wow what a great server i guess they promote trolling other servers p.s this is from there Facebook page
Silvania Minecraft Server
It recently came to our attention, that another server had copied our MCForum post to advertise their own server. They even called themselves "Silvania" and had a nice little town called "Nation of Ramonia". They had a few signs too saying "This guys a hunter, and that guys a builder"
Now, We gathered a team of around 10 Silvanians and headed on over there. We decided to show these guys why you do not mess with us. That lovely little town is now a ruin of swastikas and lava... unfortunately it was the only town on that server. HOWEVER: No admins came on for the entire time! So, that means none of us got banned. We're gonna give em a few weeks to rebuild then pay another visit... Who's up for round 2?
wow what a great server i guess they promote trolling other servers p.s this is from there Facebook page
Silvania Minecraft Server
It recently came to our attention, that another server had copied our MCForum post to advertise their own server. They even called themselves "Silvania" and had a nice little town called "Nation of Ramonia". They had a few signs too saying "This guys a hunter, and that guys a builder"
Now, We gathered a team of around 10 Silvanians and headed on over there. We decided to show these guys why you do not mess with us. That lovely little town is now a ruin of swastikas and lava... unfortunately it was the only town on that server. HOWEVER: No admins came on for the entire time! So, that means none of us got banned. We're gonna give em a few weeks to rebuild then pay another visit... Who's up for round 2?
I find that very amusing, I wish more servers got what they deserved but alas we do not have that many vigilantes in the minecraft community.
No I'm saying your butthurt because your server got griefed (and for good reason too)
not my server i no longer own a minecraft server nor do i want one but there is a thing called morals and respect o well they took the name SILVANIA took its name from a old server they did not come and troll this server becuse of it no...
not my server i no longer own a minecraft server nor do i want one but there is a thing called morals and respect o well they took the name SILVANIA took its name from a old server they did not come and troll this server becuse of it no...
There is also a thing called proper grammer and thinking out your sentences before you write them.
Also your statements suggest that you were so angry that you shut your own server.
wow what a great server i guess they promote trolling other servers p.s this is from there Facebook page
Silvania Minecraft Server
It recently came to our attention, that another server had copied our MCForum post to advertise their own server. They even called themselves "Silvania" and had a nice little town called "Nation of Ramonia". They had a few signs too saying "This guys a hunter, and that guys a builder"
Now, We gathered a team of around 10 Silvanians and headed on over there. We decided to show these guys why you do not mess with us. That lovely little town is now a ruin of swastikas and lava... unfortunately it was the only town on that server. HOWEVER: No admins came on for the entire time! So, that means none of us got banned. We're gonna give em a few weeks to rebuild then pay another visit... Who's up for round 2?
The next time you attempt to impersonate a server group in a fashion that would reflect poorly on them, make sure you do it better. You're server was nothing but Cobblestone swastikas.
Your Planet Minecraft server page (which has been taken down by the admin by now) was an exact copy of our Opening Post on this thread. Silvania is a name that this server group has used since its started.
Now leave this thread before we have to bring the forums moderators in here.
User name*: kory132
Age*: 19
Location/Time Zone*: Usa/eastren mountain time
Did someone refer you?:no looks like fun
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Shinto
Name: Yohan farlan
Age*: 20
Bio*: Yohan farlen is the son of a Carpenter named hoken farlen and whishes to take after his dads footsteps as the royal Carpenter but his dad thinks he is not ready yet but Yohan thinks otherwise so he set foot on a journy to find a rightful town to set up keep and work on being the royal Carpenter of the town.
User name*: kory132
Age*: 19
Location/Time Zone*: Usa/eastren mountain time
Did someone refer you?:no looks like fun
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Shinto
Name: Yohan farlan
Age*: 20
Bio*: Yohan farlen is the son of a Carpenter named hoken farlen and whishes to take after his dads footsteps as the royal Carpenter but his dad thinks he is not ready yet but Yohan thinks otherwise so he set foo on a journy to find a rightful town to set up keep and work on being the royal Carpenter of the town.
Heh. Bit on the short side mate. Try adding a it more about your character and his past and fix those spelling mistakes too. Capitalization helps quite a bit.
You may change your desired name when you first join. If you change your name anytime after, your character will die of a 'heart attack' and youll need to introduce a new character.
You may change your desired name when you first join. If you change your name anytime after, your character will die of a 'heart attack' and youll need to introduce a new character.
User name*: BKStein
Age*: 18
UK (London) Time
Did someone refer you?:Nope, I'm looking for a good RP server to play on, and came across this one on the forums.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Shinto
Job*: Farmer
Race: Human
Name: Maikevr Shinjiro
Age*: 22
Bio: Having lost his mother at birth, Maikevr recieved a very practical upbringing from his late father Mihito. Every day, Mihito would take his son out into the fields, and teach him the values of integrity and hard work whilst he harvested his crops. Maikevr's life was shaping up to be much the same as his father's, taking care of the family farm, founding a family and passing his knowledge and values onto his children. That was, until the stranger arrived.
He came from Farland with tales of riches and power the people of Shinto couldn't imagine. However, he was suffering, and knew his days were numbered; he wanted to help one person before he passed away and his wisdom was lost forever. But, as Maikevr would find out, not all wisdom should be passed on... The stranger taught him many things, such as how to manage a buiseness, how the large farms in Farland operated with their huge shops, and how to accumulate power and riches unrivalled in Shinto. But, he also taught him greed and ambition. The more Maik heard these stories, the more he wanted to become what the stranger was showing him.
Now, his father having passed away two months ago, Maik is at a turning point in his life. Now in charge of the family farm, he has big dreams of turning his family into a powerhouse in Shinto; but will his ambition lead to his downfall, and the loss of everything his father held dear?
You must not have read the Opening Post to its full extent.
Race means your Class. Race is the British term for Class. Other than that its all fine. Edit your post and we can set you up.
User name*:Keleicel
Location/Time Zone*:Cheboygan, Michigan
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Gramayre
Bio*: I was an only child to a Blacksmith family but when my father died I took over his shop at the age of 10. With a little help from my mother I succeeded in making the forge very profitable thanks to my father’s teachings and strength training. 5 years later my mother died from a unknown sickness that seem to come out of nowhere but I managed to avoid it and learned that the cause of the sickness was poison in the water as I watched my forge spew more smoke than it used to when I put it out. At 18 during the war soldiers started showing up looking for people to join the army whether they wanted to or not so I decided to learn how to be a warrior but after 2 years I couldn’t take it anymore so I left and became a smith for hire making materials for anyone willing to pay for my services. 1 Year later I learned about the land of Sylvania and decided to make my living there. Now I come to make a new life and see where I will go next in this world.
User name*:Keleicel
Location/Time Zone*:Cheboygan, Michigan
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Gramayre
Bio*: I was an only child to a Blacksmith family but when my father died I took over his shop at the age of 10. With a little help from my mother I succeeded in making the forge very profitable thanks to my father’s teachings and strength training. 5 years later my mother died from a unknown sickness that seem to come out of nowhere but I managed to avoid it and learned that the cause of the sickness was poison in the water as I watched my forge spew more smoke than it used to when I put it out. At 18 during the war soldiers started showing up looking for people to join the army whether they wanted to or not so I decided to learn how to be a warrior but after 2 years I couldn’t take it anymore so I left and became a smith for hire making materials for anyone willing to pay for my services. 1 Year later I learned about the land of Sylvania and decided to make my living there. Now I come to make a new life and see where I will go next in this world.
Stop. Posting.
Seriously. Just stop. You've posted about 4 times now and 3 of them you've edited to simply say 'sorry'
User name*: wells123456
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: UTC+10:00 (UTC is formally known as GMT)
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0
Land/Town: Falconreach (when its opened, i will settle for shinto until it is finished)
Job*: Role: Diplomatic Relations
Race: Battle Mage
Name: Wells
Age*: 26
Bio*: Here goes:
Wells' didn't really know much about his family, he was found outside an orphanage in west Romald at the age of 2 and the only thing he had on him was a note saying "To the west of Farthwood Watch where the banks of willow sway, the answer lies in the last light of the day". Later when wells was 5 he started growing strange glowing markings on his hands, the other kids at the orphanage would attack him out of sheer jealousy of the power he possesed.
One day when wells was 6 a strange man arrived at the orphanage named "Garroth" he said he was looking for wells, the man and wells spoke in the privacy of wells' room, Garroth said that wells was part of an order of mages that dated back before time itself, they were called the "Order of Feretory", wells was one of the last members of this dieing order and had powers that could bend time itself to favor him. From then on Garroth visited the orphanage everyday and taught wells magic and but never provided answers to wells' questions about the note or wells' origin. At the age of 25 wells was a full fledged member of the order and with his mastery of magic wells was ready to go forth onto his destiny, but what was his destiny? What does the note mean? who is his family? wells asked Garroth these questions but Garroth only answered "Your questions will be answered when you unravel the mystery that lies within the note".
Wells went to the Library and looked up Farthwood Keep, it's location was in Silvania, a land far away of mystery and untold tales. And so wells set out on his journey to silvania to forfil his destiny and start a new life.
Hopefully that is satisfactory, it's really late I want to get my application in now when your all awake plus it takes me longer to develop a story and i'm more of a 1st person writter than a 3rd person one, I will delete this and start over if it's not good enough.
EDIT: and the story does not mean my character gets amazing powers so don't think that, I will except any and all magical powers I start off with.
To begin with, I would like to give you our most sincere gratitude for defending us against that prepubescent kid who stole our server. It isn't every day in which the bystanders sympathize with the, according to that kid, "bullies" instead of the "victim". I would be more than glad to offer you white listing just for that reason right here on the stop but, alas, it cannot be done. Now, while our most cynical members would classify this as "sucking up" I really do believe you meant well.
Now then, on to the whitelist.
Ok, despite what they told you, this does not intrude with Flen's or My lore. Despite Ferretory's name being forgotten (she lived 1000 years back and in did not scar people's memories like Ramon or the Unholy Wookie did) I can accept that some of her journals were found and then worshiped by an obscure cult. Your biography is fine and all details are in order, so welcome to the server Mr. H.G.
To begin with, I would like to give you our most sincere gratitude for defending us against that prepubescent kid who stole our server. It isn't every day in which the bystanders sympathize with the, according to that kid, "bullies" instead of the "victim". I would be more than glad to offer you white listing just for that reason right here on the stop but, alas, it cannot be done. Now, while our most cynical members would classify this as "sucking up" I really do believe you meant well.
Now then, on to the whitelist.
Ok, despite what they told you, this does not intrude with Flen's or My lore. Despite Ferretory's name being forgotten (she lived 1000 years back and in did not scar people's memories like Ramon or the Unholy Wookie did) I can accept that some of her journals were found and then worshiped by an obscure cult. Your biography is fine and all details are in order, so welcome to the server Mr. H.G.
I said 'Possibly sucking up'. Besides, you know I'm a cynic to my very core.
Yes, that is why we all love you. Same thing with bal, he is an evil ******* at the very core, which is why we love him.btw, could you whitelist him? Im currently off the server for homework
Silvania Minecraft Server
It recently came to our attention, that another server had copied our MCForum post to advertise their own server. They even called themselves "Silvania" and had a nice little town called "Nation of Ramonia". They had a few signs too saying "This guys a hunter, and that guys a builder"
Now, We gathered a team of around 10 Silvanians and headed on over there. We decided to show these guys why you do not mess with us. That lovely little town is now a ruin of swastikas and lava... unfortunately it was the only town on that server. HOWEVER: No admins came on for the entire time! So, that means none of us got banned. We're gonna give em a few weeks to rebuild then pay another visit... Who's up for round 2?
I find that very amusing, I wish more servers got what they deserved but alas we do not have that many vigilantes in the minecraft community.
so your saying your ok with some one joining your server and trolling it?
No I'm saying your butthurt because your server got griefed (and for good reason too)
not my server i no longer own a minecraft server nor do i want one but there is a thing called morals and respect o well they took the name SILVANIA took its name from a old server they did not come and troll this server becuse of it no...
There is also a thing called proper grammer and thinking out your sentences before you write them.
Also your statements suggest that you were so angry that you shut your own server.
The next time you attempt to impersonate a server group in a fashion that would reflect poorly on them, make sure you do it better. You're server was nothing but Cobblestone swastikas.
Your Planet Minecraft server page (which has been taken down by the admin by now) was an exact copy of our Opening Post on this thread. Silvania is a name that this server group has used since its started.
Now leave this thread before we have to bring the forums moderators in here.
Age*: 19
Location/Time Zone*: Usa/eastren mountain time
Did someone refer you?:no looks like fun
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Shinto
Name: Yohan farlan
Age*: 20
Bio*: Yohan farlen is the son of a Carpenter named hoken farlen and whishes to take after his dads footsteps as the royal Carpenter but his dad thinks he is not ready yet but Yohan thinks otherwise so he set foot on a journy to find a rightful town to set up keep and work on being the royal Carpenter of the town.
Heh. Bit on the short side mate. Try adding a it more about your character and his past and fix those spelling mistakes too. Capitalization helps quite a bit.
If you have a spell checker be sure to run it.
Good question.
You may change your desired name when you first join. If you change your name anytime after, your character will die of a 'heart attack' and youll need to introduce a new character.
Hehehe, alright thanks.
You must not have read the Opening Post to its full extent.
Race means your Class. Race is the British term for Class. Other than that its all fine. Edit your post and we can set you up.
Location/Time Zone*:Cheboygan, Michigan
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: Gramayre
Bio*: I was an only child to a Blacksmith family but when my father died I took over his shop at the age of 10. With a little help from my mother I succeeded in making the forge very profitable thanks to my father’s teachings and strength training. 5 years later my mother died from a unknown sickness that seem to come out of nowhere but I managed to avoid it and learned that the cause of the sickness was poison in the water as I watched my forge spew more smoke than it used to when I put it out. At 18 during the war soldiers started showing up looking for people to join the army whether they wanted to or not so I decided to learn how to be a warrior but after 2 years I couldn’t take it anymore so I left and became a smith for hire making materials for anyone willing to pay for my services. 1 Year later I learned about the land of Sylvania and decided to make my living there. Now I come to make a new life and see where I will go next in this world.
Stop. Posting.
Seriously. Just stop. You've posted about 4 times now and 3 of them you've edited to simply say 'sorry'
You're accepted but GRAMAYRE is NOT a town.
To begin with, I would like to give you our most sincere gratitude for defending us against that prepubescent kid who stole our server. It isn't every day in which the bystanders sympathize with the, according to that kid, "bullies" instead of the "victim". I would be more than glad to offer you white listing just for that reason right here on the stop but, alas, it cannot be done. Now, while our most cynical members would classify this as "sucking up" I really do believe you meant well.
Now then, on to the whitelist.
Ok, despite what they told you, this does not intrude with Flen's or My lore. Despite Ferretory's name being forgotten (she lived 1000 years back and in did not scar people's memories like Ramon or the Unholy Wookie did) I can accept that some of her journals were found and then worshiped by an obscure cult. Your biography is fine and all details are in order, so welcome to the server Mr. H.G.
I said 'Possibly sucking up'. Besides, you know I'm a cynic to my very core.
Age: 17
Location/Time Zone: Portugal, GMT 0
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Decide later
Did someone refer you?: No
Race: Assassin[/size]