By the way, I'm asking my mom if I can donate that $5 (?) that you need to get it dedicated. Just to clarify, dedicated means...
-Less lag
-24/7 Uptime
Also, I made this advertisement for Sunny Sands with my 1337 photo skillz:
I can make ads for other factions too (Yes, even the Predetors), just PM what your faction is like and, if you can, the picture(s) you want me to use. I'll whip one up as fast as I can.
And, I just made this, a banner to get this server more attention:
I suggest you change the name of the server to something like "King's Faction Survival" or something, the current one is VERY generic and won't garner much attention.
Also, King, mind keeping it up till about 6:00PM for the "wait for someone to get on until I down the server" thing you do? I get home around 4:00 actually and sometimes I can't get on the computer for about 1-2 hours.
And an update on the donation thing, I asked my mom, she said she'd only allow me to donate $5 if it was to Japan (I already donated $8), so sorry man, I'll keep trying D=
Mind PM'ing me the donation thing? Or just putting it in the OP?
By the way, I'm asking my mom if I can donate that $5 (?) that you need to get it dedicated. Just to clarify, dedicated means...
-Less lag
-24/7 Uptime
Also, I made this advertisement for Sunny Sands with my 1337 photo skillz:
I can make ads for other factions too (Yes, even the Predetors), just PM what your faction is like and, if you can, the picture(s) you want me to use. I'll whip one up as fast as I can.
And, I just made this, a banner to get this server more attention:
I suggest you change the name of the server to something like "King's Faction Survival" or something, the current one is VERY generic and won't garner much attention.
Also, King, mind keeping it up till about 6:00PM for the "wait for someone to get on until I down the server" thing you do? I get home around 4:00 actually and sometimes I can't get on the computer for about 1-2 hours.
And an update on the donation thing, I asked my mom, she said she'd only allow me to donate $5 if it was to Japan (I already donated $8), so sorry man, I'll keep trying D=
Mind PM'ing me the donation thing? Or just putting it in the OP?
@#$@ I am sorry, I did not know you where putting so much effort into it! Well I will try and do what I can do, I still need to get my Pay-pal account verified but when it is I will tell you, the server is still up but I changed to my none-bukkit server for a bit. I can switch between the 2 the old server is still there, just not on.
Well because no one likes to download mods, I turned the old server on. I do not expect anyone to actually come on though. The server is off for 1 day and everyone leaves...
EDIT2: Nevermind, didn't notice the changed IP.
How do you like the banner I made? Is it good?
You should probably put it in your sig, I'm going to work on it to have the new name, and maybe put a screenshot from the actual server.
EDIT3: Here it is, I'll add the link to the OP and all that jazz tomorrow, it's almost 1:00 here:
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what happened i died then you kept saying to respond and i did but it was laggy i dont even know what a speed hack is....then you banned me. i liked your server can u take the ban off.
I am sorry, according to the server it said you may be Speed Hacking, and I gave you 1 minute to respond with a response. You never responded and that is why you where baned. The ban is lifted but respond next time.
boff i logged in and discovered that i'm not my faction leader anymore .-.
To what faction and how long where you gone? After 14 days you and or your faction is removed automatically. But last week we also had a accidental reset, so that may explain it. Come back, the server is way better then before, but we still only have a cap of 8 people because NOBODY WILL DONATE 6$ TO MAKE THE CAP 20 PEOPLE.
18:46:28 [SEVERE] NC: Moving violation: JellyDonutEater from world (3510.48773,
75.00000, 3571.41536) to world (3510.49563, 79.80000, 3571.43309)
18:46:33 [SEVERE] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: JellyDonutEater total V
iolations: (0,1,2)
18:46:36 [SEVERE] NC: Moving violation: JellyDonutEater from world (3510.44710,
75.00000, 3571.32420) to world (3510.44710, 79.80000, 3571.32420)
18:46:39 [SEVERE] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: JellyDonutEater total V
iolations: (0,1,1)
I do not know what it means but I have never had 2 reports come together in less then 4 seconds, So I am on the safe side.
Hey king, Neoanite of movmou here.
The server has been down for quite a bit, are you just offline? Also remember to update it as there was just a patch release for weather :smile.gif:
How much do you need donated? If you link your paypal I could probably donate it if it hasn't been done already.
The server can't go up until Bukkit updates, then he can put the server up.
Also, if you don't update your game, you can still play on the server. I remembered that RIGHT as I clicked the Yes button.
boff i logged in and discovered that i'm not my faction leader anymore .-.
To what faction and how long where you gone? After 14 days you and or your faction is removed automatically. But last week we also had a accidental reset, so that may explain it. Come back, the server is way better then before, but we still only have a cap of 8 people because NOBODY WILL DONATE 6$ TO MAKE THE CAP 20 PEOPLE.
Predators, and the faction wasn't removed, it was still there (with half territory claimed..) with another leader
Factions were accidentally reset and Netizen (N3tiZ3n) started it again. If you ask him, he can give you adminship with /f admin name.
By the way, I'm asking my mom if I can donate that $5 (?) that you need to get it dedicated. Just to clarify, dedicated means...
-Less lag
-24/7 Uptime
Also, I made this advertisement for Sunny Sands with my 1337 photo skillz:
I can make ads for other factions too (Yes, even the Predetors), just PM what your faction is like and, if you can, the picture(s) you want me to use. I'll whip one up as fast as I can.
And, I just made this, a banner to get this server more attention:
I suggest you change the name of the server to something like "King's Faction Survival" or something, the current one is VERY generic and won't garner much attention.
Also, King, mind keeping it up till about 6:00PM for the "wait for someone to get on until I down the server" thing you do? I get home around 4:00 actually and sometimes I can't get on the computer for about 1-2 hours.
And an update on the donation thing, I asked my mom, she said she'd only allow me to donate $5 if it was to Japan (I already donated $8), so sorry man, I'll keep trying D=
Mind PM'ing me the donation thing? Or just putting it in the OP?
But what the hell? I can't access the server? King, what's wrong with it? It says:
Failed to connect to server
Connection refused: connect
Why? I'm going to have to start looking for a new server if this is kept up
@#$@ I am sorry, I did not know you where putting so much effort into it! Well I will try and do what I can do, I still need to get my Pay-pal account verified but when it is I will tell you, the server is still up but I changed to my none-bukkit server for a bit. I can switch between the 2 the old server is still there, just not on.
Why does it give me that error message?
EDIT2: Nevermind, didn't notice the changed IP.
How do you like the banner I made? Is it good?
You should probably put it in your sig, I'm going to work on it to have the new name, and maybe put a screenshot from the actual server.
EDIT3: Here it is, I'll add the link to the OP and all that jazz tomorrow, it's almost 1:00 here:
Now it has the new name!
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W ¯ ü ý þ ÿ
file Ljava/io/File; colorMember Lorg/bukkit/ChatColor; colorAlly colorNeutral
colorEnemy colorSystem colorChrome colorCommand colorParameter powerPlayerMax D powerPlayerMin powerPerMinute
powerPerDeath prefixAdmin Ljava/lang/String; prefixMod factionTagLengthMin I factionTagLengthMax factionTagForceUpperCase Z chatTagEnabled chatTagRelationColored chatTagInsertIndex
chatTagFormat factionChatFormat allowNoSlashCommand autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity homesEnabled homesTeleportToOnDeath territoryShieldFactor territoryBlockCreepers territoryBlockFireballs territoryBlockTNT safeZoneDenyBuild safeZoneDenyUseage safeZoneBlockTNT territoryProtectedMaterials Ljava/util/Set; Signature &Ljava/util/Set<Lorg/bukkit/Material;>; territoryDenyUseageMaterials safeZoneNerfedCreatureTypes 1Ljava/util/Set<Lorg/bukkit/entity/CreatureType;>; mapHeight mapWidth <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this !Lcom/bukkit/mcteam/factions/Conf; save ()Z e Ljava/io/IOException; load <clinit>
SourceFile ¡ o p com/bukkit/mcteam/factions/Conf java/io/IOException ¡ "Failed to save the config to disk. Loading conf from disk ! ¨ -No conf to load from disk. Creating new file. § ¨ "# $% $Failed to load the config from disk. java/io/File &' () conf.json * + r q r , r s r - r t r . r u r / r v r 0 r w r 1 r x r 2 r y r z { | { } { ~ { ** € * € ‚ ƒ „ ƒ … † ‡ † ˆ † ‰ ƒ java/lang/StringBuilder %s 34 35 67 Š € %s ‹ € Œ † { Ž † † { ‘ † ’ † “ † ” † • † – † java/util/HashSet — ˜ › ˜ œ ˜ ž ƒ Ÿ ƒ8 9:; <= >: ?: @: A: B: C: D:E FG HG IG JG KG LG MG java/lang/Object #com/bukkit/mcteam/factions/Factions gson Lcom/bukkit/mcteam/gson/Gson; com/bukkit/mcteam/gson/Gson toJson &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; com/bukkit/mcteam/util/DiscUtil write #(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V printStackTrace log (Ljava/lang/String;)V exists read "(Ljava/io/File;)Ljava/lang/String; fromJson 7(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object; instance %Lcom/bukkit/mcteam/factions/Factions;
getDataFolder ()Ljava/io/File; org/bukkit/ChatColor GREEN LIGHT_PURPLE WHITE RED YELLOW GOLD AQUA DARK_AQUA append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; -(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString ()Ljava/lang/String; org/bukkit/Material WOODEN_DOOR Lorg/bukkit/Material;
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I just made this:
By the way, why is the server suddenly down? What's going on?
new ip
I am sorry, according to the server it said you may be Speed Hacking, and I gave you 1 minute to respond with a response. You never responded and that is why you where baned. The ban is lifted but respond next time.
Not exactly what I was looking for.
To what faction and how long where you gone? After 14 days you and or your faction is removed automatically. But last week we also had a accidental reset, so that may explain it. Come back, the server is way better then before, but we still only have a cap of 8 people because NOBODY WILL DONATE 6$ TO MAKE THE CAP 20 PEOPLE.
18:46:28 [SEVERE] NC: Moving violation: JellyDonutEater from world (3510.48773,
75.00000, 3571.41536) to world (3510.49563, 79.80000, 3571.43309)
18:46:33 [SEVERE] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: JellyDonutEater total V
iolations: (0,1,2)
18:46:36 [SEVERE] NC: Moving violation: JellyDonutEater from world (3510.44710,
75.00000, 3571.32420) to world (3510.44710, 79.80000, 3571.32420)
18:46:39 [SEVERE] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: JellyDonutEater total V
iolations: (0,1,1)
I do not know what it means but I have never had 2 reports come together in less then 4 seconds, So I am on the safe side.
The server can't go up until Bukkit updates, then he can put the server up.
Also, if you don't update your game, you can still play on the server. I remembered that RIGHT as I clicked the Yes button.
Factions were accidentally reset and Netizen (N3tiZ3n) started it again. If you ask him, he can give you adminship with /f admin name.
But then I realized that we can't do that anymore!
Any news on when Bukkit will be updated so you could start the server?
EDIT: I think I saw the new Bukkit version on the main site? Is it even the newest version?