I would like to request a lot... sadly my internet has been out the last few days so I am just now seeing the new spawn area and it looks good! Anyway just find me in game :smile.gif:
So I was playing on the sevrer and I collected a TON of log then when I typed /home I got home (Obviously) but I got stuck in a wall and died. So when I went back i saw my stuff was gone after looking around I found GymBag1997. Now I'm not possitive he took my stuff but when I asked he started crouching multiple times (You get the picture) Then he ran went into someone elses house and I guess looked around I'm not sure what he did in there but when I asked agian he crouched some more and then left. So can you look at his inventory and if he has it get it back to me somehow. I just want the log mainly.
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You see waffles but you say you no want them?! That is A LIE!
I think we need a few more of our Western friends as mods, since when it's night time in England, Sweden, Holland, Norway, or wherever we're all barking from, the server goes crazy without any on :L Well not necessarily crazy, but you can imagine the pain of dozens of 10 year old American kids :wink.gif:
I'm in the west!! And I've been mod before :biggrin.gif:
Up to Elme tho and Sinn
Literaly I'm in Mountain Time so when it's 10:00pm in England it would be about 3 here where i'm at so I would be on at 3:30pm and in the summer I would be on almost all the time.
I think we need a few more of our Western friends as mods, since when it's night time in England, Sweden, Holland, Norway, or wherever we're all barking from, the server goes crazy without any on :L Well not necessarily crazy, but you can imagine the pain of dozens of 10 year old American kids :wink.gif:
I would love a chance to earn that slot. Just let me know the requirements.
I took care of it (which you know since you were on when I did it?). By the way, I live in Pacific Time zone and Southerkun I believe lives in Eastern Time Zone.
Yeah i know it may seem annoying but hear me out. You all know me by now i think? yeah everyone should except for elmegaard since we've barely met. I am currently In the timezone GST and im very much qualified for a moderator position. Yes i have a lot of experience. I mod/admin'd on smoolcraft. Smool was actually a player on this server i didn't know until i saw the Vip list. Anyways i also admin'd on revengecraft that was closed down due to drama between friends. I am familiar with all the commands except worldedit. I don't mess with those tools. I am not really aiming to become a big hotshot mod because i know how frustrating it gets for admins, believe me when i say this. So maybe what im trying to say is that I'd like to take the chance to become mod for elmegaard, I've played since February and when the server went haywire these last few months. What's actually really good is that my summer starts this June 3rd and I'll be going on everyday(not like i already do). Thanks for reading and i hope to get a reply sometime soon.
Another thing i had an opinion about was someone's post about the command /give. NO. Very easily abused and unfair advantage to a surival server. Think about the ID numbers for lav, water, BEDROCK? It's just that ive been on a server before where we hadthis and on and on everyday people ended up having glowstone, netherrack. Even if it was for looks purposes. It highly discontinues the need to actually leave the city and gather your resources yourself. So i know there isn't a vote for /give /i command but if there is a thought about it i consider we dont hand that out to moderators. I'm not pointing out at anybody here but it does get abused.
One last thing i need confirmation for is that somebody told me that the server area was expanded earlier this day or sometime last night? I need to know if this is true because i found some materials outside the border the other day that i need to get.
Thankyou for reading my post and I'll be hearing from you guys in the game. PEace
While I do love to read people's applications of why they think they would make a good mod/admin, can we keep it off the forums please! Not meaning to bash on anyone but the topic and content is more directed to the admins than the whole entirety of the server. I think it might be a more appropriate conversation to be had over teamspeak/email/skype/in-game chat with any of the Admins.
While I do love to read people's applications of why they think they would make a good mod/admin, can we keep it off the forums please! Not meaning to bash on anyone but the topic and content is more directed to the admins than the whole entirety of the server. I think it might be a more appropriate conversation to be had over teamspeak/email/skype/in-game chat with any of the Admins.
Thanks and play on!
I agree. Keep these kinds of conversations using PMs. Leave the forum for the fun stuff!!!
Like What should I do with my huge ball of lava now?! I've totally forgotten what I was building it for! Damn exams and it's stupid pressure....
May I Post A Video On How To Rollbck Minecraft? For The Server? Or Only For The Server People, I Wont Release It To Anyone But The Server...
So Main Idea Is Can I Make A Video On How To Rollback Minecraft For The Server Until Bukkit Gets Uptdated?
Are you gonna update the server to 1.6 soon? I like playing 1.6 on SSP and switching from version to version is annoying
It isn't entirely up to Elmegaard when to update the server. First Bukkit needs to release a version that works with the latest version of minecraft (the first release from bukkit will likely have bugs in it) Second All the plugins that power the server need to be updated to work with the new version of minecraft (also may take some work to fix bugs)
The process may take anywhere from tomorrow to a week from now.
When he does update to a new version of Bukkit for 1.6.4 the server may run on a Temp map for a short period of time while the admins make sure nothing is going to ruin the main map. That isn't set in stone, just my prediction of what may happen.
Edit: On a semi-unrelated Note:
I each version of my bin backed up to version 1.3
I would have more, but I didn't start backing my game up until 1.3
Depends on how good the bribe is. :smile.gif:
Oh and Elme, I find it hard not to laugh whenever I see that pedo bear. :biggrin.gif:
You see waffles but you say you no want them?! That is A LIE!
I'm in the west!! And I've been mod before :biggrin.gif:
Up to Elme tho and Sinn
Literaly I'm in Mountain Time so when it's 10:00pm in England it would be about 3 here where i'm at so I would be on at 3:30pm and in the summer I would be on almost all the time.
You see waffles but you say you no want them?! That is A LIE!
I would love a chance to earn that slot. Just let me know the requirements.
I took care of it (which you know since you were on when I did it?). By the way, I live in Pacific Time zone and Southerkun I believe lives in Eastern Time Zone.
Another thing i had an opinion about was someone's post about the command /give. NO. Very easily abused and unfair advantage to a surival server. Think about the ID numbers for lav, water, BEDROCK? It's just that ive been on a server before where we hadthis and on and on everyday people ended up having glowstone, netherrack. Even if it was for looks purposes. It highly discontinues the need to actually leave the city and gather your resources yourself. So i know there isn't a vote for /give /i command but if there is a thought about it i consider we dont hand that out to moderators. I'm not pointing out at anybody here but it does get abused.
One last thing i need confirmation for is that somebody told me that the server area was expanded earlier this day or sometime last night? I need to know if this is true because i found some materials outside the border the other day that i need to get.
Thankyou for reading my post and I'll be hearing from you guys in the game. PEace
You see waffles but you say you no want them?! That is A LIE!
Thanks and play on!
I agree. Keep these kinds of conversations using PMs. Leave the forum for the fun stuff!!!
Like What should I do with my huge ball of lava now?! I've totally forgotten what I was building it for! Damn exams and it's stupid pressure....
Indeed I do ,but I have a 6 hour time diffrence with sinn and elme so not often i see them.
Whaaaaaaaaaat?! I've still got till the 14th of June!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dunno deeg I was thinking of something a bit more... structural.
Wait Wait! I think I got it! Something that's structural AND awesome! Now all I have to do is decide on the materials. :smile.gif:
So Main Idea Is Can I Make A Video On How To Rollback Minecraft For The Server Until Bukkit Gets Uptdated?
It isn't entirely up to Elmegaard when to update the server.
First Bukkit needs to release a version that works with the latest version of minecraft (the first release from bukkit will likely have bugs in it)
Second All the plugins that power the server need to be updated to work with the new version of minecraft (also may take some work to fix bugs)
The process may take anywhere from tomorrow to a week from now.
When he does update to a new version of Bukkit for 1.6.4 the server may run on a Temp map for a short period of time while the admins make sure nothing is going to ruin the main map. That isn't set in stone, just my prediction of what may happen.
Edit: On a semi-unrelated Note:
I each version of my bin backed up to version 1.3
I would have more, but I didn't start backing my game up until 1.3
(Don't copy my rig! It's old and you will be sad)
Some day I will upgrade to Ryzen!
Uploading 123... :tongue.gif: