#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 15 UK
#3 How did you hear about us?
- Minecraftforum.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- because im interested in a cool server with nice/lots of
good plugins
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes i did read and understand the rules
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- yes I have
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 22 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- The Minecraft Forums
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- This server looks really cool! I have been looking for one just like this for a while now and I seem to have found it!
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Yes! =D
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 25 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC.net // Friend *Thalmane*
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- Because I'm tired of being bored with MC and I need something refreshing, new and fun. Plus, I'm an old Asheron's Call player. :biggrin.gif:
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Yes
- t0wnie
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 17 Australia
#3 How did you hear about us?
- minecraft.net and my friend peskwee(legend)
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- because im a creative, and i want to show my skills and have fun with all my friends and make new friends,
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- yes i did
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- YEPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DarkLordAnt
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 15 UK
#3 How did you hear about us?
- Minecraftforum.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- because im interested in a cool server with nice/lots of
good plugins
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes i did read and understand the rules
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- yes I have
- JustJorel
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 22 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- The Minecraft Forums
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- This server looks really cool! I have been looking for one just like this for a while now and I seem to have found it!
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Yes! =D
- iDraghin
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 18 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- 'Cause I want a server that's dangerous and fun. <-----This.
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes I did.
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
-Yes, yes I did!
- Aranki
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 25 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC.net // Friend *Thalmane*
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- Because I'm tired of being bored with MC and I need something refreshing, new and fun. Plus, I'm an old Asheron's Call player. :biggrin.gif:
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Yes
please type /ch o to join public chat
- mozoid
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 16 Singapore
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- I joined at first and the people were mature and helpful so i want to join! :biggrin.gif:
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes.
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Yes.
please type /ch o to join public chat
#2 Australia, 18
#3 MC.net
#4 looks and sounds like a fairly awesome server
#5 Indeed I did
#6 yep
please type /ch o to join public chat
#1 In-Game Name
- doublenix
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 31 America
#3 How did you hear about us?
- minecraftforum.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- Seems interesting. Looking for a server I can have a challenge with while having a good time
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yes
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- Sure did
- Iffy / rGLeGiit
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 19 / 24
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC.net
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- I want a fun, stable, pvp server
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- I did.
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- I did!
- BrotherReid
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- USA - 21
#3 How did you hear about us?
- MC forums
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- 'This server has everything I'm looking for and I'd like to make it my main smp server.
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- I did.
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
-Indeed, loved it.
type in /ch o to join public chat Add some above who were missed as well. doublenix and eQuaLy1337
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- Canada, 18
#3 How did you hear about us?
- A friend
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- I want a server that anybody complains about pvping
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- I did
#6 Have you logged on to DarkTide at least once?
- I did
Type in /ch o to join public chat
Type in /ch o to join public chat
type /ch o to join public chat