Minecraft In Game Name: FTFCinema
Where are you from?: Long Beach California
Your age?(if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): no im over 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules here?:yes i have. and agree
Did you vote for us? unfortunately i didn't vote for anyone
Extra notes?: i will be playing for 2-6 hours daily
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: the forums and friends
Sorry there is no caps in my name from the post above.
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): agentxero Where are you from?: Ontario
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes, I have read the rules
Did you vote for us? Of Course
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft Forum
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Darkmaster789 Where are you from?: MI, USA Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 12 (Yes) Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes Did you vote for us? Yes Extra notes?: No How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus
Minecraft In Game Name: ace_nano Where are you from?: Tenn, Usa Your age? 13 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes Did you vote for us?: not yet Extra notes?: I have serveral friends on this server How did you hear of Super-Earth?: my cousin user_996
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): mpradke
Where are you from?: Holland, M.I., USA
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):22
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? Not yet after i play i might
Extra notes?: Just looking for a fun server to play on
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft forums
Minecraft name: customcomic
Where from: Wy
Age: I am 14
Have you read the rules: Yes i have read the rules
Did you Vote for us: yes i have voted for you
How did you hear of us: My friend told me to join
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): eilifos123 Where are you from?: Norway Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 13 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Sure have Did you vote for us? Yep many times Extra notes?:Nope How did you hear of Super-Earth?: SGCbarbierian on youtube
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): deatheagle09
Where are you from?: Minnesota
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):28
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: I am an excellent builder- and have played on 3 private servers previous to this - i also run a private server for my cousins and I to play on.
How did you hear of Super-Earth?:From these minecraft forums!
Minecraft In Game Name: Shorvok Where are you from?: USA Your age?: 21 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes Did you vote for us?: Yes Extra notes?: Looks like a very nice server. I would like to be a part of it. How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft Forums
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):Scrooboo
Where are you from?:atlanta
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):28
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: =)
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus.net
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):rockstaramir Where are you from?:California Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):I'm 7 and my parents let me play. Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?Yes Did you vote for us?Yes, of course Extra notes?:Thanks for Whitelisting me if you decide to. How did you hear of Super-Earth?:SGCBarbierian's Youtube Channel
Minecraft In Game Name passingassasin what will you add to the roleplay i am a great builder and want to lend a hand to any town/city i need of a builder How you found our server off the forums are you planning on being active yep \
Minecraft In Game Name passingassasin what will you add to the roleplay i am a great builder and want to lend a hand to any town/city i need of a builder How you found our server off the forums are you planning on being active yep \
i read the to current page my real app is below
sry about the double spam i know this is the wrong app and i am very sorry for spamming twice i dont know how to delete
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): warhead150 Where are you from?:California Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): i am 15 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?Yes Did you vote for us?Yes, of course Extra notes?: i have ran a sever before and i no have maddning it gets when people brake the rules i will not brake the rules
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): TheLandshark Where are you from?: United States Your age? (if you're under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 25 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes Did you vote for us?: Yes Extra notes?: How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Word of mouth
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):Sindaria Where are you from?:pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Your age? (if you're under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):17 Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yes Did you vote for us?yes Extra notes?: server is gigantic!!!!!!!!!! How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus forums
Where are you from?: Long Beach California
Your age?(if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): no im over 18
Have you read and agreed to the rules here?:yes i have. and agree
Did you vote for us? unfortunately i didn't vote for anyone
Extra notes?: i will be playing for 2-6 hours daily
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: the forums and friends
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): agentxero
Where are you from?: Ontario
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 19
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes, I have read the rules
Did you vote for us? Of Course
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft Forum
Where are you from?: MI, USA
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 12 (Yes)
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us? Yes
Extra notes?: No
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus
Where are you from?: Tenn, Usa
Your age? 13
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes
Did you vote for us?: not yet
Extra notes?: I have serveral friends on this server
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: my cousin user_996
Where are you from?: Holland, M.I., USA
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):22
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? Not yet after i play i might
Extra notes?: Just looking for a fun server to play on
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft forums
Where from: Wy
Age: I am 14
Have you read the rules: Yes i have read the rules
Did you Vote for us: yes i have voted for you
How did you hear of us: My friend told me to join
Where are you from?: Norway
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 13
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Sure have
Did you vote for us? Yep many times
Extra notes?:Nope
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: SGCbarbierian on youtube
Where are you from?: Minnesota
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):28
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: I am an excellent builder- and have played on 3 private servers previous to this - i also run a private server for my cousins and I to play on.
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: From these minecraft forums!
Where are you from?: USA
Your age?: 21
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes
Did you vote for us?: Yes
Extra notes?: Looks like a very nice server. I would like to be a part of it.
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Minecraft Forums
Where are you from?:atlanta
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):28
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? yes
Did you vote for us? yes
Extra notes?: =)
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus.net
Where are you from?:California
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):I'm 7 and my parents let me play.
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?Yes
Did you vote for us?Yes, of course
Extra notes?:Thanks for Whitelisting me if you decide to.
How did you hear of Super-Earth?:SGCBarbierian's Youtube Channel
what will you add to the roleplay i am a great builder and want to lend a hand to any town/city i need of a builder
How you found our server off the forums
are you planning on being active yep
i read the to current page my real app is below
where are you from texas
your age 15
have u read the rules and agreed to the post below yes i have read the rules and agree to them
did you vote for this server yes i have voted
extra notes i have some pretty good building skills and hope to but them to good use
how did you hear of super-earth off the minecraft forums sry about the double spam i know this is the wrong app and i am very sorry for spamming twice i dont know how to delete
Where are you from?:California
Your age? (if your under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): i am 15
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?Yes
Did you vote for us?Yes, of course
Extra notes?: i have ran a sever before and i no have maddning it gets when people brake the rules i will not brake the rules
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): TheLandshark
Where are you from?: United States
Your age? (if you're under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?): 25
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?: Yes
Did you vote for us?: Yes
Extra notes?:
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: Word of mouth
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive):Sindaria
Where are you from?:pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Your age? (if you're under 13 do your parents agree to you playing here?):17
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below?yes
Did you vote for us?yes
Extra notes?: server is gigantic!!!!!!!!!!
How did you hear of Super-Earth?: minestatus forums