I'm the original assassin yo<---i will never do this again
Still hard to believe that races didn't really exist when I first joined, I remember the when you came to me testing the invisibility
Yeah, races were released literally 2-3 days after this thread, which was about a month after silvania 3.0
I remember back in silvania 1.0, joining took forever because we'd tour each player individually, quiz them and so on. no warps, we had to walk between towns XD and shadows had a little house outside my castle, fixit was just starting his own town (called Stormgarde I think) and the map got wiped xD
I vote to bring back the quiz :tongue.gif: but wow, no portals? that....wow, so glad we have them now xD
This server has grown so much in the few months i've been here, and it just keeps getting better :biggrin.gif:, just imagine silvania 5.0 :tongue.gif:
But yeah i miss my old plot in Polaris, even though now i own a town xD i still miss that thing
IMHO, Polaris on Silvania 2.0 was my favourite. I just remember sitting outside its gates fending off mobs while fixit laughed at me :sleep.gif: but it was more mountain-based, and had a little fountain with a hidden area underneath :tongue.gif:
Anyway, if we go for a new map when mc1.8 comes out, it'll be Silvania 4.0... :wink.gif:
IMHO, Polaris on Silvania 2.0 was my favourite. I just remember sitting outside its gates fending off mobs while fixit laughed at me :sleep.gif: but it was more mountain-based, and had a little fountain with a hidden area underneath :tongue.gif:
Anyway, if we go for a new map when mc1.8 comes out, it'll be Silvania 4.0... :wink.gif:
xD you and fixit on the same side? thats a new one. Was that hidden area ever used against him? if so i can see why he was so against my...'defences' :tongue.gif:
If we do, I'm looking foward to completly re-doing Kul'Grath, making Loxley was fun, even though it was a little too blocky =/ I've gotten better since then, i think anyway.
Hallo, I am talking to thug about it. We're moving to a new website host so forums will be down for roughly 1 week, but I think thug had automatic daily backups so as soon as i have the info i'll post prices and jobs into the first post on a page in this forum.
For now, I've been going through the old thread to find some nice memories. The re-opening of Polaris, right at the start of Silvania 3.0:
Hey you yea you reading this this is a(n) application form A15....or something like that
anyway hey
ign: mrfixit950
this server looks well intresting i gave me alot to read and now scince i read it i wanted to join lots of cool mods and a neat way to ecperiance minecraft
things mrfixit950 is good at
redstone, traps, building, mining, being epic, sarcasm
things mrfixit950 is not good at
spelling, killing flippin creapers, mindless diging
country: the US of A
time zone: east coast
Town: Stormgarde
et cettera i hope i meet quilifications and good day to you..sir
IGN: Nron
Age: 30 (yeah im old)
What you can bring to the server (what you're good at): Traps. I love to work on new traps to help handle other players and mobs. Also a decent builder. I specialize in hidden structures and have a few designs Id like to try out for above ground cottage style homes.
(For later)
Location/Time Zone:USa pacific
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): ill decide wen im on da server
D: 1 week?! but i live on the official forum, i thrive there D:-cowers in the basement of my tower till its all better-
But Fixit is only 15? xD I thought him much older. and I can't believe i joined the Holy Plaidan city first >< that is so unlike me xD btw way to use warcraft names :sleep.gif:(but hey atleast were more original now :tongue.gif: )
Very excited for minecraft 1.8! Maybe Abaddon will be done being constructed by then Xp Not sure if we're going to keep it, probably will, though. Still, if anyone is looking for an incredibly new town (Evil), ask about Abaddon! Lei will show you around, maybe, if he's on. Otherwise, I will :wink.gif: Not much to look at yet though :/
IGN: malalord
Age: 23
Location/Time Zone: United States (Central)
Did someone refer you?: No.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Wish to decide later, after joining.
Race: Rogue.
IGN: falige
Age: 16
Location/Time Zone: eastern
Did someone refer you?: nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Lets go for deciding that later
Race: Summoner
I apologize for the wait people, just without an admin logging on, there is not much we can do to help you guys out, and trust me, you will be much more bored, and see a worse side of the server if you're just hanging out with nothing to do. We will get back to whitelisting as soon as we can, trust me I do feel bad just leaving you guys here, but it would be worse to let you all in, with nothing to do and what-not. So please accept this apology for the wait, and stay tuned for your acceptance at any given moment :smile.gif:
-Lord Lei
PS:While waiting please enjoy this picture of Flenix burning :biggrin.gif:
Here is some info from the forums while they're down. We're working on getting them up ASAP.
Races: Warrior type can attack stuff as normal with swords, and once the right level can use any sword/armour
Ranger type can attack with a bow and arrow, and have around 15 upgraded arrow types they can buy. Soon they'll be unlocked by levels though :smile.gif:
Battle Mages have about 8 spells they can use in combat, such as fireballs and clusterbomb-style arrows
Combat Engineers are a support race and can heal etc, as well as having access to runes to teleport, enchant weapons and so on.
Psychics can fight with their mind by pushing and pulling enemies, and can also jump very high using a spell
Assassins can turn invisible
Summoners can summon mobs to assist them: They CANNOT sell mob drops, whether legit or from the mob.
Shops/Jobs: The full list of prices will be available soon. As for jobs, type in game "/cg list" then "/cg list [job]" - its case sensative, but will tell you what you can craft with that job.
Also the same command will tell you what race can use what weapons/armour :smile.gif:
You can donate by clicking HERE - Any donation is always welcome but here are your optional rewards:
With all donations of £5 or more, you can get a green name. With all donations above £50 you can choose between green, pink, purple, black, light grey, light yellow or orange.
Any currency is fine, just use google to work out how much you need :smile.gif:
£1: 400 Silva (in game money)
£2: 1000 Silva
£5: 3000 Silva
£10: Appeal a ban
£25: 3 Jobs instead of 1
£30: Make a Town
£35: Crossbreed (two base races, but only one upgrade track)
£45: No crafting restrictions (all jobs)
£50: Any one level to 80
£60: Make a Nation
£65: Any one level to 100
If for example you donated £10 but just wanted 6k silva, thats fine.
You could also buy in game items, experience and upgrades - message me with what you want as its per-donation basis :smile.gif:
Thanks to all our lovely donators. I can't remember all since the forum wipe but some who really stood out:
fluffGOD707: $100
mgazda1: $53
MasterCyria: £21
Yeah, races were released literally 2-3 days after this thread, which was about a month after silvania 3.0
I remember back in silvania 1.0, joining took forever because we'd tour each player individually, quiz them and so on. no warps, we had to walk between towns XD and shadows had a little house outside my castle, fixit was just starting his own town (called Stormgarde I think) and the map got wiped xD
This server has grown so much in the few months i've been here, and it just keeps getting better :biggrin.gif:, just imagine silvania 5.0 :tongue.gif:
But yeah i miss my old plot in Polaris, even though now i own a town xD i still miss that thing
IMHO, Polaris on Silvania 2.0 was my favourite. I just remember sitting outside its gates fending off mobs while fixit laughed at me :sleep.gif: but it was more mountain-based, and had a little fountain with a hidden area underneath :tongue.gif:
Anyway, if we go for a new map when mc1.8 comes out, it'll be Silvania 4.0... :wink.gif:
xD you and fixit on the same side? thats a new one. Was that hidden area ever used against him? if so i can see why he was so against my...'defences' :tongue.gif:
If we do, I'm looking foward to completly re-doing Kul'Grath, making Loxley was fun, even though it was a little too blocky =/ I've gotten better since then, i think anyway.
For now, I've been going through the old thread to find some nice memories. The re-opening of Polaris, right at the start of Silvania 3.0:
And appications of Fixit and Nron (couldn't find shadows :sad.gif:) :tongue.gif:
Location/Time Zone:USa pacific
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): ill decide wen im on da server
Location/Time Zone:EST
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01):1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later):Caelum,Unnamed,Ceruum
Race:Stealth Race: Rogue
But Fixit is only 15? xD I thought him much older. and I can't believe i joined the Holy Plaidan city first >< that is so unlike me xD btw way to use warcraft names :sleep.gif:(but hey atleast were more original now :tongue.gif: )
Accepted check your PM's in a minute :biggrin.gif:
Accepted check your PM's in a minute :biggrin.gif:
Age: 23
Location/Time Zone: United States (Central)
Did someone refer you?: No.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Wish to decide later, after joining.
Race: Rogue.
Location/Time Zone: US/Eastern Time
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Good/Ceruum
Race: Summoner :biggrin.gif:
Location/Time Zone:Indiana/CDT
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01):1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later):Later
Location/Time Zone:Indidana/USA/CDT
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01):1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later):Later
Race:Close Quarters
Age: 16
Location/Time Zone: eastern
Did someone refer you?: nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.4_01): 1.7.3
Faction/Nation/Town (can be decided later): Lets go for deciding that later
Race: Summoner
-Lord Lei
PS:While waiting please enjoy this picture of Flenix burning :biggrin.gif:
Warrior type can attack stuff as normal with swords, and once the right level can use any sword/armour
Ranger type can attack with a bow and arrow, and have around 15 upgraded arrow types they can buy. Soon they'll be unlocked by levels though :smile.gif:
Battle Mages have about 8 spells they can use in combat, such as fireballs and clusterbomb-style arrows
Combat Engineers are a support race and can heal etc, as well as having access to runes to teleport, enchant weapons and so on.
Psychics can fight with their mind by pushing and pulling enemies, and can also jump very high using a spell
Assassins can turn invisible
Summoners can summon mobs to assist them: They CANNOT sell mob drops, whether legit or from the mob.
Shops/Jobs: The full list of prices will be available soon. As for jobs, type in game "/cg list" then "/cg list [job]" - its case sensative, but will tell you what you can craft with that job.
Also the same command will tell you what race can use what weapons/armour :smile.gif:
You can donate by clicking HERE - Any donation is always welcome but here are your optional rewards:
With all donations of £5 or more, you can get a green name. With all donations above £50 you can choose between green, pink, purple, black, light grey, light yellow or orange.
Any currency is fine, just use google to work out how much you need :smile.gif:
£1: 400 Silva (in game money)
£2: 1000 Silva
£5: 3000 Silva
£10: Appeal a ban
£25: 3 Jobs instead of 1
£30: Make a Town
£35: Crossbreed (two base races, but only one upgrade track)
£45: No crafting restrictions (all jobs)
£50: Any one level to 80
£60: Make a Nation
£65: Any one level to 100
If for example you donated £10 but just wanted 6k silva, thats fine.
You could also buy in game items, experience and upgrades - message me with what you want as its per-donation basis :smile.gif:
Thanks to all our lovely donators. I can't remember all since the forum wipe but some who really stood out:
fluffGOD707: $100
mgazda1: $53
MasterCyria: £21