Minecraft Account Name: JerryJr2
Age: 17
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I played on your old servers and would like to play on this one.
Name: JerryJr2
Age: 23
Bio: JerryJr2 is a warrior who has descended from a long line of other great warriors. He was taught many great battle tactics at the age of five. He is a kind hearted and honorable fighter that would never resort to cheap tactics. They call him JerryJr2 because his father and grandfather were named Jerry as well.
Abilities: Able to escape a bad situation with quick thinking and reflexes.
Appearance: Young Caucasian male, 6 feet tall, usually wearing armor.
ooc info
minecraft name fallonsky :biggrin.gif:
age 15
primary language english/russian
reason for playing: i saw some people talk about it at lng and thought it would be awsome to try :biggrin.gif:
name Belroth
age 18
bio: a mage that travals the land in serch to find the key to the potal of souls and to try and reclame the land once known as the kingdom of Astol the capatol and home of all wizardry where once was kept the tome of life untill a corupt wizard dispelled the 8 sided octogram of protection and relesed the dragon of the end onto the world.
strengths: knows the secrets of alchamy, can create enchanted armor and wepons
aperence red cloked wizard
Minecraft Account Name: turtlejr3030
Age: 19
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I love role playing, and I've been searching for a small, friendly new minecraft server.
Name: Espoir
Age: 22
Bio: Espoir is a kind hearted person. He tends to see the good in everyone, and acts on it. Growing up he learn to fight, eventually learning the sword, dagger, bow and arrow, and kamas. His favorite of these weapons is the bow. From an early age, he was known to be different. A four-pointed star mark can be seen on his back, glowing green when he focuses his mental energy. He can channel this energy to create small (roughly me-sized)objects/weapons. He learned parkour and stealth as a child and teen, and never let those skills diminish. He remains unseen the majority of the time, but when necessary, he will fight for good.
Abilities: Can create small objects and energy shields/fields with mental energy (or magic if it works better for you)
Appearance: Very smooth skinned, roughly 6 feet tall, athletic but not too muscular with a four pointed green star tattoo on his back. Hair is black and a little long.
Jerry, fallen, and Teh are accepted, although I'm a bit hesitant about the mental shields, Teh. We'll give it a trail run, but if the admins don't like it, then we may have to ask you to remove it.
Minecraft Account Name: Bakasaia
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I have been with this server since near the start and enjoyed every moment it was up.
Name: Baka (How original huh?)
Age: ~25
Bio: After being a man of science for a doomed city, Baka left for a different life. Purchasing an airship to get started, He set off for something new. Weeks passed as he flew his ship, loving every moment, from city to city. Tragedy struck when he received news that his entire city was ransacked by pirates. Having heard this news, he told his crew to leave his ship and he sailed far away from the continent he had once lived. He made it to a budding city just as his ship flew too low and sank into the ocean, never to be seen again. The inhabitants of his new home were, to be put lightly, odd. He decided to help them out in getting their society back up before he gets another ship to escape his ill-fitted past.
OOC INFO: Minecraft Account Name: Huxxley Age: 18 Primary Language: English Reason for applying: I've rp'd with you guys before. I like roleplay. Judge Sun presiding OOC bio: Former S.T.A.L.K.E.R and steampunk enthusiast. My ideal date would be combing the wastelands for treasure or artefacts which can summon a good price on the market. (Rather not actually say anything about me. Sorry ^^)
IC INFO: Name: Huxxley Age: 27 Bio: A man of great tastes and fancy etiquitte, Huxxley is an adventurer. A Skylord by day and a scientist and builder of great wonder at night, he set off to explore new lands on his skyship. However one night after a terrible storm the ship plummeted into the a mountain and rested, finally, on a small island next to a huge landmass. Where he spotted people and buildings dotting the distance. So he made his way towards them looking for new adventure. You can never keep a sky captain away from adventure. Abilities: He is in good shape, a good technician and architect. He is also good at swordplay, and is a hard worker. He cannot however seem to farm very well. Things just die. HE also has incredibly bad luck when it comes to danger. Appearance:A skycaptain outfit, with either the mask on or off. Sometimes goggles and sometimes not. One of the most distinguishing features are his two odd colored eyes. One is yellow, the other is purple. And his hair is naturally pure white. Backpack on his back with an air canister for high altitutes. However, it does not work in water yet.
OOC INFO: Minecraft Account Name: Huxxley Age: 18 Primary Language: English Reason for applying: I've rp'd with you guys before. I like roleplay. Judge Sun presiding OOC bio: Former S.T.A.L.K.E.R and steampunk enthusiast. My ideal date would be combing the wastelands for treasure or artefacts which can summon a good price on the market. (Rather not actually say anything about me. Sorry ^^)
IC INFO: Name: Huxxley Age: 27 Bio: A man of great tastes and fancy etiquitte, Huxxley is an adventurer. A Skylord by day and a scientist and builder of great wonder at night, he set off to explore new lands on his skyship. However one night after a terrible storm the ship plummeted into the a mountain and rested, finally, on a small island next to a huge landmass. Where he spotted people and buildings dotting the distance. So he made his way towards them looking for new adventure. You can never keep a sky captain away from adventure. Abilities: He is in good shape, a good technician and architect. He is also good at swordplay, and is a hard worker. He cannot however seem to farm very well. Things just die. HE also has incredibly bad luck when it comes to danger. Appearance:A skycaptain outfit, with either the mask on or off. Sometimes goggles and sometimes not. One of the most distinguishing features are his two odd colored eyes. One is yellow, the other is purple. And his hair is naturally pure white. Backpack on his back with an air canister for high altitutes. However, it does not work in water yet.
Accepted! Interesting backstory, lookin forward to seein you on the server.
OOC INFO: Minecraft Account Name: Bohlen3555 Age: 17 Primary Language: English Reason for applying: Judge Sun Presiding. I'm interested in role playing on a steam-punk themed server. I also need to quench my role playing thirsts. OOC bio: I live in the United States. I'm a junior in high school and take academics very seriously. On my free time I either hang out with friends, family, or play Minecraft (it's the only video game I play nowadays).
I have a lot of experience in role playing. I've done it on many other RP servers. I'm actually an admin on one at the moment (the server is having trouble and I've been without RP for a month now).
IC INFO: Name: Markarth Age: 23 Bio: A vagrant, at least for a decade now. He's lost count. Doesn't even remember how old he is anymore. Markarth wanders from place to place, surviving from a combination of stealing and begging. He doesn't know how to read or write because he never had the privilege to go to school. He's incredibly selfish and thinks everyone is out to screw him over. Markarth tries hard to keep his weaknesses and back-story under cover because he's ashamed. He has now arrived into this new civilization. He asks himself, "Will I continue my current lifestyle here, or will I be given a chance to start anew?" Only time will tell. Abilities: A great dirty fighter. A great theif. A great liar. A great companion as well, if you can get him to trust you. Appearance: Oily black hair with an unkempt beard as bad. He has an unhealthy olive tone to his skin that is covered in year-old dirt. Auburn eyes that strike powerfully, and glisten beautifully. Wears a tattered pair of brown pants, boots, shirt, and gloves with a long white sheet thrown over, somewhat resembling a poncho. Has a black belt that goes around his waste and over one shoulder used to carry his sword, bow, and arrows.
Age: 13 (Though more mature than most people of my age on the interwebulars, I assure you)
Primary Language: English, can say a handful of words in German
Reason for applying: I enjoy roleplay, no matter what game it's on, and I've been wanting to join a decent Minecraft RP server for quite some time, and this seemed like a pretty fun server.
OOC bio: I go onto the internet for it's mass human interaction, anonymousy, and lulz. When I roleplay, I'm another person than my real self, playing as another person, different than both my real self and my internet alias. Does your head hurt yet? Yeah, mine doesn't either.
Oh, Judge Sun preciding! Space court is now in session! Spaaaaace, space, gotta see it all, space. Are you space father? Yes I am son, now we are family again
Name: Raiden
Age: 21
Bio: Raiden used to be a miner, a good one at that. He'd dig much faster than any of his fellow spelunkers, and found nearly twice as many ore veins as they ever did. He aquired quite a bit of wealth from all of that, and bought a sizable home and even an airship for himself. His luck did eventually run out when, while mining out an ore vain in a cavarn, the ceiling of the cave began to collapse. While trying to escape back up his own shaft, a shower of rocks and rubble fell on him, knocking him out. When he came to, he had been rescued, but both of his arms had had their supplies of blood cut off by heavy rocks, and they had to be amputated. distraught, he used most of his fortune and sold both his house and airship to hire a mechanic to build him a pair of clockwork and magic powered prosthetic arms.
Though he had regained the use of arms, Raiden was nearly broke from the expensive purchase, and spent nearly the last of it on a plot of land with which to farm on. He never mined again.
Abilities: Has had fairly low combat experiance, save for a couple of scuffles with underground pests during his mining days, but his prosthetics allow him better strength in the arms than most men. He is very good at mining, but now has a deep fear of underground spaces after his near-death experience.
Skin type: Caucasion, with a bit of a tan from farming in the sun
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Clothing: Dirty work clothes
Other: As mentioned in his Bio and Abilities, Raiden has a pair of clockwork-n-magic powered iron arms
Faith Skirata
P.S. If prosthetic arms are a bit too technilogicly advanced, I'd be fine with Raiden's arms being flesh n blood.
P.S.S. I already have made skin for Raiden. Though, as I said up there, I'd be fine with changing them to flesh and blood instead of iron.
Age: 13 (Though more mature than most people of my age on the interwebulars, I assure you)
Primary Language: English, can say a handful of words in German
Reason for applying: I enjoy roleplay, no matter what game it's on, and I've been wanting to join a decent Minecraft RP server for quite some time, and this seemed like a pretty fun server.
OOC bio: I go onto the internet for it's mass human interaction, anonymousy, and lulz. When I roleplay, I'm another person than my real self, playing as another person, different than both my real self and my internet alias. Does your head hurt yet? Yeah, mine doesn't either.
Oh, Judge Sun preciding! Space court is now in session! Spaaaaace, space, gotta see it all, space. Are you space father? Yes I am son, now we are family again
Name: Raiden
Age: 21
Bio: Raiden used to be a miner, a good one at that. He'd dig much faster than any of his fellow spelunkers, and found nearly twice as many ore veins as they ever did. He aquired quite a bit of wealth from all of that, and bought a sizable home and even an airship for himself. His luck did eventually run out when, while mining out an ore vain in a cavarn, the ceiling of the cave began to collapse. While trying to escape back up his own shaft, a shower of rocks and rubble fell on him, knocking him out. When he came to, he had been rescued, but both of his arms had had their supplies of blood cut off by heavy rocks, and they had to be amputated. distraught, he used most of his fortune and sold both his house and airship to hire a mechanic to build him a pair of clockwork and magic powered prosthetic arms.
Though he had regained the use of arms, Raiden was nearly broke from the expensive purchase, and spent nearly the last of it on a plot of land with which to farm on. He never mined again.
Abilities: Has had fairly low combat experiance, save for a couple of scuffles with underground pests during his mining days, but his prosthetics allow him better strength in the arms than most men. He is very good at mining, but now has a deep fear of underground spaces after his near-death experience.
Skin type: Caucasion, with a bit of a tan from farming in the sun
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Clothing: Dirty work clothes
Other: As mentioned in his Bio and Abilities, Raiden has a pair of clockwork-n-magic powered iron arms
Faith Skirata
P.S. If prosthetic arms are a bit too technilogicly advanced, I'd be fine with Raiden's arms being flesh n blood.
P.S.S. I already have made skin for Raiden. Though, as I said up there, I'd be fine with changing them to flesh and blood instead of iron.
Minecraft Account Name:Polofficer
Primary Language:English
Reason for applying:I just want to join a nice fun rp server
OOC bio:Im 19 going into college to become an architect so i like minecraft with the building designing etc.
Bio:I was born in a small cottage with the land owned by my lazy father who did nothing but eat drink and sleep. So when he died I took to raising that smalll cottageg in to a lumber mill then started a village. But one day bandits came looted and burned so then i went to be a soldier in an army and i sevrd for three years 'til i went AWOL and left forever so now im came to this strange foreign land...
Abilities:Im great at building and getting stuff and fighting
Appearance:Im Caucasian and muscluar from working non-stop to make a village and chop trees and i wear aromour and a cloak that shoruds my face since i Deserted
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Minecraft Account Name: Diamond_Daisy
Age: 14
Primary Language: English :smile.gif:
Reason for applying: I enjoy acting so much! its fun, and you can create anything with it, and i would enjoy being a part of this!! And of course, im going to take it seriously! :biggrin.gif:
OOC bio: female?? :tongue.gif: :smile.gif: (dont know if i screwed that up) hehee :biggrin.gif:
Name: Daisy, but any other suggested name is fine :biggrin.gif:
Age: 16
Bio: I am a 16 year old girl who grew up working in a motel for soldiers! Throughout time, i have become older, and have taken over my mothers motel, since my father passed away
, as he was a soldier himself. I am kind, and humble, since i have learned to be so around noble or wounded soldiers, who might need extra care! I usually dont go out, but i do when i need to buy food, or i might go out with my other friends, who work someplace nearby. I have a crush on a new soldier, who appeared at our motel
one day, and if i remember his name was michelle...of course he would never love someone like me ;P I have my good sides, but my down sides are that: I can barely say no to wishes, I have a bad memory, and whenever mentions the name: Steve, i wont speak unless spoken to (steve was my fathers name)
Abilities: I have no special abilities. I am a very happy and kind personality, and most of the people in the village may know me. If anyone ever comes to me and asks a question, i a most likely to have the answer, if i remember! ;P
Appearance: I have brown eyes, and i wear a white long sleeved shirt with a apron and blue dress underneath. The reason why i am called diamond_daisy is because my father used to think i was a jewel which he would fight for with his life, and which he did (I have some secrets) I also have white socks and black shoes, and i wear my brown hair in ponytails :biggrin.gif:
I know this might sound desperate, but i would ENJOY it so much, if i could actually find a server accepting me! all these other 'roleplay' servers ive looked for dont even have any word which would include roleplaying!I take acting seriously but i do have humor, i hope that doesnt matter! please read this and decide :biggrin.gif: thanks :smile.gif:
OOC Info:
Primary Language: English
Reason: I always wanted to play on a RPG Server, plus the old server I was on went well... lets just say taken over...
IC Info:
Name:Mark A' Thane
Bio: was once a leader of a bandit group, but after a long time of wealth he left it and took up Alchemy. He then became a traveling medic of sorts. He is a kind man, and knows alot of surviving.Also, he always hated Redstone, due to the fact that he doesn't have any idea how to use it.
Abilities:good at Brewing, good Tactician, great at starting a town or encampment, good miner, and a good swordsman.
Minecraft Account Name: AntonioDegrazi
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: Never really been on an RP server so I thought I'd give it a go for science, you monster.
OOC bio: Let's see, I'm a dude from Australia, I play guitar but I'm starting to gain more of an interest in creating electronic music and I play games way too much for it to be healthy.
Name: Antonio (or Ant)
Age: 20
Bio: No sad story involving dead parents here. Ant grew up as part of a noble family in a far away continent, his intelligence is slightly above average however he has learned to speak the way of a gentleman thus projecting the image of a far more intelligent man, this trait occurs most frequently when women are in the vicinity.
His noble upbringing has resulted in him being rather lazy however this has been both a gift and a curse, his laziness causes him to be very unmotivated to do things that aren't necessary but it has also granted him the knowledge to create structures that work automatically for him. Occasionally his laziness wears away and he can work for long periods of time, sometimes resulting in incredibly useful or incredibly strange creations.
He does not take his nobility too seriously, preferring to spend time with the common man at an inn than kings in a palace.
He is not much of a warrior preferring defense over attack, his gentlemanly projection also allows him to avoid most confrontations.
Abilities: can act as a perfect gentleman, can build auto structures, defensively minded.
Appearance: Red checkered shirt, black pants, brown emo style hair.
I'm writing this at 1am btw so if something seems a bit off just let me know.
Greetings. I don't get many visitors around these parts, so pardon my surprise. I am known by many names, but you may simply call me Shadow. I've watched over this land for..... well, I've lost track. Suffice it to say that I've been here a while, watching, waiting. Waiting for what, you might wonder? That, my young friend, is what I must warn you about.
You see, long ago, in the time before that is, there were two great powers known then as Coban and Greber. Coban could harness the essence of light, while Greber had the ability to harness the essence of darkness. Together, they created the entire universe, piece by piece. At least, so the legend goes. They created our land, Regallis, to stand as the pinnacle of their might. And so, our land became the most powerful in all the universe. For a great time, we prospered. It was around this time that I came to be. I was there to bear witness to the triumph of Regallis. I, unfortunatly, was also there to bear witness to its fall.
Not long after I came to be, mankind began to change dramatically. Somehow, even with Coban's attempts to protect us, Darkness was introduced to Regallis. What had once been a fertile paradise had devolved into a sociiety ruled by fear, greed and deception. Despite his best efforts, Coban could not stop the downfall of humanity. He pleaded with Greber to help him, only to find that Greber himself was fueling our rapid descent. Outraged, Coban began a ruthless campaign to purge the darkness that had spread through the land, starting with it's source. Greber and Coban fought throughout the sky, with Greber's power growing with each passing minute. Drawing upon the last of his power, Coban sealed Greber away within a vault of pure light. With Greber sealed, Coban turned his attention to Regallis once more, desperate to prevent the darkness from consuming his creation. He instructed the top scientists to seal away those who had not been touched by the darkness within stasis vaults. Once completed, Coban sacrificed what little power he had left to eradicate the darkness throughout the land. The end result? Our land was completely destroyed, and only rubble remained. And yet, despite all this, there were those who survived. Those who had been left untouched by the darkness. I as well found myself alive. The remainder of society rallied together, and began to rebuild. We spread out, across the barren lands, with the intention to repopulate this empty world. I, however, did not join them, and instead remained isolated, to keep this tale recorded over centuries. Now, very few can even remember the time before.
But now, you are here. After all this time, you have finally awoken. From a forgotten era, you have had to find a way to survive in this strange new land. However, I fear that history is bound to repeat itself..... Greber has been amassing his power over the years, and I fear that he is growing strong enough to return. Already signs of his darkness are beginning to appear. I believe he has taken a new title..... The Dark One. Be warned, young one. If and when The Dark One returns, we will need all the help we can get to defeat him......
Welcome!I'm Shadow_Gadget, and I'm honored that you're taking time to read this. I represent a Role Playing server run by a group called LNG, or Late Night Gamers. Our server has seen it's ups and downs, and we're ready to start adding new members. You've already seen our backstory, so please try to adhere to it as much as possible. While you are free to create your own story, we ask that you keep it related to either the backstory or events in the server. If you have a question about where we are in the story, just ask around IC (In Character), and someone will be happy to help you.
While you're on the server, do what you want. Start a trade business with the local shops, or make your own shop. Become a mercenary for hire, or wander the world as you please. Above all else, have fun. As admins, we believe that you, the player, define how and where the story goes. However much you put into the server is how much you'll get back from it. The plot evolves depending on how you interact with others and what you do in the world. So fill out an application! If we think you're what we're looking for, we'll send you the IP via PM. Include the phrase "Once more into the breach" in your "reason for applying" section to show that you've been reading this. If you don't hear back from us within a few days, you might want to start looking elsewhere.
We are set in a medieval steampunk era, which means that wizards, elfs, magic, and a slight understanding of technology would be accepted. This certainly isn't all that there is, so try out some new ideas. But please, no spacemen. In light of past experiences, we ask for no animals or animal/human hybrids of any kind, as they have been found to be lacking in character. However, under certain circumstances, we may allow a few werewolves.
There is a texture pack for the server, although it will by no means diminish the experience. It's just for the added effect. It's Misa's Realistic texture pack, and can be found right over....... here, as well as the MCPatcher that you'll need for it.
Applied, but not accepted? You're welcome to try your luck and apply to our sister site, here.
Still interested? Then you might want to look over these.
No asking for items.
No asking for creative mode.
No cheat-clients.
Please use brackets for OOC (Out of Character).
Please try to use proper grammar while IC.
PvP is allowed, but only IC, meaning there must be a reason for your character to attack someone.
Do not ask admins to be teleported around. If the situation warrents it, we will.
No griefing of any sort.
No demi god characters. You come from a time where 2 powerful beings reigned. You do not know them, so please do not act like you did.
If accepted, you are expected to follow these rules, despite if you read them or not. Depending on what rule is broken, you might receive a notification from an admin to a ban.
Application: (As a side note, the more detailed you are in your application, the better your chances of being accepted. Hint hint.)
Minecraft Account Name: AntonioDegrazi
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: Never really been on an RP server so I thought I'd give it a go for science, you monster.
OOC bio: Let's see, I'm a dude from Australia, I play guitar but I'm starting to gain more of an interest in creating electronic music and I play games way too much for it to be healthy.
Name: Antonio (or Ant)
Age: 20
Bio: No sad story involving dead parents here. Ant grew up as part of a noble family in a far away continent, his intelligence is slightly above average however he has learned to speak the way of a gentleman thus projecting the image of a far more intelligent man, this trait occurs most frequently when women are in the vicinity.
His noble upbringing has resulted in him being rather lazy however this has been both a gift and a curse, his laziness causes him to be very unmotivated to do things that aren't necessary but it has also granted him the knowledge to create structures that work automatically for him. Occasionally his laziness wears away and he can work for long periods of time, sometimes resulting in incredibly useful or incredibly strange creations.
He does not take his nobility too seriously, preferring to spend time with the common man at an inn than kings in a palace.
He is not much of a warrior preferring defense over attack, his gentlemanly projection also allows him to avoid most confrontations.
Abilities: can act as a perfect gentleman, can build auto structures, defensively minded.
Appearance: Red checkered shirt, black pants, brown emo style hair.
I'm writing this at 1am btw so if something seems a bit off just let me know.
I was just wondering, if your character enjoys hanging around an inn, if i/ you are both accepted, maybe your charachter would actually hang there with fellow friends and such, and be aqquaintances (friends whatever :biggrin.gif:) with Daisy (me) the daughter of the owner.
My minecraft name is chrisjc123
I'm sisteen years old
my primary language is english but i can also speak french
I'm applying because i haven't played in a while and i wanna get back into it
I play the saxophone, i swim, I'm nice and like to joke around
Just call me chris
I'll be 26
My parents died when I was young and I live on my own using any means possible to survive
I don't really want any abilities haha
My character looks like Ezio from Assassin's Creed
Polo, Daisy, Antonio are accepted. Thanks to all of you for applying! If you weren't accepted, you can still try applying at our sister server. The link's in the original post.
Minecraft Account Name: Boboriffic96
Age: 15
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I like to roleplay within smaller groups of players, ad here you guys are. Once more, into the breach!
OOC bio: Trying to stay unspecific, I'm in high-school, I'm in JROTC (Committed!) and I'm an avid gamer.
Name: Robert_Flare
Age: Twenty-four
Bio: Robert, who prefers to be called Flare by most, was born on a large plain, in what most would identify as "The middle-of-nowhere." His family were tried farmers, making just enough food to feed themselves, and sell whatever they felt was excess. Robert enjoyed being outdoors, running, and feeling the wind on his face, having little patience for the long work of farming. He left home when he felt that he was mature enough, and traveled aimlessly, just trying to enjoy nature and live life as he see fit. He doesn't really care for the way he is seen, and tolerates all people.
Abilities: running! He loves to move, and may be perfect as a caravaneer or a messenger.
Appearance: Smug, dirty green shirt, a matching hat, and denim-like jeans. Under his hat, he has straight black hair. Flare is overall physically fit, but a poor farmer/miner.
Minecraft Account Name: JerryJr2
Age: 17
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I played on your old servers and would like to play on this one.
Name: JerryJr2
Age: 23
Bio: JerryJr2 is a warrior who has descended from a long line of other great warriors. He was taught many great battle tactics at the age of five. He is a kind hearted and honorable fighter that would never resort to cheap tactics. They call him JerryJr2 because his father and grandfather were named Jerry as well.
Abilities: Able to escape a bad situation with quick thinking and reflexes.
Appearance: Young Caucasian male, 6 feet tall, usually wearing armor.
minecraft name fallonsky :biggrin.gif:
age 15
primary language english/russian
reason for playing: i saw some people talk about it at lng and thought it would be awsome to try :biggrin.gif:
name Belroth
age 18
bio: a mage that travals the land in serch to find the key to the potal of souls and to try and reclame the land once known as the kingdom of Astol the capatol and home of all wizardry where once was kept the tome of life untill a corupt wizard dispelled the 8 sided octogram of protection and relesed the dragon of the end onto the world.
strengths: knows the secrets of alchamy, can create enchanted armor and wepons
aperence red cloked wizard
edit: also made the skin myself :biggrin.gif:
Minecraft Account Name: turtlejr3030
Age: 19
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I love role playing, and I've been searching for a small, friendly new minecraft server.
Name: Espoir
Age: 22
Bio: Espoir is a kind hearted person. He tends to see the good in everyone, and acts on it. Growing up he learn to fight, eventually learning the sword, dagger, bow and arrow, and kamas. His favorite of these weapons is the bow. From an early age, he was known to be different. A four-pointed star mark can be seen on his back, glowing green when he focuses his mental energy. He can channel this energy to create small (roughly me-sized)objects/weapons. He learned parkour and stealth as a child and teen, and never let those skills diminish. He remains unseen the majority of the time, but when necessary, he will fight for good.
Abilities: Can create small objects and energy shields/fields with mental energy (or magic if it works better for you)
Appearance: Very smooth skinned, roughly 6 feet tall, athletic but not too muscular with a four pointed green star tattoo on his back. Hair is black and a little long.
Minecraft Account Name: Bakasaia
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I have been with this server since near the start and enjoyed every moment it was up.
Name: Baka (How original huh?)
Age: ~25
Bio: After being a man of science for a doomed city, Baka left for a different life. Purchasing an airship to get started, He set off for something new. Weeks passed as he flew his ship, loving every moment, from city to city. Tragedy struck when he received news that his entire city was ransacked by pirates. Having heard this news, he told his crew to leave his ship and he sailed far away from the continent he had once lived. He made it to a budding city just as his ship flew too low and sank into the ocean, never to be seen again. The inhabitants of his new home were, to be put lightly, odd. He decided to help them out in getting their society back up before he gets another ship to escape his ill-fitted past.
Minecraft Account Name: Huxxley
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I've rp'd with you guys before. I like roleplay. Judge Sun presiding
OOC bio: Former S.T.A.L.K.E.R and steampunk enthusiast. My ideal date would be combing the wastelands for treasure or artefacts which can summon a good price on the market. (Rather not actually say anything about me. Sorry ^^)
Name: Huxxley
Age: 27
Bio: A man of great tastes and fancy etiquitte, Huxxley is an adventurer. A Skylord by day and a scientist and builder of great wonder at night, he set off to explore new lands on his skyship. However one night after a terrible storm the ship plummeted into the a mountain and rested, finally, on a small island next to a huge landmass. Where he spotted people and buildings dotting the distance. So he made his way towards them looking for new adventure. You can never keep a sky captain away from adventure.
Abilities: He is in good shape, a good technician and architect. He is also good at swordplay, and is a hard worker. He cannot however seem to farm very well. Things just die. HE also has incredibly bad luck when it comes to danger.
Appearance:A skycaptain outfit, with either the mask on or off. Sometimes goggles and sometimes not. One of the most distinguishing features are his two odd colored eyes. One is yellow, the other is purple. And his hair is naturally pure white. Backpack on his back with an air canister for high altitutes. However, it does not work in water yet.
Accepted! Interesting backstory, lookin forward to seein you on the server.
Minecraft Account Name: Bohlen3555
Age: 17
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: Judge Sun Presiding. I'm interested in role playing on a steam-punk themed server. I also need to quench my role playing thirsts.
OOC bio: I live in the United States. I'm a junior in high school and take academics very seriously. On my free time I either hang out with friends, family, or play Minecraft (it's the only video game I play nowadays).
I have a lot of experience in role playing. I've done it on many other RP servers. I'm actually an admin on one at the moment (the server is having trouble and I've been without RP for a month now).
Name: Markarth
Age: 23
Bio: A vagrant, at least for a decade now. He's lost count. Doesn't even remember how old he is anymore. Markarth wanders from place to place, surviving from a combination of stealing and begging. He doesn't know how to read or write because he never had the privilege to go to school. He's incredibly selfish and thinks everyone is out to screw him over. Markarth tries hard to keep his weaknesses and back-story under cover because he's ashamed. He has now arrived into this new civilization. He asks himself, "Will I continue my current lifestyle here, or will I be given a chance to start anew?" Only time will tell.
Abilities: A great dirty fighter. A great theif. A great liar. A great companion as well, if you can get him to trust you.
Appearance: Oily black hair with an unkempt beard as bad. He has an unhealthy olive tone to his skin that is covered in year-old dirt. Auburn eyes that strike powerfully, and glisten beautifully. Wears a tattered pair of brown pants, boots, shirt, and gloves with a long white sheet thrown over, somewhat resembling a poncho. Has a black belt that goes around his waste and over one shoulder used to carry his sword, bow, and arrows.
Minecraft Account Name: LucarioX
Age: 13 (Though more mature than most people of my age on the interwebulars, I assure you)
Primary Language: English, can say a handful of words in German
Reason for applying: I enjoy roleplay, no matter what game it's on, and I've been wanting to join a decent Minecraft RP server for quite some time, and this seemed like a pretty fun server.
OOC bio: I go onto the internet for it's mass human interaction, anonymousy, and lulz. When I roleplay, I'm another person than my real self, playing as another person, different than both my real self and my internet alias. Does your head hurt yet? Yeah, mine doesn't either.
Oh, Judge Sun preciding! Space court is now in session! Spaaaaace, space, gotta see it all, space. Are you space father? Yes I am son, now we are family again
Name: Raiden
Age: 21
Bio: Raiden used to be a miner, a good one at that. He'd dig much faster than any of his fellow spelunkers, and found nearly twice as many ore veins as they ever did. He aquired quite a bit of wealth from all of that, and bought a sizable home and even an airship for himself. His luck did eventually run out when, while mining out an ore vain in a cavarn, the ceiling of the cave began to collapse. While trying to escape back up his own shaft, a shower of rocks and rubble fell on him, knocking him out. When he came to, he had been rescued, but both of his arms had had their supplies of blood cut off by heavy rocks, and they had to be amputated. distraught, he used most of his fortune and sold both his house and airship to hire a mechanic to build him a pair of clockwork and magic powered prosthetic arms.
Though he had regained the use of arms, Raiden was nearly broke from the expensive purchase, and spent nearly the last of it on a plot of land with which to farm on. He never mined again.
Abilities: Has had fairly low combat experiance, save for a couple of scuffles with underground pests during his mining days, but his prosthetics allow him better strength in the arms than most men. He is very good at mining, but now has a deep fear of underground spaces after his near-death experience.
Skin type: Caucasion, with a bit of a tan from farming in the sun
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Clothing: Dirty work clothes
Other: As mentioned in his Bio and Abilities, Raiden has a pair of clockwork-n-magic powered iron arms
Faith Skirata
P.S. If prosthetic arms are a bit too technilogicly advanced, I'd be fine with Raiden's arms being flesh n blood.
P.S.S. I already have made skin for Raiden. Though, as I said up there, I'd be fine with changing them to flesh and blood instead of iron.
Accepted, and prosthetic limbs are fine RPwise.
Primary Language:English
Reason for applying:I just want to join a nice fun rp server
OOC bio:Im 19 going into college to become an architect so i like minecraft with the building designing etc.
Bio:I was born in a small cottage with the land owned by my lazy father who did nothing but eat drink and sleep. So when he died I took to raising that smalll cottageg in to a lumber mill then started a village. But one day bandits came looted and burned so then i went to be a soldier in an army and i sevrd for three years 'til i went AWOL and left forever so now im came to this strange foreign land...
Abilities:Im great at building and getting stuff and fighting
Appearance:Im Caucasian and muscluar from working non-stop to make a village and chop trees and i wear aromour and a cloak that shoruds my face since i Deserted
Btw Judge Sun Presiding
Minecraft Account Name: Diamond_Daisy
Age: 14
Primary Language: English :smile.gif:
Reason for applying: I enjoy acting so much! its fun, and you can create anything with it, and i would enjoy being a part of this!! And of course, im going to take it seriously! :biggrin.gif:
OOC bio: female?? :tongue.gif: :smile.gif: (dont know if i screwed that up) hehee :biggrin.gif:
Name: Daisy, but any other suggested name is fine :biggrin.gif:
Age: 16
Bio: I am a 16 year old girl who grew up working in a motel for soldiers! Throughout time, i have become older, and have taken over my mothers motel, since my father passed away
, as he was a soldier himself. I am kind, and humble, since i have learned to be so around noble or wounded soldiers, who might need extra care! I usually dont go out, but i do when i need to buy food, or i might go out with my other friends, who work someplace nearby. I have a crush on a new soldier, who appeared at our motel
one day, and if i remember his name was michelle...of course he would never love someone like me ;P I have my good sides, but my down sides are that: I can barely say no to wishes, I have a bad memory, and whenever mentions the name: Steve, i wont speak unless spoken to (steve was my fathers name)
Abilities: I have no special abilities. I am a very happy and kind personality, and most of the people in the village may know me. If anyone ever comes to me and asks a question, i a most likely to have the answer, if i remember! ;P
Appearance: I have brown eyes, and i wear a white long sleeved shirt with a apron and blue dress underneath. The reason why i am called diamond_daisy is because my father used to think i was a jewel which he would fight for with his life, and which he did (I have some secrets) I also have white socks and black shoes, and i wear my brown hair in ponytails :biggrin.gif:
I know this might sound desperate, but i would ENJOY it so much, if i could actually find a server accepting me! all these other 'roleplay' servers ive looked for dont even have any word which would include roleplaying!I take acting seriously but i do have humor, i hope that doesnt matter! please read this and decide :biggrin.gif: thanks :smile.gif:
For science, you monster! :biggrin.gif:
Primary Language: English
Reason: I always wanted to play on a RPG Server, plus the old server I was on went well... lets just say taken over...
IC Info:
Name:Mark A' Thane
Bio: was once a leader of a bandit group, but after a long time of wealth he left it and took up Alchemy. He then became a traveling medic of sorts. He is a kind man, and knows alot of surviving.Also, he always hated Redstone, due to the fact that he doesn't have any idea how to use it.
Abilities:good at Brewing, good Tactician, great at starting a town or encampment, good miner, and a good swordsman.
Minecraft Account Name: AntonioDegrazi
Age: 18
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: Never really been on an RP server so I thought I'd give it a go for science, you monster.
OOC bio: Let's see, I'm a dude from Australia, I play guitar but I'm starting to gain more of an interest in creating electronic music and I play games way too much for it to be healthy.
Name: Antonio (or Ant)
Age: 20
Bio: No sad story involving dead parents here. Ant grew up as part of a noble family in a far away continent, his intelligence is slightly above average however he has learned to speak the way of a gentleman thus projecting the image of a far more intelligent man, this trait occurs most frequently when women are in the vicinity.
His noble upbringing has resulted in him being rather lazy however this has been both a gift and a curse, his laziness causes him to be very unmotivated to do things that aren't necessary but it has also granted him the knowledge to create structures that work automatically for him. Occasionally his laziness wears away and he can work for long periods of time, sometimes resulting in incredibly useful or incredibly strange creations.
He does not take his nobility too seriously, preferring to spend time with the common man at an inn than kings in a palace.
He is not much of a warrior preferring defense over attack, his gentlemanly projection also allows him to avoid most confrontations.
Abilities: can act as a perfect gentleman, can build auto structures, defensively minded.
Appearance: Red checkered shirt, black pants, brown emo style hair.
I'm writing this at 1am btw so if something seems a bit off just let me know.
I'm sisteen years old
my primary language is english but i can also speak french
I'm applying because i haven't played in a while and i wanna get back into it
I play the saxophone, i swim, I'm nice and like to joke around
Just call me chris
I'll be 26
My parents died when I was young and I live on my own using any means possible to survive
I don't really want any abilities haha
My character looks like Ezio from Assassin's Creed
Minecraft Account Name: Boboriffic96
Age: 15
Primary Language: English
Reason for applying: I like to roleplay within smaller groups of players, ad here you guys are. Once more, into the breach!
OOC bio: Trying to stay unspecific, I'm in high-school, I'm in JROTC (Committed!) and I'm an avid gamer.
Name: Robert_Flare
Age: Twenty-four
Bio: Robert, who prefers to be called Flare by most, was born on a large plain, in what most would identify as "The middle-of-nowhere." His family were tried farmers, making just enough food to feed themselves, and sell whatever they felt was excess. Robert enjoyed being outdoors, running, and feeling the wind on his face, having little patience for the long work of farming. He left home when he felt that he was mature enough, and traveled aimlessly, just trying to enjoy nature and live life as he see fit. He doesn't really care for the way he is seen, and tolerates all people.
Abilities: running! He loves to move, and may be perfect as a caravaneer or a messenger.
Appearance: Smug, dirty green shirt, a matching hat, and denim-like jeans. Under his hat, he has straight black hair. Flare is overall physically fit, but a poor farmer/miner.