Welcome to Savage Realms Raid. You all have been Whitelisted. If you have any questions in game be sure to /pe create (Question goes here) So a Helper + can assist you.Enjoy your stay on Savage Realms Raid! Voting site - http://votesr.com/ Forums - http://savagepvp.net/ Server Ip address - pvp.savagerealms.net Remember to Read the Rules and Have Fun!
Congrats! your whitelisted! join pvp.savagrealms.net to get started!
You can do /kit member to get some cool free stuff!
/pe new [message] can get a question answered quickly and awesome
Age: 16
Have you voted? No
im an experienced player, i have played since alpha and im looking to meet nicer people =D
Congrats! your all whitelisted! join pvp.savagerealms.net to get started!
/kit member to get starter stuff, and /pe new [message here] to get a question answered by a helper!
No questions
I usually have a neutral/undecided standpoint on things. And yes, I am part Swiss.
IGN: Scalliwagg
Age: 20
No questions or concerns (read above)
Welcome to Savage Realms Raid. You all have been Whitelisted. If you have any questions in game be sure to /pe create (Question goes here) So a Helper + can assist you.Enjoy your stay on Savage Realms Raid!
Voting site - http://votesr.com/
Forums - http://savagepvp.net/
Server Ip address - pvp.savagerealms.net
Remember to Read the Rules and Have Fun!
Age: 14
Voting: Just voted for all 3 sites mentioned.
Ign: Bliipyblob
Age: 15
No questions at all
Congrats! your whitelisted! join pvp.savagrealms.net to get started!
You can do /kit member to get some cool free stuff!
/pe new [message] can get a question answered quickly and awesome
Age: 20
I will once ive tried out the server/
I will once i joined the server.
Have you voted on all 3 servers?:Yes i have.
Any questions/concerns/comments?If not, that's okay.:No i think the raid server is perfectly fine
Welcome To Savage PvP!!!
You are now whitelisted. Have A Good Time!
IP: pvp.savagerealms.net
if you need help, type /pe new >question< ingame.