In-game Name : gangstad93
Age : 18
Why you should join : love minecraft :smile.gif:
How long have you played Minecraft? : 5 months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name : ArcticX615
Age : 15
Why you should join :Server sounds great to play on
How long have you played Minecraft? :7-8 Months
Don't forget to read the rules!
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Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
In-game Name : flopfish
Age : 16
Why you should join : Because I'm awesome... lol jk because my friends are on it (Zachcvh, moosejuice), and I have a weak laptop that cannot host a server, and because PSN is down and because I like building subways and other large, amazing objects
How long have you played Minecraft? : um... 9 months, and some time before on classic
In-game Name : mdragon
Age : 10
Why you should join :i would like to join because my brother (redragon6466) is on the server and i like to play with him
How long have you played Minecraft? : 6 months
Don't forget to read the rules!
In-game Name: Sirstaven46
Age: 12
Why you should join: I've been looking for a nice server for a while now, im a skilled builder, and i can tell my friend about this server cause they love to play with me.
How long have you played Minecraft?: about 10 months-year
Don't forget to read the rules!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
In-game Name :Captain_Murphy
Age :18
Why you should join : Just wanted to play some SMP with people
How long have you played Minecraft? : since mid-alpha
In-game Name :Captain_Murphy
Age :18
Why you should join : Just wanted to play some SMP with people
How long have you played Minecraft? : since mid-alpha
Quote from Sirstaven46 »
In-game Name: Sirstaven46
Age: 12
Why you should join: I've been looking for a nice server for a while now, im a skilled builder, and i can tell my friend about this server cause they love to play with me.
How long have you played Minecraft?: about 10 months-year
Don't forget to read the rules!
Can an admin or someone of high power look at my thread in the support forum on the website? I have a big problem that is server-side, and I would love if it could get fixed as soon as possible.
In-game Name :el_frijoles
Age :15
Why you should join : i'm ready to bring my minecrafting to the next level
How long have you played Minecraft? : the start of this year
Don't forget to read the rules!
In-game Name :el_frijoles
Age :15
Why you should join :same reason as before
How long have you played Minecraft? :since start of year
Don't forget to read the rules!(((@)))
In-game Name : iVim
Age : 16
Why you should join : I am interested in architecture and as a result I try to build interesting buildings. I've read all the rules, I'm mature, and your server looks incredible. I'm really excited to try a server with such a large playerbase and devoted administrators/moderators.
How long have you played Minecraft? : a year-ish.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
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Quote from Zenrax »
Better watch out, or the Legion is going to come and **** your **** up.
Quote from JohnNomor »
Quote from Stroke »
Sceptic's Mom: Hey come on down your supper's ready.
Sceptic: Pics or it didn't happen.
In-game Name : Vizzaka
Age : 19
Why you should join : I enjoy building subtle villages and small town to brighten up the server
How long have you played Minecraft? : 1 year
I have read the rules!
In-game Name : Vixen390
Age : 17
Why you should join : I love making company, running comapnys, and doing that sort of stuff. I also love helping people out and exploring. PS I love making rollor coaster
How long have you played Minecraft? : Since Feb 2011
Don't forget to rule the reads! (((@)))
In-game Name: bonneau14
Age: 18
Why you should join: I've got extensive knowledge of MineCraft. I'm very creative and believe everything should be aethestically pleasing as well as practical. I've been looking for a solid server since the one I used to frequent went belly up.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Early Alpha. I don't have a specific date, and no longer have my receit.
Don't forget to read the rules: (((@)))
In-game Name : kaa179
Age : 15
Why you should join : I would like to join because I love playing minecraft multiplayer.
How long have you played Minecraft? : since september 2010
Don't forget to read the rules!
Age : 18
Why you should join : love minecraft :smile.gif:
How long have you played Minecraft? : 5 months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 15
Why you should join :Server sounds great to play on
How long have you played Minecraft? :7-8 Months
Don't forget to read the rules!
age 13
why i should join because i love mine craft and my friends are on this server
how long ive played minecraft 1year
Age : 16
Why you should join : Because I'm awesome... lol jk because my friends are on it (Zachcvh, moosejuice), and I have a weak laptop that cannot host a server, and because PSN is down and because I like building subways and other large, amazing objects
How long have you played Minecraft? : um... 9 months, and some time before on classic
Age : 10
Why you should join :i would like to join because my brother (redragon6466) is on the server and i like to play with him
How long have you played Minecraft? : 6 months
Don't forget to read the rules!
please accept me as a builder please. and i would love to be promoted at any time given
Age: 12
Why you should join: I've been looking for a nice server for a while now, im a skilled builder, and i can tell my friend about this server cause they love to play with me.
How long have you played Minecraft?: about 10 months-year
Don't forget to read the rules!
In-game Name :Captain_Murphy
Age :18
Why you should join : Just wanted to play some SMP with people
How long have you played Minecraft? : since mid-alpha
Both of you please reread the rules D:
Age :15
Why you should join : i'm ready to bring my minecrafting to the next level
How long have you played Minecraft? : the start of this year
Don't forget to read the rules!
Age :15
Why you should join :same reason as before
How long have you played Minecraft? :since start of year
Don't forget to read the rules!(((@)))
Age : 16
Why you should join : I am interested in architecture and as a result I try to build interesting buildings. I've read all the rules, I'm mature, and your server looks incredible. I'm really excited to try a server with such a large playerbase and devoted administrators/moderators.
How long have you played Minecraft? : a year-ish.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 19
Why you should join : I enjoy building subtle villages and small town to brighten up the server
How long have you played Minecraft? : 1 year
I have read the rules!
Age : 17
Why you should join : I love making company, running comapnys, and doing that sort of stuff. I also love helping people out and exploring. PS I love making rollor coaster
How long have you played Minecraft? : Since Feb 2011
Don't forget to rule the reads! (((@)))
Age: 18
Why you should join: I've got extensive knowledge of MineCraft. I'm very creative and believe everything should be aethestically pleasing as well as practical. I've been looking for a solid server since the one I used to frequent went belly up.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Early Alpha. I don't have a specific date, and no longer have my receit.
Don't forget to read the rules: (((@)))
Age: 15
Why i should join: I like building stuff that has to do with the Real world.
ive played for a few months now, around 5.
Age : 15
Why you should join : I would like to join because I love playing minecraft multiplayer.
How long have you played Minecraft? : since september 2010
Don't forget to read the rules!