex (Optional):male
Have You Read All The Rules?:yes
Why Us?:Ive love fallout and am looking for a cool RP server
How Have You Found About Us?:on the forums
RolePlaying Experiance?:played on other rp serverd
In Character:
Name: MJ Model I
Age: 5
Sex: Male
Personality: Independent, bold, and ruthless
Race: Robot
SubRace: n/a
BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): Desperate for a robot that could combat the growing strength of humanity the MJ Model was developed in secret. The MJ Model was created with the sole purpose of exterminating the enemy. It was given advanced leadership skills as well as state of the art weapon capabilities. After its creation the factory was discovered by the humans and was raided. Since the MJ Model was not operational it was ignored and survived. Over a year later robots returned to the factory in an attempt to salvage the MJ Model. After searching they were able to discover the MJ Model I. the MJ Model I then joined the ranks of the robots.
both accepted
I hope I get accepted
That's Bull. I was told that I would be given leadership, as my Character became leader in the Faction Lore, and I made the faction. And I was accepted as a builder by Squid. Mr12310 having leadership makes no sense to the faction lore, and I was given the leadership.
I hope I get Accepted
Why was i blacklisted?
I posted one app, a serious one at that.
And one rebuttle to a stupid comment.
That was it.
That's all i did.
So, tell me again how you came on our server and told another player that you had access to our files?
Silly mistake due to some minor server errors nobody can even enter the server right now... dont worry though we will whitelist you asap
HeHe If I had access to your server files, youd have no server right now....
Im sorry its quite extensivly hard to get the fame of our blacklist
And, showing off to other players using general terms is hilarious.
"I have to use the backdoor to get into there server, its like a military base"
And did i mention that porn hub link in our Guns+ Plugin?
That was a real hoot. What im really interested in is how you fooled him into thinking you did by sharing screens.
Just some general server files or what?
lolwut. I never even posted anything offensive at all, I even tried to help a little XD Not like I would ever want to be on here anyways, but still.