my name is canboy72 i grew up in in a vault my dad was a paladin my mom a knight. at the age of 22 i went out on my own and became a legionary and ranked up to a centurion. at the battle of hoover dam i lost and executed my legate joshua graham.
caesars legion was taken over and now i am the legions legate. and caesars sent me to scout out the area and adventure. i am now trying to get new recruits for my centurion army so we an regain our power.
my name is canboy72 i grew up in news vegas my dad was a paladin my mom a knight. at the age of 22 i went out on my own and became a legionary and ranked up to a centurion. at the battle of hoover dam i lost and executed my legate joshua graham.
caesars legion was taken over and now i am the legions legate. and caesars sent me to scout out the area and adventure. i am now trying to get new recruits for my centurion army so we an regain our power.
in game name: canboy72
Try to use the format, it might help. Grammar too, not to be an ass but it is important.
Yes yes, i know. I wasnt accepted either. Im just trying to help my fellow man/woman/child/alien monster.
OOC In game name: k2trf Age: 18 Country or timezone: United States / EST (-5 GMT) Skype Name: TheRobertOfRoberts (Please note I do not get on Skype often at all; if anyone wants to talk to me I can get on and chat, but I have to know ahead of time. Sorry, it just eats through my RAM.)
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: I have played a little bit of Fallout 3, but I never got to play the full game. I do however understand the general principals behind the series, so I don't believe this will severely hinder my ability to contribute to the lore of the server.
Have you read the rules?: Yes, and here is a diamond:
Why do you want to play on this server?: I heard about it from two of my friends who are looking to start have started a sub-faction (Dark Water Caravan), and they said I should apply and come check out the server. (I plan on joining their sub-faction after I've been on the server for a bit.) Moreover, I have a small, private server of my own, and it's just kind of nice to be able to play on a server where I don't have (or want) any responsibilities (not including faction based responsibilities).
IC Name: Wendell Doown (pronounced when-dell dune) RP Example:
Wendell: "Thank god the bus is finally working correctly. It's only taken the better part of four months." Darryl: "Yeah really. It'll make a good base of operations as we try to find a place to settle down." Wendell: "Um... about that; I don't think I'll be hanging around with you guys too much longer." Darryl: "What do you mean? We were all going to head out for old Michigan; that was the plan!" Wendell: "Sorry man, it's nothing personal. I feel like this is a chance for me to really be somebody is all. You know? You guys are all tight with each other, you don't really need me." Darryl: "Yeah, I hear you. It won't be the same without you though, that's for sure. Hell, none of the rest of us have any clue how to operate that radio of yours. That thing's ancient." Wendell: "Yeah, my dad always said it was my grandpa's, supposedly it was for communicating with the Vault Builders up in old Washington, D.C." Darryl: "So where you planning on going if you're not gonna hang with us?" Wendell: "Actually, I wanted to ask for a lift. I heard a rumor about some new city up in old Illinois; apparently they're calling it New Chicago. Sounds like a good place for me to start living on the surface." Darryl: "Well if you're asking my permission, I don't give a damn one way or the other. Can't say I'm happy about your decision, but I guess I can be happy for you. Just don't get yourself into any trouble once we're gone." Wendell: "Come on man, it's me. Doubtful that I'll even know who to start trouble with! Make sure you all take care of each other; you all need it." Darryl: "What do you mean?" Wendell: "Well I figure I'll be around a couple of hundred people. I'll fit in someplace or another. You all will only have each other though. It'll be a lot tougher on you all." Darryl: "Hmm. Suppose I never thought of it that way. I'm not worried though; we've all had the standard survival training, plus the rest of us have been studying some specialty for some time now." Wendell: "Exactly. I don't have a specialty, and I figure by the time I get one I'll be a member of the community up there." Darryl: "Well it's your choice man. Good luck with it." Wendell: "You too man. All of you. Did Allie say what time she wanted to leave in the morning?" Darryl: "Nah man. You'll have to go ask her." Wendell: "Why me?!" Darryl: "Well you know I would man, but I gotta finish getting these lights installed or we'll be sitting ducks come nightfall..." Wendell: "Right. Alright, Have fun being bright there." Darryl: "Haha. I'll miss that humor of yours so much." Wendell: "Yeah, I know. I'm gonna go grab something to eat and look for Allie. See you in a bit man." Darryl: "Yup. Let me know what she says." Wendell: "Alright. See ya."
Age: 32 Character biography: Wendell's great-great-great grandfather, Charles Doown, was an employee working for Vault-Tec in the late 2050's tasked with engineering the next new self-sustaining Vault. His orders were clear: cost was not an issue; any and all materials necessary could be purchased. He suspected that this vault was originally planned to be used for high-ranking military officers, since much of the design plans given to him at the beginning were very bland and resembled military barracks. He was told that if he complied, he would be allowed to live in the vault with his son.
He succeeded in almost everything that was asked of him in designing the ultimate vault. As a reward, upon its completion, he was allowed to live the rest of his life with his wife and son in the Vault he spent the majority of his life designing. The Vault had been built in a small town in Nevada called Ruby Hill. He suspected that this was because anything needed to build the vault could be brought to the military base approximately 250 miles south, often called Groom Lake.
The Vault was dubbed Vault 641, and although he asked often why it was outside of the normal numbering scheme for the Vault network, he never got much of an answer beyond "This Vault isn't in the official directory." After a while, he learned not to ask, because it just led to even less answers and getting odd stares from people. He eventually stopped worrying about it, and was just thankful that his son would live on.
Eventually, Charles grew old and died of old age, as did his children, their children, and their children in turn for several generations. The last resident of Vault 641 as of the year 2171 was Wendell Doown. On January 17th, 2171, the water supply system was irreparably damaged due to years of radioactivity slowly seeping through the soil and eventually reaching the Vault and surrounding it. While the Vault itself was completely protected and unharmed by the radioactivity in the soil, one of the water pipes leading in from a lower reservoir had been affected. Because of this, Vault 641 was slowly evacuated one family at a time. Since Wendell was the sole survivor of his lineage, he felt it wasn't right for him to take the resources left from the Vault from other families that needed it to survive.
He was among the first group to leave, and was given some basic supplies to start off with. Because Vault 641 had been built near Groom Lake, there was a lot of scrap materials lying around with which the first group fastened a bus. Wendell asked to be dropped off in old Illinois, having heard rumors of a small city forming by the name of New Chicago. Wendell had lived in Vault 641 his entire life up until now, and knew his chances of survival were much higher with a group that had been living in the Wasteland for a couple of years than on his own.
When he first arrived in Illinois, he quickly discovered that there was a large population in and around New Chicago, but he also found that not all of the people agreed on much at all. In fact, they seemed to be informally at war with each other. He has been in New Chicago for about a week now, and is doing fine on his own, but knows that sooner or later he'll have to pledge his allegiance for one of the factions operating in the area so that the minor factions don't pick him off like dog food. He has a pretty good idea of which faction he wants to join, but he has to find them to first introduce himself.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All hail the mighty bone meal, who's crunchiness hath made for us the bread to feed our young, and the trees to make our shelters, and the sugarcane with which we shall make books and bookcases to store our records of the holy bone meal.
In game name: StiffNipps Age: 15
Country or timezone: Australia
Have you played any fallout Game? yes Which one: fallout 3 and fallout new vegas
Have you read the rules?: yes Why do you want to play on this server?: i want to join a hard survival server and i always wanted to make my own home in it.
Name: Daniel Carter RP Example: I wakes up one day the sun on his face. I get out of bed and get my stuff on ,pick up my rifle and walks outside. i walk over to my flower garden and picks one rose and then walks over to the grave. carved into to it said dawn gillette. i place down the flower on the grave like I do every day and then walks of to find food. I find the old beer and walks inside gun ready. has I enter I see no one. "good atleast this one wont wrong like the last one." say to myself. as I walk in I see what I was looking for and walks staight to it. I open the door to the freezers and see a pig crops hanging. "wow this place is a beer and they have hang pig. just wow i guess i can get both then." i walk to the pig and cuts about a inch into the meat and looks at the peice in hand. "good no rot" I say. I open the other door to a room full of beer. I take about one box and says I will be back. but as I make my way home I hears the words I always hated to hear and turned around but noone was there. "thank god it is not me." i said and then i hear it again but closer. "look you can come out now or we will go in after you." said a man holding a collar. "damn not slavers." I say slowly. i see in the window ainking i did the right thing kid, a women, and a man. "damn brad dont get involved.just leave it alone just dont get in involved." i start to walk away but something inside of me forced myself to move from my hidden and open firing shooting the first slaver straight through the chest. he falls down to the ground. dead the other 2 open up but the man in the window kills one while the other one ran for his life. i shot him through the head and he falls down. dead. all i do is turn give the man a sharp eye and say "there will be more when they find out that they dead you better get moving." i walk away thinking i did the right thing. Age: 27Character biography: brad was born in a vault. his family left at his age of 1 when the vaults radiation broke killing and mutating half the people. his parents made a house a home about 3 miles from the vault knowing that the vault now belonged to the things that once lived there. at the age of 5 brad knew how to handly a gunand skin a animal. at the age of 10 the house was attacked by raiders he killed 9 of them while his dad killed the rest. at the age of 15 he left the safty of the home to make his own life. at the age of 16 when he found a suitable hosehe meet a girl named dawn. it was love at first site they would say. they got married and had a kid. age of 20 the kid was 4 and learning how to use a gun when he meet the slavers first thing. they almost killed him and his wife but his son who had killed all of them. after that they named him savoir. at the age of24 dawn becme very ill and died. after a year savoir was 12 and there was a family who came by. brad gave the boy over to them hoping he would have a real home. brad lives alone far from people but always misses the old days with dawn.
In game name:Tokoz
Age: 16
Country or timezone: East coast
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: 3, and Vegas
Have you read the rules?: Yes.
Why do you want to play on this server?: I like Roleplaying, and Most of them are just fantasy. I like some difference.
IC: Connor O'Toole
RP Example: Ah, and explain why I should na put a bullet through your head for settin them afta me?
I have money, weapons!
Ah, but So do Ah, And I'm holding mine, what's more. Strike one, Boyo.
Age: 16
Character biography: Connor is a roving Sniper and weapon smith. Connor is a mystery to most, as he isn't much of a presence. You might recognize him strolling down the street, or teaching a new wanderer which end of the gun is which. But he never talks about his past. The truth is rather bland. He was raised in a small town, and left home as a teen. He served for a bit in various town guard forces, and quickly developed skill in sniping. Since then, he has wandered the country.
The truth of his current actions is a little more interesting. He has been watching the Brotherhood of Steel. No one knows why. He often comes back to his rooms in towns with loads of tech he's scavenged, and then locks himself away, and tinkers. No one knows what he's doing, but his rifle is of a make no one recognizes, and he always seems to have cash from various military factions on hand......
can i join why cant you just join with a little quiz and then be put in a area first to determine if your not a griefer? because i really really wanted to play fallout on minecraft ive never done it and it sounds amazingly fun
one of the admins of the server spawned creepers on me for no reason and made me lose all of my stuff and i know it wasnt normal spawning since the creepers just apeared a few feet in front of me in broad day light
can i join why cant you just join with a little quiz and then be put in a area first to determine if your not a griefer? because i really really wanted to play fallout on minecraft ive never done it and it sounds amazingly fun
Did you apply using the Application? And no there is no quiz, and there is no "first area". Apply to the server or you will never be whitelisted onto it.
No, thats not an RP example. Look at other peoples for an example
Denied. Make your bio longer, make it connect with the lore, make your RP example a whole lot longer (that wasn't even one) and use correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure
Have I played Fallout before?: Yes,I have played Fallout III New Vegas
Have I read the rules?: Yes
Why i would like to play on this server?: I have always been a fan of fallout and was amazed that there was a minecraft version (I was looking for a server at the time)
Character Name: Vince Sven
Age: 24
RP Example:
Vince: (I looked down at my rifle, it was out of ammo) Damnit I knew I shuldve brought more ammo before I leaft the bunker....Jack was right i cant survive outside of the city gates by myself...
(I looked off into the desert, while squinting my eyes, as I drank some water. I noticed something odd off in the distance)
Vince: Oh no not another reaper...
(I got up and got closer. I then realized it wasn't a reaper)
Vince: Jack! Jack!
Jack: I told you not to run off so early...
(As he coughed i noticed a big slash mark across his shoulder)
Vince: We need to get you back to the gates the guards will take care of you
Jack: No..*cough* Im already Infected...I can't go back
Vince: NO...I'll come up with and exuse for the guards to let you back in. I'll say you fell off the bridge trying to get your weapon weapon!
Jack: I'm sorry I can't let you do that *cough* everyone will be in danger of Infection...Just put me out of my missiory kid...(as he started to cough up more blood)
Vince: I wont let you die on me jack! you hear me!?
Jack: Im sorry vince my time has come...I'll see yeah around...
(he then cracked a smile,and then slowly fell to the ground)
Vince: I'm so sorry Jack...
(I began to tear up knowing that my best friend had just died. From that moment I promised I would kill every single last Reaper while i stood on this planet. I picked up Jack's Assault Rifle and set off for my long journey.)
Background: Born July,14,1988 As a small child Vince was abandoned by his parents and was taken into an orphanage in his hometown. When vince was 9 years old his entire village was wiped out by a band of reapers the only only survivors were himself and his friend Jack Myers Age:19 were the only ones that survived. Jack took vince in considering then were the only two survivors of there village. Later on in Vince's life they came a cross a survial camp (so big it was practically a city) named after the great conquer of planets, Nexion. Later on in Vince's adulthood he was apprenticed by Jack Myers and worked as a hunter in the woods for 12 years and devolped comabt skills. Vince's only concern in life is to find his parents and to eliminate all reapers in this world.
ING: Turtle_Sandwich
Age: 16
TimeZone: California
Have i played fallout before?
I have played fallout III New vegas, it is my favorite type of game. I would be proud to be apart of this server
What am i running for?: Faction-Leader of my own faction, or any faction that i would need to lead(your decision)
Have i read the rules?: YES!
I would love to be apart of this server!
Thank You For Your Time!
Please Respond as soon as possible im stoked to be on this server!---->
let me give you a tip you need to add a rp example and back story and re-read the rules just a tip since the admins are proboly goin deny it so re check does parts
Ok everyone, sorry for late responses but in my defense don't always expect one really soon. Im on a school trip to DC through Sunday and was on a bus all day today. Anyways, Ill get to replies now
Timezone: GMT -5
Have you played any fallout Game? Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout Tactics Why do you want to play on this server?: Minecraft+fallout=Awsome.
Character Name: Lance Summers
Age: 27
Faction: Hope to join BoS, however, will remain un-aligned with a faction till I find out if theres some sort of entrance test.
RP Example(not just a conversation between two or more people):
(I'd be perfectly happy to RP with you IG)
Lance: "You poor fool." Looks on in sadness at a wastelander who stepped on a mine in the backyard.
Wastelander: "Save me!"
Lance: "I guess it a good thing its a fake. Most people wouldnt be stupid enough to test that though. You had best be leaving, unless you have brought me something?"
The wastelander shudders.
After the wastelander leaves, he turns it on. Chuckling a bit.
Late that night a loud explosion is heard.
Bio (MUST be AT LEAST 1-2 good paragraphs):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Born to a Desert Ranger and an exiled Follower of the Apocalypse, he learned a lot about both old world knowledge and the brutal survivalist ways of the rangers. When the NCR tried to assimilate the Desert Rangers his father pushed against it, not willing to compromise an honourable history by becoming just another branch of this empirical new government. His points were listened to at first, but gradually the rangers decided it was for the best: they agreed to the treaty. Angered and disillusioned, the Ranger was sent into the NCR's land in order to learn about them, and his superior hoped that in time he would accept them too.
Shortly after they moved, his father was killed by a Legionaire. Hoping to take revenge his son (me) joined the 1st recon.
Some years later, his mother died too. She died in her sleep, one of the few to die naturaly in the wasteland. Having no ties left, he left the Recon and decided to leave in search of a better life and maybe starting a brahmin ranch.
can i join why cant you just join with a little quiz and then be put in a area first to determine if your not a griefer? because i really really wanted to play fallout on minecraft ive never done it and it sounds amazingly fun
No, nonononononono. Heck. No. Your showing your way to immature to play on the server anyway. If you want to play on the server enough you would just fill out the dang app, you shouldn't have even had to ask this
Ill try my best... i might need some time to write it up.
caesars legion was taken over and now i am the legions legate. and caesars sent me to scout out the area and adventure. i am now trying to get new recruits for my centurion army so we an regain our power.
in game name: canboy72
i have played fallout newvegas and fallout 3
age : 14
read the rules: yes
Try to use the format, it might help. Grammar too, not to be an ass but it is important.
Yes yes, i know. I wasnt accepted either. Im just trying to help my fellow man/woman/child/alien monster.
Country Or Timezone:Canada North saskatchewan
Have you read the rules: yes
IC: Have no clue what this is
Name:Ryan Deblay
Character Bio: Been living in chicago my hole life not nothing going to change that so i'm going to join the NCR and fight for new Chicago.
In game name: k2trf
Age: 18
Country or timezone: United States / EST (-5 GMT)
Skype Name: TheRobertOfRoberts (Please note I do not get on Skype often at all; if anyone wants to talk to me I can get on and chat, but I have to know ahead of time. Sorry, it just eats through my RAM.)
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: I have played a little bit of Fallout 3, but I never got to play the full game. I do however understand the general principals behind the series, so I don't believe this will severely hinder my ability to contribute to the lore of the server.
Have you read the rules?: Yes, and here is a diamond:
Why do you want to play on this server?: I heard about it from two of my friends who
are looking to starthave started a sub-faction (Dark Water Caravan), and they said I should apply and come check out the server. (I plan on joining their sub-faction after I've been on the server for a bit.) Moreover, I have a small, private server of my own, and it's just kind of nice to be able to play on a server where I don't have (or want) any responsibilities (not including faction based responsibilities).IC
Name: Wendell Doown (pronounced when-dell dune)
RP Example:
Wendell: "Thank god the bus is finally working correctly. It's only taken the better part of four months."
Darryl: "Yeah really. It'll make a good base of operations as we try to find a place to settle down."
Wendell: "Um... about that; I don't think I'll be hanging around with you guys too much longer."
Darryl: "What do you mean? We were all going to head out for old Michigan; that was the plan!"
Wendell: "Sorry man, it's nothing personal. I feel like this is a chance for me to really be somebody is all. You know? You guys are all tight with each other, you don't really need me."
Darryl: "Yeah, I hear you. It won't be the same without you though, that's for sure. Hell, none of the rest of us have any clue how to operate that radio of yours. That thing's ancient."
Wendell: "Yeah, my dad always said it was my grandpa's, supposedly it was for communicating with the Vault Builders up in old Washington, D.C."
Darryl: "So where you planning on going if you're not gonna hang with us?"
Wendell: "Actually, I wanted to ask for a lift. I heard a rumor about some new city up in old Illinois; apparently they're calling it New Chicago. Sounds like a good place for me to start living on the surface."
Darryl: "Well if you're asking my permission, I don't give a damn one way or the other. Can't say I'm happy about your decision, but I guess I can be happy for you. Just don't get yourself into any trouble once we're gone."
Wendell: "Come on man, it's me. Doubtful that I'll even know who to start trouble with! Make sure you all take care of each other; you all need it."
Darryl: "What do you mean?"
Wendell: "Well I figure I'll be around a couple of hundred people. I'll fit in someplace or another. You all will only have each other though. It'll be a lot tougher on you all."
Darryl: "Hmm. Suppose I never thought of it that way. I'm not worried though; we've all had the standard survival training, plus the rest of us have been studying some specialty for some time now."
Wendell: "Exactly. I don't have a specialty, and I figure by the time I get one I'll be a member of the community up there."
Darryl: "Well it's your choice man. Good luck with it."
Wendell: "You too man. All of you. Did Allie say what time she wanted to leave in the morning?"
Darryl: "Nah man. You'll have to go ask her."
Wendell: "Why me?!"
Darryl: "Well you know I would man, but I gotta finish getting these lights installed or we'll be sitting ducks come nightfall..."
Wendell: "Right. Alright, Have fun being bright there."
Darryl: "Haha. I'll miss that humor of yours so much."
Wendell: "Yeah, I know. I'm gonna go grab something to eat and look for Allie. See you in a bit man."
Darryl: "Yup. Let me know what she says."
Wendell: "Alright. See ya."
Age: 32
Character biography: Wendell's great-great-great grandfather, Charles Doown, was an employee working for Vault-Tec in the late 2050's tasked with engineering the next new self-sustaining Vault. His orders were clear: cost was not an issue; any and all materials necessary could be purchased. He suspected that this vault was originally planned to be used for high-ranking military officers, since much of the design plans given to him at the beginning were very bland and resembled military barracks. He was told that if he complied, he would be allowed to live in the vault with his son.
He succeeded in almost everything that was asked of him in designing the ultimate vault. As a reward, upon its completion, he was allowed to live the rest of his life with his wife and son in the Vault he spent the majority of his life designing. The Vault had been built in a small town in Nevada called Ruby Hill. He suspected that this was because anything needed to build the vault could be brought to the military base approximately 250 miles south, often called Groom Lake.
The Vault was dubbed Vault 641, and although he asked often why it was outside of the normal numbering scheme for the Vault network, he never got much of an answer beyond "This Vault isn't in the official directory." After a while, he learned not to ask, because it just led to even less answers and getting odd stares from people. He eventually stopped worrying about it, and was just thankful that his son would live on.
Eventually, Charles grew old and died of old age, as did his children, their children, and their children in turn for several generations. The last resident of Vault 641 as of the year 2171 was Wendell Doown. On January 17th, 2171, the water supply system was irreparably damaged due to years of radioactivity slowly seeping through the soil and eventually reaching the Vault and surrounding it. While the Vault itself was completely protected and unharmed by the radioactivity in the soil, one of the water pipes leading in from a lower reservoir had been affected. Because of this, Vault 641 was slowly evacuated one family at a time. Since Wendell was the sole survivor of his lineage, he felt it wasn't right for him to take the resources left from the Vault from other families that needed it to survive.
He was among the first group to leave, and was given some basic supplies to start off with. Because Vault 641 had been built near Groom Lake, there was a lot of scrap materials lying around with which the first group fastened a bus. Wendell asked to be dropped off in old Illinois, having heard rumors of a small city forming by the name of New Chicago. Wendell had lived in Vault 641 his entire life up until now, and knew his chances of survival were much higher with a group that had been living in the Wasteland for a couple of years than on his own.
When he first arrived in Illinois, he quickly discovered that there was a large population in and around New Chicago, but he also found that not all of the people agreed on much at all. In fact, they seemed to be informally at war with each other. He has been in New Chicago for about a week now, and is doing fine on his own, but knows that sooner or later he'll have to pledge his allegiance for one of the factions operating in the area so that the minor factions don't pick him off like dog food. He has a pretty good idea of which faction he wants to join, but he has to find them to first introduce himself.
In game name: StiffNipps
Age: 15
Country or timezone: Australia
Have you played any fallout Game? yes Which one: fallout 3 and fallout new vegas
Have you read the rules?: yes
Why do you want to play on this server?: i want to join a hard survival server and i always wanted to make my own home in it.
Name: Daniel Carter
RP Example:
I wakes up one day the sun on his face. I get out of bed and get my stuff on ,pick up my rifle and walks outside. i walk over to my flower garden and picks one rose and then walks over to the grave. carved into to it said dawn gillette. i place down the flower on the grave like I do every day and then walks of to find food. I find the old beer and walks inside gun ready. has I enter I see no one. "good atleast this one wont wrong like the last one." say to myself. as I walk in I see what I was looking for and walks staight to it. I open the door to the freezers and see a pig crops hanging. "wow this place is a beer and they have hang pig. just wow i guess i can get both then." i walk to the pig and cuts about a inch into the meat and looks at the peice in hand. "good no rot" I say. I open the other door to a room full of beer. I take about one box and says I will be back. but as I make my way home I hears the words I always hated to hear and turned around but noone was there. "thank god it is not me." i said and then i hear it again but closer. "look you can come out now or we will go in after you." said a man holding a collar. "damn not slavers." I say slowly. i see in the window ainking i did the right thing kid, a women, and a man. "damn brad dont get involved.just leave it alone just dont get in involved." i start to walk away but something inside of me forced myself to move from my hidden and open firing shooting the first slaver straight through the chest. he falls down to the ground. dead the other 2 open up but the man in the window kills one while the other one ran for his life. i shot him through the head and he falls down. dead. all i do is turn give the man a sharp eye and say "there will be more when they find out that they dead you better get moving." i walk away thinking i did the right thing.
Age: 27Character biography: brad was born in a vault. his family left at his age of 1 when the vaults radiation broke killing and mutating half the people. his parents made a house a home about 3 miles from the vault knowing that the vault now belonged to the things that once lived there. at the age of 5 brad knew how to handly a gunand skin a animal. at the age of 10 the house was attacked by raiders he killed 9 of them while his dad killed the rest. at the age of 15 he left the safty of the home to make his own life. at the age of 16 when he found a suitable hosehe meet a girl named dawn. it was love at first site they would say. they got married and had a kid. age of 20 the kid was 4 and learning how to use a gun when he meet the slavers first thing. they almost killed him and his wife but his son who had killed all of them. after that they named him savoir. at the age of24 dawn becme very ill and died. after a year savoir was 12 and there was a family who came by. brad gave the boy over to them hoping he would have a real home. brad lives alone far from people but always misses the old days with dawn.
Age: 16
Country or timezone: East coast
Have you played any fallout Game? Which one: 3, and Vegas
Have you read the rules?: Yes.
IC: Connor O'Toole
Character biography: Connor is a roving Sniper and weapon smith. Connor is a mystery to most, as he isn't much of a presence. You might recognize him strolling down the street, or teaching a new wanderer which end of the gun is which. But he never talks about his past. The truth is rather bland. He was raised in a small town, and left home as a teen. He served for a bit in various town guard forces, and quickly developed skill in sniping. Since then, he has wandered the country.
The truth of his current actions is a little more interesting. He has been watching the Brotherhood of Steel. No one knows why. He often comes back to his rooms in towns with loads of tech he's scavenged, and then locks himself away, and tinkers. No one knows what he's doing, but his rifle is of a make no one recognizes, and he always seems to have cash from various military factions on hand......
Ok,I fixed it,how dose it look know??
ING: Turtle_Sandwich
Age: 16
TimeZone: U.S.A California.
Have I played Fallout before?: Yes,I have played Fallout III New Vegas
Have I read the rules?: Yes
Why i would like to play on this server?: I have always been a fan of fallout and was amazed that there was a minecraft version (I was looking for a server at the time)
Character Name: Vince Sven
Age: 24
RP Example:
Vince: (I looked down at my rifle, it was out of ammo) Damnit I knew I shuldve brought more ammo before I leaft the bunker....Jack was right i cant survive outside of the city gates by myself...
(I looked off into the desert, while squinting my eyes, as I drank some water. I noticed something odd off in the distance)
Vince: Oh no not another reaper...
(I got up and got closer. I then realized it wasn't a reaper)
Vince: Jack! Jack!
Jack: I told you not to run off so early...
(As he coughed i noticed a big slash mark across his shoulder)
Vince: We need to get you back to the gates the guards will take care of you
Jack: No..*cough* Im already Infected...I can't go back
Vince: NO...I'll come up with and exuse for the guards to let you back in. I'll say you fell off the bridge trying to get your weapon weapon!
Jack: I'm sorry I can't let you do that *cough* everyone will be in danger of Infection...Just put me out of my missiory kid...(as he started to cough up more blood)
Vince: I wont let you die on me jack! you hear me!?
Jack: Im sorry vince my time has come...I'll see yeah around...
(he then cracked a smile,and then slowly fell to the ground)
Vince: I'm so sorry Jack...
(I began to tear up knowing that my best friend had just died. From that moment I promised I would kill every single last Reaper while i stood on this planet. I picked up Jack's Assault Rifle and set off for my long journey.)
Background: Born July,14,1988 As a small child Vince was abandoned by his parents and was taken into an orphanage in his hometown. When vince was 9 years old his entire village was wiped out by a band of reapers the only only survivors were himself and his friend Jack Myers Age:19 were the only ones that survived. Jack took vince in considering then were the only two survivors of there village. Later on in Vince's life they came a cross a survial camp (so big it was practically a city) named after the great conquer of planets, Nexion. Later on in Vince's adulthood he was apprenticed by Jack Myers and worked as a hunter in the woods for 12 years and devolped comabt skills. Vince's only concern in life is to find his parents and to eliminate all reapers in this world.
let me give you a tip you need to add a rp example and back story and re-read the rules just a tip since the admins are proboly goin deny it so re check does parts
Timezone: GMT -5
Have you played any fallout Game? Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout Tactics
Why do you want to play on this server?: Minecraft+fallout=Awsome.
Character Name: Lance Summers
Age: 27
Faction: Hope to join BoS, however, will remain un-aligned with a faction till I find out if theres some sort of entrance test.
RP Example(not just a conversation between two or more people):
(I'd be perfectly happy to RP with you IG)
Lance: "You poor fool." Looks on in sadness at a wastelander who stepped on a mine in the backyard.
Wastelander: "Save me!"
Lance: "I guess it a good thing its a fake. Most people wouldnt be stupid enough to test that though. You had best be leaving, unless you have brought me something?"
The wastelander shudders.
After the wastelander leaves, he turns it on. Chuckling a bit.
Late that night a loud explosion is heard.
Bio (MUST be AT LEAST 1-2 good paragraphs):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Born to a Desert Ranger and an exiled Follower of the Apocalypse, he learned a lot about both old world knowledge and the brutal survivalist ways of the rangers. When the NCR tried to assimilate the Desert Rangers his father pushed against it, not willing to compromise an honourable history by becoming just another branch of this empirical new government. His points were listened to at first, but gradually the rangers decided it was for the best: they agreed to the treaty. Angered and disillusioned, the Ranger was sent into the NCR's land in order to learn about them, and his superior hoped that in time he would accept them too.
Shortly after they moved, his father was killed by a Legionaire. Hoping to take revenge his son (me) joined the 1st recon.
Some years later, his mother died too. She died in her sleep, one of the few to die naturaly in the wasteland. Having no ties left, he left the Recon and decided to leave in search of a better life and maybe starting a brahmin ranch.
Use the actual app and read the entire OP
You need a MUCH longer bio and an RP example
Great app, accepted
Re-read rules, add RP example, and make 2 separate apps for each person
Much better
Re-read rules and make your RP example a lot longer
No, nonononononono. Heck. No. Your showing your way to immature to play on the server anyway. If you want to play on the server enough you would just fill out the dang app, you shouldn't have even had to ask this