Me and my other friends have a question can we please get the IP we've been sitting here for 30mins+ waiting for an IP. So can u send it to Minleafz trevs10 and rebbecablackisgood???
User name*: Kafes
Age*: 17
Location/Time Zone*: Istanbul (UTC+02:00)
Did someone refer you?: No.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: - Biofinix's Land
Job: Chef
Bio*: Kafes is a young chef dedicated to cook to become a master chef. He is a 20 year old traveller who also seeks a peacefull town to stay in.
•Did someone refer you?:No i found this by meself :biggrin.gif:
•Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.8.1
•Land/Town:You decide :biggrin.gif:
•Job:(edit) Survivalist
•Bio*: My name is dominick.....So if you want to know a little about my life here it goes....I was 12 when i first started training...I am now 14 and still learning I lost my teacher due to an assasin one night...I'm training indepentantly in the woods. Some say im a outcast when im just like them...Just never lived in society for to long.Where i was born well...if you must know i was born in the elven town of....of.....its not important right now but i was born into an elvish family. Or so i thought. At first i thought i was an elf too...Until i looked at my reflection then saw...No pointy ears...I asked my supposed "family" and they said i was adopted. Furious, i left and saught help from a bowman trainer...He taught me the ways of the wild and such. Now its up to me to find out who, or what my birthparents were and why they abbandoned me...Also to get revenge on the twisted Dark Rangers....
I assume you didn't see before. Denied for 3 reasons:
1. You need your name, hence it being REQUIRED
2. "Survivalist" isn't a job, please read the thread
3. You like nyan cat.
User name*: Algebraic
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: EST
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: Unsure as of now.
Job: Looking at a role job, but if i can't then probably a Chef.
Name: Tydus
Age: 23
Race: Telepath (probably)
A caucasion male that is about 6'1'' in height with shaggy hair. His parents ran a pub back in his home town, which is long gone now. He left his home town when he was 17 to begin his own life, as was custom there, and upon return the town was just ruins and graves. He seeks not revenge, but understanding in what happened and why.
Adrian Gelostov was abandoned at his home farm at the age of 6. His family was murdered by foragers passing through. His mother noticed the marauders coming forth and told Adrian to hide in the hidden room under the farm house. Adrian had never known about this hidden room and hid without hesitation. He could hear his father cry and his mother scream in pain, more than any child should ever have to live to hear. After he heard the bandits ride off and he didn't hear anything, he opened the hatch to the room to see everything in their house destroyed and stolen. He saw trails of blood end a few meters out of the front door and stop, he saw two familiar limp bodies out of his house. He was horrified. He didn't know what to do. After he calmed down, he remembered that his mother and father taught him how to live on his own before they died.
Adrian managed to survive on his own for years from the little survival skills his parents taught him. He was taught how to shear sheep for wool, how to kill a cow for beef and leather, how to kill a pig for pork, and how to ring a chicken's neck, pluck it's feathers and cook it. He was not taught, however, how to grow food, such as wheat, pumpkins, and watermelon. After very many tries to regrow the food, he finally prevailed and he noticed green sprigs sticking out from the ground. Adrian had been panicking too badly to notice all objects contained in the trapdoor. After he was 18, he decided to take another look down there to see what was there. He noticed his parents had some gold, some iron, and one diamond. He didn't know what they were worth because he was never taught. The only thing Adrian really knew how to do was farm.
When Adrian became 20 years old, he decided to leave his farmland to see new places. He took with him tools, food, the gold, the iron, and the diamond. He set forth for new places. After 1 month of travelling while he'd sojourn at camps he found along his travel, he found a place with a mysterious name of, "ShadowCraft." He was accepted there and stayed for about two years. He made many friends in ShadowCraft. But eventually, most of them when along their way and left the land of ShadowCraft. Adrian became lonely and left ShadowCraft at the age of 22. He journeyed the lands of Minecraftia for a long time again. He found many new lands, but he wasn't happy there. He found a place called Arithonia. He thought it was an interesting place, so he wanted to live there. But, unfortunately, Arithonia didn't accept him. Shortly after Adrian adventured forth to land unknown, Arithonia had been overcome with an economic depression and collapsed. Adrian, sad, tired, and lonely, decided to live in the plains of Minecraftia for about six months. After he got back together and decided he wanted to keep moving, he set out one last time, at the age of 25. That is when he found Sylvania.
PS: I hope this wasn't too long. I wanted it to be good. After I made this I noticed the other ones. xD My biography is too big compared to their's.
PPS: Sorry if the Biography is too long, when I applied for Arithonia, they rejected me because my biography wasn't good enough and it was too short. :smile.gif: Also, Arithonia and ShadowCraft were real servers, Arithonia couldn't keep going because they couldn't get enough money to keep it up. ShadowCraft is still an online server.
Adrian Gelostov was abandoned at his home farm at the age of 6. His family was murdered by foragers passing through. His mother noticed the marauders coming forth and told Adrian to hide in the hidden room under the farm house. Adrian had never known about this hidden room and hid without hesitation. He could hear his father cry and his mother scream in pain, more than any child should ever have to live to hear. After he heard the bandits ride off and he didn't hear anything, he opened the hatch to the room to see everything in their house destroyed and stolen. He saw trails of blood end a few meters out of the front door and stop, he saw two familiar limp bodies out of his house. He was horrified. He didn't know what to do. After he calmed down, he remembered that his mother and father taught him how to live on his own before they died.
Adrian managed to survive on his own for years from the little survival skills his parents taught him. He was taught how to shear sheep for wool, how to kill a cow for beef and leather, how to kill a pig for pork, and how to ring a chicken's neck, pluck it's feathers and cook it. He was not taught, however, how to grow food, such as wheat, pumpkins, and watermelon. After very many tries to regrow the food, he finally prevailed and he noticed green sprigs sticking out from the ground. Adrian had been panicking too badly to notice all objects contained in the trapdoor. After he was 18, he decided to take another look down there to see what was there. He noticed his parents had some gold, some iron, and one diamond. He didn't know what they were worth because he was never taught. The only thing Adrian really knew how to do was farm.
When Adrian became 20 years old, he decided to leave his farmland to see new places. He took with him tools, food, the gold, the iron, and the diamond. He set forth for new places. After 1 month of travelling while he'd sojourn at camps he found along his travel, he found a place with a mysterious name of, "ShadowCraft." He was accepted there and stayed for about two years. He made many friends in ShadowCraft. But eventually, most of them when along their way and left the land of ShadowCraft. Adrian became lonely and left ShadowCraft at the age of 22. He journeyed the lands of Minecraftia for a long time again. He found many new lands, but he wasn't happy there. He found a place called Arithonia. He thought it was an interesting place, so he wanted to live there. But, unfortunately, Arithonia didn't accept him. Shortly after Adrian adventured forth to land unknown, Arithonia had been overcome with an economic depression and collapsed. Adrian, sad, tired, and lonely, decided to live in the plains of Minecraftia for about six months. After he got back together and decided he wanted to keep moving, he set out one last time, at the age of 25. That is when he found Sylvania.
PS: I hope this wasn't too long. I wanted it to be good. After I made this I noticed the other ones. xD My biography is too big compared to their's.
PPS: Sorry if the Biography is too long, when I applied for Arithonia, they rejected me because my biography wasn't good enough and it was too short. :smile.gif: Also, Arithonia and ShadowCraft were real servers, Arithonia couldn't keep going because they couldn't get enough money to keep it up. ShadowCraft is still an online server.
Accepted, will PM in a moment. Nice bio by the way, I like the fact you included previous servers :smile.gif:
So, i Applied on your official forums yesterday, which are down, but i suppose i'll just re-post what i think i put there.
User name: talon64
Age: 19
Location/Time Zone: Central U.S.
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1): 1.8.1
Land/Town: Austinherr's land/Shinto
Job: Armorer (Rouge)
Bio: A young lad, around 15 years old now. When he was young he was stealing for a living to take care of his younger sister, however, when he was nearing 10 years old, she died of a flux that swept the city. With nothing left for him in the city, he began to travel around, with merchant caravans, occasionally taking a few items, and selling them or distributing them amongst the poor. when he was 13 years old, he discovered his talent, turning invisible. He soon found a teacher to instruct him in the ways of the sword and bow, and now as the final part of his training, has been sent out into the world.
Also, He lost a pinky toe to frostbite while traveling.
So, i Applied on your official forums yesterday, which are down, but i suppose i'll just re-post what i think i put there.
User name: talon64
Age: 19
Location/Time Zone: Central U.S.
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1): 1.8.1
Land/Town: Austinherr's land/Shinto
Job: Armorer (Rouge)
Bio: A young lad, around 15 years old now. When he was young he was stealing for a living to take care of his younger sister, however, when he was nearing 10 years old, she died of a flux that swept the city. With nothing left for him in the city, he began to travel around, with merchant caravans, occasionally taking a few items, and selling them or distributing them amongst the poor. when he was 13 years old, he discovered his talent, turning invisible. He soon found a teacher to instruct him in the ways of the sword and bow, and now as the final part of his training, has been sent out into the world.
Also, He lost a pinky toe to frostbite while traveling.
Yeah, sorry about that. Our other admin quit and is being very selfish - everything was registered in his name and I'm now having to try and hack it all back as the subscriptions slowly expire...
Anyway, accepted!
bio: my name is Ice, my family was destroyed by the bowman and as payback im the oppesite of them im a darkranger i trained for many years in the skill of the bow and as a cover i am a farmer, quiet and waiting, for one day ill get my revenge
1.Your meant to say your minecraft version you have.
2. Bio did not contain near enough Information.
To be fair, I wouldn't call it a bio. I suggest he re-reads the post any maybe look at some recent apps for an idea of bio. And also for his parents not to die or molest him...
* User name*: 100mar
* Age*: 13
* Location/Time Zone*: 14
* Did someone refer you?:
* Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
* Land/Town: Austinherr's Land
* Job: Cosmetic Engineer
* Bio*: This is stupid. Simple as that. All my life I have been learning how to summon useless animals. They attack me like idiots. I don't even know why I learnt this skill. Anyways, my name is 100mar. I master... er... learning about Cosmetic Engineer. I hate it. No really, I hate the summoning part. My farther always wanted me to become a builder who can protect herself, I wanted a warrior. Sadly, what my farther says goes. I do build buildings for money.
User name*: RainbowAlpacas
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: USA EST
Did someone refer you?: nope this sounds cool though
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 18.1 (but i can also switch to 1.9 prereleases)
Land/Town: Shinto
Race: Spirit Master
You guys remember me right? If you don't you can put darktoes in the search engine at the top for proof. Anyways, I did leave for a while but I'm back! I thought I'd do another app for you.
User name*: darktoes
Age*: 12 (I talked to you about that, remember?)
Location/Time Zone*: AEST
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: All of them.
Land/Town: Tennebrae
Job: Diplomatic Relations, Necromancer
Bio*: Raised constantly making new friends and often fixing arguments, early in his life he discovered his ability to bring dead things back to life and bring living things to death. As time went on his skills improved and he got a job as a diplomat.
Do you guys pm me the IP or what?
95% of teens would scream if Justin Beiber was about to jump off the top of the Empire State Building. If you are in the 5% that would grab a seat and some popcorn and yell JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! post this in your sig.
No username and also his job - didn't read thread so I'll overrule that accept until amended :tongue.gif:
Woah weird, my quote changed D:
Also, 80th page.
Faerun it is then :tongue.gif:
Age*: 17
Location/Time Zone*: Istanbul (UTC+02:00)
Did someone refer you?: No.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: - Biofinix's Land
Job: Chef
Bio*: Kafes is a young chef dedicated to cook to become a master chef. He is a 20 year old traveller who also seeks a peacefull town to stay in.
I assume you didn't see before. Denied for 3 reasons:
1. You need your name, hence it being REQUIRED
2. "Survivalist" isn't a job, please read the thread
3. You like nyan cat.
Now perm denied due to ignorance and persistance.
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: EST
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: Unsure as of now.
Job: Looking at a role job, but if i can't then probably a Chef.
Name: Tydus
Age: 23
Race: Telepath (probably)
A caucasion male that is about 6'1'' in height with shaggy hair. His parents ran a pub back in his home town, which is long gone now. He left his home town when he was 17 to begin his own life, as was custom there, and upon return the town was just ruins and graves. He seeks not revenge, but understanding in what happened and why.
Age*: 14
RolePlay Age: 25
Location/Time Zone*: GMT -5
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: The Realm of Caelum
Job: Farmer
Race: Rogue
RolePlay Name: Adrian Gelostov
Adrian Gelostov was abandoned at his home farm at the age of 6. His family was murdered by foragers passing through. His mother noticed the marauders coming forth and told Adrian to hide in the hidden room under the farm house. Adrian had never known about this hidden room and hid without hesitation. He could hear his father cry and his mother scream in pain, more than any child should ever have to live to hear. After he heard the bandits ride off and he didn't hear anything, he opened the hatch to the room to see everything in their house destroyed and stolen. He saw trails of blood end a few meters out of the front door and stop, he saw two familiar limp bodies out of his house. He was horrified. He didn't know what to do. After he calmed down, he remembered that his mother and father taught him how to live on his own before they died.
Adrian managed to survive on his own for years from the little survival skills his parents taught him. He was taught how to shear sheep for wool, how to kill a cow for beef and leather, how to kill a pig for pork, and how to ring a chicken's neck, pluck it's feathers and cook it. He was not taught, however, how to grow food, such as wheat, pumpkins, and watermelon. After very many tries to regrow the food, he finally prevailed and he noticed green sprigs sticking out from the ground. Adrian had been panicking too badly to notice all objects contained in the trapdoor. After he was 18, he decided to take another look down there to see what was there. He noticed his parents had some gold, some iron, and one diamond. He didn't know what they were worth because he was never taught. The only thing Adrian really knew how to do was farm.
When Adrian became 20 years old, he decided to leave his farmland to see new places. He took with him tools, food, the gold, the iron, and the diamond. He set forth for new places. After 1 month of travelling while he'd sojourn at camps he found along his travel, he found a place with a mysterious name of, "ShadowCraft." He was accepted there and stayed for about two years. He made many friends in ShadowCraft. But eventually, most of them when along their way and left the land of ShadowCraft. Adrian became lonely and left ShadowCraft at the age of 22. He journeyed the lands of Minecraftia for a long time again. He found many new lands, but he wasn't happy there. He found a place called Arithonia. He thought it was an interesting place, so he wanted to live there. But, unfortunately, Arithonia didn't accept him. Shortly after Adrian adventured forth to land unknown, Arithonia had been overcome with an economic depression and collapsed. Adrian, sad, tired, and lonely, decided to live in the plains of Minecraftia for about six months. After he got back together and decided he wanted to keep moving, he set out one last time, at the age of 25. That is when he found Sylvania.
PS: I hope this wasn't too long. I wanted it to be good. After I made this I noticed the other ones. xD My biography is too big compared to their's.
PPS: Sorry if the Biography is too long, when I applied for Arithonia, they rejected me because my biography wasn't good enough and it was too short. :smile.gif: Also, Arithonia and ShadowCraft were real servers, Arithonia couldn't keep going because they couldn't get enough money to keep it up. ShadowCraft is still an online server.
Accepted, will PM in a moment. Nice bio by the way, I like the fact you included previous servers :smile.gif:
Actually its down right now, I'm working on it with the host as we speak
You were denied. Please go away.
User name: talon64
Age: 19
Location/Time Zone: Central U.S.
Did someone refer you?: Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1): 1.8.1
Land/Town: Austinherr's land/Shinto
Job: Armorer (Rouge)
Bio: A young lad, around 15 years old now. When he was young he was stealing for a living to take care of his younger sister, however, when he was nearing 10 years old, she died of a flux that swept the city. With nothing left for him in the city, he began to travel around, with merchant caravans, occasionally taking a few items, and selling them or distributing them amongst the poor. when he was 13 years old, he discovered his talent, turning invisible. He soon found a teacher to instruct him in the ways of the sword and bow, and now as the final part of his training, has been sent out into the world.
Also, He lost a pinky toe to frostbite while traveling.
Yeah, sorry about that. Our other admin quit and is being very selfish - everything was registered in his name and I'm now having to try and hack it all back as the subscriptions slowly expire...
Anyway, accepted!
•Age*: 16
•Location/Time Zone*: central U.S
•Did someone refer you?:no
•Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
•Land/Town:ill let you pick
bio: my name is Ice, my family was destroyed by the bowman and as payback im the oppesite of them im a darkranger i trained for many years in the skill of the bow and as a cover i am a farmer, quiet and waiting, for one day ill get my revenge
•Age*: 15
•Location/Time Zone*: US East
•Did someone refer you?: Nope
•Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: Yes
•Land/Town: Dont know yet ill go where ever you want me to be
•Job: Armorer
•Bio*: Rogue
Penguin go read the post please...
To be fair, I wouldn't call it a bio. I suggest he re-reads the post any maybe look at some recent apps for an idea of bio. And also for his parents not to die or molest him...
* Age*: 13
* Location/Time Zone*: 14
* Did someone refer you?:
* Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
* Land/Town: Austinherr's Land
* Job: Cosmetic Engineer
* Bio*: This is stupid. Simple as that. All my life I have been learning how to summon useless animals. They attack me like idiots. I don't even know why I learnt this skill. Anyways, my name is 100mar. I master... er... learning about Cosmetic Engineer. I hate it. No really, I hate the summoning part. My farther always wanted me to become a builder who can protect herself, I wanted a warrior. Sadly, what my farther says goes. I do build buildings for money.
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: USA EST
Did someone refer you?: nope this sounds cool though
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 18.1 (but i can also switch to 1.9 prereleases)
Land/Town: Shinto
Race: Spirit Master
User name*: darktoes
Age*: 12 (I talked to you about that, remember?)
Location/Time Zone*: AEST
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: All of them.
Land/Town: Tennebrae
Job: Diplomatic Relations, Necromancer
Bio*: Raised constantly making new friends and often fixing arguments, early in his life he discovered his ability to bring dead things back to life and bring living things to death. As time went on his skills improved and he got a job as a diplomat.
Do you guys pm me the IP or what?