• No /tpa - Vehicles only (Own your own car, tractor, boat or plane without even needing a resource pack!
• Earth map - Our map is a replica of Earth, and your location can be viewed with our real time online web map!
• Own your own town - Teleport into the wilderness and setup a town and work with friends to build towns and cities and conquer countries!
• Make money by choosing from a variety of jobs, skills and classes to get ahead of the game!
Hi everyone, we're super excited to launch this project in just 2 days (Thursday, Dec 12th 2024). In the past two weeks so much time and effort has gone into crafting this server which offers a unique and realistic experience of the real world in Minecraft. We hope to see you when it releases in just 2 days time. Thanks!
• No /tpa - Vehicles only (Own your own car, tractor, boat or plane without even needing a resource pack!
• Earth map - Our map is a replica of Earth, and your location can be viewed with our real time online web map!
• Make money by choosing from a variety of jobs, skills and classes to get ahead of the game!
Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yxq75qneY4