Because a grape is something different from tremblerape.
Let's keep the thread clean from now on, there is nothing else to say.
Then u might aswell ban Grape to, u know some players might look at it as "offensive language". Your arguments are just so bad.
Can I get ONE good reason why Grape is so different from Tremblerape? They both contain the word "rape", what makes one OK and the other one not? Yes Grape is a fruit, Tremblerape is NOT EVEN A WORD. So how can it be offensive.
If we would have to look at the names as offensive for someone, then someone would probably be offended by every playername we whitelisted.
I don't want to take this further with you. If you have any complains about me or any other moderator from Super Earth, don't post it in our whitelisting thread.
"If we would have to look at the names as offensive for someone, then someone would probably be offended by every playername we whitelisted."
You just said urself what I have said from the start, someone might be offended by Tremblerape, someone might be offended by Grape, someone might be offended by stuffman/antifists, Mr_Mao, etc. I am only pissed at this cuz it is clearly difference in how u judge each name. I only want to know why my name is so much worse than all these other examples. Why make a rule if there is exceptions based on how each moderator perceives a given username.
I am clearly beeing victimized here, for reasons I cant see.
You said yourself that your name stood for gspot rape.
You seriously sees no difference between that, and a fruit?
"Why make a rule if there is exceptions based on how each moderator perceives a given username."
No moderator would allow that. It was a mistake from whoever added you, and it was fixed.
Get out of the whitelist thread, please. If you continue posting irrelevant posts, we will just ignore you.
If you havent seen by now that my real acc is Tremblerape, then ill make it clear: My real acc is Tremblerape.
I only said my real name was Gspotrape, to prove a point, as some Mod CLEARLY meant Tremblerape is offensive, and u CLEARLY meant Grape was totally OK.
Really, how can Tremblerape not be whitelisted
and Grape is whitelisted, they both contain the word rape.
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Darklordant
Where are you from?:UK
Your age?:15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: Hope im accepted :biggrin.gif: Thanks
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Utamar
Where are you from?:Norway
Your age?: 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? I try to do as often as I can
Extra notes?: Architectual feelings, good imagination
Just in case the post before me gets denied for multiple whitelists:
Minecraft In Game Name(case sensitive): Imokim
Where are you from?: United Kingdom
Your ages: 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yep.
Did you vote for us? Yes.
Extra notes?: High quality builder with a keen mind for redstone and architecture, I am a logical thinker and have alot to contribute to a server, given the opportunity.
Minecraft In Game Name: Cutlerpain
Where are you from?: California
Your age?: 27
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Recently tried a few other servers and wasn't impressed with monsters turned off and invincibility. This server sounds just awesome, feel like there's a lot of promise on this server
Minecraft In Game Name: Hakkera
Where are you from?: Brazil
Your age?: 21
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Just did
Extra notes?: Hum... Nice city/wilderness thing you have there. Lemme try :tongue.gif:
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):khane666
Where are you from?:Canada (Go Canucks!)
Your age?:30
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yea
Did you vote for us? yea
Extra notes?: Vancouver vs Boston NHL final, Vancouver in 5 games!
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):Mokane3562
Where are you from?:NL Canada
Your age?:18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yessir
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Can't wait to join the community!
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): phelixthecat
Where are you from?: Originally Moscow, Russia, currently live in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Your age?: 23
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Can't wait to see what a huge active server is like, probably going to join SA's town
Minecraft In Game Name: ohnopigeon
Where are you from?:Canada
Your age?:21
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yep
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Pasalacqua
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes
Did you vote for us?: Yes
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): cameron4sps
Where are you from?: Covignton, Louisiana
Your age?: 17
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Refereed by rideroflife
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): 5arge
Where are you from?: NH, USA
Your age?: 32
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes.
Did you vote for us? No (curveball! everyone else just says yes!)
Extra notes?: Your server looks...super.
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Shift1337
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Role-play on such a large scale sounds fun. I'd like to see what war between nations is like.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Dad? Dad I'm- … y- … Not a crazed gunman, Dad, I'm an assassin! Well, the difference being one's a job, and the other's mental sickness!" -Sniper
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): UnnamedDolk
Where are you from?:Texas
Your age?:15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?:Not really
Welcome to Super-Earth! Come join us at the IP:
Also don't forget to visit our website and while you're there join us on the forums at
Super-Earth is home to a variety of amazing features such as:
-The Largest and most active player base that gives the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience!
-Amazing staff support, along with a amazing Development team!
-Has had the same map since launch.
-Active ventrilo server click here for more info.
-A variety of almost 100 towns some with 100+ members! Check out a few here!
-A nation and war system, along with , towny, and iconomy!
-An amazing 3d map located here
-And be sure to check out our rules here our guide here
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): riganyiak1
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?:
Minecraft In Game Name:demon2456
Where are you from?:united states,florida
Your age?:17
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes i have
Did you vote for us? hell yea!!
Extra notes?:i really want to see what a war in this server would look like i think it would be EPIC.
Then u might aswell ban Grape to, u know some players might look at it as "offensive language". Your arguments are just so bad.
Can I get ONE good reason why Grape is so different from Tremblerape? They both contain the word "rape", what makes one OK and the other one not? Yes Grape is a fruit, Tremblerape is NOT EVEN A WORD. So how can it be offensive.
"If we would have to look at the names as offensive for someone, then someone would probably be offended by every playername we whitelisted."
You just said urself what I have said from the start, someone might be offended by Tremblerape, someone might be offended by Grape, someone might be offended by stuffman/antifists, Mr_Mao, etc. I am only pissed at this cuz it is clearly difference in how u judge each name. I only want to know why my name is so much worse than all these other examples. Why make a rule if there is exceptions based on how each moderator perceives a given username.
I am clearly beeing victimized here, for reasons I cant see.
If you havent seen by now that my real acc is Tremblerape, then ill make it clear: My real acc is Tremblerape.
I only said my real name was Gspotrape, to prove a point, as some Mod CLEARLY meant Tremblerape is offensive, and u CLEARLY meant Grape was totally OK.
Really, how can Tremblerape not be whitelisted
and Grape is whitelisted, they both contain the word rape.
I will not rest my case in this matter.
Where are you from?:UK
Your age?:15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: Hope im accepted :biggrin.gif: Thanks
Where are you from?:Norway
Your age?: 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? I try to do as often as I can
Extra notes?: Architectual feelings, good imagination
Minecraft In Game Name(case sensitive): Imokim
Where are you from?: United Kingdom
Your ages: 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yep.
Did you vote for us? Yes.
Extra notes?: High quality builder with a keen mind for redstone and architecture, I am a logical thinker and have alot to contribute to a server, given the opportunity.
Where are you from?: California
Your age?: 27
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Recently tried a few other servers and wasn't impressed with monsters turned off and invincibility. This server sounds just awesome, feel like there's a lot of promise on this server
Where are you from?: Brazil
Your age?: 21
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Just did
Extra notes?: Hum... Nice city/wilderness thing you have there. Lemme try :tongue.gif:
Where are you from?:Canada (Go Canucks!)
Your age?:30
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yea
Did you vote for us? yea
Extra notes?: Vancouver vs Boston NHL final, Vancouver in 5 games!
Where are you from?:NL Canada
Your age?:18
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yessir
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Can't wait to join the community!
Where are you from?: Originally Moscow, Russia, currently live in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Your age?: 23
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Can't wait to see what a huge active server is like, probably going to join SA's town
Where are you from?:Canada
Your age?:21
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yep
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes
Did you vote for us?: Yes
Where are you from?: Covignton, Louisiana
Your age?: 17
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Refereed by rideroflife
Where are you from?: NH, USA
Your age?: 32
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes.
Did you vote for us? No (curveball! everyone else just says yes!)
Extra notes?: Your server looks...super.
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: Role-play on such a large scale sounds fun. I'd like to see what war between nations is like.
Where are you from?:Texas
Your age?:15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?:Not really
Also don't forget to visit our website and while you're there join us on the forums at
Super-Earth is home to a variety of amazing features such as:
-The Largest and most active player base that gives the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience!
-Amazing staff support, along with a amazing Development team!
-Has had the same map since launch.
-Active ventrilo server click here for more info.
-A variety of almost 100 towns some with 100+ members! Check out a few here!
-A nation and war system, along with , towny, and iconomy!
-An amazing 3d map located here
-And be sure to check out our rules here our guide here
Also, don't forget to...
-Follow us on twitter!
-Subscribe to us on youtube!
Where are you from?: United States
Your age?: 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?:
Where are you from?:united states,florida
Your age?:17
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes i have
Did you vote for us? hell yea!!
Extra notes?:i really want to see what a war in this server would look like i think it would be EPIC.