I have a friend who wants on but he doesn't have a forums account. He gave me the info and I'm posting it.
Faction: arctic
Class: demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: I expect to be dead over and over, and I expect that you provide a unique experience. I do not expect that it will be easy. I expect it to be the hardest server out there...
What should we expect from you*?: You should expect me not to whine or cry about dieing. And you should not expect me to give up.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
Username: xX_RaLpHzz_Xx
Age: 16
Faction: Volcanic
Class: Ninja
What do you expect from us? : I expect a fairly well run server, with balanced factions and also lots of things to have fun with. I expect that all the classes with their own unique perks, will all be balanced and fair. I also expect the classes to be able to let the player play to their own style of playing.
What should we expect from you? : I am a very community based player, I like to add to the faction I'm with, as well as add to my self. I am very determined and set myself goals, I can be very creative and very helpful to which ever team I'm part of.
Have you voted for us? : Yes I have
I would like to ask...
Why was I denied?
You did not state any reason at all whatsoever...
Not complaining, just asking a friendly question.
If it's because I haven't voted, quit whining,
I expected a mature, non overly vote-hungry admin
Read the thread. Honestly, it happens to be the solution to 99% of the denied applications. Just go through it. Read it. Slowly. Don't skim.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Feel like joining a survival server that puts you against the odds? Join Redstone Rising, the server with enhanced PvE, mindblowing action, and the most intense battles you'll ever lay your eyes upon.
Hello there fellow community of redstonerising!
Age:---13(almost 14)
Class:---Miner because i think flip and miner are a very good combo!
What do you expect from us?*:---I expect amazing and helpful staff,friendly yet blazing players full of Energy!I also expect alot of pvp,amazing factions,and awesome raids because i have a feeling that i found my server!!!
What should we expect from you*?:What i expected from you, i shall do the same.
1.I will follow the rules wth no problem with the staff.
2.Friendly,pvp spirit,craving for blood
3.NO SIGN OF ANY nad,racist,sexual or any "hurtful" comments!
4.A player who seeks nothing but FUN!
Have you voted for us yet?:Yes,of course!
I voted like 5-10min ago for you guys.
However there was no option of giving my name,so i couldn't sorry:(
However i am not a player who lies to get into a server.
I am honest!
What do you expect from us?*:
I expect to be a part of an active and dynamic server which will stay relevant for a great amount of time. I have been on too many servers where I have gone on and it has been interesting for a couple weeks, then the community dies. I hope the server also features an ability to make my actions matter. MY main reasoning for that is that I have been on many servers in which I am just background noise. I don't expect to receive help every two seconds, but do like to feel as if I am making an impact.
What should we expect from you*?:
As for what you should expect from me, you should expect a warrior ready to die. I don't expect much help from admins/mods. I prefer to build my building/objects saying I have built it without help actually. However, this does not mean I am independent from the faction. I will give my life, my sword, and, if necessary, my resources to the common good of my faction and the subsequent members. I understand I may have been a bit direct with my desires for the server, but I am really looking for a server to dedicate my time and effort into, and I don't like either to be wasted.
Have you voted for us yet?:
What do you expect from us?*:A well run server that will make me want to play on it. A lot of dieing due to others attacking me. An exciting minecraft experience.
What should we expect from you*?:I'll follow the rules and be mature. I will not whine and complain when I die. I will not cheat.
Have you voted for us yet?:Yes
Age: 15
Faction: Forest
Class: Mob tamer
What do you expect from us?*: A nice active community for me to enjoy with my friends. It looks like it has some interesting mods and plugins such as the classes mod. It has minigames and raids which sound like they could be enjoyable aswell.
What should we expect from you*?: A active friendly member who doesnt cheat or hack. If I enjoy the server I will likely take a role in the community. I will be fair and respectful also.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
What do you expect from us?*:
I expect to be a part of an active and dynamic server which will stay relevant for a great amount of time. I have been on too many servers where I have gone on and it has been interesting for a couple weeks, then the community dies. I hope the server also features an ability to make my actions matter. My main reasoning for that is that I have been on many servers in which I am just background noise. I don't expect to receive help every two seconds, but do like to feel as if I am making an impact.
What should we expect from you*?:
As for what you should expect from me, you should expect a warrior ready to die. I don't expect much help from admins/mods. I prefer to build my building/objects saying I have built it without help actually. However, this does not mean I am independent from the faction. I will give my life, my sword, and, if necessary, my resources to the common good of my faction and the subsequent members. I understand I may have been a bit direct with my desires for the server, but I am really looking for a server to dedicate my time and effort into, and I don't like either to be wasted.
Have you voted for us yet?:
*And I would like to note the ready to die in my expectations of you. I figured it would be alright to leave it in there and make it less noticeably, but perhaps not. So...
What do you expect from us?*:a insanely memorable experience playing minecraft!with a nice community im hopeing.i really like the concept of aliens living underground it seems fun to play with a nice community (and i told my friends about this server so some might join)
What should we expect from you*?:im a very nice guy,mature. i love minecraft, and minecraft with nice communitys.im good with compters. if i get accepted i can add onto the community of the aliens by clearing out big areas since they live underground, and help build. and tell my friends about servers this awesome
ready to die
What do you expect from us?*: a pvp server with actuall classes and freindly staff
What should we expect from you*?: a no whineing pvp expert survivalist
have you voted for us yet? yes
Username: cowwface
Age: 14
Faction: Nether
Class: Demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: I hope to receive a good PvP experience playing fairly and honestly. I also expect a friendly and helpful staff that can help with MAJOR problems. But most of all I expect to work with the community attacking other factions and having a good time.
What should we expect from you*?: You should expect me to be honest and report any fowl behavior that I see (Xray). Also you should expect me to help other players if they need help with a command, Building etc.
Have you voted for us yet?: Voted and proud
Age: 16
Faction: Flip
Class: Demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: a good server that will make me ready to die
What should we expect from you*?: a dedicated person who follows the rules
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
What do you expect from us?*:I expect for the admins to be nice and fair
What should we expect from you*?:I can follow rules! because im ready to die
Username: Mataeron
Age: 16
Faction: Aether
Class: Ninja
What do you expect from us?*: An entertaining and completely new kind of Minecraft that I have never experienced before.
What should we expect from you*?: A dedicated gatherer and fighter ready to die for the good of his team.
Have you voted for us yet?: Indeed I have, and from the looks of it, it was with good reason.
What do you expect from us?*:I expect an awesome server.full of battling each other faction.and i expect a challange that i won't get bored from the first day.
What should we expect from you*?:You should expect a user that respect the rules of the server.That i never give up hope that i will die over and over.and i would do my best to help my faction.
Have you Voted For us?:Yes
I'm going to re-apply
I.g.n. Me12362
Age 11 but I'm very mature
Class mob tamer. (very good idea by the way no other servers have anything like this)
What do you expect from this server? I expect a server that is fun and is much more of a challenge then other servers. I also expect friendly players and helpful moderators and admins. I believe that this will be one of the best servers i have ever been on and I've been on at least 25 servers this month.
What should we expect from you? You should expect a friendly player that will help other players. I always follow rules and have not been banned.I am also a player who is ready to die
Yes I have voted
I'm going to re-apply
I.g.n. Me12362
Age 11 but I'm very mature
Class mob tamer. (very good idea by the way no other servers have anything like this)
What do you expect from this server? I expect a server that is fun and is much more of a challenge then other servers. I also expect friendly players and helpful moderators and admins. I believe that this will be one of the best servers i have ever been on and I've been on at least 25 servers this month.
What should we expect from you? You should expect a friendly player that will help other players. I always follow rules and have not been banned.I am also a player who is ready to die
Yes I have voted
Faction:no faction
Class: no class
What do you expect from us?*: good admin's and moderators.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes voted :smile.gif:
Age: 16
Faction: Flip
Class: Demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: a good server that will make me ready to die
What should we expect from you*?: a dedicated person who follows the rules
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
Make it longer
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from eatright4 »
what would these new monsters drop to aid us in our survival?
Quote from ChrisTheCactus »
It should drop the balls of half the forum members
Faction: arctic
Class: demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: I expect to be dead over and over, and I expect that you provide a unique experience. I do not expect that it will be easy. I expect it to be the hardest server out there...
What should we expect from you*?: You should expect me not to whine or cry about dieing. And you should not expect me to give up.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
Ready to die
Username: xX_RaLpHzz_Xx
Age: 16
Faction: Volcanic
Class: Ninja
What do you expect from us? : I expect a fairly well run server, with balanced factions and also lots of things to have fun with. I expect that all the classes with their own unique perks, will all be balanced and fair. I also expect the classes to be able to let the player play to their own style of playing.
What should we expect from you? : I am a very community based player, I like to add to the faction I'm with, as well as add to my self. I am very determined and set myself goals, I can be very creative and very helpful to which ever team I'm part of.
Have you voted for us? : Yes I have
Read the thread. Honestly, it happens to be the solution to 99% of the denied applications. Just go through it. Read it. Slowly. Don't skim.
Age:---13(almost 14)
Class:---Miner because i think flip and miner are a very good combo!
What do you expect from us?*:---I expect amazing and helpful staff,friendly yet blazing players full of Energy!I also expect alot of pvp,amazing factions,and awesome raids because i have a feeling that i found my server!!!
What should we expect from you*?:What i expected from you, i shall do the same.
1.I will follow the rules wth no problem with the staff.
2.Friendly,pvp spirit,craving for blood
3.NO SIGN OF ANY nad,racist,sexual or any "hurtful" comments!
4.A player who seeks nothing but FUN!
Have you voted for us yet?:Yes,of course!
I voted like 5-10min ago for you guys.
However there was no option of giving my name,so i couldn't sorry:(
However i am not a player who lies to get into a server.
I am honest!
Status---"READY TO DIE!"
What do you expect from us?*:
I expect to be a part of an active and dynamic server which will stay relevant for a great amount of time. I have been on too many servers where I have gone on and it has been interesting for a couple weeks, then the community dies. I hope the server also features an ability to make my actions matter. MY main reasoning for that is that I have been on many servers in which I am just background noise. I don't expect to receive help every two seconds, but do like to feel as if I am making an impact.
What should we expect from you*?:
As for what you should expect from me, you should expect a warrior ready to die. I don't expect much help from admins/mods. I prefer to build my building/objects saying I have built it without help actually. However, this does not mean I am independent from the faction. I will give my life, my sword, and, if necessary, my resources to the common good of my faction and the subsequent members. I understand I may have been a bit direct with my desires for the server, but I am really looking for a server to dedicate my time and effort into, and I don't like either to be wasted.
Have you voted for us yet?:
What do you expect from us?*:A well run server that will make me want to play on it. A lot of dieing due to others attacking me. An exciting minecraft experience.
What should we expect from you*?:I'll follow the rules and be mature. I will not whine and complain when I die. I will not cheat.
Have you voted for us yet?:Yes
Ready to die
Age: 15
Faction: Forest
Class: Mob tamer
What do you expect from us?*: A nice active community for me to enjoy with my friends. It looks like it has some interesting mods and plugins such as the classes mod. It has minigames and raids which sound like they could be enjoyable aswell.
What should we expect from you*?: A active friendly member who doesnt cheat or hack. If I enjoy the server I will likely take a role in the community. I will be fair and respectful also.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
Ready to die
What do you expect from us?*:
I expect to be a part of an active and dynamic server which will stay relevant for a great amount of time. I have been on too many servers where I have gone on and it has been interesting for a couple weeks, then the community dies. I hope the server also features an ability to make my actions matter. My main reasoning for that is that I have been on many servers in which I am just background noise. I don't expect to receive help every two seconds, but do like to feel as if I am making an impact.
What should we expect from you*?:
As for what you should expect from me, you should expect a warrior ready to die. I don't expect much help from admins/mods. I prefer to build my building/objects saying I have built it without help actually. However, this does not mean I am independent from the faction. I will give my life, my sword, and, if necessary, my resources to the common good of my faction and the subsequent members. I understand I may have been a bit direct with my desires for the server, but I am really looking for a server to dedicate my time and effort into, and I don't like either to be wasted.
Have you voted for us yet?:
*And I would like to note the ready to die in my expectations of you. I figured it would be alright to leave it in there and make it less noticeably, but perhaps not. So...
Ready to Die!
What do you expect from us?*:a insanely memorable experience playing minecraft!with a nice community im hopeing.i really like the concept of aliens living underground it seems fun to play with a nice community (and i told my friends about this server so some might join)
What should we expect from you*?:im a very nice guy,mature. i love minecraft, and minecraft with nice communitys.im good with compters. if i get accepted i can add onto the community of the aliens by clearing out big areas since they live underground, and help build. and tell my friends about servers this awesome
ready to die
What do you expect from us?*: a pvp server with actuall classes and freindly staff
What should we expect from you*?: a no whineing pvp expert survivalist
have you voted for us yet? yes
Age: 14
Faction: Nether
Class: Demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: I hope to receive a good PvP experience playing fairly and honestly. I also expect a friendly and helpful staff that can help with MAJOR problems. But most of all I expect to work with the community attacking other factions and having a good time.
What should we expect from you*?: You should expect me to be honest and report any fowl behavior that I see (Xray). Also you should expect me to help other players if they need help with a command, Building etc.
Have you voted for us yet?: Voted and proud
"ready to die" (And not *****)
Age: 16
Faction: Flip
Class: Demolitionist
What do you expect from us?*: a good server that will make me ready to die
What should we expect from you*?: a dedicated person who follows the rules
Have you voted for us yet?: yes
What do you expect from us?*:I expect for the admins to be nice and fair
What should we expect from you*?:I can follow rules! because im ready to die
Age: 16
Faction: Aether
Class: Ninja
What do you expect from us?*: An entertaining and completely new kind of Minecraft that I have never experienced before.
What should we expect from you*?: A dedicated gatherer and fighter ready to die for the good of his team.
Have you voted for us yet?: Indeed I have, and from the looks of it, it was with good reason.
What do you expect from us?*:I expect an awesome server.full of battling each other faction.and i expect a challange that i won't get bored from the first day.
What should we expect from you*?:You should expect a user that respect the rules of the server.That i never give up hope that i will die over and over.and i would do my best to help my faction.
Have you Voted For us?:Yes
Ready To Die
I.g.n. Me12362
Age 11 but I'm very mature
Class mob tamer. (very good idea by the way no other servers have anything like this)
What do you expect from this server? I expect a server that is fun and is much more of a challenge then other servers. I also expect friendly players and helpful moderators and admins. I believe that this will be one of the best servers i have ever been on and I've been on at least 25 servers this month.
What should we expect from you? You should expect a friendly player that will help other players. I always follow rules and have not been banned.I am also a player who is ready to die
Yes I have voted
I.g.n. Me12362
Age 11 but I'm very mature
Class mob tamer. (very good idea by the way no other servers have anything like this)
What do you expect from this server? I expect a server that is fun and is much more of a challenge then other servers. I also expect friendly players and helpful moderators and admins. I believe that this will be one of the best servers i have ever been on and I've been on at least 25 servers this month.
What should we expect from you? You should expect a friendly player that will help other players. I always follow rules and have not been banned.I am also a player who is ready to die
Yes I have voted
Faction:no faction
Class: no class
What do you expect from us?*: good admin's and moderators.
Have you voted for us yet?: yes voted :smile.gif:
Make it longer