IGN (In Game Name): Luke2dmax
Age: 16
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nixumoi (MaastoNakki)
Reason for joining: Saw this server in the forums
What you do best in minecraft: Hug Nixumoi
Favorite Movie: Inception
IGN (In Game Name): Justin056
Age: 17
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Luke2dmax
Reason for joining: Luke told me about it
What you do best in minecraft: Love Nixumoi
Favorite Movie: Mineception
IGN (In Game Name): Akk97
Age: 13
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nixumoi (MaastoNakki)
Reason for joining: Needs a server to play on
What you do best in minecraft: Laugh
Favorite Movie: Gay P**n 35
IGN (In Game Name): Dankinator
Age: 29
Steam (optional): Dankinator
Referred? By whom?: Nope, just saw the server on the forum
Reason for joining: Server sounds ideal; last server I played on died...
What you do best in minecraft: Mine and build medium-sized homes and build mobtraps and spleef arenas
Favorite Movie: Snatch
IGN (In Game Name): Leonardo_
Age: 20
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nobody
Reason for joining: Looking for an stable and fun Minecraft server.
What you do best in minecraft: Building. Every server ive joined ive been renown for building extravagant
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
TY Supahtree; you seem to be a great admin or mod, but the inability for new players to set a home is unacceptable for me. I'm a miner, and I need sethomes to be able to recover inv when I'm killed by angry mobs...if I don;t find a good server to play on in a week's time, I'll come back, but until then I have to shop around; I hate to criticize, but I think that rule is unnecessary and I can't for the life of me understand why it was implemented. Cheers and I hope your server succeeds!!
Sorry you feel that way dank D:. But I suppose the logic behind that decision is to reward/give incentive to players to play on our server? But either way, thank you for the kind remarks :smile.gif: And I hope to see you back again, and good luck in your search for the server that fits you. If not Republica would love to see you back, you seem like a great addition to our community :smile.gif:
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN (In Game Name):airshot2010
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?:noone
Reason for joining:looking for a server
What you do best in minecraft:redstone stuff
Favorite Movie:atlantic the lost empire p.s. its a old movie
IGN (In Game Name):tigereye97
Steam (optional):boboquopan
Referred?: No
Reason for joining: I just need a server to join
What you do best in minecraft: Building and mining
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
IGN (In Game Name): Akainu
Steam (optional): Yes i have steam
Referred? By whom?:No one
Reason for joining: I cant find any good servers to play on and this one actually looks cool.
What you do best in minecraft: Mining and farming
Favorite Movie: Superbad
Age: 16
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nixumoi (MaastoNakki)
Reason for joining: Saw this server in the forums
What you do best in minecraft: Hug Nixumoi
Favorite Movie: Inception
Age: 17
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Luke2dmax
Reason for joining: Luke told me about it
What you do best in minecraft: Love Nixumoi
Favorite Movie: Mineception
Age: 13
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nixumoi (MaastoNakki)
Reason for joining: Needs a server to play on
What you do best in minecraft: Laugh
Favorite Movie: Gay P**n 35
Referred? By whom?:alworkshop
Reason for joining:looks awsome
Favorite Movie:can't choose
Age: 29
Steam (optional): Dankinator
Referred? By whom?: Nope, just saw the server on the forum
Reason for joining: Server sounds ideal; last server I played on died...
What you do best in minecraft: Mine and build medium-sized homes and build mobtraps and spleef arenas
Favorite Movie: Snatch
Age: 20
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: Nobody
Reason for joining: Looking for an stable and fun Minecraft server.
What you do best in minecraft: Building. Every server ive joined ive been renown for building extravagant
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?:noone
Reason for joining:looking for a server
What you do best in minecraft:redstone stuff
Favorite Movie:atlantic the lost empire p.s. its a old movie
Steam (optional):boboquopan
Referred?: No
Reason for joining: I just need a server to join
What you do best in minecraft: Building and mining
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Steam (optional): Yes i have steam
Referred? By whom?:No one
Reason for joining: I cant find any good servers to play on and this one actually looks cool.
What you do best in minecraft: Mining and farming
Favorite Movie: Superbad