FrontierSMP is a Survival Minecraft server with the main focus of being a community driven server. Our main goal is to make it so that players have a challenge similar to vanilla Minecraft with multiple challenging factors, but also build around a community. You will find that teleporting is a luxury on Frontier along with varying difficulty throughout the world. Mobs are tougher than normal the further you go and there are bosses waiting around every corner. All 3 worlds have custom terrain with loot per player to promote exploration for all. Spawn can also be built on by anyone to drive traffic to a shop, rail network, or whatever your heart desires. At the end of it all, we aim to make a satisfying server that will last for years to come.
Features: 🛖Towny: Create a town or join one to team up and attack others. Towns can wage war, riots, or even full fledged world wars. You can also set a culture for your town and capture sites around the map for rewards. ⛏️McMMO: Everyone's favorite level up plugin now enhanced with the new Crossbow and Trident skills.
🐟Custom Fishing and Farming: Fish and Farm to your heart's content with all custom featured and textured items.
⭐No Pay to Win: All our gameplay features can be obtained by just playing and leveling up! Donations are solely reserved for cosmetic features. 🌎Custom Terrain: A fully custom world filled with unique structures and terrain meant for building, not just exploring.
You can now claim horses and store them for easy transport! Depending on your rank, you can store a certain amount of horses, upgrade them, rename them, and keep them in a virtual stable. You can also sell horses to other players, so a whole new market can be created! Donators also have the option to customize the trails of their horses as well.
Vote Contest
Don't forget, starting today, October votes are being tracked. Whoever, finishes with the most total votes across all sites for October receives special prizes!
Pinata Parties
Pinatas will now trigger around spawn once our vote goal has been reached! Pinatas will drop all sorts of goodies like materials for crafting, vote keys, and even shards! Make sure to vote to keep the party going.
Our weekly post is here! Anyone who upvotes will receive 3 Vote Keys. Additionally, if we hit 10 upvotes, everyone online will be gifted an additional 10 Vote Keys!
New Bosses, Boss Rework, Small Changes, and Furniture
New Bosses
The Master Thief and Bigfoot are now living in FrontierSMP! You can find them easily on our online map. Additionally, each boss has been redone to have more consistent targeting, damage, and stats. The drops have also been modified to be more consistent and spawning will not be all over the place. Additionally, the skins have been edited to be a little cooler looking.
You can now send an ad that will repeat for 30 minutes! Simply type /ad (ad text) for a small fee. Note: Will be enabled tomorrow for full functionality. Send ads for your business, shop, or any other event you may be organizing and want people to know about.
The Furniture Shop at spawn now has more stalls and town signs. Signs include signs for shops, town locations, and more.
Small Changes
Sponges added to the Adventure Crate (for crafting)
Spawn is now back to regular Fall looks, with thanksgiving furniture coming soon!
Vote Crates
You can now trade keys at the vote crates. 10 Adventure Keys for 1 Expert Key, 10 Expert Keys for 1 Mythic. Additionally, the enchants at the crates will be changed for other crafting materials instead.
Event Tonight
Don't forget, tonight we have our 3rd Parkour Night! Join us for rewards and to set the fastest time!
New Capture Site, Deconstruction Kit, Uncapped Enchanting
Today we have a big update for you guys, filled with new content and plans for the future. We have also added a lot of requested features from the last few weeks!
Riverside Keep Capture Site
The Riverside Keep is now open and ready to be conquered! Find its location on our live map and capture it for your town. Currently taking it over, will give you $250 every 8 hours (if still controlled).
Capture Sites in the future will also offer more deliveries, custom fish only obtainable in the region, and more! We are also working on a new item set and unique items to drop soon pertaining to the capture site!
Deconstruction Kit
You can now buy the deconstruction kit at spawn. At the Merchant, click on the Special Items Shop and you may find it there. It has a 100% success rate to give you 2-5 shards on any rarity of item!
Uncapped Enchanting
Enchanting at anvils is now uncapped, meaning it will cost a lot of levels if you wish! Unfortunately due to vanilla limitations, the message will still pop up and it will not show a price, but I assure you it's possible (just pricey!)
Christmas Spawn
Spawn is all Christmas'd up. You can now buy Christmas furniture at the Seasonal Furniture Elf at spawn!
Knight's Armor, Weapons, and Tools
All NEW Epic Item set, fully textured is now available. You can now get Knight's Gear with an Epic orb! There are also 3 new types of weapons in a Greathammer, Axe, and Spear. Additionally, they will be available to collect in the Mythic Crate for a limited time only!
Rally and Healing Banners are also available to purchase at the Blacksmith at the Capture Point! Hold them in your hand and right click to gain buffs for experience.
Community Quest
New community quest for the week! Kill 10,000 Ranged Mobs with a Bow or a Crossbow only as a group.
Wizarding World of FrontierSMP
Wands and Wizard Gear is here! Our newest capture site offers you some cool new toys to play with!
4 new wands are now available at the Wizard's Tower! Each wand costs shards as well as a new item called Mystic Essence. You can collect Essence by killing Mobs, similar to shards. You can also get wands from the Mythic Crate for a limited time!
Wizard's Furniture
Wizardly furniture is now available the Tower as well! New pieces to decorate your home as well as animated furniture.
Capture Point
The Wizard's Tower is also a capture point! Your town can capture it for control of the place and a monetary bonus for owning it. You can find its location on our
The Casino is now open! Win big or go home empty handed with multiple games to play! Some games like Poker, Dice, or Tic Tac Toe require 2 players so bring a friend over.
Rule Updates
Event War has been removed due to the high requirements and overally jankiness. From now on, all PvP is assumed in Capture Points or in towns by players. Additionally, new rules will state that you cannot grief anywhere. Stealing is allowed if the chests are unlocked, so make sure your chests are locked!
Community Quest
In the spirit of the Casino, this week's goal is to eat 800 Golden Apples as a group! Lets get that gold flowing!
Bug Fixes
Tournaments should hopefully never start at the same time now.
Community Quests now will not allow you to break and place the same blocks to gain points.
Auction House is now available again!
Server is Updated to 1.21.4!
Make sure to update your clients. We HIGHLY suggest using Feather and installing Sodium and Lithium. It is super easy to use, will help with textures, and will optimize your game better than anything else.
Contracts are new way for us to engage you guys and help develop the server! Check out contracts for info on the first contract, should be an exciting project for all to work on. More to come in the future!
World Border has Expanded!
The world border is now 5,000! New biomes from Terralith are added along with the Pale Oak.
Community Quest
A new community quest is up. Chop 10,000 Logs of any type as a group!
Java IP: Play.FrontierSMP.net
Current Version: 1.21.1
FrontierSMP is a Survival Minecraft server with the main focus of being a community driven server. Our main goal is to make it so that players have a challenge similar to vanilla Minecraft with multiple challenging factors, but also build around a community. You will find that teleporting is a luxury on Frontier along with varying difficulty throughout the world. Mobs are tougher than normal the further you go and there are bosses waiting around every corner. All 3 worlds have custom terrain with loot per player to promote exploration for all. Spawn can also be built on by anyone to drive traffic to a shop, rail network, or whatever your heart desires. At the end of it all, we aim to make a satisfying server that will last for years to come.
🛖Towny: Create a town or join one to team up and attack others. Towns can wage war, riots, or even full fledged world wars. You can also set a culture for your town and capture sites around the map for rewards.
⛏️McMMO: Everyone's favorite level up plugin now enhanced with the new Crossbow and Trident skills.
🐟Custom Fishing and Farming: Fish and Farm to your heart's content with all custom featured and textured items.
⭐No Pay to Win: All our gameplay features can be obtained by just playing and leveling up! Donations are solely reserved for cosmetic features.
🌎Custom Terrain: A fully custom world filled with unique structures and terrain meant for building, not just exploring.
IP: Play.FrontierSMP.net
Wiki: https://docs.frontiersmp.net/
Discord: https://discord.gg/xHeFvVUUSN
Store: https://frontiersmp-store.tebex.io/
Come join us today!
new events announced, check our discord!
New Horses & October Vote Contest
You can now claim horses and store them for easy transport! Depending on your rank, you can store a certain amount of horses, upgrade them, rename them, and keep them in a virtual stable. You can also sell horses to other players, so a whole new market can be created! Donators also have the option to customize the trails of their horses as well.
You can find more information about how to use the plugin here: https://docs.frontiersmp.net/gameplay/server-ranks
Vote Contest
Don't forget, starting today, October votes are being tracked. Whoever, finishes with the most total votes across all sites for October receives special prizes!
Don't forget, we have an event today at 8PM EST! All are welcome to participate and have fun.
Pinata Parties, Reddit, Event Today
Pinata Parties
Pinatas will now trigger around spawn once our vote goal has been reached! Pinatas will drop all sorts of goodies like materials for crafting, vote keys, and even shards! Make sure to vote to keep the party going.
Our weekly post is here! Anyone who upvotes will receive 3 Vote Keys. Additionally, if we hit 10 upvotes, everyone online will be gifted an additional 10 Vote Keys!
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcservers/comments/1g24inm/frontiersmp_smp_1211_towny_mcmmo_custom_terrain/
Don't forget, we're having our first Boat Racing event tonight at 8PM EST. Make sure to join us for some fun boat racing for the whole family.
New Community Quest
Community Quest
New Community Quest this week. Your goal is to carve 6,666 pumpkins as a group!
Event Tonight
We also have an event tonight, don't forget to join us for that!
Version Update, Reddit Post, Event, & Community Quest
Server is now playable on 1.21.3! We will be staying on 1.21.1 for the time being, but you can always play on the latest version.
Community Quest
This week's quest is to eat 10,000 Pumpkin Pies! Put those pumpkins to good use for the Halloween season.
Don't forget, tonight we have our first build contest event! All are welcome and prizes will be distributed as usual.
New Bosses, Boss Rework, Small Changes, and Furniture
New Bosses
The Master Thief and Bigfoot are now living in FrontierSMP! You can find them easily on our online map. Additionally, each boss has been redone to have more consistent targeting, damage, and stats. The drops have also been modified to be more consistent and spawning will not be all over the place. Additionally, the skins have been edited to be a little cooler looking.
You can learn more here: https://docs.frontiersmp.net/gameplay/custom-mobs
You can now send an ad that will repeat for 30 minutes! Simply type /ad (ad text) for a small fee. Note: Will be enabled tomorrow for full functionality. Send ads for your business, shop, or any other event you may be organizing and want people to know about.
The Furniture Shop at spawn now has more stalls and town signs. Signs include signs for shops, town locations, and more.
Small Changes
Reddit Post, Vote Crate Changes, and Event Tonight
Make sure to support our Reddit post with a nice comment!
Vote Crates
You can now trade keys at the vote crates. 10 Adventure Keys for 1 Expert Key, 10 Expert Keys for 1 Mythic. Additionally, the enchants at the crates will be changed for other crafting materials instead.
Event Tonight
Don't forget, tonight we have our 3rd Parkour Night! Join us for rewards and to set the fastest time!
New Capture Site, Deconstruction Kit, Uncapped Enchanting
Today we have a big update for you guys, filled with new content and plans for the future. We have also added a lot of requested features from the last few weeks!
Riverside Keep Capture Site
The Riverside Keep is now open and ready to be conquered! Find its location on our live map and capture it for your town. Currently taking it over, will give you $250 every 8 hours (if still controlled).
Capture Sites in the future will also offer more deliveries, custom fish only obtainable in the region, and more! We are also working on a new item set and unique items to drop soon pertaining to the capture site!
Read more here: https://docs.frontiersmp.net/towny/introduction-to-towny/towny-capture-sites
Deconstruction Kit
You can now buy the deconstruction kit at spawn. At the Merchant, click on the Special Items Shop and you may find it there. It has a 100% success rate to give you 2-5 shards on any rarity of item!
Uncapped Enchanting
Enchanting at anvils is now uncapped, meaning it will cost a lot of levels if you wish! Unfortunately due to vanilla limitations, the message will still pop up and it will not show a price, but I assure you it's possible (just pricey!)
Christmas came early this year with this update
Christmas Spawn
Spawn is all Christmas'd up. You can now buy Christmas furniture at the Seasonal Furniture Elf at spawn!
Knight's Armor, Weapons, and Tools
All NEW Epic Item set, fully textured is now available. You can now get Knight's Gear with an Epic orb! There are also 3 new types of weapons in a Greathammer, Axe, and Spear. Additionally, they will be available to collect in the Mythic Crate for a limited time only!
Rally and Healing Banners are also available to purchase at the Blacksmith at the Capture Point! Hold them in your hand and right click to gain buffs for experience.
Community Quest
New community quest for the week! Kill 10,000 Ranged Mobs with a Bow or a Crossbow only as a group.
Wizarding World of FrontierSMP
Wands and Wizard Gear is here! Our newest capture site offers you some cool new toys to play with!
4 new wands are now available at the Wizard's Tower! Each wand costs shards as well as a new item called Mystic Essence. You can collect Essence by killing Mobs, similar to shards. You can also get wands from the Mythic Crate for a limited time!
Wizard's Furniture
Wizardly furniture is now available the Tower as well! New pieces to decorate your home as well as animated furniture.
Capture Point
The Wizard's Tower is also a capture point! Your town can capture it for control of the place and a monetary bonus for owning it. You can find its location on our
Casino, Bug Fixes, and Updates
The Casino is now open! Win big or go home empty handed with multiple games to play! Some games like Poker, Dice, or Tic Tac Toe require 2 players so bring a friend over.
Rule Updates
Event War has been removed due to the high requirements and overally jankiness. From now on, all PvP is assumed in Capture Points or in towns by players. Additionally, new rules will state that you cannot grief anywhere. Stealing is allowed if the chests are unlocked, so make sure your chests are locked!
Community Quest
In the spirit of the Casino, this week's goal is to eat 800 Golden Apples as a group! Lets get that gold flowing!
Bug Fixes
Tournaments should hopefully never start at the same time now.
Community Quests now will not allow you to break and place the same blocks to gain points.
Auction House is now available again!
Server is Updated to 1.21.4!
Make sure to update your clients. We HIGHLY suggest using Feather and installing Sodium and Lithium. It is super easy to use, will help with textures, and will optimize your game better than anything else.
Contracts are new way for us to engage you guys and help develop the server! Check out contracts for info on the first contract, should be an exciting project for all to work on. More to come in the future!
World Border has Expanded!
The world border is now 5,000! New biomes from Terralith are added along with the Pale Oak.
Community Quest
A new community quest is up. Chop 10,000 Logs of any type as a group!