Ign: kyle12295
Faction of intersest: Assassin
why that faction?: I think Assassin's are really cool and i think it would be cool if i was one =)
Are you active?: Yes, i play minecraft a bunch..
Real life age: 15
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: Umm.. i cant think of anything.. =]
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: Yes, i will follow instructions by my leader and ops.
white-list application:
Faction of intersest:assassins
why that faction?:i have a fetish for them. :3
Are you active?:yes
Real life age:15
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?:no
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?:yes
White-list Application
Ign: yomang
Faction of intersest: assassins
why that faction?: i like to rolepay an assassin and help citizens
Are you active?: yes
Real life age: 21
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: no not really only that i am funny and i collaborate with ops admins and players
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: yes
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Faction of intersest:Assasin
why that faction?:Because i like to be sneaky and i hate templars irl (no offense templars)
Are you active?:Yes
Real life age:14
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?:Ive built some pretty large things and have mined about 500000 blocks
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?:Yes
Ign: Shadow_Gost1
Faction of intersest: Assassins
why that faction?: Assassin's Creed is beast, and I have rped on other servers as an assassin killing points of interest and such.
Are you active?: Very!
Real life age: 14
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: I enjoy killing people and love free-roaming games. I'm not "hole" in the fact that I don't back talk everyone I see.
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: I rp a lot, I'm used to it, so yes!
Faction of intersest: Assassin
why that faction?: I think Assassin's are really cool and i think it would be cool if i was one =)
Are you active?: Yes, i play minecraft a bunch..
Real life age: 15
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: Umm.. i cant think of anything.. =]
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: Yes, i will follow instructions by my leader and ops.
Faction of intersest:assassins
why that faction?:i have a fetish for them. :3
Are you active?:yes
Real life age:15
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?:no
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?:yes
Faction: assassin
faction: assains
full application please.
Ign: yomang
Faction of intersest: assassins
why that faction?: i like to rolepay an assassin and help citizens
Are you active?: yes
Real life age: 21
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: no not really only that i am funny and i collaborate with ops admins and players
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: yes
Faction of intersest:Assasin
why that faction?:Because i like to be sneaky and i hate templars irl (no offense templars)
Are you active?:Yes
Real life age:14
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?:Ive built some pretty large things and have mined about 500000 blocks
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?:Yes
Faction of intersest: Assassins
why that faction?: Assassin's Creed is beast, and I have rped on other servers as an assassin killing points of interest and such.
Are you active?: Very!
Real life age: 14
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: I enjoy killing people and love free-roaming games. I'm not "hole" in the fact that I don't back talk everyone I see.
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: I rp a lot, I'm used to it, so yes!
Me 2
faction: assassin
Ign: Omylepiaz
Faction of interest: Assassins
why that faction?: Assassins for the win.
Are you active?: Yes, if this server is active, lots of people online.
Real life age: 13
Anything u wanna tell us about yourself?: Big fan of Assassin's Creed. Will change to my old assassin skin if needed.
Do you understand that if an op or faction leader/co-faction leader tells you to do something you must listen?: Yes.
Thanks for taking your time to read this application.
since i have nothing to put in my signature, random video.
Faction: Assassin
Faction: Assassin
Faction: Assassin