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I would like to accept this but I think the bio might be a bit short and not really in depth, if possibly please re-work your bio.
Denied. Re-read the rules
Denied. Re-read the rules and make your rp example longer
Denied. Re-read our lore and fix the giant error that is in yours
Denied. Re-read the rules, and it doesn't seem to me like you really know what Fallout is, as your bio has nothing to do with it, and doesn't sound like its in the Fallout world. Fix that
Denied. Your bio has nothing to do with Fallout or our lore, please correct that
Denied. Your bio needs to be longer and connect to our lore. Also, I don't know what gave you the idea you could be a builder, as their is nothing to build, and we haven't been looking for builders for months
Are you for real?Im not even going to tell you the 3 things you left out, because its blazingly obvious. Go make a real app
In game name: Nightmanhunter
Country or timezone: United States - EST
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one:
Name: Rune Davidson
What faction and position are you applying for?: Enclave Major
In game name:N0_ONE_YOU_KNOW
Country or timezone:USA GMT -5
Have you played any Fallout Game? Which one:Fallout 3 and Fallout NV + all DLCs
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well: Ian is hard to get along with, but he is fair. He is hard to get to know because he is very blunt. His appearance resembles that of a farmer. He doesn't care what other people think about him, and you get that vibe by just looking at him. He is never seen without his hat on, and he dresses very simplistically.
In game name:Sirbonzaiatak
Country or timezone:USA EST
Have you played any fallout Game? 3 and NewVegas
Name: Iron
Character's Traits: Iron is a sturdy 6 feet tall robot.
Character biography (At LEAST 2 paragraphs):
In game name:WhiteLite30
Country or timezone:USA GMT-5
Have you played any Fallout Game? Which one:Yes, I've played Fallout 3, all of the DLC's, and New Vegas
Character's signifying traits, include appearance as well:
Kyle is very quit and tends to keep his troubles to himself. He is a bit roughed up, but he is as tough as he is intimidating. Medium built, brown hair, 6" tall, He wears reinforced clothing
RP example (At LEAST a paragraph):
Kyle: *scavenging throughout an abandon hospital*
*hears rustling down the hall*
Kyle: *cautiously creeps down to the mysterious ruckus*
*door flies open*
*a raider steps out, pistol drawn*
Raider: *angerly* "What are you doing here, boy?"
Kyle: "Just looking for some rad-x and radaway before i head out to the bomb site... im looking for my family."
Raider: *with a snicker* "Who said you were leaving this place?"
Kyle: "Are you sure you want to play this game?"
Raider: "Who? me? nahhh, but my friends might."
*suddenly, three raiders step out from behind him, two wielding pipes and one with a revolver*
Kyle: "I warned you"
*The raiders holding pipes charge at Kyle*
*within a split-second, Kyle pulls out his combat knife and stabs the men*
*the raider with the gun then aims down his sights ,but before he could pull the tigger, Kyle launched his knife at his head*
*the once snickering raider stood there, in fright, begging for his life*
Raider: "Please! Let me be! Take anything you want!
Kyle: "Get out of here, you better hope i dont run into you again."
*the raider then runs away*
*Kyle gathers his supplies and continues his journey*
Character biography (At LEAST 2 paragraphs):
Kyle has lived on the outskirts of Chicago his whole life with his older brother John. John takes care of him because their parents were kidnapped by a group of raiders when Kyle was at the age of three. He swore that one day he would rescue them. As he aged, the hope of rescuing them began to fade. John accepted the fact that their parents are long gone years ago. Even though the chances are slim, Kyle still believed that they were still out there.
When the NCR decided to come to New Chicago, they decided to set up the capital city near their house. One day while Kyle and John were out tending to their brahmin, the NCR approched John with intentions of evicting them of their home. John then disagreed and the NCR answer with a bullet between his eyes. It served as a warning to Kyle that he would be next if he did not surrender his home. In terror, he ran off crying. He ran untill he found a small hut surrounded by barbed wire. "It looks abandoned' ,he said. He then ventured on inside and found a trap door in the middle of the floor. Out of curiousity, he opened the door. It lead to a room with a table in the middle. On that table laid a .44 Magnum and combat knife. Embedded in the barrel of the gun was the word, "Hope". Kyle then knew what he had to do.
He now spends his time traveling, hunting, and searching for his parents. With each passing day, he fends for his life. He runs into fellow travelers and fiends. He rarely stops to rest due to his drive to find his parents. He has become a very skilled killer. He hopes that one day that his skill will lead him into taking on the NCR and avenging his brothers death and also reunite him with his parents.
Most of us staff, including me and rug, are in US eastern time and have school, so we havent been able to whitelist you yet
Woah, chill, he just accidently skipped over your app, that doesnt mean your denied. Accepted
And I'm still not home from school!
could you give me an estimate to when i'll be put on?
All whitelisted.
Did our website get taken down?
Is the server down?
...I hate you, Murphy law