User name*:chvia
Location/Time Zone*:Not sure, I'm in the San Fransico Bay Area
Did someone refer you?:No I was looking for a server that seems interesting
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Mortalitas, Tempaestas,"Valthraxus"
Job*: Armourer
Race:a Hunter
Bio*: Chvia has lived a rough 16 years. His step-dad is a drunk and his mom gets beat almost everyday.
When Child Care found out about his harsh living conditions they put Chvia in a foster home and his father
in jail for 2 years. Chvia, not finding the foster home suitable for his needs, ran away in search of his mom
and to bring revenge on his step-dad with the hunting skills that have come naturally. Chvia is full of anger,
but hasn't lost his soft side completely. At the moment Chvia is working as an armourer, illegally, with a very
prestigous criminal in Valthraxus.
I changed my race to a hunter
here's a very fast version of the bio: Chvia born, real dad divorses mom, mom remarrys for money.
mom gets beat as does Chvia. dad goes to jail and Chvia goes to foster home.
Chvhia runs away and works for a criminal in revenge.
User name*:KJP831
Location/Time Zone*:Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.1
Land/Town:Unnamed Nation
Age*: 17
Bio*:My parents were chefs, and died from the attack upon our nation, I have rosen up and became a assassin to take revenge on my parents death. By day i am a peaceful chef, fillings everyone's needs. By night i am a deathly assassin ready to kill anything in sight.
User name*:xXMaruchoXx
Age*: 13
Location/Time Zone*: EST
Did someone refer you?: no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum, Harfang
Job*: Chef
Race: Battle Mage
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank: Marucho
Age*: 24
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies: Marucho was raised in a land far away from Silvania. He lived with his parents and his older sister. Unfortunately for his family Marucho was always interested in magic. The family business was to cook for there town's mayor, but when Marucho turned 18 he ran away to Silvania leaving his family crying behind him. On his way to Silvania he learned more about the art of magic and the two lands that he would have to choose from when he got there. Marucho did not want to be an evil person so he joined The Realm of Caelum and decided that he would live his life in Harfang until he could move to Falconreach to study the strange force that inhabited the island. Today he trains his magic, and tries to make some friends along the way. Also about three years before he decided that the least he could do for his family is to continue what they did for a job. So he signed up as a chef.
User name*: Chrillesjoo
Age*: 16 soon :smile.gif:
Location/Time Zone*: EST, Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Stonebow/Harfung
Job*: Armorer
Race: Assassin
Name: Calvin
Age*: 23
I was born a peasant and raised a thief. My father was a master craftsman and my mom the best cooker in town. We had little money as our town was poor, whereas our neighboring city, Quadrahall, a couple miles east had lavishing structures, homes and plenty of food. Me and my loyal friend, Ken, left our town every 2 nights to "visit" the other city. Well we actually went to steal food and other necessities. One day we were caught and Ken and I were taken to the interrogation room and we were tortured to reveal our intent in the city. We told them the truth and they didn't believe us. They killed Ken before my eyes to get me to tell the truth, moments before I had picked the lock. When the prison guard came in I immediately disarmed him and strangled him silently. I proceeded to continue this action among the other guards hidden in shadows but I was stopped by an shifty-looking, elderly man. He told me I had great skill and invited me to the King's quarters. Upon arrival, they offered me the job of becoming an elite assassin within their ranks. They will provide training, armor, rations, as well as money for my family as long as I provide them with the head of my targets. I agreed and here I became known as "The Silent Strike". On one of my missions I was caught and had to flee the city, and also never return to my own city as this was a law for assassins "Once your caught, you don't go back". I bid my family farewell in the cold of night and I began to wander the vast deserts and mountains getting sustenance and shelter by any means necessary, which included eating raw meat and wearing leather for warmth.
Short Version:
I was born in a poor town and had to steal from a nearby city with my friend Ken to feed my family. The city caught me and offered me a job as an assassin. I became the Elite Assassin of Quadrahall, also known as "The Silent Strike". On one of my missions I was caught and had to flee the city as well as never return to mine. I bid my parents farewell and left wandering the lands in search of a new town or city, killing animals for their leather and eating raw food.
User name*: XxDishyxX
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Canada, Newfoundland.
Did someone refer you?: Nope, i saw it on the forums
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum, Stonebow, Harfang. Hopefully i put the correct answer :S
Job*: Armourer
Race: Warrior
Name: Dishy
Age*: 14
Bio*: So, I was born and raised by my parents in a town called Stormwind. While i was growing up, my family tried to get me into hunting, but hunting wasn't for me, im more of a Warrior kind of guy. While i was growing up i was sort of a Trouble Maker. I used to get in trouble with the Town guards, break into peoples' houses', Steal from there Chest. I did almost about anything, but all that is behind me now. Now all that is behind me now, while i train to become a better Warrior by killing Ghast, Zombies, Creepers, Spider Jockeys, Skeletons. Im ready to start me new Adventure in the World of Silvania.
User name*: XxDishyxX
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Canada, Newfoundland.
Did someone refer you?: Nope, i saw it on the forums
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum, Stonebow, Harfang. Hopefully i put the correct answer :S
Job*: Armourer
Race: Warrior
Name: Dishy
Age*: 14
Bio*: So, I was born and raised by my parents in a town called Stormwind. While i was growing up, my family tried to get me into hunting, but hunting wasn't for me, im more of a Warrior kind of guy. While i was growing up i was sort of a Trouble Maker. I used to get in trouble with the Town guards, break into peoples' houses', Steal from there Chest. I did almost about anything, but all that is behind me now. Now all that is behind me now, while i train to become a better Warrior by killing Ghast, Zombies, Creepers, Spider Jockeys, Skeletons. Im ready to start me new Adventure in the World of Silvania.
User name*:rmoumneh2015
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: United States
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town:The Realm of Mortalitas
Race: The bio says mage but I want to be a Hunter So I will choose Hunter as my race.
Name: Not sure if you meant real name or in game role-playing name so I am going to put both Blason (role-playing name)and Ryan Moumneh (real name).
Age*: 14 (real and role-playing Age).
Bio*: Blason had been awoken from his family’s hut by the booming crackle of fire. Once awake, he could see gigantic flames engulfing his entire village. He rushed through the village looking for his parents, his siblings, and his friends. It had been too late for many of the villagers, but Blason heard a scream nearby, and ran to see his family begging a cloaked figure for their lives. The man did not oblige. He drew forth from his hands a massive ball of flame and hurled it at huddled group of Blason’s family, taking their lives.Blason’s knees gave out from under him. Crying with sadness but filled with rage, he shouted at the cloaked figure, screaming at him. But the man paid no attention. He did not even turn or look at Blason, and then he vanished.Horrified, angry, and confused, Blason ran without stopping until his legs gave out again.Writhing with anguish and a heavy heart, he cried until he slept.Young Blason awoke upon the cold hard ground of an unforgiving autumn morning. Practically freezing and disoriented, it took him a few minutes to put together what had happened. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was, but the throbbing pain in his legs told him it was several miles from his former home, the now destroyed village of Sonhae. For days, he cried, and yelled, and slept. Neither the harsh autumn nor the rain had fazed him. He had nothing left in this world, and nothing left to live for. He felt as if he has already died from the pain and turmoil in his heart, and now he waited for his body to expire.Phasing in and out of consciousness, Blason was found by a passing traveler. He tried to make the man leave him to die, but the man refused, and Blason was too weak to put up a fight. The man set up a camp and shelter, forcing Blason back to good health.Blason still ravished with anger and sorrow, despised the man for his good deed, and did not speak to him for weeks, even after his health was nearly restored. But as time went by, he accepted the good done by the man, and finally spoke to him, thanking him for his actions. The man said that he was a Cleric, and that his name was Arcadea. He had been wandering through the area in search of herbs, as part of his personal quest to help others. Arcadea was young too, and might have been the same age as Blason. So young, in fact that Arcadea once said to Blason, “I am amazed and endlessly pleased, that I was able to restore you to proper health.” Blason and Arcadea spent months in their wilderness camp while Blason recovered from his poor health and the emotional pain that he was suffering. In the time they spent together, Arcadea taught Blason how gather, hunt, and survive on his own. He even showed Blason how to mix up various elixirs. In time, the two became the best of friends.Arcadea often spoke of the place that he was from. A city called Roumen, that was much larger then the village that Blason had lived in. The two agreed to travel there, once Blason had fully recovered. After several endless days of walking, the pair had finally stepped foot in Roumen. Though they were tired, Blason was filled with excitement to be in such a grand and unfamiliar place. Arcadea led him through town, and introduced him to a lovely woman by the name of Remi. Remi was kind, and her smile had a unique kindness that reminded Blason of his mother; he often wondered if that was why he took to her so well. Remi became a mentor to Blason, and they became great friends as well. After months of knowing Remi, and finally being comfortable to talk to another person about the tragedy that had occurred, Remi was appalled by the horrific events that Blason had described, and for a while, she did not know how to react around Blason, so she avoided him. But time eventually told Remi what she needed to do, and to not give up on one someone whose friendship meant so much. Remi found Blason, and quietly discussed Blason’s past with him; it was then that Remi told Blason that she could teach him to use the same powerful magic that the cloaked figure from long ago had used. Of course this infuriated and disgusted Blason, but Remi explained to him that most magic users are not bad, and that the power he could possess can be used for good. Remi also explained that it may be the only way to defend himself against the evil man that destroyed his homeland, and without using the same powerful magic, he would not survive against the man. With mixed emotions, and endless determination to control his magic, Blason became a mage, and vowed to never use his power maliciously and set out to live a very different life.
User name*: Redsalemence222
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Eastern United States.
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Loxlis, Mortalitas.
Job*: Blacksmith
Race: Combat Engineer
Name: John 'Black' Draco.
Age*: 18
Bio*: Descending from a long line of less-than eminent blacksmiths, Jonathan Draco, otherwise known as 'Black Draco', is the aspiring son of the latest two Dracos, Markus and Lianna, along with the family chicken, Lord Wallice. John was raised in a small house in a very small, independent village by his parents. At the age of five, his father taught him how to smelt and craft tools.
One notable incident in his childhood that still shows today is the scar running up his left arm. This was from a wolf attack. One night in his house, John was up late finishing his daily tasks, and he heard Lord Wallice outside, so he went to bring him in. When he went out, a wolf was cornering the poor chicken, so John intervened. He took a hammer and the resulting brawl left the family with food for a week and a long scar on John's arm. He was homeschooled by his parents and can read and write and knows how to manage by himself.
A few months before his 19th birthday, John was out gathering mushrooms in the town mine to sell to the local farmers, when he found the thing that allowed him to move: He found a diamond. After getting a large sum of money, he gathered up his belongings and took the next boat to Mortalitas, leading to the present.
User name*:tivrup
Location/Time Zone*:Vancouver
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Job*:Economic Advisor
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Bio*: My parents were very wealthy. My father was a blacksmith, they wanted me to follow in his footsteps. When I told them I wanted to be an economic advisor the sent me to the town's economic advisor Ragarth to be his apprentice. Ten years later I moved to Sylvania.
User name*:KJP831
Location/Time Zone*:Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.1
Land/Town:Unnamed Nation
Age*: 17
Bio*:Since I was born i knew my parents as great chefs of Salvania. They cooked for the highest honours of this world. But one day, they went missing. No one is sure where they went or what happend to them. But i set out as my duty to find what happend and seek revenge if needed. I learned cooking well from my parents and have moved to the Unnamed Nation. I cook because im good at it and also i need some way to keep a good income. By day i am a ook, by night i am a assassin, seeking out the mistory of my parents disapearance.
User name*: Skullfire99 Age*: 14 Location/Time Zone*: Pacific Standard Time Did someone refer you?: Yes, I got an email by hallo746 saying I was on this server before. Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0 Land/Town: Valthraxus Job*: Diplomatic Relations Race: Assassin Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank SkullFire Age*: ? Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies SkullFire was originally born in the Nether, so he was a Netherian. He was usually trouble for some people. Like some Netherian, he was able to shoot fire but that all ended one day.
That day was the day he was assigned on his first raid on the OverWorld. But in the raid he came across a small boy but even though he was assigned to kill him, he couldn't bring himself to do it. SkullFire left the boy announcing that he was dead.
When SkullFire's family found out he didn't kill the boy, they were really ashamed. Soon the entire village found this out and they banished him from the Nether. SkullFire's powers were taken away until he became a mere mortal and with that he was exiled through the portal.
After that, SkullFire lost some of his memory and soon he was found by an assassin. The assassin decided to help SkullFire, even with SkullFire's skull that was light by a fire. SkullFire was trained to became an assassin and soon SkullFire left until he came across a land called Silvania. SkullFire decided to live there as an assassin ever since.
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For a great server with a friendly community, check out
User name*: FigherDawn Age*: 14 Location/Time Zone*: GMT 11+ Did someone refer you?: Nope Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0 Land/Town: Harfang Job*: Toolsmith Race: Combat Engineer Name: Davier Age*: 23 Bio*: Davier was born in the woods and raised by bandits, he hated living in the wild with them and wished he could live in a peaceful village with nicer people. One day his group was attacked and he ran away. He came back later and found that they were all dead, including his parents. He sobbed for a long time until he decided to start a new life in a village. He walked for several days until he found a village. He stayed there for a long time, making tools for the locals and helping them make machines with redstone to improve their lives. He felt he finally found a home at last.
User name*: Everonman
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: GMT 11+
Did someone refer you?: no not realy
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: DA 1.0.0 FTW
Land/Town: Harfang
Race: warrior
Name: Everon
Age*: 17
Bio*: Everon was orphaned into a castle when he was very young and grew up with other orphans. he was luckily enough to be chosen to server under Sir Oric Von Lickdenstine who taught him skills of using daggers, swords, shields and how to use them to his advantage. also while he was serving under Sir Oric Von Lickdenstine he was taught how to make Armour, swords, shields, and other weapons. In his training he learnt that working in a team is very important. and fought in few battles and still has scars from those battles. Like his scar running down his neck. Everon was and is a very good strategical thinker and has helped plan multiple invasions with Sir Oric Von Likdenstine. Because of his amazing skills he has adopted the name Everonman to make him sound more heroic.
User Name: Nawesome
Age: 13
Location/Timezone: GMT 11+
Did Someone Refer You: Yes i got an email from ramonski saying i was on the server b4
Minecraft version(eg. 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Harfang
Job*: Armourer
Race: Assasin
Name: Nicko
Age: 18
Bio: Nicko was just 11 when his parents died by griefers burning their house down. He was scared. All alone by himself. When he was coming from school saw a couple of men walk out of his house with there faces covered up, he went in and saw both of his parents in the fire screaming at him to get out and don't ever come back.
Later he realised that those men did it, he then swore he would avenge his parents death. He decided to go to their local martial arts centre and had a talk with Shong yil( the local sensei). They made an agreement to train Nicko if Nicko works on his farm. Obviously he accepted this offer.
After years of working and training he had the skill and strength to taked down the murderers of his parents.
User name*:ared49
Location/Time Zone*:UTC/GMT +10 hours
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Name: andrad
Bio*:andrad was disbanded at birth left in a garbage bin though a man walked past and raised him in a cottage a long way away from civilization. the man who raised him was a hunter. though one day andrad had to get some water from the river nearby and when he got home his home was robbed, and his father was dead. He sobbed for a long time though he got hungry so he looked for anything they didn't get they didn't get his fathers bow and some arrows were lying around so he decided to hunt for something to eat. He saw a roaming deer he aimed his bow *piong* was the noise it made he managed to get the arrow on the leg of the deer. he went to the deer as it stumbled to the ground then he got an arrow and stabbed the deer. it was dead so he dragged it home retrieved the two arrow and looked in the house for the pot which he found. so that was all the didn't steal. But after a long time he started traveling in search of a village or any civilization after two days he found a village and told the mayor what had happened then he told him if you could be the local blacksmith we could find people who could house you. so he made things to help villagers and got taken in by a nice couple. Though every once in a while he would search and try to get vengeance to the robbers that stealed their things and killed his father.
User name*: Magnitude25
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: central U.S.
Did someone refer you?: No, but earlier today i received an email stating i had joined this server back in june, after considering it, i decided to reapply (as the previous IP i had gotten did not work as of an earlier attempt to connect)
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0 it seems.
Land/Town: Loxley, Mortalitus
Job*: Diplomatic relations if possible. (if not, i will accept the role of a carpenter.)
Race: Battle Mage (i originally chose psychic, but after reading about it on the website, i discovered there is little to do with them other than force pushing & pulling. That makes me sad considering the bio i wrote was all about psychic background.)
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Age*: my character age? hmm... i suppose around 35 or so.
Bio*: Alright, let's hope all the vidya up til now pays off.
Growing up in a large village/small city outside of silvania, i was surrounded by many people. As all children are, i was an underling to every adult and person older than me, which i thought was an out-rage, as all children do.
On my 13th birthday, which is the day boys are considered to be men, i was presented with gifts, one in particular was a knife, upon which i was instructed to kill a wild boar in order to obtain my status as a man.
To my later discovery the blade i had received was not very well made, as the blacksmith-in-training did not appreciate my less-than-sane theories on existence and the universe. Shaking the foundation of his world and causing him to question what was all he knew, he grew a dark hatred for me, and decided upon revenge by giving me a dull, and wobbling knife, which was the only thing in the way of a boars tusks through my ribs. (no i did not check it, i had mere moments to inspect anything before my rite-of-passage which i was given the dagger minutes before.)
Being of sound mind and strong heart, but not sturdy-of-blade, the dirk shattered in my hand, allowing the roaring beast to rend all in it's path. How or why the monster did not finish me is beyond my comprehension. Failing the test, my kin had left me on the edge of the woods to rot, or to survive, whichever came first. Whichever happened, i was dead to them now, i would never earn a place with them.
A passing caravan of monks saw me leaning near a Bodhi-tree, which they cared for me until i was well. I was astonished at their techniques.I asked them how they are doing such miraculous feats, to which they answered, "the mind." At that point they explained that "all that we are, arises from the mind". I stayed in their company until i was well enough to travel, absorbing all the wisdom they had to offer.
When i could walk several steps without falling, i thanked them so much for their kindness. Before i left, they asked me of my story, and how i ended here in the woods near-death. I explained to them the challenge of manhood in my village. They seemed shocked at such a primitive test of strength, but they were glad i survived. Before i left, one of the monks particularly astute remarked that under the tree, i looked surprisingly similar to their master and teacher, and asked me to take his beads in honor of him. I accepted, but at that point, something struck me, deep inside my soul. my blade had failed me, but these men need no blade, they use their mind to defeat all.
I decided to travel with them, and learn all i can, i had no home now, but with them, i had a place in the world.
(holy crap, how did i do that? i could write a book.)
User name*: FigherDawn Age*: 14 Location/Time Zone*: GMT 11+ Did someone refer you?: Nope Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0 Land/Town: Harfang Job*: Toolsmith Race: Combat Engineer Name: Davier Age*: 23 Bio*: Davier was born in the woods and raised by bandits, he hated living in the wild with them and wished he could live in a peaceful village with nicer people. One day his group was attacked and he ran away. He came back later and found that they were all dead, including his parents. He sobbed for a long time until he decided to start a new life in a village. He walked for several days until he found a village. He stayed there for a long time, making tools for the locals and helping them make machines with redstone to improve their lives. He felt he finally found a home at last.
You've been trying to connect to the server for the past two hours yet you aren't whitelisted. Best to stop and wait for confirmation before trying again.
User name*: Glenloovens1Age*:15Location/Time Zone*:london/lisbon Glasgow scotland Did someone refer you?: no i looked on the fourms Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0Land/Town:HousestarkJob*:ChefRace:elfName: celebornAge*: 1082Bio*: born in a fishing village and went off to join the town guard when i found out i had great skill with a bow
User name*:chazzateeAge*:15Location/Time Zone*:London/lisbonDid someone refer you?:Glenloovens1Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0Land/Town:HouseStarkJob*:cosmetic engineerRace:hunterName:If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blankAge*:1092Bio*:A courages hunter who battles the evils minecraft
Bios are too short. Seeing as you both hail from 'London/lisbon' I will assume you are friends. Work on making your bios longer (and for the love of god be original)
I changed my race to a hunter
here's a very fast version of the bio: Chvia born, real dad divorses mom, mom remarrys for money.
mom gets beat as does Chvia. dad goes to jail and Chvia goes to foster home.
Chvhia runs away and works for a criminal in revenge.
Location/Time Zone*:Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.1
Land/Town:Unnamed Nation
Age*: 17
Bio*:My parents were chefs, and died from the attack upon our nation, I have rosen up and became a assassin to take revenge on my parents death. By day i am a peaceful chef, fillings everyone's needs. By night i am a deathly assassin ready to kill anything in sight.
Age*: 13
Location/Time Zone*: EST
Did someone refer you?: no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum, Harfang
Job*: Chef
Race: Battle Mage
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank: Marucho
Age*: 24
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies: Marucho was raised in a land far away from Silvania. He lived with his parents and his older sister. Unfortunately for his family Marucho was always interested in magic. The family business was to cook for there town's mayor, but when Marucho turned 18 he ran away to Silvania leaving his family crying behind him. On his way to Silvania he learned more about the art of magic and the two lands that he would have to choose from when he got there. Marucho did not want to be an evil person so he joined The Realm of Caelum and decided that he would live his life in Harfang until he could move to Falconreach to study the strange force that inhabited the island. Today he trains his magic, and tries to make some friends along the way. Also about three years before he decided that the least he could do for his family is to continue what they did for a job. So he signed up as a chef.
Age*: 16 soon :smile.gif:
Location/Time Zone*: EST, Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Stonebow/Harfung
Job*: Armorer
Race: Assassin
Name: Calvin
Age*: 23
I was born a peasant and raised a thief. My father was a master craftsman and my mom the best cooker in town. We had little money as our town was poor, whereas our neighboring city, Quadrahall, a couple miles east had lavishing structures, homes and plenty of food. Me and my loyal friend, Ken, left our town every 2 nights to "visit" the other city. Well we actually went to steal food and other necessities. One day we were caught and Ken and I were taken to the interrogation room and we were tortured to reveal our intent in the city. We told them the truth and they didn't believe us. They killed Ken before my eyes to get me to tell the truth, moments before I had picked the lock. When the prison guard came in I immediately disarmed him and strangled him silently. I proceeded to continue this action among the other guards hidden in shadows but I was stopped by an shifty-looking, elderly man. He told me I had great skill and invited me to the King's quarters. Upon arrival, they offered me the job of becoming an elite assassin within their ranks. They will provide training, armor, rations, as well as money for my family as long as I provide them with the head of my targets. I agreed and here I became known as "The Silent Strike". On one of my missions I was caught and had to flee the city, and also never return to my own city as this was a law for assassins "Once your caught, you don't go back". I bid my family farewell in the cold of night and I began to wander the vast deserts and mountains getting sustenance and shelter by any means necessary, which included eating raw meat and wearing leather for warmth.
Short Version:
I was born in a poor town and had to steal from a nearby city with my friend Ken to feed my family. The city caught me and offered me a job as an assassin. I became the Elite Assassin of Quadrahall, also known as "The Silent Strike". On one of my missions I was caught and had to flee the city as well as never return to mine. I bid my parents farewell and left wandering the lands in search of a new town or city, killing animals for their leather and eating raw food.
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Canada, Newfoundland.
Did someone refer you?: Nope, i saw it on the forums
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum, Stonebow, Harfang. Hopefully i put the correct answer :S
Job*: Armourer
Race: Warrior
Name: Dishy
Age*: 14
Bio*: So, I was born and raised by my parents in a town called Stormwind. While i was growing up, my family tried to get me into hunting, but hunting wasn't for me, im more of a Warrior kind of guy. While i was growing up i was sort of a Trouble Maker. I used to get in trouble with the Town guards, break into peoples' houses', Steal from there Chest. I did almost about anything, but all that is behind me now. Now all that is behind me now, while i train to become a better Warrior by killing Ghast, Zombies, Creepers, Spider Jockeys, Skeletons. Im ready to start me new Adventure in the World of Silvania.
WoW Reference:)
What does PM mean
Private message, as in a message they send to you that only you can see, it will be in your inbox :smile.gif:
Pm means Private Message, only you can see it :smile.gif:
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: United States
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town:The Realm of Mortalitas
Race: The bio says mage but I want to be a Hunter So I will choose Hunter as my race.
Name: Not sure if you meant real name or in game role-playing name so I am going to put both Blason (role-playing name)and Ryan Moumneh (real name).
Age*: 14 (real and role-playing Age).
Bio*: Blason had been awoken from his family’s hut by the booming crackle of fire. Once awake, he could see gigantic flames engulfing his entire village. He rushed through the village looking for his parents, his siblings, and his friends. It had been too late for many of the villagers, but Blason heard a scream nearby, and ran to see his family begging a cloaked figure for their lives. The man did not oblige. He drew forth from his hands a massive ball of flame and hurled it at huddled group of Blason’s family, taking their lives.Blason’s knees gave out from under him. Crying with sadness but filled with rage, he shouted at the cloaked figure, screaming at him. But the man paid no attention. He did not even turn or look at Blason, and then he vanished.Horrified, angry, and confused, Blason ran without stopping until his legs gave out again.Writhing with anguish and a heavy heart, he cried until he slept.Young Blason awoke upon the cold hard ground of an unforgiving autumn morning. Practically freezing and disoriented, it took him a few minutes to put together what had happened. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was, but the throbbing pain in his legs told him it was several miles from his former home, the now destroyed village of Sonhae. For days, he cried, and yelled, and slept. Neither the harsh autumn nor the rain had fazed him. He had nothing left in this world, and nothing left to live for. He felt as if he has already died from the pain and turmoil in his heart, and now he waited for his body to expire.Phasing in and out of consciousness, Blason was found by a passing traveler. He tried to make the man leave him to die, but the man refused, and Blason was too weak to put up a fight. The man set up a camp and shelter, forcing Blason back to good health.Blason still ravished with anger and sorrow, despised the man for his good deed, and did not speak to him for weeks, even after his health was nearly restored. But as time went by, he accepted the good done by the man, and finally spoke to him, thanking him for his actions. The man said that he was a Cleric, and that his name was Arcadea. He had been wandering through the area in search of herbs, as part of his personal quest to help others. Arcadea was young too, and might have been the same age as Blason. So young, in fact that Arcadea once said to Blason, “I am amazed and endlessly pleased, that I was able to restore you to proper health.” Blason and Arcadea spent months in their wilderness camp while Blason recovered from his poor health and the emotional pain that he was suffering. In the time they spent together, Arcadea taught Blason how gather, hunt, and survive on his own. He even showed Blason how to mix up various elixirs. In time, the two became the best of friends.Arcadea often spoke of the place that he was from. A city called Roumen, that was much larger then the village that Blason had lived in. The two agreed to travel there, once Blason had fully recovered. After several endless days of walking, the pair had finally stepped foot in Roumen. Though they were tired, Blason was filled with excitement to be in such a grand and unfamiliar place. Arcadea led him through town, and introduced him to a lovely woman by the name of Remi. Remi was kind, and her smile had a unique kindness that reminded Blason of his mother; he often wondered if that was why he took to her so well. Remi became a mentor to Blason, and they became great friends as well. After months of knowing Remi, and finally being comfortable to talk to another person about the tragedy that had occurred, Remi was appalled by the horrific events that Blason had described, and for a while, she did not know how to react around Blason, so she avoided him. But time eventually told Remi what she needed to do, and to not give up on one someone whose friendship meant so much. Remi found Blason, and quietly discussed Blason’s past with him; it was then that Remi told Blason that she could teach him to use the same powerful magic that the cloaked figure from long ago had used. Of course this infuriated and disgusted Blason, but Remi explained to him that most magic users are not bad, and that the power he could possess can be used for good. Remi also explained that it may be the only way to defend himself against the evil man that destroyed his homeland, and without using the same powerful magic, he would not survive against the man. With mixed emotions, and endless determination to control his magic, Blason became a mage, and vowed to never use his power maliciously and set out to live a very different life.
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Eastern United States.
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Loxlis, Mortalitas.
Job*: Blacksmith
Race: Combat Engineer
Name: John 'Black' Draco.
Age*: 18
Bio*: Descending from a long line of less-than eminent blacksmiths, Jonathan Draco, otherwise known as 'Black Draco', is the aspiring son of the latest two Dracos, Markus and Lianna, along with the family chicken, Lord Wallice. John was raised in a small house in a very small, independent village by his parents. At the age of five, his father taught him how to smelt and craft tools.
One notable incident in his childhood that still shows today is the scar running up his left arm. This was from a wolf attack. One night in his house, John was up late finishing his daily tasks, and he heard Lord Wallice outside, so he went to bring him in. When he went out, a wolf was cornering the poor chicken, so John intervened. He took a hammer and the resulting brawl left the family with food for a week and a long scar on John's arm. He was homeschooled by his parents and can read and write and knows how to manage by himself.
A few months before his 19th birthday, John was out gathering mushrooms in the town mine to sell to the local farmers, when he found the thing that allowed him to move: He found a diamond. After getting a large sum of money, he gathered up his belongings and took the next boat to Mortalitas, leading to the present.
Location/Time Zone*:Vancouver
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Job*:Economic Advisor
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Bio*: My parents were very wealthy. My father was a blacksmith, they wanted me to follow in his footsteps. When I told them I wanted to be an economic advisor the sent me to the town's economic advisor Ragarth to be his apprentice. Ten years later I moved to Sylvania.
Location/Time Zone*:Ontario, Canada
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.1
Land/Town:Unnamed Nation
Age*: 17
Bio*:Since I was born i knew my parents as great chefs of Salvania. They cooked for the highest honours of this world. But one day, they went missing. No one is sure where they went or what happend to them. But i set out as my duty to find what happend and seek revenge if needed. I learned cooking well from my parents and have moved to the Unnamed Nation. I cook because im good at it and also i need some way to keep a good income. By day i am a ook, by night i am a assassin, seeking out the mistory of my parents disapearance.
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: Pacific Standard Time
Did someone refer you?: Yes, I got an email by hallo746 saying I was on this server before.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Valthraxus
Job*: Diplomatic Relations
Race: Assassin
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank SkullFire
Age*: ?
Bio*: See the italics section below for a guide to biographies SkullFire was originally born in the Nether, so he was a Netherian. He was usually trouble for some people. Like some Netherian, he was able to shoot fire but that all ended one day.
That day was the day he was assigned on his first raid on the OverWorld. But in the raid he came across a small boy but even though he was assigned to kill him, he couldn't bring himself to do it. SkullFire left the boy announcing that he was dead.
When SkullFire's family found out he didn't kill the boy, they were really ashamed. Soon the entire village found this out and they banished him from the Nether. SkullFire's powers were taken away until he became a mere mortal and with that he was exiled through the portal.
After that, SkullFire lost some of his memory and soon he was found by an assassin. The assassin decided to help SkullFire, even with SkullFire's skull that was light by a fire. SkullFire was trained to became an assassin and soon SkullFire left until he came across a land called Silvania. SkullFire decided to live there as an assassin ever since.
For a great server with a friendly community, check out
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: GMT 11+
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Harfang
Job*: Toolsmith
Race: Combat Engineer
Name: Davier
Age*: 23
Bio*: Davier was born in the woods and raised by bandits, he hated living in the wild with them and wished he could live in a peaceful village with nicer people. One day his group was attacked and he ran away. He came back later and found that they were all dead, including his parents. He sobbed for a long time until he decided to start a new life in a village. He walked for several days until he found a village. He stayed there for a long time, making tools for the locals and helping them make machines with redstone to improve their lives. He felt he finally found a home at last.
This is a comment, and yes it is quite empty
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: GMT 11+
Did someone refer you?: no not realy
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: DA 1.0.0 FTW
Land/Town: Harfang
Race: warrior
Name: Everon
Age*: 17
Bio*: Everon was orphaned into a castle when he was very young and grew up with other orphans. he was luckily enough to be chosen to server under Sir Oric Von Lickdenstine who taught him skills of using daggers, swords, shields and how to use them to his advantage. also while he was serving under Sir Oric Von Lickdenstine he was taught how to make Armour, swords, shields, and other weapons. In his training he learnt that working in a team is very important. and fought in few battles and still has scars from those battles. Like his scar running down his neck. Everon was and is a very good strategical thinker and has helped plan multiple invasions with Sir Oric Von Likdenstine. Because of his amazing skills he has adopted the name Everonman to make him sound more heroic.
Age: 13
Location/Timezone: GMT 11+
Did Someone Refer You: Yes i got an email from ramonski saying i was on the server b4
Minecraft version(eg. 1.8.1)*: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Harfang
Job*: Armourer
Race: Assasin
Name: Nicko
Age: 18
Bio: Nicko was just 11 when his parents died by griefers burning their house down. He was scared. All alone by himself. When he was coming from school saw a couple of men walk out of his house with there faces covered up, he went in and saw both of his parents in the fire screaming at him to get out and don't ever come back.
Later he realised that those men did it, he then swore he would avenge his parents death. He decided to go to their local martial arts centre and had a talk with Shong yil( the local sensei). They made an agreement to train Nicko if Nicko works on his farm. Obviously he accepted this offer.
After years of working and training he had the skill and strength to taked down the murderers of his parents.
Location/Time Zone*:UTC/GMT +10 hours
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0.0
Name: andrad
Bio*:andrad was disbanded at birth left in a garbage bin though a man walked past and raised him in a cottage a long way away from civilization. the man who raised him was a hunter. though one day andrad had to get some water from the river nearby and when he got home his home was robbed, and his father was dead. He sobbed for a long time though he got hungry so he looked for anything they didn't get they didn't get his fathers bow and some arrows were lying around so he decided to hunt for something to eat. He saw a roaming deer he aimed his bow *piong* was the noise it made he managed to get the arrow on the leg of the deer. he went to the deer as it stumbled to the ground then he got an arrow and stabbed the deer. it was dead so he dragged it home retrieved the two arrow and looked in the house for the pot which he found. so that was all the didn't steal. But after a long time he started traveling in search of a village or any civilization after two days he found a village and told the mayor what had happened then he told him if you could be the local blacksmith we could find people who could house you. so he made things to help villagers and got taken in by a nice couple. Though every once in a while he would search and try to get vengeance to the robbers that stealed their things and killed his father.
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: central U.S.
Did someone refer you?: No, but earlier today i received an email stating i had joined this server back in june, after considering it, i decided to reapply (as the previous IP i had gotten did not work as of an earlier attempt to connect)
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.0 it seems.
Land/Town: Loxley, Mortalitus
Job*: Diplomatic relations if possible. (if not, i will accept the role of a carpenter.)
Race: Battle Mage (i originally chose psychic, but after reading about it on the website, i discovered there is little to do with them other than force pushing & pulling. That makes me sad considering the bio i wrote was all about psychic background.)
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Age*: my character age? hmm... i suppose around 35 or so.
Bio*: Alright, let's hope all the vidya up til now pays off.
Growing up in a large village/small city outside of silvania, i was surrounded by many people. As all children are, i was an underling to every adult and person older than me, which i thought was an out-rage, as all children do.
On my 13th birthday, which is the day boys are considered to be men, i was presented with gifts, one in particular was a knife, upon which i was instructed to kill a wild boar in order to obtain my status as a man.
To my later discovery the blade i had received was not very well made, as the blacksmith-in-training did not appreciate my less-than-sane theories on existence and the universe. Shaking the foundation of his world and causing him to question what was all he knew, he grew a dark hatred for me, and decided upon revenge by giving me a dull, and wobbling knife, which was the only thing in the way of a boars tusks through my ribs. (no i did not check it, i had mere moments to inspect anything before my rite-of-passage which i was given the dagger minutes before.)
Being of sound mind and strong heart, but not sturdy-of-blade, the dirk shattered in my hand, allowing the roaring beast to rend all in it's path. How or why the monster did not finish me is beyond my comprehension. Failing the test, my kin had left me on the edge of the woods to rot, or to survive, whichever came first. Whichever happened, i was dead to them now, i would never earn a place with them.
A passing caravan of monks saw me leaning near a Bodhi-tree, which they cared for me until i was well. I was astonished at their techniques.I asked them how they are doing such miraculous feats, to which they answered, "the mind." At that point they explained that "all that we are, arises from the mind". I stayed in their company until i was well enough to travel, absorbing all the wisdom they had to offer.
When i could walk several steps without falling, i thanked them so much for their kindness. Before i left, they asked me of my story, and how i ended here in the woods near-death. I explained to them the challenge of manhood in my village. They seemed shocked at such a primitive test of strength, but they were glad i survived. Before i left, one of the monks particularly astute remarked that under the tree, i looked surprisingly similar to their master and teacher, and asked me to take his beads in honor of him. I accepted, but at that point, something struck me, deep inside my soul. my blade had failed me, but these men need no blade, they use their mind to defeat all.
I decided to travel with them, and learn all i can, i had no home now, but with them, i had a place in the world.
(holy crap, how did i do that? i could write a book.)
You've been trying to connect to the server for the past two hours yet you aren't whitelisted. Best to stop and wait for confirmation before trying again.
Bios are too short. Seeing as you both hail from 'London/lisbon' I will assume you are friends. Work on making your bios longer (and for the love of god be original)