What is Oneblock?
Oneblock is a more recent gamemode of minecraft. If you're familiar with Skyblock, you
know that you spawn in your own little void space, with a very limited started island. However, when starting off
in OB-Nation, you will spawn on an island with only ONE BLOCK.
This block can and will be mined to not only grant you blocks, but a load of other useful
resources. Every time you mine this Oneblock, that specific block will then change to a random block.
Your mail goal is to strive and survive, make one of the best islands, and so much more.
What do we have to offer? Generators | Generators to generate you different types of blocks when mined! /generators Spawners | Spawner's are obtainable on the server to help your progression. /spawners Crate Keys | We do have crate keys to assist your progression! /warp crates
Quest | We have over 100 quest for users to complete. Each quest, for the most
part, will have a 5 day cooldown. However, as the quest get harder, you either earn
additional keys or higher tier keys, or both. /quests Envoys | There will be crates dropped there
for player's to battle over to get awesome rewards. /warp pvp There's so much more! Join us now with the connection IP's above!
HELP US IMPROVE: Copy and paste the following into the comments and then answer it!
In-game rank:
What's one thing you like about Oneblock Nation?
Java: play.OBNation.net
Bedrock: bedrock.OBNation.net - port: 19132
Discord: https://discord.gg/SM7bmYbKYs
What is Oneblock?
Oneblock is a more recent gamemode of minecraft. If you're familiar with Skyblock, you
know that you spawn in your own little void space, with a very limited started island. However, when starting off
resources. Every time you mine this Oneblock, that specific block will then change to a random block.
Your mail goal is to strive and survive, make one of the best islands, and so much more.
What do we have to offer?
Generators | Generators to generate you different types of blocks when mined! /generators
Spawners | Spawner's are obtainable on the server to help your progression. /spawners
Crate Keys | We do have crate keys to assist your progression! /warp crates
part, will have a 5 day cooldown. However, as the quest get harder, you either earn
additional keys or higher tier keys, or both. /quests
Envoys | There will be crates dropped there
for player's to battle over to get awesome rewards. /warp pvp
There's so much more! Join us now with the connection IP's above!
Copy and paste the following into the comments and then answer it!
In-game rank:
What's one thing you like about Oneblock Nation?
Really enjoying being on a great OB server!
My fav OB server!
(i've done this before it's worth it)
hey ty!
!!! <3
Im DragonSlayer0 on mc
Welcome in!
Love obnation 💕
*CNWPlayer (yes i am doing it for my bedrock account lol)
Lol thank you!
Very good server fr
Im DragonSlayer0
welcome in!
Great server to play on if you're bored of normal minecraft
mining away at that one block all day
!!! heck yea, thank you!