User name*: party_dudes (salvania wins :biggrin.gif:)
Location/Time Zone*:UTC/GMT -7 hours
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.8.1
Name: carlos
Bio*: When I was little I was the weak left out one. My family consists of Me,my brother, and my parents. my parents were both warriors and chefs. The downside was that they were also abusive drunks. They would beat me and my brother and just leave us hungry most nights.And most nights we would have to sleep somewhere else safe because of my parents drinking.My brother was my idol and still is. With his part time job he would make just enough money to feed me and him. One day he told me of a plan for us to run away, it was perfect! So when he saved enough money he bought a shack and some basic supplies far far away. On the night we decided to leave we packed up and stole a cow from our parents. The ride was about a weeks traveling. On our new adventure my brother was teaching me how to hunt.On the third day of our journey to our new future, a random storm appeared and scared our cow into a very fast run. While my brother was trying to keep control I fell out the back of our wagon. That was the last time i saw him. With his basic teachings of hunting i kept myself alive untill I wandered in to a town. There I met a very kind couple who took me in. The man taught me many things about hunting and trained me to become physically strong, and the woman taught me how to build things and become mentally strong. They loved me as their own child for many years. But after, I decided I was ready to go out on my own. A new adventure! so I told the couple and the sent me out with some money and tools. Now I go and try to find a new purpose in this world of salvania.
That first line is one reason you are being denied right away. Despite 'Silvania win!!!!', its obvious to me you did not read the part in the opening post about there not being any Earth or real world to Silvania travel.
Fix it
I thought teleporting away would be alright =/ I will mend what is broken.
Silvania win!!!!
User name*: Spedwards
Age*: 15
Location/Time Zone*: Sydney, Australia.
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Shinto, Ramonia.
Job*: Redstone Engineer
Race: Battle Mage
Name: Spedwards
Bio*: Being bored of old ordinary life, I built a portal to which transported me to the amazing Silvania! Far into the Caelum Realm! Being 1 of 5 children, there was nothing special in our family (except our fat mother). Every now and then I have dreams of becoming a great mage, making massive redstone creations and battling other mages but it's hard when you are a 15 year old boy just learning his magic. Coming from a poor family my older brother and I used to steal from the market to feed our family. While my brother is distracting the shop owners I'd sneak up and take what we needed. We would never take more than what we needed.
One shocking afternoon, my brother and I were on the way home and usually when we get home our family is waiting outside the front door, except this time, they weren't... We went inside to find their dead bodies on the floor and guards sitting in the kitchen. They didn't hear us come in but their sniffer wolf smelt us. The wolf alerted the guards and they tried to kill us. They killed my brother. I don't know what I did but I must of teleported them elsewhere, to another realm...
So now I'm living alone. Mastering my spells and teaching redstone to anyone. I no longer steal, I have a job as a redstone engineer and finding the pay is enough to keep me going. Nearly everything in my house is made from redstone. It's how we live. But I will never look back on the day to when my family was slaughtered.
User name*: marble2388
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Harfang/Shinto
Job*: Mineralist (if there are lots of these i am willing to be a builder or carpenter)
Name: Fellorn
Bio*: Growing up in the wilderness Fellorn never had an easy life. He was always out hunting for his next meal and because of this became a skilled archer.His father had broken his leg when fellorn was younger making it hard for him to hunt leaving the responsability to him. He was always interested in the diffrent minerals of the world after he had missed a bear with an arrow but the arrow struck some metalic thing in the rock face behind causing the arrow to bounce back and strike the bear down, he never had a desire to be just like his Mother or Father a carpetner and builder respectivly. He could preform those trades if asked but he had always wanted to be a mineralist. On his 18th birthday it was time for Fellorn to strike out on his own to make a life for himself far from his familys little wodden cottage. He desided he would see what the captial city his parents had told him storys about was really like.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Silvania wins.
User name*: ttigner
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: Kentucky EST
Did someone refer you?: nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Mortalitas/Loxley
Job*: Mineralist
Race: Assassin
Name: Raelyn Braunsen
Age*: 19
Bio*: Raelyn had the perfect childhood. He had a loving mother, and caring father. His father worked as a mineralist, and taught Raelyn his trade. As he grew into a young man, he began to rebel just as any teenager does. He began stealing from neighbors, and soon became a blade for hire. After a particularly nasty fight with his father, he left their little town and left to find his way in the world. His first stop is Loxley. Hes not out for revenge, money, or fame. Just a boy trying to find his place in the world.
Very small change Ideally you want a bit of back story ie how he was brought up, Where he learnt his skills and then they're travel to Silvania instead of one big encounter.Try rewrite with that structure and you'll probably be good also add feelings and thoughts for extra +1 :biggrin.gif:
Did someone refer you?: In a way. My friend told me to try out roleplaying servers.
Minecraft Version: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Loxley?
Job*: Armourer
Race: Hunter
Name: Galen Coldfang
Age*: 35
Bio*: (I'll use Third Person for this) Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives.
(I know my bio sucks, but I'm really poor at them)
User name*: MaskedSalesman
Age*: 20
Location/Time Zone*: EST
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.8.1
Land/Town: Tennebrae
Job*: Carpenter
Race: Not a detailed description on your link but I will try Assassin
Name: If you wish to use your exact Minecraft username, leave blank
Age*: 20
I used to have a name. But that died with the rest of my old life. I ran with a tribe of what you people might call gypsies. We were a small trio of families that traveled the landscape only taking what we needed to survive. We danced, sang and entertained during the day but at night we would steal from the local rich and corrupt and share our fortunes with others who weren't so fortunate. One morning I was woken up with the sound of a fight. A few men, claiming to be guards wanted all of our money and valuables. Being simple travelers we didn't have much. They were displeased and began to attack everyone. I snuck out the back of the tent but a man grabbed me as soon as I started to run. He held a knife up to my face and told me to have fun in hell. I thrust my head backwards and hit him in the face. He tried to stab me but only slashed my face. I dropped a small homemade smoke bomb and ran off into the woods. Since then, I've assassinated guards and traveling soldiers. I take their valuables and sell them to other travelers. This is how I survive. People just refer to me as the MaskedSalesman.
I think you skipped over mine. I didn't receive a accepted or denied. I'm a carpenter too. So I would hope you accept me :biggrin.gif:
User name*:Sir_James97
Location/Time Zone*:GMT london
Did someone refer you?:Nope... :smile.gif:
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Job*:Carpenter as you say you need them :smile.gif:
Name: Sir James
Bio*: James grew up in the town of faerun.He was a normal boy,his father was a hunter and his mother had died in childbirth. his father was one of the best hunters in the land until one day a pack of wolfs attacked him,he managed to get back home but he died soon after the doctor couldn't do anything to save him. So after his fathers death James was put in an orphanage until he was old enough to fend for himself.When he turned 27 he decided to move to the Island of Harfang as he wanted a new fresh beginning,his father also wanted his ashes to be scatted there, so he left on his journey to harfang ............
User name*:GM_Setsuna
Location/Time Zone*:PST
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Name: Giotto "Hawkeye"
Bio*: Giotto was very strange. He doesn't know who his family was or is. He grew up with wolves that he found as good friends. He hunted, ate and rested with the wolves
He was a very poor hunter he was always so weak agaisnt fighting other large animals so he decided to use weapons that he has seen. The most common one was a bow.
He was very fond of the bow it helped him hunted from far away and he thought that he should leave the pack now. After he did he went traveled far and wide around the
forest and he found it hard to survive now because he has realised that without the help of the pack he is weak and defenseless. While he was traveling he found a town of Ramonia
and he ran quickly for help. Noone tried to help him. He felt weak and felt even worse from starvation he kept running until a man by the name Zampa has helped him
Zampa had gave him most of the food and water he had. Before Giotto was able to thank him a drunk man came in and said,"Heya, sooon!!!"
Zampa felt ashamed and went to his room. Giotto felt relieved that he was too drunk to realize he was there.
Giotto was very disgusted by the way the man acted. He was very strange to him. When the man came in he instantly fell to the ground and fell asleep.
Zampa came back down and explained his situation to Giotto. Giotto was very shocked and was very sorry. He felt indebted to Zampa so he helped him by hunting
for food every morning and giving it too him. He also found that animals was bit scarce in this location so he thought bread might be a better food source. So he farmed
everyday and grew wheat and with that wheat he grew food. Zampa thanked Giotto for all the food he has given him and his siblings. Giotto has gotten close to being
Zampa's new friend and they helped each other out. After Giotto was running low on money and food for Zampa and his family, he decided to make a show. He was shooting arrows off people heads in the streets and burning thin pieces of wood. People liked him so much he was called "Hawkeye" due to his good aim. Even though he didn't get much money he was still glad at seeing all the people thinking he was very good.(That's all I think of)
User name*: KoNaBoYo912
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: UTC -10
Did someone refer you?: Dogiogi25, and DaEpicMiner326
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Nation of Ramonia
Job*: Carpenter
Race: Assasin
Name: Alakard
Age*: 19
Bio*: Five years ago, I lost all my memory. I washed up on the shore of Silvania, and was found by a bandit troop. They are far gone now, extinguished mysteriously without a trace. After I left them, I was a wandering serial killer but I felt like it was too horrible to kill indiscriminately. I then searched for signs of a better place, and I came upon the Nation of Ramonia, led by a couple of fellows with the names of Shin Arai and DaEpicMiner326. I am now here, and I wish to stay. Silvania Wins!!!
Did someone refer you?: In a way. My friend told me to try out roleplaying servers.
Minecraft Version: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Loxley?
Job*: Armourer
Race: Hunter
Name: Galen Coldfang
Age*: 35
Bio*: (I'll use Third Person for this) Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives.
(I know my bio sucks, but I'm really poor at them)
Silvania wins
The bio itself isnt too bad. All you need to do is explain a bit more about him as a person. We know hes not on good terms with his mother but that doesnt tell us all that much.
User name*:Sir_James97
Location/Time Zone*:GMT london
Did someone refer you?:Nope... :smile.gif:
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Job*:Carpenter as you say you need them :smile.gif:
Name: Sir James
Bio*: James grew up in the town of faerun.He was a normal boy,his father was a hunter and his mother had died in childbirth. his father was one of the best hunters in the land until one day a pack of wolfs attacked him,he managed to get back home but he died soon after the doctor couldn't do anything to save him. So after his fathers death James was put in an orphanage until he was old enough to fend for himself.When he turned 27 he decided to move to the Island of Harfang as he wanted a new fresh beginning,his father also wanted his ashes to be scatted there, so he left on his journey to harfang ............
A bit more about your character in respect to the bio. Its mostly about his father.
User name*:GM_Setsuna
Location/Time Zone*:PST
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Name: Giotto "Hawkeye"
Bio*: Giotto was very strange. He doesn't know who his family was or is. He grew up with wolves that he found as good friends. He hunted, ate and rested with the wolves
He was a very poor hunter he was always so weak agaisnt fighting other large animals so he decided to use weapons that he has seen. The most common one was a bow.
He was very fond of the bow it helped him hunted from far away and he thought that he should leave the pack now. After he did he went traveled far and wide around the
forest and he found it hard to survive now because he has realised that without the help of the pack he is weak and defenseless. While he was traveling he found a town of Ramonia
and he ran quickly for help. Noone tried to help him. He felt weak and felt even worse from starvation he kept running until a man by the name Zampa has helped him
Zampa had gave him most of the food and water he had. Before Giotto was able to thank him a drunk man came in and said,"Heya, sooon!!!"
Zampa felt ashamed and went to his room. Giotto felt relieved that he was too drunk to realize he was there.
Giotto was very disgusted by the way the man acted. He was very strange to him. When the man came in he instantly fell to the ground and fell asleep.
Zampa came back down and explained his situation to Giotto. Giotto was very shocked and was very sorry. He felt indebted to Zampa so he helped him by hunting
for food every morning and giving it too him. He also found that animals was bit scarce in this location so he thought bread might be a better food source. So he farmed
everyday and grew wheat and with that wheat he grew food. Zampa thanked Giotto for all the food he has given him and his siblings. Giotto has gotten close to being
Zampa's new friend and they helped each other out. After Giotto was running low on money and food for Zampa and his family, he decided to make a show. He was shooting arrows off people heads in the streets and burning thin pieces of wood. People liked him so much he was called "Hawkeye" due to his good aim. Even though he didn't get much money he was still glad at seeing all the people thinking he was very good.(That's all I think of)
I am utterly confused here.
1. For having lived and being raised by wolves how does he know how to speak the Common tongue or interact with other humans at all?
2. Whats with the 'drunk man'? What relevance does he have on your character at all?
3. I'm not sure how burning 'thin pieces of wood' would give one the name 'Hawkeye', supposedly excellent aim aside.
User name*: KoNaBoYo912
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: UTC -10
Did someone refer you?: Dogiogi25, and DaEpicMiner326
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Nation of Ramonia
Job*: Carpenter
Race: Assasin
Name: Alakard
Age*: 19
Bio*: Five years ago, I lost all my memory. I washed up on the shore of Silvania, and was found by a bandit troop. They are far gone now, extinguished mysteriously without a trace. After I left them, I was a wandering serial killer but I felt like it was too horrible to kill indiscriminately. I then searched for signs of a better place, and I came upon the Nation of Ramonia, led by a couple of fellows with the names of Shin Arai and DaEpicMiner326. I am now here, and I wish to stay. Silvania Wins!!!
The nation of Ramonia is led by the god king Ramon. Not your buddy buddies.
I would like a bit more about your character in respect to background. While he may not remember anything from his past previous to waking up on the shoreline, he has surely had experiences that led to him being a serial killer and a carpenter in the 5 years from then and the present.
User name*: Classicoso
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: California, GMT -8
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvania wins.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Harfang, of the Nation of Stonebow
Job*: Farmer
Race: Psychic
Name: Bistök Nïngkadol
Age*: 127
Bio*: Hailing from the Mountainhomes, the seat of Dwarrenkind (Dwarf) and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Bistök has come to Silvania to make a living. In his home, there is a devastating famine, along with a crippling economic depression. Due to this, his family has decided they can no longer support as many people, and have sent the various men out to search for work. Arriving in Silvania with his cousin, Fikod, Bistök hopes to make a living among the farmers of this land in cooperation with Fikod. Having heard that there is a great need of Carpenters in this land, Fikod is hopeful, but Bistök is less so. Being of average height for a Dwarf, he has never had many special abilities. There are many Farmers in his land, but a dangerous ailment has felled all but the hardier Plump Helmets and some Wild Berries. This being not enough to support himself, let alone his family, he has left the (easily manageable) Plump Helmets in the care of his aspiring Niece, who is too young to search for a job. Having only recently arrived in the land Silvania, he has already seen the abundance of crops in the area, and can but hope he didn't bring over the plant disease that struck his home.
User name: Darothok
Age: 18
Location/Time Zone: Washington state PST
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvainia Wins!
Minecraft Version: 1.1.0
Land/Town: Nation of Stonebow, Harfang
Job: Carpenter
Race: Hunter
Name: Fikod Dolekastesh
Age: 115
Bio: From the mountain homes, the seat of Dwaven kind, and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Fikod and his cousin Bistök come to this land to help support their family back home, who has been hit by major economic depression and widespread famine. Fikod, being a renowned carpenter back home, had come to this land in hopes of finding a job as such, hearing that the land was in need of carpenters. It had been and long a perilous journey to the land of Silvania, Fikod has high hopes for this to work and get their Home out of this depression and famine, Bistök however is not so sure it will be worth our time. Fikod's family is a hardy bunch, and he is sure that his family will see this hardship through to the end. However the lack of food is somewhat worrisome due to a rampant disease of their main staple, plump helmets, and hopes that their family can find enough food to survive until Fikod and his cousin can save his home.
Bio: Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives. Galen does not have any love interests, saying he has no time for them. He's usually humble and happy, unless the town of Loxley is in danger. He usually hates drinking, unless he feels distressed about something, and refuses to act in any evil way.
User name*: Spedwards
Age*: 15
Location/Time Zone*: Sydney, Australia.
Did someone refer you?: A tree, which I'm soon going to cut down.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Wherever.
Job*: Redstone Engineer
Race: Battle Mage
Name: Spedwards
Age: 511
Bio*: Being 1 of 5 children, there was nothing special in our family (except our fat mother). Every now and then I have dreams of becoming a great mage, making massive redstone creations and battling other mages but it's hard when you are a 15 year old boy just learning his magic. Coming from a poor family my older brother and I used to steal from the market to feed our family. While my brother is distracting the shop owners I'd sneak up and take what we needed. We would never take more than what we needed.
One shocking afternoon, my brother and I were on the way home and usually when we get home our family is waiting outside the front door, except this time, they weren't... We went inside to find their dead bodies on the floor and guards sitting in the kitchen. They didn't hear us come in but their sniffer wolf smelt us. The wolf alerted the guards and they tried to kill us. They killed my brother. I don't know what I did but I must of teleported them elsewhere, to another realm...
So now I'm living alone. Mastering my spells and teaching redstone to anyone. I no longer steal, I have a job as a redstone engineer and finding the pay is enough to keep me going. Nearly everything in my house is made from redstone. It's how we live. But I will never look back on the day to when my family was slaughtered.
User name*: Classicoso
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: California, GMT -8
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvania wins.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Harfang, of the Nation of Stonebow
Job*: Farmer
Race: Psychic
Name: Bistök Nïngkadol
Age*: 127
Bio*: Hailing from the Mountainhomes, the seat of Dwarrenkind (Dwarf) and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Bistök has come to Silvania to make a living. In his home, there is a devastating famine, along with a crippling economic depression. Due to this, his family has decided they can no longer support as many people, and have sent the various men out to search for work. Arriving in Silvania with his cousin, Fikod, Bistök hopes to make a living among the farmers of this land in cooperation with Fikod. Having heard that there is a great need of Carpenters in this land, Fikod is hopeful, but Bistök is less so. Being of average height for a Dwarf, he has never had many special abilities. There are many Farmers in his land, but a dangerous ailment has felled all but the hardier Plump Helmets and some Wild Berries. This being not enough to support himself, let alone his family, he has left the (easily manageable) Plump Helmets in the care of his aspiring Niece, who is too young to search for a job. Having only recently arrived in the land Silvania, he has already seen the abundance of crops in the area, and can but hope he didn't bring over the plant disease that struck his home.
User name: Darothok
Age: 18
Location/Time Zone: Washington state PST
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvainia Wins!
Minecraft Version: 1.1.0
Land/Town: Nation of Stonebow, Harfang
Job: Carpenter
Race: Hunter
Name: Fikod Dolekastesh
Age: 115
Bio: From the mountain homes, the seat of Dwaven kind, and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Fikod and his cousin Bistök come to this land to help support their family back home, who has been hit by major economic depression and widespread famine. Fikod, being a renowned carpenter back home, had come to this land in hopes of finding a job as such, hearing that the land was in need of carpenters. It had been and long a perilous journey to the land of Silvania, Fikod has high hopes for this to work and get their Home out of this depression and famine, Bistök however is not so sure it will be worth our time. Fikod's family is a hardy bunch, and he is sure that his family will see this hardship through to the end. However the lack of food is somewhat worrisome due to a rampant disease of their main staple, plump helmets, and hopes that their family can find enough food to survive until Fikod and his cousin can save his home.
User name*: Livefreak1995
Age*: 16
Location/Time Zone*: united kingdom GMT +00
Did someone refer you?: no, it looks like a good role-playing server, and i would love to be able to join.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Land/Town: The Realm of Mortalitas (Tempestas - Valthraxus)
Job*: Arcane Enchanter
Race: Battle mage
Name: Aramos Morganthe
Age*: 23
Bio*: me and my family lived in Tennebrae, it was a nice quite village aside from the stirring volcano it was a good place to live. My mother and father worked very hard to keep us fed, me and my brother, but then on a peaceful afternoon the ground shook with terror all the villagers new what it was... the volcano was spewing, molten lava and ash flew out and down the cliff face, all the villagers were panicking me and my brother fled from Tennebrae that day in search of refuge in Valthraxus it was a long journey but we made it eventually, we were separated from our parents and we were sure they would find us, and Tennebrae would rebuild away from the devastated land. We had hoped this would happen but it never did our parents just gave up on us we thought. Years passed and we became more intelligent and managed to strive to live, we survived alright pickpocketing in our younger days from food stalls, fish, bread, cakes you name it all the types we could find, then we got smarter we got jobs and went our separate ways, he got a married and i was left alone, this was the first time since we lost mother and father. That day i made an oath that i would search for them until the day i died.
In the near future i did not know what was coming, but i overheard a man in the tavern speaking of dark magic and sorcery so i bought him a flagon of ale and he told me more about what he knew, i then left the tavern with a thought... if i could master these magical arts it would help me find my parents, but the thing was i did not know where to find such a person that would even think to let me be apart of the arts of magic. As i left on my journey i went out down the dirt road to start my quest to find my parents i knew it would be tough and hard going but i would not give up until i found them well and safe. Night fell and i had no camp or and type of protection against the forest beasts, wolves, zombies, and giant spiders, i swear i saw a large green figure move past the trees but it must have been my imagination, i was scared and alone. the next morning i woke up, i was bound at my hands and feet and was gagged at the mouth i couldn't yell for help, even if i did no one would hear me the next people i saw was a group of bandits looking for loot and money, i had none so they were wasting their time, they started beating me and yelling where my belongings where but i was traveling empty handed. I knew they would either kill me where i laid or would just leave me bound on the floor, but a miracle happened it was exactly what i was looking for! a mage casted some sort of curse on the bandit leader he fell to his knees and his head exploded i wasn't sure if the mage would kill me or free me, i just had to wait...
After he took care of the bandits he gave me an evil stare but he freed me, i went with him to his tower he was surprisingly welcoming for a dark wizard who practiced evil magic, as he sat in his chair he said in a quite voice "I know why you are here." i do not know how he could have known but he mentioned he watched out for me, so he told me about himself and i told him about me then i mustered up the confidence to ask him to train me, he said he was already going to, I was confused and bewildered i said nothing and i have been his apprentice ever since he saved me from the bandits, when i know enough in magic i will continue my quest to find my long lost parents, the power of the dark arts would help me i was sure of it.
A very confusing and hard to understand bio. I'm not sure who or what the Mage is supposed to be but a bit more explanation than just 'he said he's gonna train me' is required.
Bio: Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives. Galen does not have any love interests, saying he has no time for them. He's usually humble and happy, unless the town of Loxley is in danger. He usually hates drinking, unless he feels distressed about something, and refuses to act in any evil way.
Eh... I wanted to know more about his skills and history than his drinking habits :tongue.gif:
Hardly. 511 years old? The highest I'm accepting here is from the two dwarf cousins. There are about 3 non-god characters in the server over the age of 200, all of which have been with the server since it started or at least in it's early days.
Hardly. 511 years old? The highest I'm accepting here is from the two dwarf cousins. There are about 3 non-god characters in the server over the age of 200, all of which have been with the server since it started or at least in it's early days.
Location/Time Zone*:UTC/GMT -7 hours
Did someone refer you?:no
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.8.1
Name: carlos
Bio*: When I was little I was the weak left out one. My family consists of Me,my brother, and my parents. my parents were both warriors and chefs. The downside was that they were also abusive drunks. They would beat me and my brother and just leave us hungry most nights.And most nights we would have to sleep somewhere else safe because of my parents drinking.My brother was my idol and still is. With his part time job he would make just enough money to feed me and him. One day he told me of a plan for us to run away, it was perfect! So when he saved enough money he bought a shack and some basic supplies far far away. On the night we decided to leave we packed up and stole a cow from our parents. The ride was about a weeks traveling. On our new adventure my brother was teaching me how to hunt.On the third day of our journey to our new future, a random storm appeared and scared our cow into a very fast run. While my brother was trying to keep control I fell out the back of our wagon. That was the last time i saw him. With his basic teachings of hunting i kept myself alive untill I wandered in to a town. There I met a very kind couple who took me in. The man taught me many things about hunting and trained me to become physically strong, and the woman taught me how to build things and become mentally strong. They loved me as their own child for many years. But after, I decided I was ready to go out on my own. A new adventure! so I told the couple and the sent me out with some money and tools. Now I go and try to find a new purpose in this world of salvania.
I thought teleporting away would be alright =/ I will mend what is broken.
Silvania win!!!!
User name*: Spedwards
Age*: 15
Location/Time Zone*: Sydney, Australia.
Did someone refer you?: Nope.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Shinto, Ramonia.
Job*: Redstone Engineer
Race: Battle Mage
Name: Spedwards
Bio*: Being bored of old ordinary life, I built a portal to which transported me to the amazing Silvania! Far into the Caelum Realm! Being 1 of 5 children, there was nothing special in our family (except our fat mother). Every now and then I have dreams of becoming a great mage, making massive redstone creations and battling other mages but it's hard when you are a 15 year old boy just learning his magic. Coming from a poor family my older brother and I used to steal from the market to feed our family. While my brother is distracting the shop owners I'd sneak up and take what we needed. We would never take more than what we needed.
One shocking afternoon, my brother and I were on the way home and usually when we get home our family is waiting outside the front door, except this time, they weren't... We went inside to find their dead bodies on the floor and guards sitting in the kitchen. They didn't hear us come in but their sniffer wolf smelt us. The wolf alerted the guards and they tried to kill us. They killed my brother. I don't know what I did but I must of teleported them elsewhere, to another realm...
So now I'm living alone. Mastering my spells and teaching redstone to anyone. I no longer steal, I have a job as a redstone engineer and finding the pay is enough to keep me going. Nearly everything in my house is made from redstone. It's how we live. But I will never look back on the day to when my family was slaughtered.
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Did someone refer you?: No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Harfang/Shinto
Job*: Mineralist (if there are lots of these i am willing to be a builder or carpenter)
Name: Fellorn
Bio*: Growing up in the wilderness Fellorn never had an easy life. He was always out hunting for his next meal and because of this became a skilled archer.His father had broken his leg when fellorn was younger making it hard for him to hunt leaving the responsability to him. He was always interested in the diffrent minerals of the world after he had missed a bear with an arrow but the arrow struck some metalic thing in the rock face behind causing the arrow to bounce back and strike the bear down, he never had a desire to be just like his Mother or Father a carpetner and builder respectivly. He could preform those trades if asked but he had always wanted to be a mineralist. On his 18th birthday it was time for Fellorn to strike out on his own to make a life for himself far from his familys little wodden cottage. He desided he would see what the captial city his parents had told him storys about was really like.
Silvania wins:P
User name*: ttigner
Age*: 18
Location/Time Zone*: Kentucky EST
Did someone refer you?: nope
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Mortalitas/Loxley
Job*: Mineralist
Race: Assassin
Name: Raelyn Braunsen
Age*: 19
Bio*: Raelyn had the perfect childhood. He had a loving mother, and caring father. His father worked as a mineralist, and taught Raelyn his trade. As he grew into a young man, he began to rebel just as any teenager does. He began stealing from neighbors, and soon became a blade for hire. After a particularly nasty fight with his father, he left their little town and left to find his way in the world. His first stop is Loxley. Hes not out for revenge, money, or fame. Just a boy trying to find his place in the world.
Ok hopefully its okay now hallo :smile.gif:
Age*: 14, but no hating, please.
Location/Time Zone*: Ontario Canada, EST.
Did someone refer you?: In a way. My friend told me to try out roleplaying servers.
Minecraft Version: 1.0.0
Land/Town: Loxley?
Job*: Armourer
Race: Hunter
Name: Galen Coldfang
Age*: 35
Bio*: (I'll use Third Person for this) Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives.
(I know my bio sucks, but I'm really poor at them)
Silvania wins
I think you skipped over mine. I didn't receive a accepted or denied. I'm a carpenter too. So I would hope you accept me :biggrin.gif:
Location/Time Zone*:GMT london
Did someone refer you?:Nope... :smile.gif:
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Job*:Carpenter as you say you need them :smile.gif:
Name: Sir James
Bio*: James grew up in the town of faerun.He was a normal boy,his father was a hunter and his mother had died in childbirth. his father was one of the best hunters in the land until one day a pack of wolfs attacked him,he managed to get back home but he died soon after the doctor couldn't do anything to save him. So after his fathers death James was put in an orphanage until he was old enough to fend for himself.When he turned 27 he decided to move to the Island of Harfang as he wanted a new fresh beginning,his father also wanted his ashes to be scatted there, so he left on his journey to harfang ............
Location/Time Zone*:PST
Did someone refer you?:No
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*:1.1
Name: Giotto "Hawkeye"
Bio*: Giotto was very strange. He doesn't know who his family was or is. He grew up with wolves that he found as good friends. He hunted, ate and rested with the wolves
He was a very poor hunter he was always so weak agaisnt fighting other large animals so he decided to use weapons that he has seen. The most common one was a bow.
He was very fond of the bow it helped him hunted from far away and he thought that he should leave the pack now. After he did he went traveled far and wide around the
forest and he found it hard to survive now because he has realised that without the help of the pack he is weak and defenseless. While he was traveling he found a town of Ramonia
and he ran quickly for help. Noone tried to help him. He felt weak and felt even worse from starvation he kept running until a man by the name Zampa has helped him
Zampa had gave him most of the food and water he had. Before Giotto was able to thank him a drunk man came in and said,"Heya, sooon!!!"
Zampa felt ashamed and went to his room. Giotto felt relieved that he was too drunk to realize he was there.
Giotto was very disgusted by the way the man acted. He was very strange to him. When the man came in he instantly fell to the ground and fell asleep.
Zampa came back down and explained his situation to Giotto. Giotto was very shocked and was very sorry. He felt indebted to Zampa so he helped him by hunting
for food every morning and giving it too him. He also found that animals was bit scarce in this location so he thought bread might be a better food source. So he farmed
everyday and grew wheat and with that wheat he grew food. Zampa thanked Giotto for all the food he has given him and his siblings. Giotto has gotten close to being
Zampa's new friend and they helped each other out. After Giotto was running low on money and food for Zampa and his family, he decided to make a show. He was shooting arrows off people heads in the streets and burning thin pieces of wood. People liked him so much he was called "Hawkeye" due to his good aim. Even though he didn't get much money he was still glad at seeing all the people thinking he was very good.(That's all I think of)
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: UTC -10
Did someone refer you?: Dogiogi25, and DaEpicMiner326
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Nation of Ramonia
Job*: Carpenter
Race: Assasin
Name: Alakard
Age*: 19
Bio*: Five years ago, I lost all my memory. I washed up on the shore of Silvania, and was found by a bandit troop. They are far gone now, extinguished mysteriously without a trace. After I left them, I was a wandering serial killer but I felt like it was too horrible to kill indiscriminately. I then searched for signs of a better place, and I came upon the Nation of Ramonia, led by a couple of fellows with the names of Shin Arai and DaEpicMiner326. I am now here, and I wish to stay.
Silvania Wins!!!
The bio itself isnt too bad. All you need to do is explain a bit more about him as a person. We know hes not on good terms with his mother but that doesnt tell us all that much.
Accepted. Sending IP and you can login later to get set up by an admin or mod.
A bit more about your character in respect to the bio. Its mostly about his father.
I am utterly confused here.
1. For having lived and being raised by wolves how does he know how to speak the Common tongue or interact with other humans at all?
2. Whats with the 'drunk man'? What relevance does he have on your character at all?
3. I'm not sure how burning 'thin pieces of wood' would give one the name 'Hawkeye', supposedly excellent aim aside.
The nation of Ramonia is led by the god king Ramon. Not your buddy buddies.
I would like a bit more about your character in respect to background. While he may not remember anything from his past previous to waking up on the shoreline, he has surely had experiences that led to him being a serial killer and a carpenter in the 5 years from then and the present.
Age*: 14
Location/Time Zone*: California, GMT -8
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvania wins.
Minecraft Version (eg 1.8.1)*: 1.1
Land/Town: Harfang, of the Nation of Stonebow
Job*: Farmer
Race: Psychic
Name: Bistök Nïngkadol
Age*: 127
Bio*: Hailing from the Mountainhomes, the seat of Dwarrenkind (Dwarf) and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Bistök has come to Silvania to make a living. In his home, there is a devastating famine, along with a crippling economic depression. Due to this, his family has decided they can no longer support as many people, and have sent the various men out to search for work. Arriving in Silvania with his cousin, Fikod, Bistök hopes to make a living among the farmers of this land in cooperation with Fikod. Having heard that there is a great need of Carpenters in this land, Fikod is hopeful, but Bistök is less so. Being of average height for a Dwarf, he has never had many special abilities. There are many Farmers in his land, but a dangerous ailment has felled all but the hardier Plump Helmets and some Wild Berries. This being not enough to support himself, let alone his family, he has left the (easily manageable) Plump Helmets in the care of his aspiring Niece, who is too young to search for a job. Having only recently arrived in the land Silvania, he has already seen the abundance of crops in the area, and can but hope he didn't bring over the plant disease that struck his home.
Age: 18
Location/Time Zone: Washington state PST
Did someone refer you?: Nope, Silvainia Wins!
Minecraft Version: 1.1.0
Land/Town: Nation of Stonebow, Harfang
Job: Carpenter
Race: Hunter
Name: Fikod Dolekastesh
Age: 115
Bio: From the mountain homes, the seat of Dwaven kind, and belonging to the Hall of Glaciers, Fikod and his cousin Bistök come to this land to help support their family back home, who has been hit by major economic depression and widespread famine. Fikod, being a renowned carpenter back home, had come to this land in hopes of finding a job as such, hearing that the land was in need of carpenters. It had been and long a perilous journey to the land of Silvania, Fikod has high hopes for this to work and get their Home out of this depression and famine, Bistök however is not so sure it will be worth our time. Fikod's family is a hardy bunch, and he is sure that his family will see this hardship through to the end. However the lack of food is somewhat worrisome due to a rampant disease of their main staple, plump helmets, and hopes that their family can find enough food to survive until Fikod and his cousin can save his home.
Location/Time Zone*:GMT-7
Did someone refer you?:Nope
Job: Armourer
Bio: Galen Coldfang was born in the town of Loxley, likes the town of Loxley, and will stay in the town of Loxley. His father died when he was young, and he was brought up by his strict mother. He never had a chance to adventure, or even leave his home. When he came of age, he chose the job of Armourer, in defiance of his mother's wishing for him to become a farmer. He presumbadly has a brother, Aldinn, but it is unknown if he still lives. Galen does not have any love interests, saying he has no time for them. He's usually humble and happy, unless the town of Loxley is in danger. He usually hates drinking, unless he feels distressed about something, and refuses to act in any evil way.
This should be all good.
I like it. Approved.
A very confusing and hard to understand bio. I'm not sure who or what the Mage is supposed to be but a bit more explanation than just 'he said he's gonna train me' is required.
Denied. Also: I believe you are attempting to advertise your own server.
Eh... I wanted to know more about his skills and history than his drinking habits :tongue.gif:
Hardly. 511 years old? The highest I'm accepting here is from the two dwarf cousins. There are about 3 non-god characters in the server over the age of 200, all of which have been with the server since it started or at least in it's early days.
Fix the age