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Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
In Game Name: TomPonk_

Discord ID: tomponk
Timezone: GMT+2
Age: 18
What name do you prefer to go by? Tim
Do you have a mic? Yes
How did you hear about our server? Caveman and Bearry
What about Minecraft interests you?
mostly building and storytelling through builds
Do you have any questions for us?
never back down never WHAT?
Discord ID: .toad_[/b][/i]
Timezone: Eastern Time USA UTC-4[/b][/i]
Age: 26[/b][/i]
What name do you prefer to go by? I go by Toad or Austin either is fine.
Do you have a mic? Yes I have a mic.
How did you hear about our server? I was looking though the mc server list looking for new members, this one looks really promising[/b]
What about Minecraft interests you? I enjoy every part of Minecraft really, but building/ terraforming are my main passions, but I also like to dabble in redstone too.
Do you have any questions for us? None that I can think of at the moment. [/i][/b]
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
In Game Name: SmarterCob
Discord ID: smartercob
Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Age: 18
What name do you prefer to go by? I don't really have a preferred name, Cob is fine as my friends made that name up for me.
Do you have a mic? I do.
How did you hear about our server? A friend that is on the server told me about it and gave me a nice tour, it seemed really interesting!
What about Minecraft interests you? The insanely stupid projects I can do on Minecraft is what is most interesting but a lot of it is building.
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
In Game Name: _Visionzz
Discord ID: _visionzz
Timezone: GMT-6
Age: 23
What name do you prefer to go by? _Visionzz
Do you have a mic? Yes
How did you hear about our server? Minecraft Forums
What about Minecraft interests you? I am most interested in Redstone but I enjoy all aspects if the game.
Do you have any questions for us? No
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
In Game Name: sqwkz
Discord ID: sqwkz
Timezone: EST
Age: 23
What name do you prefer to go by?
Do you have a mic?
How did you hear about our server?
I have been looking for a good SMP community to get started in, and I stumbled across your posting on here and it seemed like a great community.
What about Minecraft interests you?
I really like building large farms, and redstone projects. I am a pretty decent builder too.
Do you have any questions for us?
In Game Name: peteybones
Discord ID: ph1stphull
Timezone: EST
Age: 25
What name do you prefer to go by? petey
Do you have a mic? yes
How did you hear about our server? Looking around on MC forum for a server to get back into the game on
What about Minecraft interests you? I love just wandering around and interacting with people, gameplay wise though would have to be building
Do you have any questions for us? What time zone is most of the playerbase located in?
In Game Name: Blaze_Masta
Discord ID: blaze_masta
Timezone: EST
Age: 25
What name do you prefer to go by? Blaze
Do you have a mic? Yes
How did you hear about our server? Searching through this forum
What about Minecraft interests you? It's pretty much the only game I've played since I got my first computer. Went a few years without playing, and recently got back into it. I've always preferred vanilla SMP communities. I find I get the most fun out of playing and building with others. Was mostly a technical player back in the days, but I haven't kept up to date with all of the updates. So now I just enjoy Minecraft as a medium for meeting great people and hanging out.
Do you have any questions for us? I do! The guy with whom I was running a similar server back in the days is also getting back into MC. I would like to know if it would be possible to also invite him (I can get him to fill out an application as well). How big of a server are we talking about here? Tight knit community or huge server? How often are we planning on resetting the map? Thanks for considering this application
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
Thanks for applying! Keep an eye out for a message from us.
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In Game Name: WildBearry
Discord ID: Wildbearry
Timezone: GMT +2
Age: 19
What name do you prefer to go by? Bearry
Do you have a mic? Yes
How did you hear about our server? A friend showed it to me
What about Minecraft interests you? Building and interacting with other players. I love playing harmless pranks on my friends or building shops to trade with people
Do you have any questions for us? Nope
In Game Name: LunarPulse87
Age: 33
Country & Timezone: United Kingdom GMT
Discord ID: LunarPulse87
What are your strengths/weaknesses in Minecraft?:
My strengths would be seeing a vision of a build from start to finish and executing it no matter the style, scale of the project, or length it may take to finish. I'm able to get into a rhythm when gathering resources as funnily enough I find it relaxing and enjoy it. I'm able to build farms if/when I need them and have good redstone knowledge though I'm no expert - if in doubt ask google right?
My weakness would be finding a spot to settle in (if that's even a thing) and deciding what sort of style to focus on though I have a pretty good idea/concept I would like to do. My other weakness is always trying to be perfect and tweaking builds/areas even if it doesn't need it but that's something I'm getting better at and while I said I have good knowledge of redstone it can sometimes be my weakness.
What is your favourite building style?:
I would 100% say fantasy but to be more specific steampunk/fantasy, star wars/sci-fi, bioshock/underwater builds, the list goes on but I plan to focus on steampunk as that's something I've been enjoying quite a lot recently.
What aspects of multiplayer servers do you enjoy/think you'll enjoy most?
The whole community aspect of multiplayer is what makes me play Minecraft. Being able to interact with other people while playing this amazing game gives me motivation and inspiration. Having fun with like minded players, making friends and building together is what I enjoy the most.
What are your hobbies outside of Minecraft?:
I'm an avid photographer in street and portrait photography, I love sports specifically football & basketball though since the pandemic I haven't had the time nor the chance to get back into it, I love my comics and a big sci-fi lover.
Heya WildBearry - LunarPulse87 ! thanks for applying! keep an eye out for a discord message from us.
Discord ID: Edest412[/b][/i]
Time zone[/i][/b]: EST[/b]
Age: 18 [/b][/i]
What name do you prefer to go by : Edest
Do you have a mic : Yes
[b]How did you hear about our server : My boyfriend sent it to me.[/b][/i]
[b]What about Minecraft interests you : I've been playing since I was 7 and it's a huge part of my childhood. [/b]
Do you have any questions for us : No, but if I think of any I will reach out. [/i][/b]