As most of you will probably know, the server has been pretty empty for the last month. For now my interests lie on other games, so I myself do not have the interest or time (exam build up currently) to run, manage, or fund the server. So because of these factors the server will be closing its doors, within the next few days.
A huge thank you to ALL the wonderful people that made the time Splerver was up amazing! You sure will be missed.
This may not be the end, some day I will return, but until then:
Great server! but just this Course the admin built is quite impressive..... lol wonna tp me to the out side ahaha jk that would take the fun out of it! :tongue.gif:
this is a awesome server my ign is redman1111 and this a one of best servers i have been on anyone whos reading this should play now they are super nice owner and nice players a vary fun server :biggrin.gif:
Great server! but just this Course the admin built is quite impressive..... lol wonna tp me to the out side ahaha jk that would take the fun out of it! :tongue.gif:
Great server! but just this Course the admin built is quite impressive..... lol wonna tp me to the out side ahaha jk that would take the fun out of it! :tongue.gif:
My Bukkitdev page.
Thank you :smile.gif: Course is now further improved!
My Bukkitdev page.
Thanks both of you :smile.gif:
Breaking the ruels is not accepted.
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My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
My Bukkitdev page.
Thank you very much :smile.gif:
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My Bukkitdev page.