Villager breeding has been limited to 50 villagers per 5 chunks.
Animal breeding has been limited to 25 animals of the same type per 1 chunk to prevent entities from accumulating and causing lag. Additionally, entities like slime have been limited to 70 entities per 5 blocks and if that limit is exceeded, the excess entities will be killed and their loot will be dropped.
Fixed an issue where players were unable to be kicked from parties while offline.
I've removed the delay on /kill command since it seemed to be very buggy. If a player tries to spam it excessively, they should be kicked anyways. Also, I've increased the animal breeding cap to 70, though it might still be adjusted in the future.
To help me do server updates without having to restart the server at random times throughout the day, I've changed the scheduled daily restart from 5AM CDT to 7AM CDT.
I will be implementing a few villager optimizations which will include me switching the server software from Paper to Pufferfish (fork of paper). Villagers are very resource-intensive and account for a large portion of the server's thread usage. Hopefully these optimizations will help make them run more efficiently without nerfing them!
I have gone ahead and patched most lag machines!
Added carpet dupe
Made it so most entities can pass through end portals, including shulkers and animals.
Fixed an issue where dropped items wouldn't pass through nether portals
Added some emojis for trades on the Discord server!
100 Day anniversary of Anarchy Network!
Sorted the tab list properly
Fixed a tab complete bug!
Added Votifier!
Server updated to 1.21.4!
Improved chunk generation speeds!
Fixed a bug in the help menu!
Changed daily server restart time from 7AM to 5AM
Voting rewards officially launched!