Well, im sorry but I might have to go as well, ive wasted my time on 3 maps building large fortresses and upkeeping with factions but thats time thats being wasted, the only reason id come back is to be staff or something of the sort and not really play, but just weed the bad people out, all in all I kind of liked this server and always looked forward to playing it every day. Sorry about everything king =/
P.S: Id appreaciate a pm with the old primordial map, id like to export it to my SP world and have a fun time.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Proud player of Killion Detention Center
Rank: Free
So you've gone all the way back to the primadorial and made a completely new one?
Good job... talk about not keeping hold of old files, sorry but I'm done with this server.
Sous, BlackenedJack, Zane, Azn and N3t it was good playing with you guys but I can't dedicate my time for it to be wiped whenever the admin feels like it. Have fun!
I have the old files, but I don't want to use them.
how about we do not get a new map, im not angry or fed up with king's decision, because well yeh on the first map we had an amazing big base but its a shame to see it gone. our second base was epic aswell but its gone aswell :/ but who cares a fresh start is gonna be even more fun and good!
and n3t why leave? u can just build the same again......it's not difficult just a little time..............Im on holiday in ibiza im finding time to play on this server and im really looking forward to playing with everyone.
Mainly because of the fact that I run a goldfarming operation and I used this to pass the time while my bots did all the work, but I cant have weeks of worth crushed in a single day over 3 times, id rather play an FPS that I can pick up and play all the time, and Im also not on vacation and will be studying over the summer for undisclosed reasons.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Proud player of Killion Detention Center
Rank: Free
Recruiting for people to Join the Ancients!
~"Come back to the old ways, as we attempt to regain control over our once great empire!"
~"Soon, we shall bring the world to the way it was... before..." [>>-i>]
Actually the server itself can not be friendly as it does not have emotions of any sort, but the person who insulted you known as Armystrong501st, did hurt your feelings and could be classified as unfriendly.
Something is happening, I am uncertain to why we can not connect to the server but I assure you it is Xenon Servers Fault... Dam why does the server have these moments of not working? I support ticketed Xenon Servers with not a response as of yet.
Update: I just do not know what is going on. Connection to Xenon Servers is failing, the server it self is constantly crashing, I truly am a bit frightened to as what is going on.
I guess we got to play other games till it goes back up... :sad.gif:
reason why: because I am nice and I see no harm in me having the power to use airship and also I am in a faction with only one airship user so then if I am able to use airship I could do faction stuff more easily when he is away aka fined Oasis more easily
random fact: some airships are called zepplins
my application from earlier didn't get noticed
Sorry there was a moment where I was overwhelmed because everyone was posting things, and I Ignored a lot of posts that weren't relevant at the time. The server SHOULD be back up.
Here is Xenon's Reply: Hello,
This should be resolved now. Let us know if you experience any further problems like this.
And of course we did as the issue was not resolved even after they said it was... They don't even tell what the exact problem is.
IGN: stove62
Why should i be able? Well ive never been on one before and i'm responsible, so i won't go over the wall and other no common sense things.
A blimp is a type of airship.
Reason: I think I should be able to use WolfPound because it will be a good, efficient way to create an army to defend our oasis and base. I hope u consider this wisely, as it would help a server member.
Thanks again.
Wolfpound is not allowed by anyone, I have it only because I used to screw around with it. Kinda like I used to have AimCannon but I got rid of it.
Edit: William2k your baned because your not worth the effort, to many people dislike you and it is your word vs theirs. I basically did that same thing I did to Autisma to you. You aren't worth the effort, I'd rather just have ya gone.
I am applying to you today for permission to use an airship. I particularly enjoy this server, and have yet to experience the joy that would be move craft. I wish to make a scale replica of the Hindenburg, or make a large ship of my own creation. I feel this would help with the overall feel of the server and a bit of fame for the server if there is a really good flying craft. I hope to expand my faction and help it grow even more to continuously make the server better.
I will mostly use it for scouting with my faction, travel, and taking some people for rides :smile.gif: Thanks for consideration.
Random Fact: The Hindenburg's fuel cells were made with hydrogen.
Reason: I am a reliable person, who is nice to everyone I meet. I believe that if given the ability, no harm will come from me having. My faction is very airship based, and without an airship I next to useless at times.I wish to obtain this ability to further help my faction grow. i would greatly appreciate if you would consider me for a licens.
Thank you.
IGN: stove62 ( My nickname is Stovenzes because i was acolyte for the religion of mushrooms)
Why should i be able? Well i'll make this short. I love this server, its awesome! I want to be able to fly because what better way to drop killer snowballs is there? None because its all air! So yeah, im responsible and I won't go out of the map becaus eim not an ass. Also i'm nice so I want be above people and be like " hahhaha can't get me"
( well sometimes mabey.)
What random fact do i have to offer? Well to put it in a complicated way a Blimp is a type of airship, which uses helium and giant air tanks to stay aloft. Also they can be very big like the dreadful day of the hindinberg.
P.S: Id appreaciate a pm with the old primordial map, id like to export it to my SP world and have a fun time.
Rank: Free
Mainly because of the fact that I run a goldfarming operation and I used this to pass the time while my bots did all the work, but I cant have weeks of worth crushed in a single day over 3 times, id rather play an FPS that I can pick up and play all the time, and Im also not on vacation and will be studying over the summer for undisclosed reasons.
Rank: Free
Rank: Free
Yes I am mad at our server provider, we pay to play, not to not play.
i want an airship licence because it would make the server even more awesome. Walking is getting old...
random fact: long trails behind jets means bad weather.
~"Come back to the old ways, as we attempt to regain control over our once great empire!"
~"Soon, we shall bring the world to the way it was... before..." [>>-i>]
Actually the server itself can not be friendly as it does not have emotions of any sort, but the person who insulted you known as Armystrong501st, did hurt your feelings and could be classified as unfriendly.
Update: I just do not know what is going on. Connection to Xenon Servers is failing, the server it self is constantly crashing, I truly am a bit frightened to as what is going on.
I guess we got to play other games till it goes back up... :sad.gif:
Sorry there was a moment where I was overwhelmed because everyone was posting things, and I Ignored a lot of posts that weren't relevant at the time. The server SHOULD be back up.
Here is Xenon's Reply: Hello,
This should be resolved now. Let us know if you experience any further problems like this.
And of course we did as the issue was not resolved even after they said it was... They don't even tell what the exact problem is.
Why should i be able? Well ive never been on one before and i'm responsible, so i won't go over the wall and other no common sense things.
A blimp is a type of airship.
Wolfpound is not allowed by anyone, I have it only because I used to screw around with it. Kinda like I used to have AimCannon but I got rid of it.
Edit: William2k your baned because your not worth the effort, to many people dislike you and it is your word vs theirs. I basically did that same thing I did to Autisma to you. You aren't worth the effort, I'd rather just have ya gone.
I am applying to you today for permission to use an airship. I particularly enjoy this server, and have yet to experience the joy that would be move craft. I wish to make a scale replica of the Hindenburg, or make a large ship of my own creation. I feel this would help with the overall feel of the server and a bit of fame for the server if there is a really good flying craft. I hope to expand my faction and help it grow even more to continuously make the server better.
I will mostly use it for scouting with my faction, travel, and taking some people for rides :smile.gif: Thanks for consideration.
Random Fact: The Hindenburg's fuel cells were made with hydrogen.
In-game name: zpcb
Reason: I am a reliable person, who is nice to everyone I meet. I believe that if given the ability, no harm will come from me having. My faction is very airship based, and without an airship I next to useless at times.I wish to obtain this ability to further help my faction grow. i would greatly appreciate if you would consider me for a licens.
Thank you.
Why should i be able? Well i'll make this short. I love this server, its awesome! I want to be able to fly because what better way to drop killer snowballs is there? None because its all air! So yeah, im responsible and I won't go out of the map becaus eim not an ass. Also i'm nice so I want be above people and be like " hahhaha can't get me"
( well sometimes mabey.)
What random fact do i have to offer? Well to put it in a complicated way a Blimp is a type of airship, which uses helium and giant air tanks to stay aloft. Also they can be very big like the dreadful day of the hindinberg.