+ You can now set multiple messages for your NPC, the command has changed from /npc message <NPC name> <message> to /npc message <NPC name> **add** <message>
+ If you want to edit a line you have already added you can use /npc message <NPC name> set <line number> <message>
+ If you want to remove a line you already added you can use /npc message <NPC name> remove <line number>
+ If you want to clear all the messages you have added you can use /npc message <NPC name> clear
+ You can set a cooldown on how often a player can right click on your NPC using /npc interactionCooldown <NPC name> <time in seconds>
+ You can make your NPC send a random message from a list of messages you have already set using /npc message <NPC name> sendRandomly true (useful for prizes, contests, secret messages etc)
+ If you plan on using NPC features it is highly recommended to read over the NPC guide since a lot of changes have been made: https://creativefun.net/threads/creating-npcs.85985/
+ Add a /mutualfriends [username] command to see friends you have in common with the player (can be disabled via /settings if you don't want people seeing friends you have in common)
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff
+ Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
+ Fix a bypass that allowed players to crash the server
+ Add a `/pay <username> <amount>` command to let players give cf coins to other players
+ Increase the ignore limit from 30 to 500
+ Make the profanity filter work with /msg
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Updated the server to 1.20.4
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Remove group spam filter in local chat
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ You can now set multiple messages for your NPC, the command has changed from /npc message <NPC name> <message> to /npc message <NPC name> **add** <message>
+ If you want to edit a line you have already added you can use /npc message <NPC name> set <line number> <message>
+ If you want to remove a line you already added you can use /npc message <NPC name> remove <line number>
+ If you want to clear all the messages you have added you can use /npc message <NPC name> clear
+ You can set a cooldown on how often a player can right click on your NPC using /npc interactionCooldown <NPC name> <time in seconds>
+ You can make your NPC send a random message from a list of messages you have already set using /npc message <NPC name> sendRandomly true (useful for prizes, contests, secret messages etc)
+ If you plan on using NPC features it is highly recommended to read over the NPC guide since a lot of changes have been made: https://creativefun.net/threads/creating-npcs.85985/
+ Add a /mutualfriends [username] command to see friends you have in common with the player (can be disabled via /settings if you don't want people seeing friends you have in common)
+ Nametags above the head of a player now supports hex colors
+ Roleplay name and roleplay role are now shown together under your username tag
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Nametags now show roleplay name and roleplay role
+ Fix some false positives in the chat filter
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff
+ Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
‘’’Hey i am Sway aka josh, I offer to create **engaging** reels to **promote your minecraft server** on tiktok, youtube and instagram reels!
I am seeking out **long term partnerships** and i am able to make up to **14 shorts per week** depending on availability.
Prices **can** change based on the complexity of the video(s) but average at $15-20 per reel.
Past edits and more info is located here https://ttvsway.my.canva.site/past-works
Ready to start? if not your against me creating shorts for your minecraft server ping me or dm me `therealzombiekilla ` asap’’’
+ Allow players to use the spectator gamemode on a plot if they are added, trusted or plot staff
+ Fix an issue with the `/echest` command not working
+ Fix a bypass that allowed players to crash the server
+ Replace mute system with mute tier system
+ Fix a bug that would cause the scoreboard to not load for some users
+ Fix bug causing welcome messages to be repeated