OK as for the new Permissions system, You post on this page What type of Vehicles you want permission to use, Why you should be allowed to use it, and a random comment/fact.
I should use the airship because it will benefit my faction and others factions (through trading).The first raid conducted by a balloon was by the Austrians. they bombed Venice The bombs were on timed fuses. tnt yay! :tnt:.
I should use the airship because it will benefit my faction and others factions (through trading).The first raid conducted by a balloon was by the Austrians. they bombed Venice The bombs were on timed fuses. tnt yay! :tnt:.
TNT I see, Well I'll approve but Airships are not Bombers and once you use the TNT it will not re-spawn. I will approve of your application wait to be made a Certified_Airman. Do anything to prove your not worthy, and bam it's gone. So no ugly AirShips. :biggrin.gif:
Austisma you guys are to much of a hassle. I am sorry but I am letting you go. If you respond to this in any comment I will be happy because it is a excuse to bump the thread. So yes you guys are baned.
Why I should be Allowed: well i'm in the skypirates who live on airships, and i personally have a passion for airships and it would be great to fly one i beileve. Also with their growing popularity more and more airships are coming out and so theres a greater need to be a pilot.
Randomness: Its a wooden airship with some glowstone mixed in.
Why I should be Allowed: well i'm in the skypirates who live on airships, and i personally have a passion for airships and it would be great to fly one i beileve. Also with their growing popularity more and more airships are coming out and so theres a greater need to be a pilot.
Randomness: Its a wooden airship with some glowstone mixed in.
Accepted but, Wooden Airship with Glowstone is called a UFO.
1.4, Untill Bukkit makes 1.5
(facepalm) you 're either a ****ing cretin, or you be trollin.
Edit: Apparently Faction Teleport is broken.
I should use the airship because it will benefit my faction and others factions (through trading).The first raid conducted by a balloon was by the Austrians. they bombed Venice The bombs were on timed fuses. tnt yay! :tnt:.
TNT I see, Well I'll approve but Airships are not Bombers and once you use the TNT it will not re-spawn. I will approve of your application wait to be made a Certified_Airman. Do anything to prove your not worthy, and bam it's gone. So no ugly AirShips. :biggrin.gif:
Please excuse me shouting, but...
I'm at a friend's house and he won't let me downgrade Minecraft.
IGN: Zaneakye
Why I should be Allowed: well i'm in the skypirates who live on airships, and i personally have a passion for airships and it would be great to fly one i beileve. Also with their growing popularity more and more airships are coming out and so theres a greater need to be a pilot.
Randomness: Its a wooden airship with some glowstone mixed in.
Accepted but, Wooden Airship with Glowstone is called a UFO.
Ign: Zhone
EDIT: Why is no one online?
I do not know because no one is on. And no Wolf pounds for you.