Request un-ban application
Name: Clouddark
Reason for app: I had no previous notion that using a texture pack was illegal. It's not in the rules. I think it's quite dumd I was banned.
Additional information: I don't care if I get my stuff back, I just like the community. As far as I know, most of them like me as well.
You've all been whitelisted. Welcome. A mod or kind villager will give you a tour to help you settle in.
2.) Age:15
3.) How long have you played minecraft?: Since Beta 1.5
4.) What is the name of our main city? Suburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? Whenever I can (I have regular school and online school. So about 1-10hrs a week)
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? OutCast
Only a few months
Varies usually 2 hours per day
Added. Welcome. A mod or kind villager will give you a tour to help you settle in.
2.) Age: 22
3.) How long have you played minecraft?: A little over a year
4.) What is the name of our main city? Suburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? Depends on work/school
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? Outcast
2.) Age: 14
3.) How long have you played minecraft?: Several months, can't exactly remember date.
4.) What is the name of our main city? Suburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? 2-3 hours every day as time permits
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? Outcast
2.) Age: 29
3.) How long have you played minecraft?: Started playing right before the updates with the dyes was added. Over a year.
4.) What is the name of our main city? Suburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? 2 to 4 hours during the week and more on the weekends.
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? OutCast
Welcome to the server! You have been whitelisted.
2.) Age: 15
3.) How long have you played minecraft?:since alpha
4.) What is the name of our main city? surburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? i have no life so all the time
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? outscast :biggrin.gif:
Thanks :biggrin.gif:
2.) Age:14
3.) How long have you played minecraft?:2 years
4.) What is the name of our main city? Suburbia
5.) How much time do you spend playing minecraft? 3 hours after school
6.) What is the lowest rank on our villagecraft? outcast
Name: Clouddark
Reason for app: I had no previous notion that using a texture pack was illegal. It's not in the rules. I think it's quite dumd I was banned.
Additional information: I don't care if I get my stuff back, I just like the community. As far as I know, most of them like me as well.