Your IGN: Skarian
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a student at the moment, I like to play on role-playing servers. I have been playing minecraft for a few months now, and know my way around a crafting table.
List some of the video games you've played: Zelda, Mario, Halo, COD, Crysis, Its a very long list, please reply if you would like me to list more.
What was the first video game you beat: Tarzan (PS1)
What do you look for in a server: A server with a moderate amount of people, stable economy, jobs, Role-playing style
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: I've run a private one with a few friends, and played at a few until they were shut fown
What was your last server and why did you leave: Addicted-Miners, It was shut down
How much do you play a week: Now that school has started only about 7 hours a week or so, it depends on the course load
What class will you choose and why: Miner, because I enjoy mining, and the experience of mining along with friends
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: Survival, Building, Exploration
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: When both parties agree
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Check the forums/blog/website
Why should we select you over the other applicants: I am a mature minecraft player that can control his temper under any condition. I wont just play for infinite amounts of time on end, i take my time to enjoy the game properly
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): Mario, He's an italian plumber that saves the world and gets the girl, What else could you want!
Your IGN: scotchbomb
Tell us a little about yourself: I play minecraft
Age: 20
List some of the video games you've played: terraria,tf2,fallout 3,oblivion,bioshock
What was the first video game you beat: Pokemon yellow
What do you look for in a server: something unique or interesting that makes the server stand out from others
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: I've been on a lot of severs but only been two servers for a long period of time.
What was your last server and why did you leave: Kombat Kraft was the last server i was on. I was on the server for about 4 months before it died.
How much do you play a week: 5-6 hours
What class will you choose and why: Miner because its what I am best at.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: The creativity I can use and the wide variety of mod options.
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: To defend yourself or your property.
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: By checking the topic or website.
Why should we select you over the other applicants: I've plenty of experience at being creative in minecraft and I am an excellent miner.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted:( I don't have one.
Tell us a little about yourself:been playing minecraft for over a year have been looking for good servers but none of them have been good long enough to stay on and then i found this one
List some of the video games you've played: Call of duty/007/godfather/resident evil5/oblivion
What was the first video game you beat:007 for the gamecube
What do you look for in a server:fun people to play with that you can make friends with and they will actually help you and everybody else to the best of there ability
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers:i have played on many with lots of people who just play for a day or 2 and leave and on faction servers they just take all your stuff and leave you alone with nothing
What was your last server and why did you leave:battlecraft had a faction with lots of stuff one person took everything and joined a rival faction and gave them all my stuff
How much do you play a week: 15-25 hours
What class will you choose and why:scavenger because i like to farm on minecraft and i can supply the townspeople with food for killing zombies
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:that everything is blocked form which makes building houses much easier
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: if they have stolen or griefed you and you catch them doing it
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Forums and play regulary
Why should we select you over the other applicants: i am a fun person to play with and in survival the people i am playing come before myself because if i am a scavenger i will not be killing most of the zombies myself i am there to help the people that are killing the zombies
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted):Superman cause he can fly is superstrong and almost invulnurable
-Please be patient while your Application is processed. It may take anywhere from an hour to a few days to be processed by an Admin or Moderator-
Desert Map Video:
--- New Pics coming soon... ---
- Running CratBukkit Server Mod
- Spoutcraft
- Dedicated Server (24/7 Uptime*)
- Small and friendly Community
- Lots of Server Plugins
- Anti-Griefer System
- Dedicated Server Admin
- Helpful Moderators
- Custom RP Class System
- Custom Occupations System
- Custom Drop System
- Server Events
- Hunger/Thirst System
- Server is located in the West Coast (CA)
- Server Vent - Map Changes every 1-2 Months
*Excludes occasional downtime from restarts or other issues (Will be stated in this forum by post)
We have a small community and are trying to expand with more members.
Current Map: Winter Survival
Zombies are the only Enemy mob enabled. At Night its a Zombie Apocalypse with hundreds of zombies. During the day time, the Zombies continue to roam as they do not burn in the Sunlight. Group up! Join Factions to help you survive the hordes.
All enemy mobs drop DerkaDollars (Hunter and Scout classes)
Players choose a class that they wish to play as. Every class has its own unique abilities and skills. Classes are built so that no class is self-dependent, relying on other classes to obtain items or perform actions that they don’t possess.
Special Rank Prerequisites:
Rank I - Power Level 150
Rank II - Power Level 300
Rank III - Power Level 600
Rank IV - ? ? ?
Scout - Gatherer/Hunter combination. Scouts focus on using Ranged weapons (Bow and Arrow) and can resort to Axes as a melee backup. Scouts receive payment for hunting zombies but not from Giants. Scouts can also gather apples from leaves, string from sheep, and logs from trees. Scouts may serve as a vital asset as spotters, to observe towns, discovering any weaknesses or advantages that could be used in times of war.
Advice: Scouts are meant for bow use they make great snipers and are good for quick looks around enemy towns. Scouts as well can gather wood like the Scavenger class. There is not much else to say about them other than there good for protecting hunters backs and keep other scouts from killing a hunter.
Special Ranks:
Rank I - Pointman
Rank II - Ranger
Rank III - Marksman
Scout Class Features:
- Archery Skill (MCMMO)
- Can take on Player Bounties
- Zombies give money drop
- Log gathering
- Leaves have Apple drops
- Sheep have a string drop chance
- Cows give leather drop
Scavenger - Gather natural resources such as wood,food, crops, etc. Scavengers keep their town stocked with every day necessities. They sell what they have gathered to the other townspeople and they are permitted to sell food items in shops.
Advice: The wood junkies of the server them and scouts are the only ones that gather it. There ability to gather a stackable food such as wheat is useful for long trips for hunters that need free inventory space. Scavengers are also very important to scouts as they can harvest flint from dirt and even extra drops.
Special Ranks:
Rank I - Farmer
Rank II - Harvester
Rank III - Reaper
Scavenger Class Features:
- Crop Harvesting (Class Ability)
- Leaves have Sapling, Apples, and Golden Apple Drop
- Dirt has Sapling, Brown Mushroom, Red Mushroom, and Flint Drop
- Chickens have drop rate of 1 - 3 eggs
- Using Gold Axe on Leaves has much higher chance of Golden Apple Drop
Miner - Mine for underground resources and minerals such as coal,iron,gold,diamond, and redstone. Miners determine how modern or advanced a town is. Miners sell their findings to townspeople to keep their furnaces stocked, swords metallic, and armor equiped. Miners are permitted to have ores and minerals for sale in their shop.
Advice: Miners are usually underused and are the most important class for Hunters are they provide the iron and diamonds hunters need to fight. They are a bit underused even though they have the potential to become the richest class. Miners as well usually wont deal with zombies as often as other classes.
Special Ranks:
Rank I - Excavator
Rank II - Prospector
Rank III - HellBreaker
Miner Class Features:
- Stone, Ore, Mineral Mining (Class Ability)
- Stone has Coal, Gold, and Iron Drop chance
- Iron Ore has a chance of Double ore Drop
- Coal Ore has drop rate of 1 - 2 coal
- Redstone ore drop rate increased to 5 - 6 redstone
- Golden Pickaxe on stone gives a much higher drop rate of Gold Ore and 60% of $2 - 5
- Golden Shovel on sand gives 50% drop rate of $3 - 6 and a chance of Gold Ore
Hunter - Town Defenders, Zombie Exterminators, and Food gatherer. Hunters are also used when war between towns arises. Hunters defend other towns people and keep their town free from the hordes of zombies.
Advice: A lot of people don’t play hunter class properly sometimes. There is something’s to understand a hunter isn’t only used for extermination or war but as guards. There special ability Serrated Strikes is a AoE that hits everything around them including players! So when solo it’s good to use but keep to only using it alone. Hunters may seem stronger but standing head to head with a zombie or a group is not advised kiting them also helps!
Special Ranks:
Rank I - Warrior
Rank II - Warlord
Rank III - Tempest
Hunter Class Features:
- Bounties from Enemy Mobs (Class Ability)
- Can take on Player Bounties
- Farm Mob Drops (Class Ability)
- Zombies killed give $5 - 7 per kill
- Cows have 100% drop rate of 3 - 4 leather
- Pigs have 100% drop rate of 1 - 2 porkchops
- Golden Sword on Zombies give a $25 - 40 drop rate + Original drop
* Class Abilities are Class specific features that cannot be used/done with other classes.
Examples: Miners cannot get Pork from pigs. Hunters cannot get Iron ore from mining Iron ore. Scavengers cannot get money for killing zombies and giants. Vice Versa
** If you are unhappy with your class choice you may swap classes by asking an Admin or Super Moderator. Penalties are that you lose all your class skills as well you may only change class once a week! (MCMMO) pertaining to the class you are leaving. Please refrain from switching classes too often.
Occupations were one of the main features of the Server Overhaul. It is an overlay of the Classes which implements a more RP style of game play. Occupations or Jobs for short, essentially limit Crafting of specific items to certain Jobs. Classes determine what a Player can gather, while Occupations determine what the player can craft.
:laugh.gif: Manly Survival Teaparty Day (MSTD): Every Friday is MSTD, which is a special day in which everyone on the server celebrates. Inspired by one of our moderators roqwrp, MSTD is a day for awesomeness. This may include special contests or competitions, new plugins, or other depending on the circumstance. Its unpredictable what will happen on the next MSTD, which is why you have to be there to find out!
- Don’t Grief
- Be helpful to other players
- No Mob Grinders/Spawner abuse
- No 1x1 Towers/Tunnels
- Don’t Rage or Whine, Be Mature
- Profanity is allowed
- Don’t be an ass
- Hackers/Cheaters/Exploiters will be banned on sight!
- Respect your Admins and Moderators
- Construction with Lava is prohibited
- Dont use or make Flint and Steel Lighters (Fire Spread is Disabled)
- Please refrain from asking to be promoted to Moderator, if you earn it then you’ll get it.
- Be Creative, but do not build offensive creations.
- No floating trees!
- Put (56) at the beginning of your application
RP Rules:
- Play the class that you chose
- Don’t do the roles of other classes (Adds to above)
- If someone kills you and you want revenge use the bounty system!
- Killing players solely for taking their items is not allowed
- Don’t kill players randomly or without good reason! (No RDMing)
- The above 3 Rules can be ignored when in times of War
- Only build RP related/associated structures (This is not a Free Build Server!)
- Put [57] at the end of your application
Image is Linked to the Kusanagi Build Project by Flop and Xer
Your IGN:darkangel861
Tell us a little about yourself: Im a daily minecraft player with alot of knowledge of the game including how to fight zombies... MLG Pro.
Age: 13
List some of the video games you've played: Minecraft obviously, Terraria, Team fortress 2, Fallout 3, Fallout new vegas, Grand theft auto 4 and the dlc, Etc...
What was the first video game you beat: Hard to remember but I believe it was halo although Im no longer a mega fan of the franchise.
What do you look for in a server: Good old vanilla minecraft survival. Although this server changes that its nice to have something different.
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: Ive been on a few but have never heard of one like the Bmk server.
What was your last server and why did you leave: was the ip it was already full of people not enough build space.
How much do you play a week: 5 -7 days a week.
What class will you choose and why: Hunter it just fits me if not I can do any other jobs and can protect the town daily.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: Its open world elements and being able to turn it into anything.
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: A place were the server is a total anarchy witch means thieveing as well as people randomly killing each other.
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Check forums and blogs
Why should we select you over the other applicants: You shouldn't select me over other people if at the door you see them as having a better chance than me. But I can advertise the server through youtube, I have a skype, I can make awesome skins, and I can do anything people want me too.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): I would have to go with kick-ass the wanna be super hero from the hit movie Kick-ass.
SkulBuster: Can you fill out an application again?
Samoblivion: In some cases we'd allow it, but we think you'd be better off pursuing another server for your benefit. We're a VERY light RP server.
AND A MESSAGE TO EVERYONE: Reposting again asking about getting whitelisted or if we've seen your application will get you nowhere. If anything, it will merely annoy us which doesn't look good for your cause. We will whitelist when we get a chance.
just gonna check if you might allow me to change a few things of whitelist and try again...
i just got no more servers to go to and nothing else to do:d hope you accept.
(56)Your IGN:Conoreva
Tell us a little about yourself:well im male and live with a family of 4 and my hobby is minecraft.(and gonna start a minecraft lets play on youtube soon)
List some of the video games you've played:minecraft tetris half-life(1 and 2) left for dead(1 and 2) portal(1 and 2) and much more
What was the first video game you beat:hmm that was a long time ago.....i forgot:d
What do you look for in a server:i guess its pvp and fighting type:D
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers:my first server was my friends one and then i got banned on it by griefing when i thought that it was my house:S(and now he forgave me)
What was your last server and why did you leave:my last server i guess was terracraft and i left cause i got bored of it but with this server the map changes every time so i will never get bored:D
How much do you play a week:every day(unless on holiday)
What class will you choose and why:scout cause i like helping the team by getting food and killing the zombies
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:the creative buildings made
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server:well an arena or fighting only at wilderness would be good
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:i check on minecraft fourms and server website
Why should we select you over the other applicants:well im helpful, trustfull, i dont swear,and i guess people might have fun with me on the server
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted):im not much of a comicbook or marvel kind of guy[57]
Well since I was just considering your personality, I guess if you really want to, I can whitelist you. I don't really see any reason not to otherwise.
Ive tweaked the Forum info since it was a bit old and so many new things have occurred since then. Tomorrow I will be adding Pictures and maybe even redo the Logo.
Also, for those of you who have a friend or two who want to join, and have filled out an application. DO NOT nag Admins/Moderators In-game for their Application to be read over, this only annoys us and is a sign of impatience. Our Whitelist staff (Gamer36640 and minime77) read and approve Whitelist Applications on their own time, so dont rush them.
Look, I'm not really looking for a serious RP server, or else I wouldn't have applied. And besides, the thing that attracted me to the server wasn't about the RP elements, more the zombie survival/faction rivalry theme. So please can you reconsider me? If you like, I'll redo my app. Just point out where I went wrong and I'll do my best to rectify it. Please can you reconsider me :smile.gif: I love the look of this server, and the video at the start just closed the deal!
- Samoblivion
Your IGN:PhantomConhi
Tell us a little about yourself:Well i like to play xbox games and i just bought minecraft yesterday.
List some of the video games you've played: halo, call of duty black ops, castlevania,and zelda
What was the first video game you beat:The legend of Zelda ocarina of time
What do you look for in a server: just to havefun
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: well i have not had much history with smp but i have been on a game smp server
What was your last server and why did you leave:Savage realms because people would always steal from my house
How much do you play a week:everyday
What class will you choose and why:miner i love to mine
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:mineing
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: when people steal from you and when they start attacking your friends
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:i just keep looking on some minecraft websites
Why should we select you over the other applicants:i still have alot to showto the minecraft world.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): the green lanter (i think i spelld that wrong) he s my favorite ecause he can make anything out of a ring on his hand.
Your IGN:omgwtfbarbq
Tell us a little about yourself:Am fun and always help others
List some of the video games you've played:on the comp:minecraft terria runescape
What was the first video game you beat:cod2
What do you look for in a server:fun staff and a great time
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers:none im new to servers
What was your last server and why did you leave:none
How much do you play a week:6 or 7 days
What class will you choose and why:miner because i like to mine and fight monsters while mining
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:fun do what you want thing
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server:protect yourself and if you team up you can work together
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:go on forums and website almost everyday
Why should we select you over the other applicants:because i like this type of server and hope you will accept
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted):Captain America because i really patriotic
Tell us a little about yourself: Hello, my name is Stephen... I'm a very serious guy most of them time... Occasionally if you push hard enough you can get me to relax :3
List some of the video games you've played: Err..... I do like "Lost planet 2" It was a great series.. I'm not so much a call of duty fan I prefer Halo.
What was the first video game you beat: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
What do you look for in a server: Obviously what everyone looks for ultimately... A good time, which includes: Friendly community, High up-time, Little Lag, Well put together server.
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: Don't have much of a history... Never have griefed on a no-grief server.
What was your last server and why did you leave: Don't remember the ip... I left because of the seed.. it was terrible, too many mountains always falling.
How much do you play a week: Oooh, what an embarrassing question :smile.gif: I'd rather not answer.
What class will you choose and why: Probably a miner.. I've perfected diamond mining in single player.. I know a few tricks if you know what I mean :smile.gif: BUT! I could be a Scavenger... I do like farming as well as making food, it would just depend on which class was needed more.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: The creativity overall
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: It's a "Survival" server... What could possibly justify not using it?
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Errr, this question confuses me... I'll play the server... I don't think I have to be told to get on, if I really enjoy the server, which I probably will, I'll be on a lot.
Why should we select you over the other applicants: Because I'm a respectful guy who gives real opinions and doesn't beat around the bush... I don't want to sound conceited but you did ask :happy.gif:
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): Spiderman... my uncle died and it left a scar in my mom.. He was a big spiderman fan so she loves spiderman now... Naturally if I had to choose any superhero I'd choose spiderman.
By the way! I tried your texture pack.. I really dislike the sun it ruins my immersion... if your going to make a texture pack and have a role playing server make it a role playing texture pack(just a bit of constructive criticism)
Tell us a little about yourself: I am a student at the moment, I like to play on role-playing servers. I have been playing minecraft for a few months now, and know my way around a crafting table.
List some of the video games you've played: Zelda, Mario, Halo, COD, Crysis, Its a very long list, please reply if you would like me to list more.
What was the first video game you beat: Tarzan (PS1)
What do you look for in a server: A server with a moderate amount of people, stable economy, jobs, Role-playing style
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: I've run a private one with a few friends, and played at a few until they were shut fown
What was your last server and why did you leave: Addicted-Miners, It was shut down
How much do you play a week: Now that school has started only about 7 hours a week or so, it depends on the course load
What class will you choose and why: Miner, because I enjoy mining, and the experience of mining along with friends
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: Survival, Building, Exploration
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: When both parties agree
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Check the forums/blog/website
Why should we select you over the other applicants: I am a mature minecraft player that can control his temper under any condition. I wont just play for infinite amounts of time on end, i take my time to enjoy the game properly
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): Mario, He's an italian plumber that saves the world and gets the girl, What else could you want!
No I wasn't whitelisted................................
Your IGN: scotchbomb
Tell us a little about yourself: I play minecraft
Age: 20
List some of the video games you've played: terraria,tf2,fallout 3,oblivion,bioshock
What was the first video game you beat: Pokemon yellow
What do you look for in a server: something unique or interesting that makes the server stand out from others
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: I've been on a lot of severs but only been two servers for a long period of time.
What was your last server and why did you leave: Kombat Kraft was the last server i was on. I was on the server for about 4 months before it died.
How much do you play a week: 5-6 hours
What class will you choose and why: Miner because its what I am best at.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: The creativity I can use and the wide variety of mod options.
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: To defend yourself or your property.
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: By checking the topic or website.
Why should we select you over the other applicants: I've plenty of experience at being creative in minecraft and I am an excellent miner.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted:( I don't have one.
please and thank you
Tell us a little about yourself:been playing minecraft for over a year have been looking for good servers but none of them have been good long enough to stay on and then i found this one
List some of the video games you've played: Call of duty/007/godfather/resident evil5/oblivion
What was the first video game you beat:007 for the gamecube
What do you look for in a server:fun people to play with that you can make friends with and they will actually help you and everybody else to the best of there ability
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers:i have played on many with lots of people who just play for a day or 2 and leave and on faction servers they just take all your stuff and leave you alone with nothing
What was your last server and why did you leave:battlecraft had a faction with lots of stuff one person took everything and joined a rival faction and gave them all my stuff
How much do you play a week: 15-25 hours
What class will you choose and why:scavenger because i like to farm on minecraft and i can supply the townspeople with food for killing zombies
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:that everything is blocked form which makes building houses much easier
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: if they have stolen or griefed you and you catch them doing it
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Forums and play regulary
Why should we select you over the other applicants: i am a fun person to play with and in survival the people i am playing come before myself because if i am a scavenger i will not be killing most of the zombies myself i am there to help the people that are killing the zombies
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted):Superman cause he can fly is superstrong and almost invulnurable
Tell us a little about yourself: Im a daily minecraft player with alot of knowledge of the game including how to fight zombies... MLG Pro.
Age: 13
List some of the video games you've played: Minecraft obviously, Terraria, Team fortress 2, Fallout 3, Fallout new vegas, Grand theft auto 4 and the dlc, Etc...
What was the first video game you beat: Hard to remember but I believe it was halo although Im no longer a mega fan of the franchise.
What do you look for in a server: Good old vanilla minecraft survival. Although this server changes that its nice to have something different.
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: Ive been on a few but have never heard of one like the Bmk server.
What was your last server and why did you leave: was the ip it was already full of people not enough build space.
How much do you play a week: 5 -7 days a week.
What class will you choose and why: Hunter it just fits me if not I can do any other jobs and can protect the town daily.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: Its open world elements and being able to turn it into anything.
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: A place were the server is a total anarchy witch means thieveing as well as people randomly killing each other.
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Check forums and blogs
Why should we select you over the other applicants: You shouldn't select me over other people if at the door you see them as having a better chance than me. But I can advertise the server through youtube, I have a skype, I can make awesome skins, and I can do anything people want me too.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): I would have to go with kick-ass the wanna be super hero from the hit movie Kick-ass.
Then why are you making that observation?...
Read the Rules:
Fill out an Application:
SkulBuster: Can you fill out an application again?
Samoblivion: In some cases we'd allow it, but we think you'd be better off pursuing another server for your benefit. We're a VERY light RP server.
AND A MESSAGE TO EVERYONE: Reposting again asking about getting whitelisted or if we've seen your application will get you nowhere. If anything, it will merely annoy us which doesn't look good for your cause. We will whitelist when we get a chance.
Thanks guys (no, Flinn, not you :U)
Well since I was just considering your personality, I guess if you really want to, I can whitelist you. I don't really see any reason not to otherwise.
Ive tweaked the Forum info since it was a bit old and so many new things have occurred since then. Tomorrow I will be adding Pictures and maybe even redo the Logo.
Also, for those of you who have a friend or two who want to join, and have filled out an application. DO NOT nag Admins/Moderators In-game for their Application to be read over, this only annoys us and is a sign of impatience. Our Whitelist staff (Gamer36640 and minime77) read and approve Whitelist Applications on their own time, so dont rush them.
- Flop
Fair enough. Whitelisted.
Tell us a little about yourself:Well i like to play xbox games and i just bought minecraft yesterday.
List some of the video games you've played: halo, call of duty black ops, castlevania,and zelda
What was the first video game you beat:The legend of Zelda ocarina of time
What do you look for in a server: just to havefun
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: well i have not had much history with smp but i have been on a game smp server
What was your last server and why did you leave:Savage realms because people would always steal from my house
How much do you play a week:everyday
What class will you choose and why:miner i love to mine
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:mineing
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: when people steal from you and when they start attacking your friends
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:i just keep looking on some minecraft websites
Why should we select you over the other applicants:i still have alot to showto the minecraft world.
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): the green lanter (i think i spelld that wrong) he s my favorite ecause he can make anything out of a ring on his hand.
please let my join this server
Tell us a little about yourself:Am fun and always help others
List some of the video games you've played:on the comp:minecraft terria runescape
What was the first video game you beat:cod2
What do you look for in a server:fun staff and a great time
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers:none im new to servers
What was your last server and why did you leave:none
How much do you play a week:6 or 7 days
What class will you choose and why:miner because i like to mine and fight monsters while mining
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most:fun do what you want thing
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server:protect yourself and if you team up you can work together
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told:go on forums and website almost everyday
Why should we select you over the other applicants:because i like this type of server and hope you will accept
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted):Captain America because i really patriotic
Your IGN: StephenSeed
Tell us a little about yourself: Hello, my name is Stephen... I'm a very serious guy most of them time... Occasionally if you push hard enough you can get me to relax :3
List some of the video games you've played: Err..... I do like "Lost planet 2" It was a great series.. I'm not so much a call of duty fan I prefer Halo.
What was the first video game you beat: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
What do you look for in a server: Obviously what everyone looks for ultimately... A good time, which includes: Friendly community, High up-time, Little Lag, Well put together server.
Tell us about your history with SMP Servers: Don't have much of a history... Never have griefed on a no-grief server.
What was your last server and why did you leave: Don't remember the ip... I left because of the seed.. it was terrible, too many mountains always falling.
How much do you play a week: Oooh, what an embarrassing question :smile.gif: I'd rather not answer.
What class will you choose and why: Probably a miner.. I've perfected diamond mining in single player.. I know a few tricks if you know what I mean :smile.gif: BUT! I could be a Scavenger... I do like farming as well as making food, it would just depend on which class was needed more.
What aspects of Minecraft appeal to you the most: The creativity overall
What do you think justifies the use of PvP on a SMP server: It's a "Survival" server... What could possibly justify not using it?
How do you keep up to date with your Minecraft server without being told: Errr, this question confuses me... I'll play the server... I don't think I have to be told to get on, if I really enjoy the server, which I probably will, I'll be on a lot.
Why should we select you over the other applicants: Because I'm a respectful guy who gives real opinions and doesn't beat around the bush... I don't want to sound conceited but you did ask :happy.gif:
Favorite Superhero and why (Batman and Iron man no longer accepted): Spiderman... my uncle died and it left a scar in my mom.. He was a big spiderman fan so she loves spiderman now... Naturally if I had to choose any superhero I'd choose spiderman.
By the way! I tried your texture pack.. I really dislike the sun it ruins my immersion... if your going to make a texture pack and have a role playing server make it a role playing texture pack(just a bit of constructive criticism)
Look up "The Great Sea" In the texture topic Its awesome!