let me give you a tip you need to add a rp example and back story and re-read the rules just a tip since the admins are proboly goin deny it so re check does parts
have you played any fallout games: yes fallout 3 and new vegas
have i read the rules yes "diamond"
country or timezone: Australian
Name: Sir Henry Maywood the III
Character Bio: Born in a Vault-Tec vault, Henry was the child of two scientists. His mother unfortunately died of birth complications brought on from the use of scavenged broken Pre-War Medical equipment. Since infancy his intelligence was growing. even the G.O.A.T wasn't a match for The teen Henry. After an incident involving The Overseer. 19 year old Henry left the Vault to Conquer the wastes. Along his journey he met many Big names in the wastes. Alistar Tenpenny, Mister Burke, and Eulogy Jones. One day though he left his Suite at Tenpenny tower to explore. He looked around near a cave and found inside 3 safes full of Caps! He also found a deed left by his great grandfather Sir Archibald Maywood the IVth. In it he left Henry the family fortune and The Family Mansion. Hidden in the mountains so as not to be hit by the Nuclear Warheads or blast waves. So young Henry hired a lot of women to keep the Mansion safe from any Hostile group. But then Henry had the duty of "moving out" of his suite. He murdered every single person in the Tower, stole Tenpenny's Suit, stole the armor and guns, food, drinks, etc. and left the tower to the mercy of the wastes. Today Young Henry still Explores the wastes from time to time, conquering settlement after settlement, in hopes of becoming the baron of the wasteland
Thank you very much; I'll probably jump on sometime tomorrow or friday.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All hail the mighty bone meal, who's crunchiness hath made for us the bread to feed our young, and the trees to make our shelters, and the sugarcane with which we shall make books and bookcases to store our records of the holy bone meal.
In game name: jetshelby
Age: 17
Country or timezone: GMT -5, Canada
Have you played any fallout Games? Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout Tactics Have you read the rules?:Yes i have read the rules.
Name: Lance Summers
Character biography:
Born to a Desert Ranger and an exiled Follower of the Apocalypse, he learned a lot about both old world knowledge and the brutal survivalist ways of the rangers. When the NCR tried to assimilate the Desert Rangers his father pushed against it, not willing to compromise an honourable history by becoming just another branch of this empirical new government. His points were listened to at first, but gradually the rangers decided it was for the best: they agreed to the treaty. Angered and disillusioned, the Ranger was sent into the NCR's land in order to learn about them, and his superior hoped that in time he would accept them too.
Shortly after they moved, his father was killed by a Legionaire. Hoping to take revenge his son (me) joined the 1st recon.
Some years later, his mother died too. She died in her sleep, one of the few to die naturaly in the wasteland. Having no ties left, he left the Recon and decided to leave in search of a better life and maybe starting a brahmin ranch.
Skype: "riddley ._." <-exactly that, without quotes.
In game name:tonyo5653
Country or timezone:usa
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one:yes fallout 2
Have you read the rules?: Why do you want to play on this server?:i like the game so i thought this might be fun
IC:dont no wat it is
Name:anthony RP Example:dont no wat it is Age:21
Character biography:i was a farmer but got mad at the ncr and started to kill them secretly
In game name: gregheaston
Age: 15
Country or timezone: gmt-8
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: fallout 3 and NV
Have you read the rules?: OFC, ore baybee! Why do you want to play on this server?: i'm looking for a fun rp server.
Name: Greg Heaston RP Example: Hey guys, What's up? I'm lookin' to buy some .357 rounds. Got any in stock? Age: 16
Character biography: Greg's ancestors were rebels who hated the idea of hiding in bunkers to survive a bomb. They survived by going into natural caves, full of twists and turns, false entrances and false exits. Life was hard, and his lineage has lived there since the War. When Greg reached 'maturity' (in the Heaston family, 13), he ventured out of the massive cave system and found himself in a harsh, inhospitable world.
In game name:tonyo5653
Country or timezone:usa
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one:yes fallout 2
Have you read the rules?: Why do you want to play on this server?:i like the game so i thought this might be fun
IC:dont no wat it is
Name:anthony RP Example:dont no wat it is Age:21
Character biography:i was a farmer but got mad at the ncr and started to kill them secretly
Im not a whitelister but that wont get accepted, The bio should be a paragraph AT LEAST and have to do with the lore and an RP example is an example of roleplay :3
In game name: kewagelytron
Age: 16
Country or timezone: california
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: fallout 3, fallout new vegas
Have you read the rules?: yes Why do you want to play on this server?: i heard this was an excellent server , but i am also a die hard fallout fan who also loves mc , and id like nothing more then to play on it
Name: levi piercing RP Example: "i wouldnt touch that, ive got a rusty switchblade and its just dying for the taste of blood" Age: 22
Character biography:
the piercings were a proud and honorable family with most of the men serving or had served in the military , levi grew up as a reject and a rebel amongst his war hardened father and 3 hardy brothers, and never fit in, when the war hit , his father expected him to join up and serve his country fighting whatever the world through at him , but levi was reluctant and fled into vault 82 in washington. He went through his vault years as a drop out in school and became a tunnel snake. he carried a rusty switchblade with his named carved at the tip of it, 5 years and levi was done with this way of life , nothing to do and no where to go. he and his friend nick made an esape plan , they were to steal the keys of a guard and open up the vault , something no one would dare to do. everything went according to plan. he stole the keys of a sleeping guard and met up with nick in the main atrium , they were ready to go when out comes the overseer came with a loaded 10mm hand gun . he aimed first for nick , yelling as he fired the entire clip into his chest, killing nick instantly ,levi quickly pulled out the rusty switchblade and gouged the overseer in the neck , the overseer dropped to his knees and levi twisted the blade causing a stream of warm blood to flow onto the front of his jacket, he walked away crying from the loss of his friend. as he opened the vault door and began to walk out he etched nick into his switchblade, "for nick , my fallen friend..."
It's not that hard to make a app,and if we accepted people like that how would we know you are familiary with role playing.......
just speaking personally, and no offense meant; I'm not familiar with role playing much at all. This is certainly the first time I'll be doing rp on a minecraft server.
I do wholeheartedly agree that he needs to make an app, and demonstrate some capability of rping, but I wouldn't say he needs to be familiar with it persay.
I'll shut up now so as not to start a fight.
Also, TmynameisT, I posted my last comment before I saw yours; I shall wait to try and jump on till you give the goahead.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All hail the mighty bone meal, who's crunchiness hath made for us the bread to feed our young, and the trees to make our shelters, and the sugarcane with which we shall make books and bookcases to store our records of the holy bone meal.
In game name: StiffNipps Age: 15
Country or timezone: Australia
Have you played any fallout Game? yes Which one: fallout 3 and fallout new vegas
Have you read the rules?: yes Why do you want to play on this server?: i want to join a hard survival server and i always wanted to make my own home in it.
Name: Daniel Carter RP : I wakes up one day the sun on his face. I get out of bed and get my stuff on ,pick up my rifle and walks outside. i walk over to my flower garden and picks one rose and then walks over to the grave. carved into to it said dawn gillette. i place down the flower on the grave like I do every day and then walks of to find food. I find the old beer and walks inside gun ready. has I enter I see no one. "good atleast this one wont wrong like the last one." say to myself. as I walk in I see what I was looking for and walks staight to it. I open the door to the freezers and see a pig crops hanging. "wow this place is a beer and they have hang pig. just wow i guess i can get both then." i walk to the pig and cuts about a inch into the meat and looks at the peice in hand. "good no rot" I say. I open the other door to a room full of beer. I take about one box and says I will be back. but as I make my way home I hears the words I always hated to hear and turned around but noone was there. "thank god it is not me." i said and then i hear it again but closer. "look you can come out now or we will go in after you." said a man holding a collar. "damn not slavers." I say slowly. i see in the window ainking i did the right thing kid, a women, and a man. "damn brad dont get involved.just leave it alone just dont get in involved." i start to walk away but something inside of me forced myself to move from my hidden and open firing shooting the first slaver straight through the chest. he falls down to the ground. dead the other 2 open up but the man in the window kills one while the other one ran for his life. i shot him through the head and he falls down. dead. all i do is turn give the man a sharp eye and say "there will be more when they find out that they dead you better get moving." i walk away thinking i did the right thing. Age: 27Character biography: brad was born in a vault. his family left at his age of 1 when the vaults radiation broke killing and mutating half the people. his parents made a house a home about 3 miles from the vault knowing that the vault now belonged to the things that once lived there. at the age of 5 brad knew how to handly a gunand skin a animal. at the age of 10 the house was attacked by raiders he killed 9 of them while his dad killed the rest. at the age of 15 he left the safty of the home to make his own life. at the age of 16 when he found a suitable hosehe meet a girl named dawn. it was love at first site they would say. they got married and had a kid. age of 20 the kid was 4 and learning how to use a gun when he meet the slavers first thing. they almost killed him and his wife but his son who had killed all of them. after that they named him savoir. at the age of 24 dawn becme very ill and died. after a year savoir was 12 and there was a family who came by. brad gave the boy over to them hoping he would have a real home. brad lives alone far from people but always misses the old days with dawn.
Have I played Fallout before?: Yes,I have played Fallout III New Vegas
Have I read the rules?: Yes
Why i would like to play on this server?: I have always been a fan of fallout and was amazed that there was a minecraft version (I was looking for a server at the time)
Character Name: Vince Sven
Age: 24
RP Example:
Vince: (I looked down at my rifle, it was out of ammo) Damnit I knew I shuldve brought more ammo before I leaft the bunker....Jack was right i cant survive outside of the city gates by myself...
(I looked off into the desert, while squinting my eyes, as I drank some water. I noticed something odd off in the distance)
Vince: Oh no not another reaper...
(I got up and got closer. I then realized it wasn't a reaper)
Vince: Jack! Jack!
Jack: I told you not to run off so early...
(As he coughed i noticed a big slash mark across his shoulder)
Vince: We need to get you back to the gates the guards will take care of you
Jack: No..*cough* Im already Infected...I can't go back
Vince: NO...I'll come up with and exuse for the guards to let you back in. I'll say you fell off the bridge trying to get your weapon weapon!
Jack: I'm sorry I can't let you do that *cough* everyone will be in danger of Infection...Just put me out of my missiory kid...(as he started to cough up more blood)
Vince: I wont let you die on me jack! you hear me!?
Jack: Im sorry vince my time has come...I'll see yeah around...
(he then cracked a smile,and then slowly fell to the ground)
Vince: I'm so sorry Jack...
(I began to tear up knowing that my best friend had just died. From that moment I promised I would kill every single last Reaper while i stood on this planet. I picked up Jack's Assault Rifle and set off for my long journey.)
Background: Born July,14,1988 As a small child Vince was abandoned by his parents and was taken into an orphanage in his hometown. When vince was 9 years old his entire village was wiped out by a band of reapers the only only survivors were himself and his friend Jack Myers Age:19 were the only ones that survived. Jack took vince in considering then were the only two survivors of there village. Later on in Vince's life they came a cross a survial camp (so big it was practically a city) named after the great conquer of planets, Nexion. Later on in Vince's adulthood he was apprenticed by Jack Myers and worked as a hunter in the woods for 12 years and devolped comabt skills. Vince's only concern in life is to find his parents and to eliminate all reapers in this world.
Absolutely denied, you were way out of the ballpark (in a bad way). Re-read the entire op and use the correct app
Use our app and not The Vaults
TO EVERYONE ACCEPTED: I will whitelist you as soon as I possibly can, though Im not sure when that will be, just please be patient
Don't know, Ill check when I get to my hotel
have you played any fallout games: yes fallout 3 and new vegas
have i read the rules yes "diamond"
country or timezone: Australian
Name: Sir Henry Maywood the III
Character Bio:
Born in a Vault-Tec vault, Henry was the child of two scientists. His mother unfortunately died of birth complications brought on from the use of scavenged broken Pre-War Medical equipment. Since infancy his intelligence was growing. even the G.O.A.T wasn't a match for The teen Henry. After an incident involving The Overseer. 19 year old Henry left the Vault to Conquer the wastes. Along his journey he met many Big names in the wastes. Alistar Tenpenny, Mister Burke, and Eulogy Jones. One day though he left his Suite at Tenpenny tower to explore. He looked around near a cave and found inside 3 safes full of Caps! He also found a deed left by his great grandfather Sir Archibald Maywood the IVth. In it he left Henry the family fortune and The Family Mansion. Hidden in the mountains so as not to be hit by the Nuclear Warheads or blast waves. So young Henry hired a lot of women to keep the Mansion safe from any Hostile group. But then Henry had the duty of "moving out" of his suite. He murdered every single person in the Tower, stole Tenpenny's Suit, stole the armor and guns, food, drinks, etc. and left the tower to the mercy of the wastes. Today Young Henry still Explores the wastes from time to time, conquering settlement after settlement, in hopes of becoming the baron of the wasteland
Thank you very much; I'll probably jump on sometime tomorrow or friday.
Read the OP it says all that you need there.
Just look at my reply, as Im the server owner
Thats not what I meant, I meant I want you to use OUR app. Please fix
Your app is very incomplete
re-read the rules and fill out the app in the op thats what i know what to say from watching the admins do it
In game name: jetshelby
Age: 17
Country or timezone: GMT -5, Canada
Have you played any fallout Games? Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout Tactics
Have you read the rules?:Yes i have read the rules.
Name: Lance Summers
Character biography:
Born to a Desert Ranger and an exiled Follower of the Apocalypse, he learned a lot about both old world knowledge and the brutal survivalist ways of the rangers. When the NCR tried to assimilate the Desert Rangers his father pushed against it, not willing to compromise an honourable history by becoming just another branch of this empirical new government. His points were listened to at first, but gradually the rangers decided it was for the best: they agreed to the treaty. Angered and disillusioned, the Ranger was sent into the NCR's land in order to learn about them, and his superior hoped that in time he would accept them too.
Shortly after they moved, his father was killed by a Legionaire. Hoping to take revenge his son (me) joined the 1st recon.
Some years later, his mother died too. She died in her sleep, one of the few to die naturaly in the wasteland. Having no ties left, he left the Recon and decided to leave in search of a better life and maybe starting a brahmin ranch.
Skype: "riddley ._." <-exactly that, without quotes.
Country or timezone:usa
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one:yes fallout 2
Have you read the rules?:
Why do you want to play on this server?:i like the game so i thought this might be fun
IC:dont no wat it is
RP Example:dont no wat it is
Character biography:i was a farmer but got mad at the ncr and started to kill them secretly
I did fix it though
In game name: gregheaston
Age: 15
Country or timezone: gmt-8
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: fallout 3 and NV
Have you read the rules?: OFC,
Why do you want to play on this server?: i'm looking for a fun rp server.
Name: Greg Heaston
RP Example: Hey guys, What's up? I'm lookin' to buy some .357 rounds. Got any in stock?
Age: 16
Character biography: Greg's ancestors were rebels who hated the idea of hiding in bunkers to survive a bomb. They survived by going into natural caves, full of twists and turns, false entrances and false exits. Life was hard, and his lineage has lived there since the War. When Greg reached 'maturity' (in the Heaston family, 13), he ventured out of the massive cave system and found himself in a harsh, inhospitable world.
Im not a whitelister but that wont get accepted, The bio should be a paragraph AT LEAST and have to do with the lore and an RP example is an example of roleplay
In game name: kewagelytron
Age: 16
Country or timezone: california
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: fallout 3, fallout new vegas
Have you read the rules?: yes
Why do you want to play on this server?: i heard this was an excellent server , but i am also a die hard fallout fan who also loves mc , and id like nothing more then to play on it
Name: levi piercing
RP Example: "i wouldnt touch that, ive got a rusty switchblade and its just dying for the taste of blood"
Age: 22
Character biography:
the piercings were a proud and honorable family with most of the men serving or had served in the military , levi grew up as a reject and a rebel amongst his war hardened father and 3 hardy brothers, and never fit in, when the war hit , his father expected him to join up and serve his country fighting whatever the world through at him , but levi was reluctant and fled into vault 82 in washington. He went through his vault years as a drop out in school and became a tunnel snake. he carried a rusty switchblade with his named carved at the tip of it, 5 years and levi was done with this way of life , nothing to do and no where to go. he and his friend nick made an esape plan , they were to steal the keys of a guard and open up the vault , something no one would dare to do. everything went according to plan. he stole the keys of a sleeping guard and met up with nick in the main atrium , they were ready to go when out comes the overseer came with a loaded 10mm hand gun . he aimed first for nick , yelling as he fired the entire clip into his chest, killing nick instantly ,levi quickly pulled out the rusty switchblade and gouged the overseer in the neck , the overseer dropped to his knees and levi twisted the blade causing a stream of warm blood to flow onto the front of his jacket, he walked away crying from the loss of his friend. as he opened the vault door and began to walk out he etched nick into his switchblade, "for nick , my fallen friend..."
just speaking personally, and no offense meant; I'm not familiar with role playing much at all. This is certainly the first time I'll be doing rp on a minecraft server.
I do wholeheartedly agree that he needs to make an app, and demonstrate some capability of rping, but I wouldn't say he needs to be familiar with it persay.
I'll shut up now so as not to start a fight.
Also, TmynameisT, I posted my last comment before I saw yours; I shall wait to try and jump on till you give the goahead.