IGN (In Game Name): Phil_Connors
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?:
Reason for joining: Looks like a fun server, love iconomy, law abiding citizen.
What you do best in minecraft: having fun? (Not sure what else to put, everything in minecraft is pretty easy if you know what your doing)
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Age: 15
Steam (optional): Narp
Referred? By whom?: Not referred
Reason for joining: Old server was destroyed by griefers, hoping to find one that isn't
What you do best in minecraft: Interior Designs, Redstone and water machines
Favorite Movie: omg cant choose XD but avatar is pretty good.
IGN (In Game Name): S4credGam3r
Age: 16
Steam (optional): -
Referred? Nope. By whom?: -
Reason for joining: This server looks and sounds really cool!
What you do best in minecraft: Gathering materials, helping everyone out, and building.
Favorite Movie: All the Resident Evil movies :biggrin.gif:
IGN (In Game Name):Krazee1000
Steam (optional):none
Referred? By whom?:cve916
Reason for joining:all the servers i use shut down :sad.gif:
What you do best in minecraft: find materials/build
Favorite Movie: Rambo
IGN (In Game Name):theorox
Steam (optional):thiebaud60
Reason for joining:Need a populated server and want to build a town!
What you do best in minecraft: Make towns.... And Build.... And help.... And Talk!
Favorite Movie: Shaun of the dead
IGN (In Game Name): The_Prestige
Steam (optional):
Reason for joining:I think your server looks awesome
What you do best in minecraft: Building and Mining
Favorite Movie: Happy Gilmore
IGN (In Game Name):hooper1
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: referred by solomon742.qohog,xxprodigalxx.
Reason for joining:my friends want me to check out the server
What you do best in minecraft: building
Favorite Movie:the A-Team
IGN (In Game Name): snowshovel
Age: 21
Steam (optional): Nop.
Referred? By whom?: Nope this ios my second SMP server
Reason for joining: I like PVP and iConomy, it also sounds like a great place
What you do best in minecraft: Fight and build castles
Favorite Movie: Erm, Toy Story.
IGN (In Game Name):hockey71
Steam (optional):hockeytom17
Reason for joining: This looks like a fun town based pvp server.
What you do best in minecraft: Start towns, pvp, build.
Favorite Movie: Night at the Roxbury
IGN (In Game Name):porkdonkey
Steam (optional):
Reason for joining: And I likes cities. and it looks like a good place to live
What you do best in minecraft: Plan Buildings, and building
Favorite Movie: The Town
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?:
Reason for joining: Looks like a fun server, love iconomy, law abiding citizen.
What you do best in minecraft: having fun? (Not sure what else to put, everything in minecraft is pretty easy if you know what your doing)
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Age: 15
Steam (optional): Narp
Referred? By whom?: Not referred
Reason for joining: Old server was destroyed by griefers, hoping to find one that isn't
What you do best in minecraft: Interior Designs, Redstone and water machines
Favorite Movie: omg cant choose XD but avatar is pretty good.
also i apologize for missing your application the first time around plattenbau
Age: 16
Steam (optional): -
Referred? Nope. By whom?: -
Reason for joining: This server looks and sounds really cool!
What you do best in minecraft: Gathering materials, helping everyone out, and building.
Favorite Movie: All the Resident Evil movies :biggrin.gif:
Steam (optional):none
Referred? By whom?:cve916
Reason for joining:all the servers i use shut down :sad.gif:
What you do best in minecraft: find materials/build
Favorite Movie: Rambo
Steam (optional):thiebaud60
Reason for joining:Need a populated server and want to build a town!
What you do best in minecraft: Make towns.... And Build.... And help.... And Talk!
Favorite Movie: Shaun of the dead
Steam (optional):
Reason for joining:I think your server looks awesome
What you do best in minecraft: Building and Mining
Favorite Movie: Happy Gilmore
Steam (optional):
Referred? By whom?: referred by solomon742.qohog,xxprodigalxx.
Reason for joining:my friends want me to check out the server
What you do best in minecraft: building
Favorite Movie:the A-Team
Hi i like MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Age: 21
Steam (optional): Nop.
Referred? By whom?: Nope this ios my second SMP server
Reason for joining: I like PVP and iConomy, it also sounds like a great place
What you do best in minecraft: Fight and build castles
Favorite Movie: Erm, Toy Story.
Steam (optional):hockeytom17
Reason for joining: This looks like a fun town based pvp server.
What you do best in minecraft: Start towns, pvp, build.
Favorite Movie: Night at the Roxbury
Steam (optional):
Reason for joining: And I likes cities. and it looks like a good place to live
What you do best in minecraft: Plan Buildings, and building
Favorite Movie: The Town