In-game Name : nickjones077
Age : 16
Why you should join : I'm very creative and love building giant medieval structures
How long have you played Minecraft? : over a year
In-game Name : toepedo64
Age : 13
Why you should join : All the features this server had pulled me in.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Around 1-and-a-half years, though mildly experienced.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name : Kinexkid
Age : 17
Why you should join : I've been looking for the past few months for a decent server. I've ended up in ones that get overrun by griefers, the admins stop checking in on the map, or they just don't have any people. And this sever seems to be like a very lively and well-rounded one with lots to offer
How long have you played Minecraft? : approximately 5 months? I'm not entirely sure about how long ago I purchased it
I'd also like to add that I absolutely hate griefers, spammers, and everything of that sort. I love to just mine underground and mind my own business or just create interesting designs in building such as greenhouses and buildings in the side of mountains. Just a little bit about me.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
In-game Name : Jedi_BabyJesus
Age : 15
Why you should join :I am cool, and good at redstone, trying to find another server for my clan (sicarii) someone in my clan said they were hosting a clan event on here a couple days ago
How long have you played Minecraft? :6 months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name : Wolfryn
Age : 22
Why you should join : Love to build/explore, team player
How long have you played Minecraft? : about a month
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@))) (I always forget these things)
In-game Name : limeyemily
Age : 15
Why you should join : I love minecraft and want to meet more minecraft players. I will try not to bug people or abuse rules.
How long have you played Minecraft? : 4ish weeks
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@))) :biggrin.gif:
Why you should join :im a great person who is very friendly towards people im also a great builder/helper i like to help people rather then starting big projects by myself but i did make a asian style tower which was ok not as good as you city ill post a pic of it at the end of my post i've been apart of many servers from that start but now most of them have seased working and the server hosts have quit so i am looking around for a great server with many helpful people and i hope to be a part of this server i will put as much effort in as i can to help out in any way.
How long have you played Minecraft? : one year ish
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
thats a picture of my tower sorry i only got shot in the dark thanks for reading my post.
In-game Name : Adamwbschulz
Age : 19
Why you should join : Cause.......ummm....... cause it looks awesome and i wanna be apart of it =P
How long have you played Minecraft? : alpha
Don't forget to read the rules!
In-game Name : sherbies96
Age : 16
Why you should join : i wont to be dededicated to a server for others to see my creations and to have fun of course :smile.gif:
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name : ZeNcM
Age : 17
Why you should join : I've been looking for a good server for a while now, and really like vanilla servers.
How long have you played Minecraft? : About a year.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name :Timtra22
Age :I'm 14 lol....
Why you should join :I like playing these kinds of games with other people I may need a little teaching though.
How long have you played Minecraft? :2 days!
Don't forget to read the rules! ok
In-game Name : p2x4260, but call me Echo
Age : 17
Why you should join : I have some wonderful ideas for some creations and I will help with anything I can in the server
How long have you played Minecraft? : About a year
In-game Name : Mr_Noobcraft
Age : 21
Why you should join : I love playing Minecraft and I've been looking for a really good, reliable server to play on with a good community. This server looks like a great place to start.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Only a couple of weeks so far but I look forward to spending much more time on here.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
In-game Name : DawnOfNights
Age : 15
Why you should join :The server looks amazing, ive joined as a guest and everyone seems nice
i like building and trading with people aswell as the occasional spelunk
How long have you played Minecraft? :5 months
Don't forget to read the rules!(((@)))
Why you should join : I remain neutral in most arguments concerning race, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. I enjoy minecraft. I don't curse/swear too often and I'm not too shabby with redstone circuits. I try very hard to get on on weekends and holidays and am dedicated to a good serv.
How long have you played Minecraft? : about 1 year
In-game Name : Olnoeyes
Age : 18
Why you should join : Because I want a fun server that's lag free. I've tried a few other servers but either the staff w(((@)))sn't friendly/responsive or the community itself was rather lame.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Since October of last year.
In-game Name : Zebulan
Age : 24
Why you should join : I've been looking for a mature SMP experience; The Aurora forum and web page are very professionally done, and this is very attractive to me. I wish to join in hopes that the player base is equally refined.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Remember Secret Friday updates? Before those. :smile.gif:
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 16
Why you should join : I'm very creative and love building giant medieval structures
How long have you played Minecraft? : over a year
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 13
Why you should join : All the features this server had pulled me in.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Around 1-and-a-half years, though mildly experienced.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 17
Why you should join : I've been looking for the past few months for a decent server. I've ended up in ones that get overrun by griefers, the admins stop checking in on the map, or they just don't have any people. And this sever seems to be like a very lively and well-rounded one with lots to offer
How long have you played Minecraft? : approximately 5 months? I'm not entirely sure about how long ago I purchased it
I'd also like to add that I absolutely hate griefers, spammers, and everything of that sort. I love to just mine underground and mind my own business or just create interesting designs in building such as greenhouses and buildings in the side of mountains. Just a little bit about me.
Age : 15
Why you should join :I am cool, and good at redstone, trying to find another server for my clan (sicarii) someone in my clan said they were hosting a clan event on here a couple days ago
How long have you played Minecraft? :6 months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 22
Why you should join : Love to build/explore, team player
How long have you played Minecraft? : about a month
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@))) (I always forget these things)
Age : 15
Why you should join : I love minecraft and want to meet more minecraft players. I will try not to bug people or abuse rules.
How long have you played Minecraft? : 4ish weeks
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@))) :biggrin.gif:
Age :16
Why you should join :im a great person who is very friendly towards people im also a great builder/helper i like to help people rather then starting big projects by myself but i did make a asian style tower which was ok not as good as you city ill post a pic of it at the end of my post i've been apart of many servers from that start but now most of them have seased working and the server hosts have quit so i am looking around for a great server with many helpful people and i hope to be a part of this server i will put as much effort in as i can to help out in any way.
How long have you played Minecraft? : one year ish
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
thats a picture of my tower sorry i only got shot in the dark thanks for reading my post.
Age : 19
Why you should join : Cause.......ummm....... cause it looks awesome and i wanna be apart of it =P
How long have you played Minecraft? : alpha
Don't forget to read the rules!
Age : 16
Why you should join : i wont to be dededicated to a server for others to see my creations and to have fun of course :smile.gif:
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2months
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 21
Why you should join : Mate is always on the server, looking to join a good community. heard good things all round.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Long enough to know its awesome!
Age : 17
Why you should join : I've been looking for a good server for a while now, and really like vanilla servers.
How long have you played Minecraft? : About a year.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age :I'm 14 lol....
Why you should join :I like playing these kinds of games with other people I may need a little teaching though.
How long have you played Minecraft? :2 days!
Don't forget to read the rules! ok
Age : 17
Why you should join : I have some wonderful ideas for some creations and I will help with anything I can in the server
How long have you played Minecraft? : About a year
Age : 21
Why you should join : I love playing Minecraft and I've been looking for a really good, reliable server to play on with a good community. This server looks like a great place to start.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Only a couple of weeks so far but I look forward to spending much more time on here.
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))
Age : 15
Why you should join :The server looks amazing, ive joined as a guest and everyone seems nice
i like building and trading with people aswell as the occasional spelunk
How long have you played Minecraft? :5 months
Don't forget to read the rules!(((@)))
Age : 13
Why you should join : this server looks very, very friendly.
How long have you played Minecraft? : a year
Age : 16
Why you should join : I remain neutral in most arguments concerning race, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. I enjoy minecraft. I don't curse/swear too often and I'm not too shabby with redstone circuits. I try very hard to get on on weekends and holidays and am dedicated to a good serv.
How long have you played Minecraft? : about 1 year
Age : 18
Why you should join : Because I want a fun server that's lag free. I've tried a few other servers but either the staff w(((@)))sn't friendly/responsive or the community itself was rather lame.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Since October of last year.
Age : 24
Why you should join : I've been looking for a mature SMP experience; The Aurora forum and web page are very professionally done, and this is very attractive to me. I wish to join in hopes that the player base is equally refined.
How long have you played Minecraft? : Remember Secret Friday updates? Before those. :smile.gif:
Don't forget to read the rules! (((@)))