Many stories begin with "A long time ago". Not this one. This one ended a long time ago. And now all thats left is the ashes of what remains. And those foolish enough to build their kingdoms of that ash.
The Old Lands, a young modded worldbuilding server seeks to give a rich storytelling experience as well as a fun survival server. There's ruins to explore, riches to claim, and legacies to build. We run around 300 mods of tech exploration and magic with a careful eye on balancing to keep the scales level. You come upon this world from far lands to find strange and eccentric folk of the likes you've never met, religious zealots, dwarves, adventurers and sells words, and those who just wish to live the end of the world in peace. However you seek to make your mark is up to you, as an inspiration to your people, or in infamy as a villian. PvP is both welcome and encouraged and standard roleplay rules apply (NLR etc.). We are based out of a discord server to keep things running conveniently
"Exploration log: The year of our architect 4054, mid winter
It seems weve come upon a massive superstructure, spanning almost 500 blocks in length, and too tall to scale without the use of exploration impliments. However we have no desire to get near the structure. Scouting teams sent out have lost all contact. We have the ability to tow the structure into safer waters and pray to the sanctity of our blessed tools to last long enough to make the journey. Not only is the structure leaking heavy radiation, there are...voices. Loud screaming wails that peirce the heart and shake the faith of even the most zealous. Morale among the crew is low. Hopefully our studies from a distance as we bring it in will give us some new revalations to take comfort in..
Our navigator says we should be able to make it within civilizations range within a month. Hopefully by then we can deploy a more well equipped exploratory team into the bowels of the structure to at least recover our dead scouts.."
|| Exploratory Fleet set to arrive Feb 22 2025 ||
The Old Lands, a young modded worldbuilding server seeks to give a rich storytelling experience as well as a fun survival server. There's ruins to explore, riches to claim, and legacies to build. We run around 300 mods of tech exploration and magic with a careful eye on balancing to keep the scales level. You come upon this world from far lands to find strange and eccentric folk of the likes you've never met, religious zealots, dwarves, adventurers and sells words, and those who just wish to live the end of the world in peace. However you seek to make your mark is up to you, as an inspiration to your people, or in infamy as a villian. PvP is both welcome and encouraged and standard roleplay rules apply (NLR etc.). We are based out of a discord server to keep things running conveniently
"Exploration log: The year of our architect 4054, mid winter
It seems weve come upon a massive superstructure, spanning almost 500 blocks in length, and too tall to scale without the use of exploration impliments. However we have no desire to get near the structure. Scouting teams sent out have lost all contact. We have the ability to tow the structure into safer waters and pray to the sanctity of our blessed tools to last long enough to make the journey. Not only is the structure leaking heavy radiation, there are...voices. Loud screaming wails that peirce the heart and shake the faith of even the most zealous. Morale among the crew is low. Hopefully our studies from a distance as we bring it in will give us some new revalations to take comfort in..
Our navigator says we should be able to make it within civilizations range within a month. Hopefully by then we can deploy a more well equipped exploratory team into the bowels of the structure to at least recover our dead scouts.."
|| Exploratory Fleet set to arrive Feb 22 2025 ||