2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
3. What class will you be playing as: scavenger
4. Why did you choose that class: i like farming
5. How active will you be on the server: very
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: tekkit server because it was down alot
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: im okay with it but dont prefer it
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: functionality
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Danomite5
About You:
11. What is your age:17
12. Describe yourself: just like to play games
13. What country do you live in: united states
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: i do
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: nope
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Rachet and clank
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: thor
18. who created minecraft? Neil Patrick Harris
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 1 and a half years. 3. What class will you be playing as: Im looking to play a miner. 4. Why did you choose that class: Im playing with a group of friend who are going with the other 3. 5. How active will you be on the server: Im entering summer break i hope to be on quite often. 6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I left a tekkit server recently due to it being down so much. 7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: If it is a PvP server im all in, but i dont mind playing with others in a co-op environment. 8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I always try to make my buildings ascetical as possible. 9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32 10. How did you hear about the server: I searched for a Zombie Survival server on the Minecraft Forums.
About You:
11. What is your age: 17 12. Describe yourself: I'm a ginger but i make us look good. (Coppercab is why i cant have nice things.) I like working with others and having fun more than anything! 13. What country do you live in: United States 14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic and Vent installed. 15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Me and the following people would like to be in the same company: MDaoust, Joevader, HappyTreeSunday. 16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Poke-mon blue. 17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Neil Patrick Harris (Legen -wait for it- dary) 18. Neil Patrick Harris. Some say Notch though. Edited for yet another font fail.
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7.3 3. What class will you be playing as: Scavenger 4. Why did you choose that class: It's just the thing I like to do. 5. How active will you be on the server: I hope to be very active. 6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Skicraft, I still occasionally play on it, but I got bored. 7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I think it adds a new element of competition and trying to be the best in order to survive. 8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I usually build something to fit in with the theme the server or faction. 9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: You can craft thirty-two sticks. 10. How did you hear about the server: I was browsing through the Survival Servers and I saw the title" ...Zombie Survival...", and that just caught my attention.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15 12. Describe yourself: I am a computer programmer (and have been since I was 8). I am also learning how to make mods and plugins for Minecraft. 13. What country do you live in: United States of America 14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I wish I did have a mic, if I did I would use it. Sorry. 15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Yes, I play to win, not to lose. 16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: The first video game I beat was, I believe it was Top Gear for Super Nintendo... when I was 3 years old... 17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Herobrine from Minecraft. 18. What is pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067 and yes... I did memorize this.
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since early alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Hunter
4. Why did you choose that class: I read the summary, and I like the idea of leading the fights against the undead,and being a sort of "tank" fighter.
5. How active will you be on the server: I will be as active as I can, Im sure I will play some every day!
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I played on a PvP server called VoidWars, but it was closed down because of cash problems.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:I like the Idea, as you can be extremely creative in the ways you PvP.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality. I have never been a good builder, but I love trying to make the most efficient creations I can.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Danomite5
About You:
11. What is your age:16
12. Describe yourself:I am generally a fun person to be around. I enjoy group coordination, and working with others to achieve a common goal.
13. What country do you live in: United States
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, and I will use Ventrilo if necessary.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not particularly.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Battle-Toads
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Spiderman
18. Who created minecraft: Neil Patrick Harris
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Minecraft Related:
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): GreatJedi7
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since about 1-2 weeks before 1.0 came out.
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: I really, really love ranged combat a lot, so Scout seems like the obvious choice for me.
5. How active will you be on the server: When ever I can get on.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Legends: Wildlands, and I haven't left because it's a really cool server.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: It's when done right. But it can get out of hand sometimes in my experience.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality, and then maybe I go back and make it look nice later.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32?
10. How did you hear about the server: I was actively looking for a cool Zombie server, and I stumbled upon this one. Then after I saw the server trailer I was sold.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15.
12. Describe yourself: Well, I'm generally a friendly guy when I'm in a good mood (which is most of the time), and I also consider myself "hyper creative". Seriously, I thought up an entire in-depth movie plot in a matter of minutes, and I'm putting that movie into production this summer with some friends, so yeah.
13. What country do you live in: U.S.A.
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I don't have a mic, sorry. If I did I definitely use Ventrilo however.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Well, I play three instruments (drums, piano and guitar), and I listen to all sorts of rock music. Not too big on rap, pop, or country though. Just not my thing.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Super Mario World when I was 4.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Batman!
18. Who created Minecraft: Neil Patrick Harris
Either that's very clever advertising, or you shouldn't put it up, as they PM it to people if they're accepted.
Haha nah, but that actually would've been a pretty clever ad. I couldn't find it anywhere on the front page so I researched it a bit, and that IP came up here. Guessing it's their old IP or something... I'll just delete that last post
Apparently you can't delete posts on Minecraft Forums and I'm god awful at BBCode...
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7.3
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't really like melee and I prefer to have a long ranged weapon than a melee one
5. How active will you be on the server: 2 to all days of the week
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, it was long ago and I cant actually remember what was the server but, I leave because I was bored from that server
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I don't really like PvP
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality most but looks too
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: With four logs you can craft 32 sticks
10. How did you hear about the server: I was searching for zombie survival servers on the minecraft forums
About You:
11. What is your age: I am 12 years old
12. Describe yourself: I am a boy that like's games as Minecraft and the zombie and co-op style games
13. What country do you live in: I live in Paraguay
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I got the laptop mic and I will use Ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not Realy
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: It was Crash Bandicoot
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Goku, from Dragon Ball Z
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: I think about a year or so, maybe less, maybe more.
3. What class will you be playing as: Scavenger.
4. Why did you choose that class: It was hard to choose between a miner and a scavenger, but i picked scavenger as it seemed more challenging timing your crops while helping your teammates to make it the most efficient way.
5. How active will you be on the server: Every day I can, which is almost every day and for hours.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Fantasy craft, I did not leave, it is just down for the summers.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I like it in an aspect, as long as people don't get out of control with it.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality, then looks. Looks are not important if the building doesn't work.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Just looking on the Minecraft Forums.
About You:
11. What is your age: 14
12. Describe yourself: Video game addict >
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: Yes, but I prefer Skype.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not really.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Original Mario on the Super nintendo, or the nintendo 64, i forgot what one. The really old mario games
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: The Hulk
18: Who created minecraft?
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: sience 1.7.3, idk how longthat is
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: In RP servers, i am always to sneaky type. This is also true for any rpg game
5. How active will you be on the server: I'll try to get on as much as I can. School just ended, so i should be on alot
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, I like to play multiple servers at once
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I love it! I guess in my head, its sounds really cool. Planing attcaks, raids, helping your ally's out and other things.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Looks. I want to feel good about where i live
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: MC fourms
About You:
11. What is your age: 14
12. Describe yourself: Atheltic and out going.
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but idk how to use Ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not really no...
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: O gwad.....I can't even rember back that far. I think it was rocket power the video game when I was 5 or 6
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Leoglas is my fav Fictional character and spiderman would be my fav superhero
Minecraft Related:
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Kevinalapedorina
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Early Alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't like to just stay in one place and collect materials and such. I like to go out and adventure but not so much as get myself killed by going straight into the action.
5. How active will you be on the server: About 2-3 hours a day usually.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: My last minecraft server was a small community thrived server but I had to leave because the server got shutdown.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: There's always to much PvP and not enough working together. Warfare is cool and all especially on a team I just kinda don't like it when your killing each other all the time.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Mainly looks, I want people to think good about my builds but after that functionality. I like to make my builds look nice and smooth so that they blend in with the environment.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: I was just browsing through the forums looking for a fun server. About You:
11. What is your age: 16
12. Describe yourself:Social, I like to work with others in game and I just like to have fun.
13. What country do you live in: U.S
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but at first I probably won't but as soon as I get to know the community more sure I will. 15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am definitely a minecraft addict and I hate doing things solo.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: I would have to say Prototype. 17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Well I have a favorite super villain and that would have to be Carnage. But no super hero. 18. Who created minecraft? Well I would have to say Notch but I overheard rumors of Neal Patrick Harris working with him so I'd say they both did and they split the money 50:50.I fudged up..
Well I fixed it now
Minecraft Related:
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Kevinalapedorina
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Early Alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't like to just stay in one place and collect materials and such. I like to go out and adventure but not so much as get myself killed by going straight into the action.
5. How active will you be on the server: About 2-3 hours a day usually.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: My last minecraft server was a small community thrived server but I had to leave because the server got shutdown.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: There's always to much PvP and not enough working together. Warfare is cool and all especially on a team I just kinda don't like it when your killing each other all the time.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Mainly looks, I want people to think good about my builds but after that functionality. I like to make my builds look nice and smooth so that they blend in with the environment.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: I was just browsing through the forums looking for a fun server.
About You:
11. What is your age: 16
12. Describe yourself:Social, I like to work with others in game and I just like to have fun.
13. What country do you live in: U.S
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but at first I probably won't but as soon as I get to know the community more sure I will.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am definitely a minecraft addict and I hate doing things solo.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: I would have to say Prototype.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Well I have a favorite super villain and that would have to be Carnage. But no super hero. 18. Who created minecraft? Well I would have to say Notch but I overheard rumors of Neal Patrick Harris working with him so I'd say they both did and they split the money 50:50.
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): MCdiggss
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: for 6 months
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout, i really can play anything
4. Why did you choose that class: In RP servers, i am good at sneak and i also go sneak in any fps
5. How active will you be on the server: I'll try to get on as much as I can. usually everyday
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, I play usually the hunger games server usually and servers from my friends only
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: fun brings whole new things to minecraft
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building:design, i like to think as if i would live there
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Minecraft forum
About You:
11. What is your age: 13
12. Describe yourself: Atheltic, friendly, and also outgoing
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but i never tried ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Nah im good.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: pokemon bro...
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: thor avengers
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 2 years 3. What class will you be playing as: Miner or anything 4. Why did you choose that class: I'm usually the tank of the faction, but i wanted to try something new 5. How active will you be on the server: Most Likely play every day unless with family/ friends 6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: UndeadEndor, i was a mod, but the server got shut down because the owners had issues with their family 7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: Its really fun and i love making strategies and being prepared for anything 8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: functionality, but i try to make it look nice after everything is done 9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32 10. How did you hear about the server: Searching for zombie apocalypse
About You:
11. What is your age:13 12. Describe yourself: Im Pretty random and crazy, but reliable and trustworthy when i need to be 13. What country do you live in: United States of America 14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo:I have a mic, i wont use ventrillo, but i use skype alot 15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I like turtles 16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Pokemon Gold XD 17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Finn? Adventure Time and its Clever Writing:P 18. Neil Patrick Harris
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Almost 2 years.
3. What class will you be playing as: Miner
4. Why did you choose that class: One of my favorite things to do in minecraft, unlike most players is mining.
I feel that I am a very experienced miner.
5. How active will you be on the server: I will log in almost every day, I may miss one every now and then because im busy.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I shutdown my minecraft server because I didnt have enough money to keep paying for it. However, I had left another server that my friend invited me to because it was overrun by griefers.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: Its fun to do when a server is having a special event that you can opt in and opt out of but when your trying to build or gather supplies it is just mean to kill other people and they should be temp banned or banned.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Depends on what I am building for, how much time I have, who its for. Usually functionality, but I dont build ugly buildings.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Right here on the minecraft forums page. I was looking for a good server to join.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15
12. Describe yourself: I am musical, friendly, smart, and a good team mate.
13. What country do you live in: U.S.
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, however I have never used Ventrilo. I will if I need to though.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I have had experience with owning and operating a minecraft server myself.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Hmm... honestly I cannot remember. Might have been like pac-man or a similar arcade game. (It was a story mode of pac-man)
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Thor!
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft:I have played Minecraft when it was in Beta 1.6.1, ever since Wolfs have came.
3. What class will you be playing as:The cless I would like to play as would be the Scout
4. Why did you choose that class:I would choose this class because I love being an Archer, especially an Elemental one!
5. How active will you be on the server:I would be on this server everyday, for 1 or more hours
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave:The last Minecraft server I have left was another Zombie Survival, but it didnt have AWESOME classws
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:My view towards PVP and Warfare in Minecraft is alright.I like PvP servers, but I'd prefer Zombie ones.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building:When I build in Minecraft, I tend to focus on functionality vs Looks. Looks are great, but they suck if it doesnt have alot of function to it.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs:With four logs, you can make 32 sticks
10. How did you hear about the server:I heard about this server thru a friend, S0raS0da
About You:
11. What is your age: I am 13 at the moment
12. Describe yourself:I am very derpy and tend to mess around and do random things. I an goint to 8th grade and I also tent to be very serioud at times
13. What country do you live in:I live in NY, NY
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo:I have a mic and WILL use Ventrilo if need be
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you:I like Xbox and Video Games
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten:The very first game I've beaten would be Halo 2.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character:My favorite fictional character would Hawkeye from the Avengers. He is the reason why I love being an Archer.
still didn't receive ip, and my application is a couple of pages before this one...
If you remember reading on the front page or wherever it was written by them, they said applications can take anywhere from a couple days to a few hours. So just be patient, I am sure they will get to yah ;D
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): pokemonobsessed
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: about a year
3. What class will you be playing as: hunter
4. Why did you choose that class: i am a expert at bows
5. How active will you be on the server: i can only be online on weekend but every weekend i always play minecraft
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: my last server was empire minecraft i left it cause it has no pvp no mob arena no mobs it sucked
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:i always liked killing random people in minecraft so pvp to me is a tournament not to be taken to seriously
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: it depends if its just for show seriously if it has a function i try to do my best to make it look good
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs:32
10. How did you hear about the server: i saw it on the minecraft forums About You:
11. What is your age:14
12. Describe yourself:happy go lucky i do not go mad very quickly
13. What country do you live in: united states
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: yes
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you:one of the traits i have is knowledge of redstone
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten:call of duty world at war
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: iron man
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
3. What class will you be playing as: scavenger
4. Why did you choose that class: i like farming
5. How active will you be on the server: very
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: tekkit server because it was down alot
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: im okay with it but dont prefer it
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: functionality
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Danomite5
About You:
11. What is your age:17
12. Describe yourself: just like to play games
13. What country do you live in: united states
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: i do
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: nope
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Rachet and clank
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: thor
18. who created minecraft? Neil Patrick Harris
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Danomite5
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 1 and a half years.
3. What class will you be playing as: Im looking to play a miner.
4. Why did you choose that class: Im playing with a group of friend who are going with the other 3.
5. How active will you be on the server: Im entering summer break i hope to be on quite often.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I left a tekkit server recently due to it being down so much.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: If it is a PvP server im all in, but i dont mind playing with others in a co-op environment.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I always try to make my buildings ascetical as possible.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: I searched for a Zombie Survival server on the Minecraft Forums.
About You:
11. What is your age: 17
12. Describe yourself: I'm a ginger but i make us look good. (Coppercab is why i cant have nice things.) I like working with others and having fun more than anything!
13. What country do you live in: United States
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic and Vent installed.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Me and the following people would like to be in the same company: MDaoust, Joevader, HappyTreeSunday.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Poke-mon blue.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Neil Patrick Harris (Legen -wait for it- dary)
18. Neil Patrick Harris. Some say Notch though.
Edited for yet another font fail.
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7.3
3. What class will you be playing as: Scavenger
4. Why did you choose that class: It's just the thing I like to do.
5. How active will you be on the server: I hope to be very active.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Skicraft, I still occasionally play on it, but I got bored.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I think it adds a new element of competition and trying to be the best in order to survive.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: I usually build something to fit in with the theme the server or faction.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: You can craft thirty-two sticks.
10. How did you hear about the server: I was browsing through the Survival Servers and I saw the title" ...Zombie Survival...", and that just caught my attention.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15
12. Describe yourself: I am a computer programmer (and have been since I was 8). I am also learning how to make mods and plugins for Minecraft.
13. What country do you live in: United States of America
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I wish I did have a mic, if I did I would use it. Sorry.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Yes, I play to win, not to lose.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: The first video game I beat was, I believe it was Top Gear for Super Nintendo... when I was 3 years old...
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Herobrine from Minecraft.
18. What is pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067 and yes... I did memorize this.
Get paid to shrink your URLs! Register here!
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): joevader
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since early alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Hunter
4. Why did you choose that class: I read the summary, and I like the idea of leading the fights against the undead,and being a sort of "tank" fighter.
5. How active will you be on the server: I will be as active as I can, Im sure I will play some every day!
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I played on a PvP server called VoidWars, but it was closed down because of cash problems.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:I like the Idea, as you can be extremely creative in the ways you PvP.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality. I have never been a good builder, but I love trying to make the most efficient creations I can.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Danomite5
About You:
11. What is your age:16
12. Describe yourself:I am generally a fun person to be around. I enjoy group coordination, and working with others to achieve a common goal.
13. What country do you live in: United States
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, and I will use Ventrilo if necessary.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not particularly.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Battle-Toads
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Spiderman
18. Who created minecraft: Neil Patrick Harris
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): GreatJedi7
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since about 1-2 weeks before 1.0 came out.
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: I really, really love ranged combat a lot, so Scout seems like the obvious choice for me.
5. How active will you be on the server: When ever I can get on.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Legends: Wildlands, and I haven't left because it's a really cool server.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: It's when done right. But it can get out of hand sometimes in my experience.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality, and then maybe I go back and make it look nice later.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32?
10. How did you hear about the server: I was actively looking for a cool Zombie server, and I stumbled upon this one. Then after I saw the server trailer I was sold.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15.
12. Describe yourself: Well, I'm generally a friendly guy when I'm in a good mood (which is most of the time), and I also consider myself "hyper creative". Seriously, I thought up an entire in-depth movie plot in a matter of minutes, and I'm putting that movie into production this summer with some friends, so yeah.
13. What country do you live in: U.S.A.
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I don't have a mic, sorry. If I did I definitely use Ventrilo however.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Well, I play three instruments (drums, piano and guitar), and I listen to all sorts of rock music. Not too big on rap, pop, or country though. Just not my thing.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Super Mario World when I was 4.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Batman!
18. Who created Minecraft: Neil Patrick Harris
Haha nah, but that actually would've been a pretty clever ad. I couldn't find it anywhere on the front page so I researched it a bit, and that IP came up here. Guessing it's their old IP or something... I'll just delete that last post
Apparently you can't delete posts on Minecraft Forums and I'm god awful at BBCode...
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Jorge180899
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.7.3
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't really like melee and I prefer to have a long ranged weapon than a melee one
5. How active will you be on the server: 2 to all days of the week
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, it was long ago and I cant actually remember what was the server but, I leave because I was bored from that server
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I don't really like PvP
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality most but looks too
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: With four logs you can craft 32 sticks
10. How did you hear about the server: I was searching for zombie survival servers on the minecraft forums
About You:
11. What is your age: I am 12 years old
12. Describe yourself: I am a boy that like's games as Minecraft and the zombie and co-op style games
13. What country do you live in: I live in Paraguay
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I got the laptop mic and I will use Ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not Realy
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: It was Crash Bandicoot
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Goku, from Dragon Ball Z
18.Who Created Minecraft?: Neil Patrick Harris
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: I think about a year or so, maybe less, maybe more.
3. What class will you be playing as: Scavenger.
4. Why did you choose that class: It was hard to choose between a miner and a scavenger, but i picked scavenger as it seemed more challenging timing your crops while helping your teammates to make it the most efficient way.
5. How active will you be on the server: Every day I can, which is almost every day and for hours.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Fantasy craft, I did not leave, it is just down for the summers.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I like it in an aspect, as long as people don't get out of control with it.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Functionality, then looks. Looks are not important if the building doesn't work.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Just looking on the Minecraft Forums.
About You:
11. What is your age: 14
12. Describe yourself: Video game addict >
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: Yes, but I prefer Skype.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not really.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Original Mario on the Super nintendo, or the nintendo 64, i forgot what one. The really old mario games
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: The Hulk
18: Who created minecraft?
MLP Sucks.
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): clayHead
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: sience 1.7.3, idk how longthat is
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: In RP servers, i am always to sneaky type. This is also true for any rpg game
5. How active will you be on the server: I'll try to get on as much as I can. School just ended, so i should be on alot
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, I like to play multiple servers at once
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: I love it! I guess in my head, its sounds really cool. Planing attcaks, raids, helping your ally's out and other things.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Looks. I want to feel good about where i live
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: MC fourms
About You:
11. What is your age: 14
12. Describe yourself: Atheltic and out going.
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but idk how to use Ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Not really no...
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: O gwad.....I can't even rember back that far. I think it was rocket power the video game when I was 5 or 6
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Leoglas is my fav Fictional character and spiderman would be my fav superhero
Oh damn, hitting them straight in their fandom. Haha, what a low blow.
Minecraft Related:
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Kevinalapedorina
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Early Alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't like to just stay in one place and collect materials and such. I like to go out and adventure but not so much as get myself killed by going straight into the action.
5. How active will you be on the server: About 2-3 hours a day usually.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: My last minecraft server was a small community thrived server but I had to leave because the server got shutdown.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: There's always to much PvP and not enough working together. Warfare is cool and all especially on a team I just kinda don't like it when your killing each other all the time.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Mainly looks, I want people to think good about my builds but after that functionality. I like to make my builds look nice and smooth so that they blend in with the environment.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: I was just browsing through the forums looking for a fun server.
About You:
11. What is your age: 16
12. Describe yourself:Social, I like to work with others in game and I just like to have fun.
13. What country do you live in: U.S
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but at first I probably won't but as soon as I get to know the community more sure I will.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am definitely a minecraft addict and I hate doing things solo.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: I would have to say Prototype.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Well I have a favorite super villain and that would have to be Carnage. But no super hero. 18. Who created minecraft? Well I would have to say Notch but I overheard rumors of Neal Patrick Harris working with him so I'd say they both did and they split the money 50:50.I fudged up..
Well I fixed it now
Minecraft Related:
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Kevinalapedorina
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Early Alpha
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout
4. Why did you choose that class: Because I don't like to just stay in one place and collect materials and such. I like to go out and adventure but not so much as get myself killed by going straight into the action.
5. How active will you be on the server: About 2-3 hours a day usually.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: My last minecraft server was a small community thrived server but I had to leave because the server got shutdown.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: There's always to much PvP and not enough working together. Warfare is cool and all especially on a team I just kinda don't like it when your killing each other all the time.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Mainly looks, I want people to think good about my builds but after that functionality. I like to make my builds look nice and smooth so that they blend in with the environment.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: I was just browsing through the forums looking for a fun server.
About You:
11. What is your age: 16
12. Describe yourself:Social, I like to work with others in game and I just like to have fun.
13. What country do you live in: U.S
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but at first I probably won't but as soon as I get to know the community more sure I will.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I am definitely a minecraft addict and I hate doing things solo.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: I would have to say Prototype.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Well I have a favorite super villain and that would have to be Carnage. But no super hero. 18. Who created minecraft? Well I would have to say Notch but I overheard rumors of Neal Patrick Harris working with him so I'd say they both did and they split the money 50:50.
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: for 6 months
3. What class will you be playing as: Scout, i really can play anything
4. Why did you choose that class: In RP servers, i am good at sneak and i also go sneak in any fps
5. How active will you be on the server: I'll try to get on as much as I can. usually everyday
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: Well, I play usually the hunger games server usually and servers from my friends only
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: fun brings whole new things to minecraft
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building:design, i like to think as if i would live there
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Minecraft forum
About You:
11. What is your age: 13
12. Describe yourself: Atheltic, friendly, and also outgoing
13. What country do you live in: USA
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, but i never tried ventrilo
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: Nah im good.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: pokemon bro...
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: thor avengers
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive):S0raS0da
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: About 2 years
3. What class will you be playing as: Miner or anything
4. Why did you choose that class: I'm usually the tank of the faction, but i wanted to try something new
5. How active will you be on the server: Most Likely play every day unless with family/ friends
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: UndeadEndor, i was a mod, but the server got shut down because the owners had issues with their family
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: Its really fun and i love making strategies and being prepared for anything
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: functionality, but i try to make it look nice after everything is done
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Searching for zombie apocalypse
About You:
11. What is your age:13
12. Describe yourself: Im Pretty random and crazy, but reliable and trustworthy when i need to be
13. What country do you live in: United States of America
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo:I have a mic, i wont use ventrillo, but i use skype alot
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I like turtles
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Pokemon Gold XD
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Finn? Adventure Time and its Clever Writing:P
18. Neil Patrick Harris
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): Samy987123
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Almost 2 years.
3. What class will you be playing as: Miner
4. Why did you choose that class: One of my favorite things to do in minecraft, unlike most players is mining.
I feel that I am a very experienced miner.
5. How active will you be on the server: I will log in almost every day, I may miss one every now and then because im busy.
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: I shutdown my minecraft server because I didnt have enough money to keep paying for it. However, I had left another server that my friend invited me to because it was overrun by griefers.
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft: Its fun to do when a server is having a special event that you can opt in and opt out of but when your trying to build or gather supplies it is just mean to kill other people and they should be temp banned or banned.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: Depends on what I am building for, how much time I have, who its for. Usually functionality, but I dont build ugly buildings.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs: 32
10. How did you hear about the server: Right here on the minecraft forums page. I was looking for a good server to join.
About You:
11. What is your age: 15
12. Describe yourself: I am musical, friendly, smart, and a good team mate.
13. What country do you live in: U.S.
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: I have a mic, however I have never used Ventrilo. I will if I need to though.
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you: I have had experience with owning and operating a minecraft server myself.
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten: Hmm... honestly I cannot remember. Might have been like pac-man or a similar arcade game. (It was a story mode of pac-man)
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: Thor!
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft:I have played Minecraft when it was in Beta 1.6.1, ever since Wolfs have came.
3. What class will you be playing as:The cless I would like to play as would be the Scout
4. Why did you choose that class:I would choose this class because I love being an Archer, especially an Elemental one!
5. How active will you be on the server:I would be on this server everyday, for 1 or more hours
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave:The last Minecraft server I have left was another Zombie Survival, but it didnt have AWESOME classws
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:My view towards PVP and Warfare in Minecraft is alright.I like PvP servers, but I'd prefer Zombie ones.
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building:When I build in Minecraft, I tend to focus on functionality vs Looks. Looks are great, but they suck if it doesnt have alot of function to it.
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs:With four logs, you can make 32 sticks
10. How did you hear about the server:I heard about this server thru a friend, S0raS0da
About You:
11. What is your age: I am 13 at the moment
12. Describe yourself:I am very derpy and tend to mess around and do random things. I an goint to 8th grade and I also tent to be very serioud at times
13. What country do you live in:I live in NY, NY
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo:I have a mic and WILL use Ventrilo if need be
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you:I like Xbox and Video Games
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten:The very first game I've beaten would be Halo 2.
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character:My favorite fictional character would Hawkeye from the Avengers. He is the reason why I love being an Archer.
I know. I expected more of a flamewar after that ;A;
If you remember reading on the front page or wherever it was written by them, they said applications can take anywhere from a couple days to a few hours. So just be patient, I am sure they will get to yah ;D
1. What is your IGN (Case-Sensitive): pokemonobsessed
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft: about a year
3. What class will you be playing as: hunter
4. Why did you choose that class: i am a expert at bows
5. How active will you be on the server: i can only be online on weekend but every weekend i always play minecraft
6. What was your last Minecraft server and why did you leave: my last server was empire minecraft i left it cause it has no pvp no mob arena no mobs it sucked
7. What is your view towards PvP and Warfare in Minecraft:i always liked killing random people in minecraft so pvp to me is a tournament not to be taken to seriously
8. Do you focus on looks or functionality when building: it depends if its just for show seriously if it has a function i try to do my best to make it look good
9. How many sticks can you craft with four logs:32
10. How did you hear about the server: i saw it on the minecraft forums
About You:
11. What is your age:14
12. Describe yourself:happy go lucky i do not go mad very quickly
13. What country do you live in: united states
14. Voice communication is important on this server, we use Ventrilo. Do you have a mic and will you use Ventrilo: yes
15. Is there anything you would like us to know about you:one of the traits i have is knowledge of redstone
16. What is the first video game that you've beaten:call of duty world at war
17. Who is your favorite Super Hero or Fictional character: iron man
Diamond for you