In-game name: Scbrewer
Location and Age: Missouri, 23
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I hope to bring just another good active player into the community. Looking forward to working with others to accomplish goals.
Additional info: Really excited to start this up!
Special Key: Leaving this blank means you didn't read the rules! HCS8
In-game name:drewec
Location and Age:Canada, 25
Previous bans:none
Reason you should you be accepted:single player is starting to feel a little empty, and this looks like a fun server. I also have no problem helping with the server costs via your donation system
Additional info:I do enjoy building projects, I really like exploring natural caverns that go on forever and I'll probably spend most of my time in the "uncivilized" area
Special Key: HCd6
Reason you should you be accepted: I would love to contribute to Xani's township -- and the server in general!
Additional info: Playing on a server with only a few friends has gotten boring. I'd like to meet new people and create bigger and more ambitious structures together. I also think experiencing PvP - in a sense where entire towns have war with each other - is an awesome idea, and wish to join the fight. I have no 'real' admin experience, but I have run my own server for a few friends. I play WoW and am familiar with basic "Trade chat" rules, so you wont be getting any complaints about me. Thanks for the consideration =]
In-game name: DieAtzen
Location and Age: USA and 16
Previous bans: no
Referral: no
Reason you should you be accepted: I love minecraft, and I just want to be on the best server to have some fun!
Additional info: none
Special Key: HCD1
In-game name: Sp0nge
Location and Age: 28, Norway
Previous bans: None
Referral: SE, former mod
Reason you should you be accepted: No teleport, SIGN ME UP
Additional info: RP-player
Special Key: {HCS6}
In-game name: AdgPadg
Location and Age: 18 United States
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I am looking for a hardcore server, and this one seems perfect.
Additional info: Love building and PVP
Special Key: {HCA7}
In-game name: polishhero
Location and Age: Age 16 , location Michigan USA.
Previous bans: none
Referral: none
Reason you should you be accepted: Im a good team player, and just want to have fun on a cool server.
Additional info: creepers are fun to play with
Special Key: Leaving this blank means you didn't read the rules! HCP10
In-game name: Wizegamer
Location and Age: I am 16 and live in California
Previous bans: none
Referral: JabaWock
Reason you should you be accepted: I try to be responsible and I will never grief. This looks like a pretty cool server and I would like to be a part of it.
Additional info:I have some experience programming so if you need more coders I might be able to help a little.
Special Key: {HCW9}
In-game name: FattyMatty77
Location and Age: Canada Ftw :smile.gif: 14.
Previous bans: None
Referral: N/A
Reason you should you be accepted: Because the server looks awesome and i want to be apart of it.
Additional info: I have a cat :?
Special Key: {HCF12}
White List Application In-game name:HDlime Location and Age:Living in Toronto Ontario, Canada (16 years old)
Previous bans:No bans that I am aware of Referral:Hdmango Reason you should you be accepted: I feel like I should be accepted because I am responsible and mature. I enjoy playing minecraft and I think this server that you have made is amazing. I am able to follow the rules and listen to orders, but in the end I am also able to enjoy myself at the same time. I respect others and show honesty. I give my full effort in things I do and I would love to be a part of this creative server of herocraft. Thanks alot if you accept me Additional info: skilled artist, minecraft player for around a year. Special Key: {HCH6}
In-game name:InterCityFirmWhu
Location and Age:Massachusetts, 18
Previous bans:none
Reason you should you be accepted: I am responsible and mature,I am very active i am on 4+ hours a day and i would love to be in your server for those hours. I will follow the rules and not cause any problems i love to have fun.
Additional info:im not that great of a builder but i am alright =] hopefully i can make some friends who can maybe teach me how to be better.
Special Key: {HCI16}
hey my ign is chickiep123, im a 12 year old dude, and i kinda just want to see this sick server, maybe have some people help me to get some :Diamond:s and killa few creepers while eating some pork chops. im from the US, and i might able to do some nice art if i am provided with the right materials, like the ones that are abundant in herocraft. i promise i won't grief even though i don't know what that is and i never have. so if i get accepted please tell me what the hell griefing is. thx
In-game name: awesomedude7755
Location and Age: 12, Southeastern USA
Previous bans: none
Referral: N/A
Reason you should you be accepted: I am awesome and friendly and love hardcore SMP like this, but never seen a server this amazing! Would love to join!
Additional info: Love MineCraft especially when its this awesome!
Special Key: {HCa15}
In-game name: GaryG360
Location and Age: Okeechobee, Florida and 18
Previous bans: none
Referral: Ruethian
Reason you should you be accepted: because i'm one of those guys that can get along with just about anyone
Additional info: none
Special Key: HCG8
Location and Age: Missouri, 23
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I hope to bring just another good active player into the community. Looking forward to working with others to accomplish goals.
Additional info: Really excited to start this up!
Special Key: Leaving this blank means you didn't read the rules! HCS8
Location and Age:Canada, 25
Previous bans:none
Reason you should you be accepted:single player is starting to feel a little empty, and this looks like a fun server. I also have no problem helping with the server costs via your donation system
Additional info:I do enjoy building projects, I really like exploring natural caverns that go on forever and I'll probably spend most of my time in the "uncivilized" area
Special Key: HCd6
Location and Age: Minnesota, 21
Previous bans: None
Referral: Xanipher
Reason you should you be accepted: I would love to contribute to Xani's township -- and the server in general!
Additional info: Playing on a server with only a few friends has gotten boring. I'd like to meet new people and create bigger and more ambitious structures together. I also think experiencing PvP - in a sense where entire towns have war with each other - is an awesome idea, and wish to join the fight. I have no 'real' admin experience, but I have run my own server for a few friends. I play WoW and am familiar with basic "Trade chat" rules, so you wont be getting any complaints about me. Thanks for the consideration =]
Special Key: HCM10
Location and Age: USA and 16
Previous bans: no
Referral: no
Reason you should you be accepted: I love minecraft, and I just want to be on the best server to have some fun!
Additional info: none
Special Key: HCD1
unless we're overloaded - yes.
Location and Age: 28, Norway
Previous bans: None
Referral: SE, former mod
Reason you should you be accepted: No teleport, SIGN ME UP
Additional info: RP-player
Special Key: {HCS6}
Location and Age: 18 United States
Previous bans: None
Referral: None
Reason you should you be accepted: I am looking for a hardcore server, and this one seems perfect.
Additional info: Love building and PVP
Special Key: {HCA7}
Location and Age: Age 16 , location Michigan USA.
Previous bans: none
Referral: none
Reason you should you be accepted: Im a good team player, and just want to have fun on a cool server.
Additional info:
Special Key: Leaving this blank means you didn't read the rules! HCP10
Location and Age: I am 16 and live in California
Previous bans: none
Referral: JabaWock
Reason you should you be accepted: I try to be responsible and I will never grief. This looks like a pretty cool server and I would like to be a part of it.
Additional info:I have some experience programming so if you need more coders I might be able to help a little.
Special Key: {HCW9}
Location and Age: Canada Ftw :smile.gif: 14.
Previous bans: None
Referral: N/A
Reason you should you be accepted: Because the server looks awesome and i want to be apart of it.
Additional info: I have a cat :?
Special Key: {HCF12}
In-game name:HDlime
Location and Age:Living in Toronto Ontario, Canada (16 years old)
Previous bans:No bans that I am aware of
Reason you should you be accepted: I feel like I should be accepted because I am responsible and mature. I enjoy playing minecraft and I think this server that you have made is amazing. I am able to follow the rules and listen to orders, but in the end I am also able to enjoy myself at the same time. I respect others and show honesty. I give my full effort in things I do and I would love to be a part of this creative server of herocraft. Thanks alot if you accept me
Additional info: skilled artist, minecraft player for around a year.
Special Key: {HCH6}
Read more at!
Location and Age:Massachusetts, 18
Previous bans:none
Reason you should you be accepted: I am responsible and mature,I am very active i am on 4+ hours a day and i would love to be in your server for those hours. I will follow the rules and not cause any problems i love to have fun.
Additional info:im not that great of a builder but i am alright =] hopefully i can make some friends who can maybe teach me how to be better.
Special Key: {HCI16}
To do what?
Location and Age: 12, Southeastern USA
Previous bans: none
Referral: N/A
Reason you should you be accepted: I am awesome and friendly and love hardcore SMP like this, but never seen a server this amazing! Would love to join!
Additional info: Love MineCraft especially when its this awesome!
Special Key: {HCa15}
Location and Age: Okeechobee, Florida and 18
Previous bans: none
Referral: Ruethian
Reason you should you be accepted: because i'm one of those guys that can get along with just about anyone
Additional info: none
Special Key: HCG8