Version: 1.7 - 1.21.4 (No World Reset)🌍 World Type: Survival on hard, With a MMO style game play. Along with jobs and quest to complete to achieve wealth. We have a full community and player based shops. Huge spawn area with games, rides, villager trading center, all community built. Protect your base and loot with griefprevention by claiming your own land. We have kits to obtain goods. we do have multiple worlds, PhantomFalls is a extremely hard world with amazing caves, floating islands and huge trees. This world is rich in resources if you can manage to navigate through it. We use teleports, warps, and custom portals to get around. We host a Minecraft Monday @ 6PM Pacific time.
72000 Ticks tell the PhantomFalls! Come be insomniacs with us!
Seen someone get on last night and tried a /claim command. So I got curious and found a plugin that allows players to claim and manage their own land. Which I like a lot better then how I was planning to manage land. So thank you who ever you were.
Need more players. Come join a new (4mo old) server that is growing. economy and ranks are still low. Join and be competitive with others. see who makes it to the top. See you there.
Version: 1.7 - 1.21.4 (No World Reset)🌍 World Type: Survival on hard, With a MMO style game play. Along with jobs and quest to complete to achieve wealth. We have a full community and player based shops. Huge spawn area with games, rides, villager trading center, all community built. Protect your base and loot with griefprevention by claiming your own land. We have kits to obtain goods. we do have multiple worlds, PhantomFalls is a extremely hard world with amazing caves, floating islands and huge trees. This world is rich in resources if you can manage to navigate through it. We use teleports, warps, and custom portals to get around. We host a Minecraft Monday @ 6PM Pacific time.
72000 Ticks tell the PhantomFalls! Come be insomniacs with us!
Check us out at:
Join Us:
how to join (btw i've never joined an smp before and i'm sort of new to minecraft)
I seen you tried to join. I apologize, I had white list still active. Its off and you can now connect.
Server is now Backwards compatible with Versions 1.18 to current.
Server is now bedrock compatible.
Just updated to 1.20.6
Backwards compatible
Bedrock compatible.
Seen someone get on last night and tried a /claim command. So I got curious and found a plugin that allows players to claim and manage their own land. Which I like a lot better then how I was planning to manage land. So thank you who ever you were.
Command list can be found here:
Just got teleport commands and economy on the server for those that use those features.
Starting to setup shops. You can now start to buy sell and trade. Along with opening your own shop.
Just purchased the new overhauled mcMMO plugin. and am currently configuring it.
mcMMO Homepage
Looking for moderators for the server!
Contact us on Discord
SilkSpawners Plugin is now in and working. Thanks to the developers. We are the first 1.20.6 server with this plugin.
Need more players. Come join a new (4mo old) server that is growing. economy and ranks are still low. Join and be competitive with others. see who makes it to the top. See you there.
The server is slowly growing. Looking to fill the server some more. getting a nice friendly community . Come join fun!
It's the weekend. Come join our community and start a new adventure. See you there!
Come and enjoy the new 1.21 tricky trails update. Backwards compatible as well. and cross play on all devices.
will be pregenerating world today. for 1.21 update.
You can now join by:
Still looking to add more players.
Am working on building a website. For easy contact and info.
Just updated to 1.20.1
We are starting Minecraft Mondays. 6pm pacific time tell everyone leaves. See you there!
Just generated a new world for the server come check it out! Minecraft Monday!