in-game name: Vekkas
location and age: Nebraska (USA), 19
previous bans: None. I play nice. :biggrin.gif:
referral: Twowattwaffle, 42tuna, CheeseN1P, Foshkey
reason you should you be accepted: I've been an avid Minecraft player for about 5 months now. I've been playing on a server (survival and creative) hosted by my friend Foshkey with some of my other friends. I've been looking for a server that takes Minecraft to a new and more exciting level. I think that this server is the one that fits exactly. I would love to contribute my creativity and energy to a server like this. I basically want to be a part of a community that loves to play Minecraft in such a manner as this server.
other imformation: I hate skeletons. So much.
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name:jkbegnaud
location and age:U.S.A. 35
previous bans:none
reason you should you be accepted: i can help towns prosper
information you would like to add: hi
Special Key:{+99+}
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
ME:What it didn't Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!
*jkbegnaud banned for almost using foul language
reason you should you be accepted: Have been through a lot of server, and this server looks interesting with a heavy recommendation from xXVboyXx I decided to try it out. I can be really helpful.
information you would like to add: I play League of Legends :biggrin.gif:
in-game name: Chairic
location and age: USA, KY, 21
previous bans: None at all.
Referral: Nobody.
reason you should you be accepted: I wish to bring a lot to the table when I join by offering all sorts of different resources up for sale, thus pumping up the economy. My main plan is to eventually make a town with some other people, or maybe just join a really nice looking one. Depends on what comes first. Really I just overall appreciate the maturity that you guys have brought to the server, and I feel as if that I can keep to that.
information you would like to add: I'm a League of Legends and Minecraft fanatic!
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name:Woulfe
location and age:17
previous bans:Banned for hacking raw minerals into my invetory
reason you should you be accepted:I apologize and have learned my lesson, I've been banned for quite some time, and would like to be accepted back.
information you would like to add:{+99+}
in-game name: WiGuM
location and age: Sydney, 21
previous bans: None
referral: None
reason you should you be accepted: I feel I can contribute to the server whilst following the guidelines, I have no intention of griefing as I would love to join a solid pvp server.
information you would like to add: I am definitely an active player
in-game name:Alien13tcd
location and age: MN, 15
previous bans:None
referral:Browsing forums, none
reason you should you be accepted: I'm a friendly player, I love guiding new players, and I also have been on many other survival PvP servers, and liked them :
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name: sinfulangle
location and age: Australia, 17
previous bans: N/A
referral: N/A
reason you should you be accepted: This server looks well designed and I'd like to contribute and donate!
information you would like to add: Nice thread and server!
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name: MellowRepublic
location and age: United States of America, 16.
previous bans: N/A
referral: N/A
reason you should you be accepted: Looking for a server that suits all my tastes; this is the best I could find.
information you would like to add: N/A
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name: Leyawin
location and age: Southern Ontario, 19 Y.O.
previous bans: None. Currently whitelisted on Blitzcraft since day one.
referral: None. Found out about server on forum.
reason you should you be accepted: I do not grief. I follow server rules. I like to build awesome buildings and help other players.
information you would like to add: Hope you accept, can't wait to join!
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name: Piercemxpx1
location and age: GA, 14
previous bans:nope
reason you should you be accepted: I love to build but this seems new
information you would like to add: not really
Special Key: {+99+}
in-game name: OshKosch
location and age: Alabama 25
previous bans: None
referral: None
reason you should you be accepted: I've played minecraft for quite sometime with my family, never knew survival maps this big existed until trying to fix a problem with my own. After reading for several hours on which survival map I would like to test out, I ran across this one. If I enjoy my stay and things run as smoothly as listed above, I would be happy to donate :ohmy.gif:)
information you would like to add:
Special Key: {+99+}
reason you should you be accepted: I recently got into minecraft with some friends. I was skeptical at first, but have come to love the game. There's nothing like finding that little stash of diamond buried deep underground, or finally clearing that dungeon to get at the loot. However, I've always thought minecraft has more potential than simple survival, and the community aspect of this server takes that potential and flies with it. I'd be a great addition to the community as I take these games seriously and won't cause problems, troll, etc. (unless war is on of course!).
information you would like to add: I'm really interested and would love to be whitelisted. Thanks!
in-game name: Agerikea
location and age: USA/21
previous bans: None
referral: twowattwaffle, foshkey, cheesen1p
reason you should you be accepted: Because i have a few friends playing on it and they recomend I play and I desire a server with purpose and community.
information you would like to add:
Special Key: {+99+}
Reason you should you be accepted: I've always been on a lookout for a specific type of game, the type where you can establish your own settlements, incept economy, make trades, wage wars etc. and when I stumbled on this one here I thought "Wow, someone must have read my mind!"
I am very keen on trying out this server and I can't wait until I get whitelisted!
Information you would like to add: It'll be the first survival server I ever try out so it might take a while before I take a firm grasp on the ropes.
Special Key: {+99+}
By the way, new applicants can easily look at others' applications and can immediately find out what the special key is, even without reading through the rules. I don't know, maybe try something new that can't be manoeuvred around?
in-game name:sqallknight
location and age:US 18
previous bans:n/a
reason you should you be accepted:i want to play in a server which has no greifers. This server also looks interesting. also i would like to help build..
information you would like to add: i hope i get whitelisted. and i like halo...
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: Nebraska (USA), 19
previous bans: None. I play nice. :biggrin.gif:
referral: Twowattwaffle, 42tuna, CheeseN1P, Foshkey
reason you should you be accepted: I've been an avid Minecraft player for about 5 months now. I've been playing on a server (survival and creative) hosted by my friend Foshkey with some of my other friends. I've been looking for a server that takes Minecraft to a new and more exciting level. I think that this server is the one that fits exactly. I would love to contribute my creativity and energy to a server like this. I basically want to be a part of a community that loves to play Minecraft in such a manner as this server.
other imformation: I hate skeletons. So much.
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age:U.S.A. 35
previous bans:none
reason you should you be accepted: i can help towns prosper
information you would like to add: hi
Special Key:{+99+}
ME:What it didn't Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!
*jkbegnaud banned for almost using foul language
location and age: Malaysia, 19
previous bans: None
referral: xXVboyXx
reason you should you be accepted: Have been through a lot of server, and this server looks interesting with a heavy recommendation from xXVboyXx I decided to try it out. I can be really helpful.
information you would like to add: I play League of Legends :biggrin.gif:
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: USA, KY, 21
previous bans: None at all.
Referral: Nobody.
reason you should you be accepted: I wish to bring a lot to the table when I join by offering all sorts of different resources up for sale, thus pumping up the economy. My main plan is to eventually make a town with some other people, or maybe just join a really nice looking one. Depends on what comes first. Really I just overall appreciate the maturity that you guys have brought to the server, and I feel as if that I can keep to that.
information you would like to add: I'm a League of Legends and Minecraft fanatic!
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age:17
previous bans:Banned for hacking raw minerals into my invetory
reason you should you be accepted:I apologize and have learned my lesson, I've been banned for quite some time, and would like to be accepted back.
information you would like to add:{+99+}
location and age: Sydney, 21
previous bans: None
referral: None
reason you should you be accepted: I feel I can contribute to the server whilst following the guidelines, I have no intention of griefing as I would love to join a solid pvp server.
information you would like to add: I am definitely an active player
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: MN, 15
previous bans:None
referral:Browsing forums, none
reason you should you be accepted: I'm a friendly player, I love guiding new players, and I also have been on many other survival PvP servers, and liked them :
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: Australia, 17
previous bans: N/A
referral: N/A
reason you should you be accepted: This server looks well designed and I'd like to contribute and donate!
information you would like to add: Nice thread and server!
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: United States of America, 16.
previous bans: N/A
referral: N/A
reason you should you be accepted: Looking for a server that suits all my tastes; this is the best I could find.
information you would like to add: N/A
Special Key: {+99+}
We will be waiting on hmod or buk before updating.
location and age: Southern Ontario, 19 Y.O.
previous bans: None. Currently whitelisted on Blitzcraft since day one.
referral: None. Found out about server on forum.
reason you should you be accepted: I do not grief. I follow server rules. I like to build awesome buildings and help other players.
information you would like to add: Hope you accept, can't wait to join!
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: GA, 14
previous bans:nope
reason you should you be accepted: I love to build but this seems new
information you would like to add: not really
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: Alabama 25
previous bans: None
referral: None
reason you should you be accepted: I've played minecraft for quite sometime with my family, never knew survival maps this big existed until trying to fix a problem with my own. After reading for several hours on which survival map I would like to test out, I ran across this one. If I enjoy my stay and things run as smoothly as listed above, I would be happy to donate :ohmy.gif:)
information you would like to add:
Special Key: {+99+}
Registration is now open for our new forums - they are NOT complete however you can register now!
location and age: Nebraska, 18
previous bans: None
referral: TwoWattWaffle, CheeseN1P, Foshkey, 42Tuna
reason you should you be accepted: I recently got into minecraft with some friends. I was skeptical at first, but have come to love the game. There's nothing like finding that little stash of diamond buried deep underground, or finally clearing that dungeon to get at the loot. However, I've always thought minecraft has more potential than simple survival, and the community aspect of this server takes that potential and flies with it. I'd be a great addition to the community as I take these games seriously and won't cause problems, troll, etc. (unless war is on of course!).
information you would like to add: I'm really interested and would love to be whitelisted. Thanks!
Special Key: {+99+}
location and age: USA/21
previous bans: None
referral: twowattwaffle, foshkey, cheesen1p
reason you should you be accepted: Because i have a few friends playing on it and they recomend I play and I desire a server with purpose and community.
information you would like to add:
Special Key: {+99+}
Location and age: Kuwait (but not Kuwaiti), 17
Previous bans: None
Referral: Paperboy (joke :Notch:)
Reason you should you be accepted: I've always been on a lookout for a specific type of game, the type where you can establish your own settlements, incept economy, make trades, wage wars etc. and when I stumbled on this one here I thought "Wow, someone must have read my mind!"
I am very keen on trying out this server and I can't wait until I get whitelisted!
Information you would like to add: It'll be the first survival server I ever try out so it might take a while before I take a firm grasp on the ropes.
Special Key: {+99+}
By the way, new applicants can easily look at others' applications and can immediately find out what the special key is, even without reading through the rules. I don't know, maybe try something new that can't be manoeuvred around?
location and age:US 18
previous bans:n/a
reason you should you be accepted:i want to play in a server which has no greifers. This server also looks interesting. also i would like to help build..
information you would like to add: i hope i get whitelisted. and i like halo...
Special Key: {+99+}